Heavy weight is the most wrong concept in building muscle.

The perception of any person begins first of all with a visual assessment of his figure, the main criterion of which is weight. Control over this indicator is currently the most relevant. This topic occupies a special place in the media, many television programs are devoted to it and even causes a stir.

The human body is a mechanism for managing metabolic processes. The coherence and precise functioning of all his organs are designed to maintain his normal weight. Maintaining your weight at a normal level is not only beautiful, but also vital. The topic of fighting excess weight is increasingly gaining momentum, and after all, the interest is not at all in achieving normal body weight; it is much more difficult to maintain it.

There have always been fat people. This is evidenced by various kinds of epics and tales about giants and fat men who surprised others with the size of their bodies, but judging by their heroism, we can conclude that they were all healthy, which should be wished for all others for whom this is an illness. And they call it obesity.

To determine if you have this problem of the century, you need to use the body mass index (BMI) formula, which divides your weight by your height in meters squared. The optimal indicator is 25-30, and if higher, then this is already obesity.

Geography and derivative problems of the century

Obesity is rightly called the problem of the century. This is evidenced by its constantly expanding scope and age, which is getting younger every year. The first place in the number of obese people, approximately 35% of the population, belongs to the United States of America, approximately 15-20% in Russia and Europe, and about 10% in Africa and South Asia. The causes of obesity are increasing. These include:

  • high calorie content of accessible and inexpensive food products;
  • the predominance of a sedentary lifestyle in everyday life;
  • use of public and personal transport, elevator instead of walking;
  • lack of live communication and walks, as they have been replaced by social networks and email;
  • interaction between human genetic information and the environment.

We present to your attention 5 People with the highest weight

Intensity, not weight, builds muscle.

So what creates muscle? Intensity. But remember, intensity is very personal. In training I may grimace, grunt, groan, throw the weight and make it rattle, but at the end of the day, intensity is subjective. Only you can feel how hard you worked. No one in the gym can get into your head and body and experience what you experience.

Lowering your reps and adding weight from workout to workout to increase intensity? Definitely yes. But after a while, you will break through the wall of opportunity with your ability to increase muscle strength and mass, and do so while being careful not to damage your joints. But it's better to have a few tricks up your sleeve.

The following methods for increasing intensity are quite effective, although they don't look all that flashy, but honestly, they will give you a serious challenge if you use them hard enough and correctly. Here are four of my favorites:

Reduce rest time between sets.

This is one of the easiest ways to increase intensity. How long do you rest between sets? Do not know? Many people do this intuitively. Set your time, a precise time for yourself, and then work to reduce it. Shortening the time period will mean that you will likely have to reduce the weight you use in your workouts.

Read also: How to develop self-discipline for a healthy lifestyle.

Powerlifter Oluseye Osinowo

We've all seen plenty of guys blasting max weights in the gym and then taking 3-4 minutes to catch their breath between sets. But this will not happen if you rest for 30-45 seconds. You'll have to lower the weight, but the intensity of the workout will increase, which means you'll still be working pretty hard in the gym!

Vary the tempo of your reps.

You can also change the speed of repetitions. Here are some examples of how to do this:

Press Machines: Choose a weight that you can typically bench press for 12 reps. Do 3 reps at your normal pace, then when you get to rep 4, press the weight and tense your muscles for 5 seconds, lower the weight at the same pace for 5 seconds. Do 3 more reps at your normal pace, then slow down the same way on the eighth rep. Do three more normal tempo reps and slow down again for the twelfth final rep. Trust me, you will feel some serious tension in your muscles.

Barbell Curl: Perform the weight lift (the concentric phase of the movement of this exercise) slower than usual, again using a 5-second count. After contracting the muscle at the top of the amplitude, lower it (eccentric phase of the movement) at a normal pace.

As you perform reps, don't let fatigue cause you to neglect the eccentric portion. Keep the weight under control when you lower it, otherwise you won't feel the muscles working and may even injure them if you drop the weight.

During the next approach, perform the concentric movement (lifting the weight) at a normal pace, and slow down the eccentric phase to 4-5 seconds. So alternatively, by changing the deceleration phases, do all the working approaches.

