Trenbolone in bodybuilding - pros, cons, effects and side effects

Many athletes, both professionals and beginners, ask a lot of questions about the use and effectiveness of Trenbolone. Many forums about sports substances are littered with different opinions and reviews about this drug. Because of them, sometimes many are afraid to take this drug.

Trenbolone is a versatile drug and can be used for both cutting and increasing muscle mass. Trenbolone is a very powerful and affordable steroid, and its effectiveness, when used correctly, is significantly superior to many other drugs that are taken without much danger. In fact, this drug is a steroid of a completely different level of training, and only truly experienced and competent athletes can truly appreciate its high impact. Its dosage is smaller than that of other drugs, since even at this dose it is more powerful and leads to fewer possible negative consequences. The most common negative reviews about trenbolone are statements that it will certainly lead to erection problems and cause gynecomastia. Of course, such reactions are possible when using it. But to eliminate them, it is necessary to use Trenbolone in combination with a prolactin antagonist, for example, Dostinex, Mirapex or Bromocriptine.

On forums about steroids you can find a large number of controversial questions that have not received a complete and correct answer. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Trenbolone is a very harsh drug. What to do with it?

In fact, reviews about this drug and its harshness are a little exaggerated. Yes, if used incorrectly, it can cause significant negative reactions that are not present in courses of other steroid drugs. These include increased sweating, insomnia, and high temperature. Trenbolone has a high anabolic index, but in addition there is also high androgenic activity. Therefore, there may be an increase in aggression and you may become more irritable. But in most cases this point is due to individual psychological characteristics. If a person was quite hot-tempered and emotional without using this remedy, then taking Trenbolone can enhance this. The main thing is to try to remain calm and control yourself, as well as adhere to a moderate dosage of the drug and use it without fanaticism. If the drug and accompanying drugs are used correctly, these adverse reactions will not occur.

Combined drying course

If your goal is not only to gain muscle mass, but also to have a beautiful body shape, then it is recommended to carry out a drying course in combination with other drugs.

  • The combination of Trenbolone acetate + Stanozolol is very popular. The course lasts 5 weeks. It will be enough to purchase 10 ampoules of 1 ml each. Tren injection solution (or other brands of acetate) and 100 tablets of Stanozolol 10 mg. Tren injections should be carried out twice a week, one ampoule + 4 tablets of Stanozolol daily.
  • The Trenbolone + Turinabol regimen is also common. According to this scheme, inject one ampoule per day of acetate and drink 2 tablets per day of Turinabol. At the same time, it is better to take Turinabol in the morning or afternoon, and Tren in the evening.

Negative effect of Trenbolone on functional readiness.

This problem is also due to the size of the individual dosage, at which an increase in prostaglandin is possible, which can also cause the so-called “Tren Cough”. Such negative phenomena, judging by the practice of use, appear only in large dosages. You can use bronchodilators, such as Clenbuterol or Ephedrine, to prevent such consequences. In general, dosages of less than 300 mg per 7 days do not reduce functional readiness. But with such phenomena, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and adhere to the dosage that is right for you.

Trenbolone solo course

The course of this steroid is contraindicated for women and beginners. And so, if you are a fearless athlete who is not afraid of all these horrors in the form of possible side effects, then you should adhere to some rules and correctly plan a course.

  • In no case should you exceed the maximum dosage, no matter how much you want to. The recommended dosages are written just above, in the section describing the types of the drug.
  • It is recommended to use the “ladder” method, in which the steroid is first taken in minimal dosages, gradually increasing to optimal doses. This will allow you to identify the negative effects of this steroid or individual intolerance, with minimal harm to health.
  • The duration of a solo course should not exceed 6 weeks. For greater effectiveness, a special diet to increase muscle mass will not be superfluous. After two weeks of use, start combining Trenbolone with Gonadotropin if you do not want to be left without offspring. Gonadotropin - once a week, 500-1000 IU. Stop after two weeks from the last Tren injection.
  • After 2-3 days, from the date of the last use of acetate (if you used another type of Trenbolone, then after about 2-3 weeks), it is necessary to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Does Trenbolone affect kidney function?

