aac courses Testosterone+Trenbolone+Masteron

Masteron[edit | edit code]

Yuzhakov Anton DROSTANOLONE (Masteron) description of the drug, effects, action and dosage


Masteron Mastager from Gerth Pharmaceuticals (volume 10ml, 100mg/ml)


, etc.) is an anabolic steroid that is available in the form of propionate and enanthate esters. Masteron has high androgenic activity and moderate anabolic effects. Masteron does not aromatize in the body (that is, it does not convert into estrogens); on the contrary, it is an aromatase inhibitor. Drostanolone is similar in biological action to dihydrotestosterone, since it is a derivative of this hormone (Masteron’s chemical formula is 2a-methyl-dihydro-testosterone propionate). In medicine, Masteron is used as a treatment for breast cancer in women [1] [2], but due to the high probability of virilization, it is currently practically not used. The drug is widely available in specialized pharmacological online stores in Russia.

Drostanolone is usually available in ampoules of 50 and 100 mg/ml.

Drostanolone propionate is widely used by bodybuilding athletes to maintain muscle mass and strength during cutting cycles. Drostanolone is often used by runners and athletes who seek to maintain their weight category (without increasing body weight).

Masteron is popular in bodybuilding because it does not cause fluid accumulation and has a moderate diuretic effect, which improves muscle definition and definition. Drostanolone may be of interest to those athletes who want to increase muscle hardness and density; as a rule, it is used shortly before competitions. Drostanolone allows you to achieve the most expressive muscle condition, this also occurs due to the fat-burning effect of the drug. Practice shows that a course of Masteron can reduce fat mass by 5-7% of the initial one.

Masteron is able to increase strength while maintaining total body weight and reducing the fat component. This makes drostanolone attractive in powerlifting. The drug can be used during a weight loss diet in order to preserve muscle mass and suppress catabolism.

Legal status[edit | edit code]

Drostanolone, its salts, isomers, esters, all dosage forms and trade names are included in the list of potent substances on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 964. Criminal liability entails: illegal production, processing, acquisition, storage, transportation or forwarding for the purpose of sales, as well as illegal sale, or equipment for its production or processing.

Large size

drostanolone is 10 g or more.[3]

Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

Drostanolone propionate was first described in 1959. Syntex developed this drug along with such well-known steroids as Anadrol and Methyldrostanolone (Superdrol), which were first described at the same time. About ten years later, drostanolone propionate begins to be used as a prescription drug. Lilly has entered into an agreement with Syntex to share responsibilities for certain research and development activities in exchange for the right to sell the results of that research. Lilly thus received the right to sell drostanolone propionate in the United States under the brand name Drolban, and Syntex in other markets. These products included, but were not limited to, Masteron in Belgium (SarvaSyntex) and Portugal (Cilag), Masteril in the UK and Bulgaria, and Metormon in Spain. Drostanolone propionate was also included in such popular drugs as Permastril (Cassenne, France), Mastisol (Shionogi, Japan) and Masterid (Grunenthal, German Democratic Republic). In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved drostanolone propionate for the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. This fact has affected the clinical indications for the drug in all international markets. Medical literature often indicates that drostanolone propionate has a significantly lower virilization effect compared to equal doses of testosterone propionate, and is considered a successful alternative to testosterone injections for women. However, this dosage level (300 mg per week) is relatively high. When taking the drug, mild symptoms of virilization may occur, such as deepening of the voice, acne, facial hair growth and enlargement of the clitoris. It is also noted that virilization effects sometimes appear after a period of long-term therapy. Very popular among athletes in the 1970s and 80s, drostanolone propionate has had limited success as a prescription drug. Manufacturers soon voluntarily stopped selling the drug in various markets, which is likely due to the emergence of more effective methods of treating breast cancer, as well as the gradual decline in the popularity of steroids at this stage of treatment. One of the first drugs to go off the market was Drolban in the US, which was taken off the market in the late 1980s. It was soon followed by Permastril and Metormon. The last drug containing drostanolone propionate remaining in the West is the drug Masteron from Belgium, which disappeared from the market in the late 1990s. Drostanolone propionate remains on the US Pharmacopoeia and it is believed that there are no legal barriers to its marketing at this time, although Masteron's commercial revival as a prescription drug appears highly unlikely.

Side effects of Masteron[edit | edit code]

Masteron has a low anabolic index, which is why it burns fat so well, at the same time it increases the risk of androgenic side effects: aggression, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy and virilization in women. Once at the Olympic Games, almost all the gold medals were received by the German swimming team, it was later proven that the athletes were using a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, and apparently it was Masteron. During the interview, one of the journalists asked the question, why do all the athletes have such a low voice? To this one of them replied that they were here to swim, not to sing.

Masteron does not cause side effects such as fluid retention, increased blood pressure and has low toxicity to the liver.

