Clothing style for skinny guys: fashionable images + photos

Have you ever wondered why girls like skinny guys? The issue of biometric body parameters has always worried minds. Both of them are very worried about their appearance. But the suffering of girls is familiar, and only the pillow sees men’s tears. So what is it about this very thinness that it completely kills self-esteem? Let’s just make a reservation right away: we’re not talking about pathological thinness, but about beautiful harmony.

Skinny guy is an ectomorph

Ectomorph is one of three human body types. It is distinguished by its lean structure, long and narrow limbs, low amount of fat and high metabolic rate. Metabolism is the metabolism that prevents a skinny guy from gaining both excess weight and muscle mass. It is due to the fact that any food taken is immediately digested and broken down by the body, preventing it from leaving nutrients in reserve.

Probably everyone has a friend who eats 2 times a day, but at the same time not only stays in shape, but also manages to gain weight. This is explained by the fact that its metabolism allows you to be evenly satisfied throughout the day through two meals. While a skinny guy can eat the same amount or even more, and not gain an ounce.

Tips for men who are not thin enough

If a young man is excessively thin and does not know how to become more attractive in the eyes of girls, he should follow the following rules:

  • Smile more often.
  • Dress stylishly.
  • Always be clean and well-groomed.
  • Exude confidence.
  • Envelop the image in mystery.
  • Monitor the health.

A man who follows these rules will definitely charm any girl.

Principles of nutrition

In short, the main value of food lies in the presence of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their complex creates the basic environment for maintaining the body’s performance. Each nutrient has its own significant role in ensuring the vitality of the body:

  • Protein serves as the main building material of muscles. Its deficiency reduces the gain of muscle mass to nothing.
  • Carbohydrates play a direct role in supplying the body with calories and strength. Their absence forces the body to obtain energy from stored fat.
  • Fat is an element that accumulates in the body for later use during fasting.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill for a skinny guy to gain weight, but understanding the problem itself will lead to a solution. Calories are the most valuable unit for a thin person, and therefore you need to pay special attention not only to getting them, but also to expending them.

The image of an ideal man

If you ask any girl about how she sees her future husband, she will probably say that she is waiting for a handsome, slender man. What is the understanding of beauty in our time? Here are a few parameters that modern girls pay attention to:

  1. Neat styling. Guys with well-groomed hair are popular now.
  2. High growth. Short men have always been and remain an acquired taste.
  3. Pumped up torso. A slender man with a six-pack belly looks extremely seductive. Here, too, it is worth knowing when to stop, since pumped-up athletes are now not held in high esteem.
  4. Lack of body hair. First of all, this concerns the armpits - modern girls prefer clean men.
  5. Well-groomed fingernails and toenails. The correct shape of the hands is the key to good genetics.
  6. Light stubble - many girls are attracted to either light stubble or soft and well-groomed stubble.
  7. Seductive accent.
  8. Glasses, watches, gadgets - if a man has these stylish and expensive items, then the girl will immediately pay attention to him.

As for the scientific basis, a handsome and slender man should be symmetrically built, without visible flaws. The head should be 1/8 of the entire body, the torso should be 3/8 of the total height, and the length of the legs should be 4/8. If these proportions are respected and the young man is not overweight, then he can confidently be called a slender man.

How to gain weight for a skinny guy

As already mentioned, a fast metabolism does not leave energy in reserve, but uses it up in a short period of time. That is why it is worth eating 6-7 times a day in order to constantly supply the body with calories. In this case, the body can store energy for later use. The main emphasis should be on carbohydrate and protein foods. All plant-based and lightly processed foods are rich in complex carbohydrates - unpolished rice, cereals, vegetables, jacket potatoes, bran bread, fruits and vegetables. In addition, sweet and flour dishes fall into this category. But these are simple carbohydrates, which cause obesity in people prone to obesity, but, due to their metabolism, do not affect the weight of ectomorphs at all. Protein can be obtained from meat and dairy products.

TOP-3. The most beautiful and slender actors

Stars have to work hard day and night on their attractiveness. They torture themselves for hours in the gym, trying to eat right. Below are the top three slimmest male actors in the world:

  1. Johnny Depp - at 55 years old, continues to look seductive even for young ladies, not to mention the generation of the 90s.
  2. George Clooney has a magnificent figure and incredibly attractive appearance.

  3. Robert Pattison - this slender and even slightly thin actor drove millions of girls crazy by appearing in front of them in the film "Twilight" with a naked torso.

All of them are, of course, very handsome and slender men (the photo of each proves this). But charisma still gives them a special charm. It is worth noting that Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Orlando Bloom and other star handsome men should receive no less attention. Young guys can look up to them. And so, in the image and likeness, they will turn into truly cool men.

How to gain muscle mass for a skinny guy

The main principle of bulking for people with a thin physique is more weight and less repetitions. It is more beneficial for the body to lift 80 kilograms 5 times than 40 kilograms 10 times. This is due to the fact that the body receives the same load, but uses fewer resources. This type of strength training benefits from basic exercises—deadlifts, bench presses, and other barbell work. The main advantage of the basic exercises is their coverage. It’s logical, because a basic exercise will affect more muscles in one approach than if you pump each one separately.

How to eat

To gain weight for a skinny guy or man, you shouldn’t eat cakes and ice cream. Nutrition should in any case remain balanced and healthy. However, some changes to the diet are worth introducing. The most important thing is the frequency of food entering the body. You need to eat often, preferably in large portions. Proper sleep patterns are important, since people most often gain weight at night.

Quality food

A delicious smoothie can be made quickly from many ingredients. Any seasonal fruits or berries will do if you prepare them in a blender with the addition of milk powder, nuts, and honey. Since smoothie recipes will be different each time, the drink will always arouse appetite and interest.

