What kind of butts (buttocks) do men like? Time to draw conclusions

How great it is to have an attractive figure, and what kind of buttocks do men like?
It turns out that the shape and size of women's buttocks affects the sex life of both partners, especially the duration of orgasm. The beautiful butt of a girl passing by excites the imagination of men of all ages and nationalities. With a lady who has an appetizing ass, you want to get to know her better, touch her, touch her hips - pleasant desires seem to come from within. But what is the nature of these desires? What shape and size of butt is most attractive to men?

By instinct

What kind of butts (buttocks) do men like, regardless of his age, education or culture? When a guy likes a girl, he will not miss the opportunity to look after her. After all, a woman’s “fifth point” can tell him a lot. At the level of instincts, the attractive shape and size of a woman’s buttocks for a man is:

  • An indicator of a girl's ability to bear children;
  • A sign of excellent health, physical endurance, normal balance of hormones in the body;
  • A penchant for good deeds, a desire to raise and protect children.

In addition, a beautiful ass is perceived by a man as a woman’s high degree of activity in bed, her love for passion and good sex.
A man thinks so - an attractive lady knows her worth, and will definitely show what she is capable of in the arms of her chosen one.

Some practical tips

In conclusion, I would like to share a few tips that can help you achieve your goal. They are quite simple to perform, so they are well suited for all women:

  • Buy underwear made from natural fabrics - this will help avoid unnecessary rashes and allergies.
  • Start running, because this type of training not only helps strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, but also improves overall tone.
  • There is one simple exercise for the butt that can give good results over time. It consists in the fact that you need to alternately strain and relax the muscles of the buttocks. The beauty is that you can do it anywhere, be it an office, a park or a shopping center.

Interesting research

In an attempt to find out which female buttocks are most attractive to men, scientists began research. About a hundred men took part in the unusual experiment. They had to choose pictures of those girls whose butts seemed the most beautiful. The women in the photo differed in one thing - the degree of curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. Because of this curve, the butts looked especially convex.

These ladies turned out to be the most popular among those surveyed. It turned out that the male half likes best those buttocks that have a convexity of 45 degrees relative to the spine. This figure is a consequence of the correct distribution of the center of gravity, and thanks to the correct curve, the cutest butt is formed.

Psychologists, in turn, confirmed that men have always liked not necessarily voluminous and plump, but most importantly, bulging butts of girls. But recently, the male half is increasingly liking large, but elastic, specially trained buttocks, in which muscle mass predominates rather than fat. And the bulge of the butt here is an indicator of sexuality, a sign of an “elite”, special female. More and more guys like slightly plump ladies, whom they undoubtedly want to spank on the ass.

Data and method

The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Technical University of Munich, Department of Medicine.
To conduct it, an interactive online survey was developed with computer images of the buttocks of a Caucasian woman. The 27-year-old girl, who voluntarily agreed to become a model, was photographed in profile and rear projections. Different volumes of the buttocks in different photographs were achieved using digital processing in Adobe Photoshop CS5 (AdobeSystems, Inc., San Jose, California). Specifically, these modifications allowed the researchers to increase or decrease the model's hips in 10 percent increments by three scales in each direction and achieve waist-to-hip ratios of 0.68, 0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.72 , 0.73 and 0.74 (Fig. 1-7).

Fig.1 Model's body (27-year-old woman) with the smallest (-3) buttock size (back and side view)

Rice. 2. Second reduced (-2) size of the buttocks (back and side views)

Rice. 3. Third reduced (-1) size of the buttocks (back and side views)

Rice. 4. Neutral (0) buttock size (back and side view)

Rice. 5. Third increased (+1) size of the buttocks (back and side views)

Rice. 6. Second increased (+2) size of the buttocks (back and side views)

Rice. 7. Largest (+3) size of buttocks (back and side views)

All demographic information of respondents (who were both general public and practicing surgeons) was collected, including gender, age, country of residence/practice, ethnicity, annual income (general question), and type of practice (for academic and private plastic surgeons). All respondents were also asked to comment on their choice and explain whether the image in the photo was considered natural or artificial.

Opinions are divided

We have already found out that a woman’s convex butt will not leave any guy indifferent. Everyone likes moderately soft and elastic butts, with symmetrical halves. But among representatives of different nations and continents, sympathies for women’s “fifths” may have radical differences:

  • In Asian countries they love girls with neat and even small butts without an ounce of excess fat. Such buttocks fit into strong, masculine palms;
  • The male half of the South American continent and representatives of Spain love women with average hips, but full butts;
  • In the Caucasus, they also prefer women with a large “fifth point”, but one that does not extend towards the hips;
  • In Africa, it is believed that the larger a woman’s butt, the better, and a decent amount of fat on it does not repel, but, on the contrary, attracts men.