Masteron course[edit | edit code]

The optimal effect of the drug is achieved using a dosage of about 400-500 mg per week. Larger increases in dosage do not lead to significantly improved results. Given that propionate has a short chain, drostanolone propionate must be administered 3 times a week (or every other day).

Drostanolone combination

Due to the high affinity of drostanolone for androgen receptors and its androgenic properties, it is recommended to combine this drug with steroids such as Winstrol or Oxandrolone. Winstrol interacts to a lesser extent with androgen receptors and reduces the concentration of sex hormone binding globulin, so the combination will have a pronounced synergistic effect during the cutting cycle.

To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to combine Masteron and Testosterone propionate, but in this case the production of your own testosterone is significantly suppressed.[4] Therefore, for long courses it is necessary to use gonadotropin. Also, it is often recommended to combine Masteron and Trenbolone or Boldenone.

aac courses Testosterone+Trenbolone+Masteron

Hello everyone! I want to touch on this course, describe it in more detail, because I, as a performing athlete and in life in general, like it the most. What does it mean in life... I always liked the quality and proportions of the body, the relief. Than mass and super volumes. I’ve never gone into a deep off-season, and the Men’s Physicist nomination doesn’t require that. I don’t see the point in telling everything from the very beginning, it’s a lot of water... I’ll get straight to the point. I have been competing for the 3rd year, in 4 years I have become a three-time champion, 2 times vice-champion, and 2 times bronze medalist of federal, international and all-Russian competitions. I participated wherever possible with varying success in general) I wrote my titles to prove that I created the form, which means my words are supported by facts. In general, the courses were naturally different, I tried a lot of things on myself and in different dosages... But I came to these three main drugs, which do not change at the drying stage, neither the dosage nor their combination, they last until the end, until the end of the season. And as I performed, I naturally acquired new acquaintances, we are all people, we all communicate and share some things, especially if this develops into friendly communication. And I can say that besides me, many people also came to these drugs. I somehow changed the gym, I come to the new one, and there a guy training and preparing is the vice-champion of Russia in classic BB, the champion of our city and region. In the end, it turned out that it was prepared using the same preparations and practically the same dosages. So the drugs themselves, esters and dosages. Testosterone can be anything, contrary to all beliefs that the long esters of the test retain water and will not dry out. This is wrong. Yes, they hold water, but they also hold water in the muscles, and this is very important. You can and should dry out a muscle in other ways, maple, camp, diuretics, manipulation of carbohydrates and salt, etc... I know people who go under enka. My option is Sustanon. Previously, like everyone else, I used propionate, but then my observations made it clear to me that the sust is no worse, and it is much easier to control estrogen on the cycle when you are on long-term esters. Still, the prop is the most unstable. Trenbolone is my choice of Balkan tren, also known as Parabolan. Again, people love acetate, but I, and not only me, didn’t see any difference, except that you need to inject more often)) Masteron is a mix of masterons. This season I didn’t buy the mix because the Brigadier didn’t have it (((So I did it differently, took the enanthate form + propionate. And it all looks like this: - Sustanon 250 every third day - Parabolan 200 every 6th day - Masteron mix 300 every third day (since there is no mix now, I put 200 enanthan form every 6th day and every other day 100 propionate) In 6 days, 500 testosterone, 200 trenbolone, 600 masteron come out. When this bacchanalia begins, the following drugs immediately go with it - Dostinex 1/4 tablet every 10th day, Letrozole 0.5 tablets every 5th day. This whole thing works great in my case. This course lasted up to six months for me. No side effects, not even a single pimple pops up. e2 costs 60 -80. Prolactin is stable around 40. Alt ast does not rise above 100. This course perfectly maintains volumes, even when your carbohydrate diet becomes like that of a bikini athlete))) And you can grow on it, and qualitatively. Personally, after the course, I don’t lose weight at all, but only gain) Well, this is more likely due to the fact that the course is used at the drying stages and supercompensation occurs. But it’s still worth noting that from season to season I become bigger and better. Therefore, 2 years ago I had to change the nomination to Mensphysicist Muscular, since among physicists I look, to put it mildly, like a classic physicist in shorts)) I want to say that this course is not obligatory for those who are preparing for competitions. Probably 60-70 percent of us just want to look good, feel 100% and at the same time have a minimum of discomfort. These drugs are also perfect for these purposes. I would not recommend this course to beginners in pharmacy because of trenbolone. Although... if you are new to farming, have decided to just dry out or are taking your first competitive steps, then you can leave everything as it is, just lower the dosage of testosterone and masteron by 20% and instead of Tren take, for example, primabolan 400 mg on average or oxandrolone 40-50 mg in day. It will be great and more Light. This is where I stop being clever) I hope the information will be useful. If you have any questions, ask below. I will be happy to answer everything.

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