High-calorie dishes should be prepared only from fresh, high-quality products containing more nutrients. Vegetables and fruits - ripe, milk with high or normal fat content, first or highest grade honey.

If you want to get better, you need to pay special attention to your diet.

Balance of BZHU

To receive adequate nutrition when choosing food, a guy must maintain the correct balance between proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which is abbreviated as BJU. To gain muscle mass, which adds weight to thin men, you need to consume 30-35% protein, only 10-20% fat, 50-60% carbohydrates.

A man can gain weight quickly if he gets enough calories in the right proportions. However, in reality it is necessary to make the correct calculations and involve physical exercises. After all, very healthy buckwheat will have to be eaten in a bowl to replenish the required amount of substances. Then replace part of the diet with more high-calorie or quickly digestible carbohydrates. Be sure to increase the portion. Active physical exercise will help with this, improving metabolism and stimulating appetite.

Thin men who do not like meat products should pay attention to legumes, Jerusalem artichoke, and dairy products to get protein. Of course, they won’t help you gain 10 kg in a couple of days, but they will provide the necessary substances for building muscles.

Foods that a thin man needs to eat to gain weight quickly include eggs, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat porridge, potatoes, and fish. Milk or kefir is an evening food that stimulates weight gain at night. Snacks will help you get the required caloric content: it is good to eat dried fruits, nuts, seeds, juices, and sweet fruits.

A healthy diet cannot be imagined without vegetable salads. They should be seasoned with olive oil.


It is difficult for a thin person to gain 5 kg in a week, but it is possible. The diet looks like this:

  • In the morning, eat porridge, eggs, and baked goods as building materials.
  • For lunch, get a large amount of protein through meat and fish dishes; potatoes are a good side dish. Salads are a must.
  • Dinner - dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt).

Between each meal - fruits and dried fruits, juices, various sandwiches (but not fast food). Twice – an hour before and an hour after training – a protein shake and a fast carbohydrate snack. Chocolate, banana, and other sweets will do.

The amount of food consumed should be comfortable for the guy. You shouldn't overeat.

Traditional recipes for weight gain

There are folk remedies that help increase appetite. These include herbal mixtures from cornflowers, clover, thyme, willow, yarrow, shamballa or fenugreek. These herbs stimulate appetite and regulate metabolism.

Beer with sour cream is also suitable, although the taste of such a cocktail is not for everyone. Simple recipes for cooking oats. It is enough to make a decoction of it, mix it warm with honey and milk.

Oatmeal is a simple and affordable product for gaining weight for a skinny guy

Nutritional supplements

It is difficult to gain 10 kg in a month using only regular products. At some stages you will have to eat too much food. The chemical industry has invented sports nutrition, which, if used correctly, can regulate weight, muscle mass, and physical endurance. If you take protein tablets, it is better to choose soft dosages for yourself.

It is better not to use steroids, as they lead to health problems; even moderate amounts require subsequent adjustment.

Preparing gainer at home

Sports gainer is a mixture that contains an increased amount of proteins and carbohydrates. You can create cocktails from different products. The most commonly used are eggs, honey, dairy products, jam, and chocolate. Such cocktails are nutritious and generally beneficial for the body. They provide the necessary building material for additional mass.

An excellent cocktail is obtained if you add 3 eggs, 1 tbsp to 0.5 liters of milk. spoon of honey, whisk everything and drink immediately.

Calorie cocktails of artificial origin should be consumed within 10 minutes, homemade mixtures can be hidden in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Physical activity requirements

A man cannot gain muscle mass without using special physical activity. In order for the body to start building muscles, you need to alternate between loads and rest. Typically, 2-3 active workouts per week are recommended, when you need to exhaust yourself until you drop, and then 1-2 days of rest with minimal movement.

It is recommended to take a daytime rest of 15-30 minutes every day after lunch. 8-9 hours of full sleep are required.

Basic set of exercises

To quickly gain weight, a thin man should definitely include in his basic set of exercises:

  • several approaches with a barbell and dumbbells;
  • squats, abdominal exercises, crunches;
  • pull-up

Regular exercise is important for a guy to have a beautiful body.

Gradually, the exercises are performed with additional weight load, but it must be introduced very gradually and carefully. Exercises with dumbbells are a serious strain on internal organs, joints, and tendons.

If you choose a type of physical activity, thin guys are better off swimming or cycling.

One minute break between sets

In order for a skinny guy to recover quickly, it is imperative to introduce minute breaks. They will allow the muscles to alternate between stress and relaxation and increase weight more quickly.

Elimination of cardio training

Measured movements and measured loads allow you to lose weight, but do not add it. On the contrary, jerky loads are needed. Therefore, you should avoid light exercise and jogging.


Constant loads enable the guy’s body to adapt and adjust existing muscles to the new load. In order for growth to continue, it is necessary to alternate increasing loads with proper rest. Only then will the desired kilograms come.

Rest for muscles

A condition for effective exercise is muscle pain. Stressed out, greatly stretched, they constantly remind you of themselves. To be able to live fully, you need to get a massage after training. This will relieve pain and help you recover quickly.

If your body starts to hurt, a hot bath with aromatic oils will help.

Other tips

Physical exercise helps a thin man gain weight. The optimal time for them is evening. It is worth using the hours from 20.00 to 22.00. It’s more difficult for a guy to gain weight without steroids; he’ll have to spend more time. However, it is more reliable and safer for the body. In addition, beautiful muscles are more functional.

To properly recover and gain muscle weight, you should take the advice of nutritionists and trainers. Sometimes strength exercises are contraindicated, and specialists can select their replacement individually.

When trying to gain weight, a guy needs to follow precautionary rules and follow the advice of doctors and nutritionists, taking into account the specifics of a particular case, since serious intervention in the body awaits.

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