It is widely believed that Trenbolone can have very strong negative effects on the kidneys. In fact, this drug does not harm them any more than any other steroid drug. Many people talk about the darkening of urine when using it, and then, without understanding it, they claim that the kidneys suffer from its effects. Darkening of urine occurs due to the excretion of waste products, so if this suddenly happens to you, do not be alarmed, everything is fine with your health and your kidneys.

Side effects from Trenbolone

This anabolic steroid has at least as many harmful side effects as positive ones. As you know, you have to pay for everything in life, and, alas, not always only with money. In this case, it’s also your health. If you decide to take a course, you can expect the following troubles:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Insomnia.
  • Excessive and unreasonable aggressiveness, bordering on inadequacy.
  • Toxic effects on the liver.
  • Decreased sexual activity and desire. Testicular atrophy.
  • The appearance of acne and inflamed areas on the skin (so-called “acne”).
  • Increased skin oiliness.
  • Baldness.
  • In women, there is a risk of virile syndrome (ovarian inflammation).

PCT after Trenbolone.

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Trenbolone is in most cases used by experienced and professional athletes who initially know which PCT drugs are most suitable for them in each specific case. Therefore, it is better to approach planning PCT before the start of the course.

Do not be afraid of anything, remember about correct use, compliance with the appropriate dosage and thorough post-course therapy. If you do everything right, the desired result will be guaranteed, and adverse reactions are unlikely. _

Purposes of use and action of Trenbolone

Like all AAS (androgenic anabolic steroids), this drug is based on modified testosterone , a male sex hormone that plays a decisive role in the growth of muscle tissue and strengthening of bones. One of the most important qualities of any of the above forms of Trenbolone is the absence of aromatization - that is, the conversion of an anabolic steroid into estrogen. And this excludes the development of secondary sexual characteristics (gynecomastia) in men.

This AAS is used both for gaining muscle mass and for drying them. In addition to all this, it produces effects such as:

  • Significantly increases strength and muscle mass (on average 10 kg per course).
  • Does not retain fluid in the body, which has a positive effect on muscle definition.
  • Quick results. Already after the first dose, a significant surge of strength may be observed.
  • It has an anti-catabolic effect associated with nitrogen retention in the body, of which approximately 16% muscle tissue consists.
  • Increased endurance by increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood.
  • Burning fat deposits. So trenbolone is very suitable for cutting.
  • Reducing the concentration of cortisol (stress hormone).

Trenbolone acetate effects from use

  • Accelerated muscle mass gain due to rapid protein synthesis in the body
  • It is an excellent fat burner, very often used during the “drying” period.
  • Great for increasing the strength of an athlete
  • Stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
  • Stimulates the production of red blood cells in the blood, while increasing endurance.

In fact, the above effects are inherent in all trenbolone formats. In my practice, trenbolone deserves special respect. I would like to highlight among the trenbolone manufacturing companies, especially: ZPHC, Ultrapharm, SP, Balkan Pharmaceuticals, and Lyka Pharmaceuticals has been gaining momentum lately. I would trust these manufacturers completely. I have heard only positive reviews from these companies, provided that you bought trenbolone in trusted stores. Trenbolone is contraindicated for women and girls.

Perhaps one of the primary reasons why trenbolone acetate is a popular drug is its powerful “pump” during training. Your muscles will simply fill up before your eyes, and after the second or third approaches. The second most popular factor is that it is an effective fat burner; fat will be removed from the entire body, and not locally. I will give an example of the use of trenbolone acetate by my client, before and after photos:

Trenbolone acetate and testosterone propionate. Results of use. Photos before and after.

Of course, this was not the only combination that led to such an excellent result, in my opinion. Before this there was an excellent combination: testosterone enanthate, boldenone, stanozolol. Of course, proper nutrition, training and monitoring of tests, in particular: estradiol and prolactin.

Trenbolone and profuse sweating

In 90% of cases, athletes report a lot of sweating, especially at night. This is not something to be alarmed about, but to avoid dehydration, drink more fluids.