IFFB pro Kamal Saraireh


The late Robert Kennedy (the man who founded MuscleMag International, not President Kennedy's brother) espoused this technique in his book Savage Sets: The Ultimate Pre-Exhaust Pump Out, as did Joe Weider in his Weider's Pre-Exhaust Principle.

Here's how it works: Imagine Monday is National Breast Day. And before you lie down on the bench press, perform several sets of dumbbell curls while lying down. Before you begin your first set of bench presses, your chest will already be a little tired. This way you won't be able to put too much weight on the bar... but you won't need to. An easy workout will still be strenuous.

Read also: Why many women don’t train their chest muscles.

IFFB pro Steve Silverman

The idea behind pre-exhaustion is that you can work your muscles just as hard, but with less weight. This will take unnecessary stress off your joints and tendons, but will still give you a great workout before your central nervous system gets tired.

Perform dropsets.

Nothing makes muscles burn more than gradually releasing weight during a set. I remember doing drop sets in high school under the supervision of my gym coach. I did as many reps as I could on the lat pulldown, and when I couldn't do another rep, he pulled a pin from the stack to lighten the weight and told me to continue.

You can use this technique with machines, cable machines, barbells, or dumbbells. If you've never "run" down a dumbbell rack, switching to lighter, lighter pairs and feeling the lactic acid build up in your muscles, you haven't experienced real fun!

IFFB pro Kevin English

The next time you're bored in a workout or need to break through a plateau, try any of these methods and you'll feel like your muscles have worked in a slightly different way the next day.

If you stick to all this - and if Mother Nature was kind to you when handing out your genes, you may soon see big changes in the mirror!

John Brower

The absolute record and title of the heaviest man belongs to Minnock, John Brower from the USA; with a height of 185 cm, his weight was 635 kg, which was officially certified in medical history. But it was not only this weight that made him famous; his weight loss record was also officially confirmed and amounted to a difference of 216 kg. He lived for 42 years.

What is a trigger point and fascia?

In simple terms, fascia is a film that surrounds all muscles. It either comes into tight contact with the muscle or slides over them. Moreover, the second case is a normal situation, but the first is a deviation from the norm, and to improve the efficiency of movements, special procedures are necessary. This will require a specific set of equipment: rollers, rollers, balls, etc. We'll look at them in detail later. A trigger point is a small area of ​​tension in muscle tissue that can cause discomfort along the motor chain of varying lengths, roughly speaking from the heel to the head.

Bradford Rosalie

The longest-liver in this category of people was Bradford Rosalie from the USA, she lived for 63 years. Her maximum weight was 544 kg, her chest volume was 250 cm, and the fat bags in her hips hung down to her knees. But she gained even greater fame by becoming the record holder for the most lost weight among women - 415 kg.

There are many ways to combat this problem of the century :

  • be constantly active and exercise;
  • minimize sedentary activities;
  • healthy diet.

The result will not take long to arrive.

Why the myth persists.

There are several reasons why the "big weights = big muscles" myth won't die. The first and most obvious reason is that when people first start exercising regularly, their body usually responds quickly to new muscle growth. Without knowing how hypertrophy works, it's logical to think that you should just add more and more weight... until you hurt yourself or reach a plateau.

Also, new lifters see bodybuilders in the gym and on the Internet who lift very heavy weights: “Wow, this guy’s chest is so big that he’s benching 150 kg for 10 reps. I also urgently need to get on the bench press!” But for most people, comparing yourself to IFBB athletes is a bad idea. These men and women have struggled to get to where they are. You too could train extremely hard, but unless you have the right genetics, your chances of getting into this elite group of athletes are slim.

Read also: How to eat for maximum muscle growth at any age!

In my experience, many of these elite lifters are unaware of the role genes play in their success. They think that if everyone else in the gym just lifted heavier and heavier weights like they do, they would be like them. However, without these same genes, you can build an amazing physique - perhaps, but this will be an obstacle to further progress.

Top 10 heaviest people in the world

  1. Khalid ibn Muhsen Sha'ari is the heaviest on the planet.
  2. Juan Pedro Franco weighs half a ton.
  3. Kenneth Brumley is the world record holder for calories.
  4. Mayra Rosales is the heaviest woman in the world.
  5. Katrina Rayford - Conquering the Big Body.
  6. Andre Nasr - excessive love of food.
  7. Donna Simpson - deliberately gaining kilograms.
  8. Terry Smith is a hostage to her own gravity.
  9. Suman Khatun is the heaviest child in the world.
  10. Dzhambulat Khatokhov - problem appetite.