European guys prefer the “golden mean” - voluminous, rounded buttocks of beautiful shapes, convex and elastic.
Many guys compare the ideal butt to a ripe peach; it should be as velvety and round, or, as men like to say, tall. They basically like to be able to press against the soft “fifth point” in bed, and not drown in layers of fat or hit the girl’s pelvic bones during sex. Every guy has his own idea of ​​a woman's ideal butt. But few people like flat, flabby, unkempt and cellulite buttocks. It’s not for nothing that a beautiful “butt” is compared to a nut – smooth, round and appetizing.

How to achieve what you want? Three steps to success

So, an ideal butt is not a genetic inheritance (although sometimes this happens), but the result of hard work on oneself. You should clearly understand this and motivate yourself every day in order to continue to steadily move towards your goal. But what exactly needs to be done for this?

There are three steps you need to take to get the desired result. And they are as follows:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. A set of physical exercises.
  3. Skin care for the buttocks.

At this point, many girls may ask: “Is a perfect butt in a month a reality or a myth?” So, here it all depends on the current state of affairs, because if some only need to slightly shape their buttocks, then others will have to make drastic changes in themselves. Therefore, it is quite difficult to talk about any time frame.

A big butt is the key to health

Numerous observations by scientists and doctors have revealed a pattern between the volume of the buttocks and women’s health. Ladies with big butts:

  • They can boast of the active production of estrogens - those hormones that are responsible for fertility, the beauty of hair and skin, and mood;
  • They have an excellent metabolism, especially if they do not have excess belly fat;
  • Tend to produce breast milk for a long time;
  • They have a broad outlook, are smart and enterprising;
  • They give birth to healthy and smart children;
  • They suffer less often from high cholesterol and blood sugar, and almost never suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • Experience more pleasure from intimate relationships.

It is believed that ladies with voluminous buttocks have an enviable life expectancy, they are active and cheerful. All this, of course, is a great advantage of women, and men have always been impressed by healthy ladies.

Proper nutrition

For some reason, many people believe that an ideal butt is the result of physical activity. But the truth is that the basis is still proper nutrition. After all, food is fuel for the body, and if it is of poor quality, then soon the body begins to pay for it. As a result, a woman develops extra pounds, cellulite, loses skin elasticity, and develops various types of rashes.

In addition, without the required amount of carbohydrates in the blood, the body quickly loses energy. In this state, the girl is simply unable to give her full strength in training. Subsequently, the effect of the classes is not so noticeable, which reduces motivation and the desire to work further.

That's why it's so important to understand your diet. It is also better to switch to natural food and keep a daily diary in which you record the number of calories you receive.

Towards the ideal

What to do if nature has not rewarded you with a special curve of the spine and an appetizing butt? The beautiful shape of the buttocks, like the physique in general, is a hereditary trait. In adolescence, a girl’s butt can become beautifully rounded, turning into a future “tool” for conquering men’s hearts. She hardly stands out among other young girls, forcing the young lady to have complexes about her appearance.

If your buttocks are far from ideal, with a little effort you can make them very attractive to men. It is not necessary to pump silicone into them - any guy will expose the artificial ass. Knowing what kind of buttocks (buttocks) men like, it’s better to go in for sports:

  • Ask an experienced fitness trainer to develop for you a special training program aimed at strengthening and growing the gluteal muscles;
  • Be sure to do squats. At the same time, spread your legs wide and keep your back straight;
  • Eat right. Healthy food combined with physical activity will protect you from cellulite and help improve your metabolism, making your skin silky and pleasant to look at.

Don’t overdo it in your workouts - a voluminous butt looks ridiculous against the backdrop of very small breasts. Strive for proportional shapes. Hard work will definitely lead to the desired result, and then any man can be at your feet.

Beauty care

The skin on the butt requires care and attention, otherwise it will not become soft and silky. Therefore, do not forget about moisturizing creams and nourishing masks. In general, the same products that are used for other parts of the body are suitable, but if you wish, you can also buy special creams.

Also, do not forget about peeling and massage. And if possible, then going to the solarium will also be very useful.

Population Survey

The survey results showed that non-Caucasians were more likely to choose larger buttocks compared to Caucasians.
It was also proven that the opinion of doctors is not too different from the opinion of members of the public, and no fundamental differences were noticed in the choice of representatives of different sexes and residents of different countries. Plastic surgeons

Floor. Preferences for buttock size differed by physician gender, with male surgeons preferring larger buttocks compared to female surgeons.

Figure 10. Preferences of plastic surgeons regarding buttock size depending on country of residence

Age. Preferences regarding buttock size also varied significantly within the age groups of surgeons: interestingly, surgeons aged 40 years chose the largest buttocks.

Rice. 11.Preferences of plastic surgeons regarding buttock size depending on ethnicity

Interaction effect: The researchers also noted a significant interaction effect between gender and region of practice on buttock size preferences among surgeons. Male and female surgeons chose different buttock sizes depending on where they worked (see Figure 12).