What to combine trenbolone acetate with

The foundation of the course will be testosterone, any ester, for example: testosterone propionate and trenbolone acetate. An excellent combination would be trenbolone acetate and sustanon. Winstrol and tren icon for cutting phase. Combining steroids depends directly on your goal. If you want to competently design your steroid cycle and don’t know where to start: write to me. Important: high dosages and prolonged use of tren can significantly reduce the synthesis of thyroid hormones. In some cases you will need to supplement with T3.

Option (scheme) for using trenbolone acetate for beginners

Tren acetate working dosage is 50 mg every other day. Testosterone propionate is 100 mg also every other day.

The duration of this course will be six weeks, followed by post-course recovery. I do not recommend exceeding the dosage of 50-100 mg of tren acetate, otherwise instead of positive effects, you will get more negative effects.

Mandatory control of estradiol and prolactin. Think and rearrange your training plan. Be thoughtful about your nutrition plan. If side effects occur, you should reduce the dosage or stop using anabolic steroids, followed by post-cycle therapy. I do not encourage you to use these drugs; you yourself make an informed and independent decision.

A common side effect may be insomnia (insomnia). To solve this problem, include L-theanine in your diet, affecting serotonin and dopamine, helping to improve sleep quality. It relaxes, relieves anxiety and stress.

Effect of trembolone

Thus, a derivative of nandrolone, trenbolone, does not have a methyl group, being in position 19. It has a great ability to bind strongly not only to progesterone receptors, but also to androgen ones. It is most likely that such strong connections influence the fact that trenbolone acts as an antagonist to the progesterone receptor. It is generally accepted that gynecomastia is caused by progesterone antagonists. Indeed, research confirms that trenbolone causes a decrease in the level of estrogen receptors in the body. In addition, this same strong connection is directly responsible for why a person taking this drug may experience a decrease in their libido, and in some cases even lose it. And this applies to almost all adherents of the drug.

Freely available on the market, this androgen is not metabolized in skeletal muscle to the level of 3-alpha metabolites. The result is a rapid and noticeable increase in size and strength levels.

Experiments conducted on animals have yielded results suggesting that trenbolone is the cause of the antiglucocorticoid effects. However, there is no evidence that this drug can have exactly the same effect on the human body. Trenbolone cannot be converted into estrogen. Despite the fact that the prevailing opinion is that it is impossible to reduce trenbolone by 5-alpha, some scientists in their scientific works prove that this steroid exhibits much less activity in those tissues that contain large quantities of 5-alpha reductase.

Exactly the same effect occurs with nandrolone. And, given that trenbolone is also a 19-norsteroid, there is every reason to claim that it is, in fact, reduced to weaker metabolites. This also explains cases of gynecomastia, cases where the body stops producing testosterone, despite the fact that estrogen cannot be converted from trenbolone. The androgen-estrogen balance is disrupted as a result of decreased androgen stimulation due to the production of less potent 5-alpha-reduced androgens. All this is the reason for the increased content of estrogen signals in the hypothalamus.

The main problem with the use of trenbolone is that it is almost impossible to obtain this drug manufactured directly for human consumption. This drug is called parabolan, but it is almost completely inaccessible for consumption. In addition, the black market is now full of trenbolane, which is intended for consumption by cattle. This drug is called Finaplix and in underground laboratories this steroid is converted into an injectable liquid. This is done by dissolving the additive pellets in a solvent, and then the resulting mixture is boiled. As a result, the drug can be injected into the body. In addition, it is not a big problem to independently purchase all the necessary equipment for its production and, without much effort, obtain trenbolone from pellets at home. However, one must always remember the problem of sterility of such underground production. The risk of infection, sepsis, and abscess increases. Even the possibility of anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out, and this is a direct threat of death. In addition, you should definitely remember that those pellet solvents that are used to obtain the injection mixture are not intended for these purposes at all, so the risk of poisoning accordingly increases.