Comparing deadlifts

Now the deadlift, in which Davis lifted 320 kg (this is mainly the result of his weightlifting training, because he was never keen on this exercise and did it very rarely). With a weight of 106 kg, a deadlift of 320 is 3.03 of the athlete's weight. For athletes of other weights:

72 kg athlete - 218 deadlift 82 kg athlete - 248 deadlift 90 kg athlete - 273 deadlift 100 kg athlete - 303 deadlift 108 kg athlete - 327 deadlift 118 kg athlete - 358 deadlift

These landmarks will seem quite large to those of you who are not long-armed, short-torsoed “pulling machines.” Yes, they are GREAT. But Davis had tremendous back strength after years of cleans, high rows and snatches. These guidelines are great because they were derived from a person who was involved in weightlifting - and weightlifting, like nothing else, develops the power of the back.

TV appearance

After the publicity of this story, the public was simply shocked. Demands poured in to punish Jessica's mother for allowing this to happen to her child. They suggested that the girl be treated immediately. And the doctors took care of her - feasible sports activities and active recreation, as well as a strict diet, helped reduce the girl’s weight to 80 kilograms.

After these procedures, little Jessica had to undergo a series of operations to remove sagging skin.

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Carol Yeager

The weight of this woman at its peak reached 727 kilograms. It is unlikely that our planet has seen a fatter representative of the human race.

She said she developed a passion for food in an attempt to numb the intense stress that came from being sexually harassed by one of her relatives.

When she was only 20 years old, she could no longer get out of bed on her own. The leg muscles were not able to hold so much fat. And the weight continued to increase all the time. Doctors watched Carol and were sure that excess weight would definitely provoke various diseases.

Years have passed. It would seem that fate smiled on the woman: Jerry Springer, who hosted his own show and was an excellent nutritionist, found out about Carol. He invited Carol to his show for free, but the woman refused him for some personal reasons.

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Mayra Rosales is an amazing example of willpower

Looking at these photos, it is simply impossible to believe that Myra weighed 450 kg and was the heaviest person in the world. Having survived many operations and strict diets, Rosales was able to return to her normal shape, losing 362 kg. Myra's real weight today is 90 kilos. As a little girl, she was no different from others; after experiencing stress due to her parents’ divorce, she began to gain weight; it is noteworthy that the girl did not overeat.

Mayra Rosales defeated heavyweight

Difficulties with health began, Myra could not get out of bed, her husband looked after her, fed her, carried out hygienic procedures for his wife, and helped her turn over in bed. Today, achievements and extreme weight loss have made her popular. Rosales is invited to television and interviewed, because she is a real example for those who are afraid and cannot decide to radically change their lifestyle and appearance thanks to desire and willpower.

Terra Smith - excess weight as a problem

The excessive mass of one of the largest women in the world became her enemy. Due to her size, Smith cannot undergo a medical examination; she needs an MRI, as Terra suffers from severe headaches. Specialists need to check if there is a tumor in the head. Now Smith is on a strict diet; he needs to lose a lot of kilos in a short time. Her husband and daughter look after her, because a woman cannot take care of herself on her own. She has been bedridden for more than 3 years.

Terra Smith is a heavy health burden

Smith suffered from large body weight since childhood, but then the family did not find it difficult. Having matured, she was able to happily get married, give birth to a child, and worked as a nurse. Health difficulties negatively affect my condition; my legs give out due to arthrosis. Terra is very happy that she has a husband who does not turn away and is always there; the strong support of loved ones helps to fight the problem.

Donna Simpson - the goal is to become the heaviest

Simpson's strange desire to become the fattest person on the planet simply perplexes many. While others dream of losing weight, limit themselves, and play sports, Donna deliberately overeats, dreaming of weighing 450 kg. The way she makes money is also surprising: she created a website on which she conducts an online show of eating fast food and sells her photographs. Simpson is recognized as the most complete mother in the world. With a body weight of 241 kilos, she was able to give birth, in 2010 she was awarded the title of “the fattest woman-mother” and entered the Guinness Book of Records.