In Latin America, North America and Asia, male surgeons, in contrast to their female counterparts, opted for greater buttock volume. A different picture was seen in Europe, where female surgeons preferred larger buttocks than men.

12. Dependence between gender and region of practice of the surgeon and the influence of these data on preferences Public opinion
Age. Preferences regarding buttock size varied significantly depending on the age of the respondents. Thus, younger people chose larger buttocks.

Ethnos. There were also differences in the choice of buttock size depending on the ethnicity of the respondents. As was the case with plastic surgeons, non-Caucasians preferred a model with larger hips than Caucasians.

The researchers noted that characteristics such as gender, region of origin or annual income of members of the public were not considered decisive in the matter of choice.

What should perfect legs look like?

What are the results: butt before and after exercises

Now let's talk about “flawless” legs. It turns out that there is a certain pattern between human height and the length of his lower limbs. Short legs are those that are less than half the length of the entire body. As a rule, legs that are slightly larger than half the body are considered close to ideal.

For girls who belong to the hypersthenic type, ideal legs are half the body plus 20-40 mm, for a normosthenic constitution - half the height plus 40-60 mm, and for those who have an asthenic physique - half the length of the entire body plus 60- 90 mm. For example, you have a normal bone constitution and a height of 170 cm, now we calculate: 170: 2 = 85, 85 + 6 = 91, these are the legs that are considered ideal.

It is necessary to measure the length of the legs from the floor to the protrusion of the hip bone. If you have legs that are slightly shorter than the above norm, then this can be corrected with heeled or platform shoes

And by the way, choose the heel height based on the ideal size, this will help you attract the attention of the opposite sex

As for the circumference of the calf muscle, thigh and ankle, these indicators also depend on body composition.

The table in which we present these proportions is given below.

Height (cm) and weight (kg)Calf muscle circumference (cm)Leg circumference at hip (cm)Leg circumference at ankle (cm)
156, 45-5431-3248-5418-20
160, 53-5932-3250-5619-22
167, 55-6533-3652-5822-23

In addition, if the legs are “standard”, then three gaps should be visible between them. To test this, stand in front of a long mirror so that you can be seen at full height, and close your legs, pressing your heels together and placing your toes apart. If you are the owner of perfect legs, then you should see one gap between the knee joints and calves, another between the knees and hips, and a third between the calves and ankle. And in other places the legs should be pressed tightly against one another.


So we figured out an issue that is so important for us women. As you can see, ideal proportions are far from being a standard model that everyone should follow

Every girl has her own ideal legs, chest, waist and hips; you just need to determine what body type you are.

Therefore, girls, do not follow the prototypes. We sincerely wish you to have ideal proportions!


A total of 1032 responses were received: 583 from surgeons (104 women and 479 men responded) and 449 from other professions (246 women and 203 men responded), living in 35 countries.
The ages of respondents ranged from 20 to 69 years and above (detailed demographics of respondents are shown in Table 2). Only completed questionnaires were included in the analysis. The distribution of waist-to-hip ratio preferences ranged from 0.68 to 0.74. Overall, 404 of 1,032 respondents (39% of respondents) chose a 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio (Figure 8), 220 of 1,032 respondents (21% of respondents) chose 0.71, 191 of 1,032 respondents (19% of respondents) chose the ratio is 0.69, and 112 of 1,032 respondents (11% of respondents) chose the ratio of 0.72 as the ideal proportion. Other coefficients (0.68, 0.73 and 0.74) were chosen by less than 5% of all respondents (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Distribution of preferences regarding buttock volume among the total number of respondents (n = 1032)

The photo chosen by the largest number of respondents (39% of the total number of respondents) is the third increased (+1) size of the buttocks. The most popular hip ratio is 0.7. Distribution of preferences regarding buttock volume among the total number of respondents (n = 1032), Fig. 9.

Change your lifestyle

(1) Early to bed, early to rise

I can say from personal experience that this is some of the best advice I have received in the last few years. Make your bed and slip under the covers, turn on some soothing music and drift off into dreamland. Wake up early in the morning so you have time to work out, check the news, email, and eat breakfast.

(2) Get at least 7 hours of sleep

When you exercise, you are actually breaking down and injuring your muscles. And it is when you sleep that your body repairs and builds them up. Therefore, if you want to be as attractive as JLo, get at least 7 hours of sound sleep. It will also rejuvenate your brain cells and keep you energized and alert throughout the day.

(3) You can create a small illusion

Wear clothes that make your butt appear larger. You can wear high-waisted jeans/shorts/formal pants, jeans that taper near the ankle, denim short skirts, corsets, silk robes, etc.

(4) Drink water

Water is a universal solution to all problems. Toxins that accumulate over time when you exercise are eliminated only with the help of water and nothing else. Increased levels of toxins can make you feel tired and you may stop exercising. Hence, drink at least 3-4 liters of water per day.

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