Trenbolone is now available for consumption in the form of enanthate, acetate or hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester. The latter is taken either every day or with one-day breaks. Previously, it was a product for use in veterinary medicine and it was called Finaject. However, this drug is not currently available. But in clandestine laboratories, enanthate ester is produced, which can be consumed no more than once a week. But even in this case, its active supporters, as a rule, take this drug much more often. The age of hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ether was not very long. Originally marketed under the name Parabolan and intended specifically for human use, it remained on the market for a very short time. This became a kind of signal for underground manufacturers who constantly produce similar analogues of enanthate ester. Such drugs have an even shorter lifespan and are also administered by injection, once a week or ten days, and sometimes once every two weeks. Together with other steroids, trenbolone, which is a fairly powerful anabolic steroid, can significantly increase both weight and strength. But, in addition to pronounced anabolic properties, trenbolone also has side effects such as acne, hair loss, increased blood pressure, and especially this drug negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary system. To be fair, it should be admitted that this effect has not been confirmed in the scientific literature by conducting relevant scientific experiments, however, it is known that androgenic stimulation affects kidney function. Trenbolone, by causing hypertension, thus severely harms the kidneys. Therefore, taking this steroid should be done with extreme caution.

Effect of Primobolan

A synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, methenolone, is sold on the market under the name Primobolan. This is a type of acetate ester that must be taken orally. However, there were previously versions of this drug that allowed injection. According to many, Primobolan is a completely ineffective drug, so little attention is paid to this steroid. In addition, its high cost is also a deterrent. Another disadvantage for many is the fact that this method of taking the drug is not effective due to the non-alkylation of methenolone at 17-alpha. It appears that the 1-methyl group is able to protect it to some extent from the effects of metabolism to the 1- or 2-hydroxy metabolite. But even if this is true, acetate does not exhibit sufficient oral biological activity, therefore, in order to achieve a good effect, it is necessary to take rather large doses of the drug.

This steroid does not aromatize due to the fact that it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. In addition, it is not overly progestatively active. Thus, Primobolan most likely exhibits properties inherent in an aromatase inhibitor due to the fact that it is, in fact, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. This property has secured Primobolan’s reputation as a “dry gainer” steroid, which has completely insignificant inhibitory properties. Considering that methenolone is initially reduced by 5-alpha, this enzyme subsequently does not metabolize it. However, it is worth remembering that this steroid can be metabolized directly in skeletal muscle by the action of hydroxysteroid 3-alpha dehydrogenase. But such metabolization occurs much less strongly than DHT. As a result of such effects, in its weaker molecule one can observe a weak ratio of androgenic and anabolic activities. Also, methenolone does not bind too strongly to a substance such as globulin, which binds the sex hormone. Also, there is no convincing evidence that methenolone interacts even slightly with progesterone receptors or glucocorticoids. Thus, Primobolan does not really promote weight gain, but this effect is explained by the fact that fat and water do not stay in the body for long. The difference between Primobolan is that it is used when one wants to gain high-quality mass, but at the same time get a small amount of negative side effects, or not get them at all. But at the same time, it would be much preferable to use this drug by injection. If women use this drug in small quantities, it is possible to avoid even the most minor side effects. According to some researchers, taking Primobolan in limited quantities does not even stop the body from producing natural testosterone. And its insignificant effect on reducing testosterone production occurs due to the fact that it does not turn into estrogen. But, nevertheless, such suppression may well increase along with an increase in the amount of the drug taken. Few people know that methenolone, like oxymetholone, helps increase the number of red blood cells in the body. However, methenolone in any of its forms, whether in tablets or injections, has never been as widespread and accessible a drug as the rest of the “reserve”. Moreover, what appears on the market costs significant sums and is not accessible to everyone. Methenolone is a product that is produced by only a limited number of manufacturers and it is in short supply not only on the open market, but also on the black market.

Methenolone enanthate is an injectable form of this drug, which is known on the market under the name Primobolan Depot. Enanthate ester has the ability to be slowly absorbed by tissues, which allows it to be introduced into the body no more than once every two weeks. But many increase the frequency of its use by two to four times, using the steroid a couple of times a week. If you use methenolone by injection, the effect will be much stronger compared to the oral form of using this drug. This is because the injections are not subject to first-pass metabolism. And it is constantly necessary to fight with it. If you evaporate, the ether will turn into the substance that is the basis for methenolone.