Donna Simpson - dreams of becoming the heaviest in the world

Since childhood, Donna’s mother has fed her well, so the American has long been accustomed to eating plenty. At the age of 9 she already weighed 83, she was often teased at school. When her mother died, her father remarried, her stepmother was horrified by Donna’s size and took her to the doctor, where she was prescribed treatment. But she stole food, and only in her teens she decided to lose weight. Now she is decisively gaining weight and has gone on a diet several times at her father’s request.

Training effort

Before I begin, I want to emphasize one important point. You must progress with each set of each workout, and such dedication to the training process will definitely pay off. If you don't give it your all, your results will begin to decline. As soon as you start treading water and stop pushing your body forward, you are telling your body that everything is fine, from that moment you can stop creating new muscles.

On bodybuilding forums you often come across the following statement: “I don’t want to look like Arnold, I just want to gain some muscle mass.” There is a good chance that in fact such a statement can be rephrased as follows: “I don’t want to work my ass off in the gym, I don’t want to lift heavy weights, I don’t want to change my diet too much, but I still want to see results.”

We will have to disappoint those who are looking for easy ways - there are no easy ways in bodybuilding. Even modest goals, for example, to gain “a little” muscle, maybe “only” 4-5 kg, require a constant increase in working weight (hard work) and a serious approach to creating a diet according to the principles of real bodybuilding.

If you want results—any results, no matter how small they may seem—progression is critical to achieving your goals.

Why is it important to develop flexibility and mobility?

In my training, I saw many guys aged about 20 who could not reach the floor with their hands with straight legs. What does this mean? About the extremely low level of mobility and flexibility. And at the same time, these people tried to develop strength or speed qualities, forgetting about the basics: the correct setting of angles when performing any strength exercises. If you do not have enough flexibility to perform the exercise correctly, then you will perform it incorrectly, thereby reinforcing the wrong movement pattern and developing the wrong dynamic stereotype, and you will develop the wrong muscles. And sooner or later this will lead, at a minimum, to uneconomical performance of this movement and a lack of progress, and at most, it can lead to injury. Therefore, flexibility should be given due attention, especially in the initial stages of training.

For someone starting out on their journey in CrossFit or fitness, it is extremely important how much time they devote to developing flexibility and mobility. I believe he should be working on flexibility for at least a third of his training time. Why is this necessary? This will allow:

  • progress without injury or pain;
  • increase range of motion;
  • maintain and maintain active health.

Let's take a consistent look at the features of work aimed at developing the flexibility of the most relevant muscle groups from the point of view of mobility.

Jessica Leonard

In the early 2000s, Jessica's story spread all over the world. The little 7-year-old girl weighed 222 kilograms. As her own mother reported, the baby constantly demanded food.

Food, which by definition is considered healthy, was strictly rejected by little Jessica. But she really liked various fast food: burgers, wings with sauce, cheeseburgers, and so on. She washed it all down with sweet sparkling water. Her body was simply receiving a nuclear blow from a huge excess of calories. Mom couldn’t limit young Jessica’s food; as soon as she tried to refuse her, she immediately started screaming and fell into hysterics.

Soon, young Jessica could no longer walk on her own due to excess weight. Her method of movement was crawling on all fours. It was also impossible to speak; due to excess fat, the facial muscles did not obey her well. Her entire body was not functioning properly, her bones were under enormous stress.

Compare your bench press

So, the achievements of John Davis can serve as an excellent guide for those natural athletes who set themselves high, but realistic goals. Let's take the bench press. Since Davis weighed 106 kg when he bench pressed 193 kg, he therefore handled 1.82 times his body weight. Accordingly, athletes with a body weight of 72, 82, 90 and 100 kg can bench press at 131, 150, 164 and 182 kg.

If you are a person of average height and average bone structure, you should strive to increase your own weight (by adding muscle) to 80-100 kg. If you weigh 82 kg, then in order to match Davis (taking into account your weight), you must bench press 150 kg. Weighing 86 kg, you should bench press 157 kg. If you weigh 90 kg, you should bench press 164 kg. If you weigh 95 kg, you should bench press 173 kg. And with a weight of 100 kg you should bench press 182 kg.

These numbers will give you an idea of ​​how close you are to a top-notch bench press at any bodyweight. Let's say you weigh 86 kg and can bench press 138 kg. Using Davis as a standard, we find that the world record is 157 kg. Did you get 88% of it done? Well, not bad. But there is still room to grow. At least you should be able to handle 90% - 140 kg.

Some of you may think that bench pressing 193 kg with a body weight of 106 kg is not supernatural. Let me object - you are missing several important points. First, Davis was an all-around athlete and strongman, he did NOT specialize in the bench press. He had INCREDIBLE muscle development in his legs and pelvic girdle. Unlike many bench press fans, he didn't just have a massive upper body and didn't walk around on chicken legs. Many bench press specialists have a body weight that is a good 10-15 kg less than what they would be if they trained their legs as hard as their upper body. Ha, I know guys who can bench press 160kg and squat 100kg. A person with such an imbalance in strength and musculature will naturally have a better barbell-to-bodyweight ratio than that well-rounded strongman who works hard on leg exercises.

Secondly, Davis bench pressed without a bench shirt. And such a T-shirt, as you know, adds 10-20 kg to the lifter’s highest achievement. A person who benches 193 kg without a shirt can bench press 200-210 kg in it. So, if you are comparing your record to Davis's, press without a bench shirt. If you are comparing your record in a singlet, you must add at least 10 kg to level the playing field. This increases Davis's record to 200kg - which is still a huge achievement for any clean lifter - including those who only do bench presses and other upper body exercises.

Third, Davis did bench presses without racks. He would do a deadlift with a barbell, sit down, lie on his back, take the barbell on his chest, press it with outstretched arms, do the entire set, roll the barbell back to his feet, sit down, stand up and lower the barbell to the floor. Undoubtedly, he would bench press more if he lifted the barbell from the racks.

Lifting or pressing the current weight is not that difficult

You should try to finish each set, as well as the final set of each exercise, in a manner that leaves your muscles exhausted and close to failure. Your body only responds to “overworked” muscles, meaning muscles that are working to the limit. The more you strain, the more your muscles grow.

If the set isn't heavy enough—meaning, if you can complete it without too much strain or difficulty—it's time to increase the working weight of the given bench press, row, or flexion and extension of the joints in a given strength exercise. Make these sets killer to finally see those much-desired results in strength and muscle size.

Muscle building

If your goal is simply to build muscle so that it looks like Schwarzenegger, then you should reduce the weight to 50-60%, increasing the number of repetitions to 10-12. Here you need to rely on maximum fatigue, so that your muscles approach the state of the body completely refusing to perform the exercise.

However, this does not mean that you need to load yourself to the limit. It is useful to have a sense of moderation in everything. Otherwise, fighting for your health can spoil it.

Khalid ibn Muhsen Sha'ari - the heaviest in the world

He is a record holder in the Guinness Book of Records; in 2013, Khalid’s mass was 610 kilos. The guy was born and lives in Saudi Arabia, Jizan province. Due to its enormous dimensions, it was necessary to use an airplane to transport the heaviest man in the world to another city for treatment. The King of Saudi Arabia himself provided transport and paid for the services. In the capital, during the treatment and delivery of the guy, several dozen people took part: doctors, military personnel, police officers. After all, just to get him out of his own home, it was necessary to dismantle the wall of his home. From there, Khalid was transported to the plane on a special huge high-strength bed using a crane. The equipment was brought from the USA. Before this, the unfortunate man had not gone outside at all for two years; he simply could not get up or walk.

Khalid ibn Muhsen Sha'ari - an active fighter against a difficult problem

In addition to the overall heavy mass, he had a high, simply record mass index - 204, while the norm was 24.99. During surgery, 80 kg of fat was removed from the abdominal area. With the help of specialists, the young man lost 320 kg. The treatment had a very beneficial effect on my health: my heart and lungs began to work better, my muscles became stronger, which allowed me to move my legs. Now, at 28 years old, he can walk independently and is happy that he no longer holds the title of heaviest in the world. It is important that the reason for the excess weight was not overeating; Khalid had serious health problems; without surgery, the man could have died.

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