In the form of injections, enanthate ester together with methenolone is a fairly strong steroid. The dosage of this drug is up to 100 ml. per week for women and up to 600 ml. - for men. To avoid the appearance of androgenic effects, women should not use the drug more often than once every 10 days, and best of all, even less often. In general, methenolone is one of the safest steroids on the market today. Despite the fact that methenolone does not alkylate at C-17, the 1-methyl group can cause increased levels of enzymes in the liver, even if the drug is administered by injection. However, this effect is much less than when taking methandrostenolone and other C-17 acrylic derivatives. Of course, this steroid does not belong to the category of drugs that allow you to get a lightning-fast effect. This is due to the fact that it retains water and does not have the same power as similar drugs that are introduced into the body by injection, for example, testosterone or nandrolone. But methenolone has its fans and adherents, because, despite the lack of quick returns, it does not have the significant side effects caused by taking other steroids.

Reviews of the Trenbolone course.

“The reviews from Trenbolone are true, it is an anabolic with a strong and pronounced effect. My friends and I often use courses with this drug before the most important competitions. It helps maintain muscle shape and improves physical strength and endurance. After the course, muscle mass acquires a denser and more prominent appearance; there is no conversion to estrogen, which eliminates gynecomastia. The muscles are dense and dry, and do not lose their appearance and volume after stopping taking this drug. Trenbolone is one of the most powerful injectable drugs. The only disadvantage of the drug is that its frequent use can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. But if you take it periodically and in moderate doses, you will appreciate its effectiveness.”

Maxim, Ufa, 27 years old.

Reviews of Trenbolone

Novel. City of Alchevsk. 23 years old: “I put different doses of tren, so that’s it. 76 mg was fine, but when I put in one and a half cc, I had a cough and a sore throat.”

Oleg. 27 years. City of Zlatoust: “I used Tren. Acetate, but in small doses. I decided to get tested and almost fell. E2 level has been increased 12 times! They also write that tren supposedly does not increase estrogen. But the boobs, nevertheless, did not grow; visually, I still observed gynecomastia. But increased sweating, increased aggression and hatred of others (often unfounded) are annoying, and the muscles cramp.”

Alexander. 29 years. City of Bolsherechye: “I also used acetate, but together with Exemestane, Testosterone cypionate, Masteron and some other crap - I don’t even remember what it’s called. In short, estradiol jumped 3 times, plus some kind of wild depression. After consulting with my sports doctor, suspicion fell on Tren. After its cancellation, the indicators seemed to improve. I don't know for how long. Chemistry, you know..."

Reviews after using Trenbolone.

“My friend and I have been going to the gym for 3 years. In the spring, we decided to dry out the muscles, make them more prominent and beautiful. We chose the same course for later comparison. The course itself included a combination of Trenbolone Acetate, Stanozolol and Propionate. Trenbolone was taken 100 mg every other day, Stanozolol 5 tablets daily, and Propionate was given 50 mg every other day. The duration of the course was 6 weeks, during which we followed a balanced protein diet and cardio training. In the 3rd week of taking it, we noticed that the fat layer had decreased significantly, and the muscles had become more voluminous, and they even began to measure their results. During this period, my muscles grew by 6 kg, and my friend’s by 5. The result was amazing. Therefore, we are leaving a positive review, because the drug is really worth it.”

Ivan Vladimir 21 years old

Types of Trenbolone Esters

Trenbolone comes in three forms: acetate, enanthate, and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (the longest form of tren). The acetate form has the shortest duration of action (average: 24 hours), which is why trenbolone acetate is used every other day.

Trenbolone enanthate is effective for up to 7-10 days. Therefore, the frequency of use is every 5-7 days. Or the working dosage can be divided into two parts per week. For some, dividing the working dosage is a more optimal option.

Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate has a prolonged action. Used once a week. For beginners, it is more appropriate and recommended to use a short form. Trenbolone injections can be painful, depending on the company.

Trenbolone acetate can be mixed in the same syringe with testosterone propionate or enanthate. But it cannot be mixed with Winstrol.

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