Why men like athletic girls more, the main reasons for their attractiveness

Ideal firm, toned breasts

Firm, toned breasts - sooner or later, any woman thinks about this, since even small ones can sag over time, although this can happen if everything is left to chance.

There are many different exercises and methods that will help you restore the firmness and beauty of your breasts. We'll talk about them today. But before we start, we need to find out the reasons why sagging is possible and first of all we need to get rid of them.

There are several ways to get perfect breasts. It is possible with the help of surgery: it is much faster, but less durable than special training. In addition, it can also be costly. Or you can use a set of exercises, nutrition, massage, everything that can restore your beauty.

Change in body weight.

A similar problem can happen after childbirth or a sudden change in weight. If a woman loses weight and loses weight, the skin stretches and the pectoral muscles sag. Of course, the skin can return to normal on its own, but after prolonged obesity this may not happen, and the condition can only be changed through surgery. Therefore, it is advisable not to bring it to this state and start working on yourself right now.


Although no person can avoid problems due to age, it can still be delayed. There are a few simple tips that will help prolong your beauty and keep your breasts firm longer: proper training of the pectoral and back muscles, beautiful and even posture, collagen in your diet and, finally, a comfortable bra.

Lack of exercise.

This is one of the most important causes of sagging. The fact is that even slender girls can face a similar problem if they do not play sports. Therefore, it is extremely important to add regular exercise to your daily routine. And you don’t have to wait until you start having problems with your appearance or health.

Wrong nutrition.

Another extremely important point. Poor nutrition causes obesity and worsens skin and health. It is for this reason that you should start your path to a beautiful body by changing your diet. It is necessary to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your table and get rid of the so-called fast carbohydrates - confectionery products that are deposited throughout the body in the form of fat and lead to sagging not only of the chest, but of all other parts of the body.

Bad habits.

Smoking, for example, destroys elastin, resulting in sagging. In addition, it negatively affects the condition of the entire body. Having bad habits can lead to irreparable consequences. So ask yourself: is it worth it? As mentioned above, the path to an ideal body begins with giving up everything that negatively affects it, and then comes training.


Choosing the right clothes is also important. Many people know that high-heeled shoes negatively affect the spine and can lead to flat feet. Therefore, a properly selected bra will help you avoid many problems.

Perfect firm, toned breasts with exercises

Start your exercises with a short warm-up - 10-15 minutes is enough. This task can be easily accomplished by running, riding an exercise bike, jumping rope, and walking in place.


An excellent basic exercise that will help you perfectly tone your pectoral muscles. If you have not encountered such an exercise before and it is difficult for you to perform the classic version, then you can start doing push-ups from your knees, and only then, when your arms are strong enough, you can complicate the execution. Don't forget that the distance between your hands should be greater than shoulder width. These push-ups will help you concentrate the load on your pectoral muscles as much as possible. Perform 3-4 approaches, each with 10 repetitions. More advanced athletes can raise their legs to a higher position. This will make it more difficult to perform, but will also increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Dumbbell press.

Another extremely important exercise for perfect breasts. Can be performed both on a horizontal bench and at various angles. If your head is below body level, then the lower pectoral muscles take the load, but if your head is higher, the upper muscles take on the load. But for now let's stick to the horizontal bench. Take dumbbells in your hands and lie down on a bench. Place your feet firmly on the floor, straighten your arms completely, and after a deep breath, begin to lower the dumbbells as low as possible to stretch the muscles further. Then return them to their original position. Perform 3-4 approaches, 8-12 times each.

Dumbbell raises.

This exercise, just like the previous ones, can be performed on a horizontal bench and at different angles. Take dumbbells and lie down on a bench with your feet on the floor. To make the exercise easier, bend your elbows slightly. Inhaling, begin to spread your arms out to the sides all the way to the bottom. Then return to the starting position. 4 approaches of 8-12 times are enough.

Isometric squeezes.

A very simple exercise that can be performed absolutely anywhere. Place your hands in front of you as if you are about to pray. Then squeeze your palms tightly, you should feel a lot of tension in the chest area. Do this exercise as much as you can.


An excellent way to improve blood circulation, relieve stress, and relax muscles after exercise. But massage will never give such a positive result as constant and proper training. Therefore, it is an addition to training and not a replacement for it.

Follow the above tips and remember that it is much easier to save something than to try to restore it later. So don't hesitate and start right now.

Before you start improving your body, should you visit a doctor?

– To play sports, say, in a gym or fitness room, no health certificates are required. If you do not have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, or endocrine glands that you would probably know about, you can go and practice.

If you have certain health-related restrictions, then it is better to first go to an appointment with a specialist for an examination. After all, not every coach is a doctor, and it’s not good to shift responsibility from yourself to him. The doctor will tell you which exercises are available to you and which ones are best avoided (for example, high-intensity cardio exercises).

But in general, any good trainer at the first lesson is obliged to ask his client whether he has any health limitations or whether there have been serious injuries, so that if something happens, he can select the load for this particular person. If the coach forgot to clarify this point, do not hesitate to tell him about it yourself.

Squats for women. We lose weight without problems

Squats for women are no different from men's. Unless girls will use heavy weights. But it is not always the case.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has not thought about his figure at least once. In order to get the desired shape, there are many different ways: diets, gyms and others. But some people simply don't have the time or money for either. But despite all this, there is still a way out and today we will talk about it.

Barbell squats are an excellent exercise that targets a huge number of muscles throughout the body. It can reduce the size of not only your hips, but also your waist. When done correctly, you can achieve excellent results. Another advantage is that squats do not require any equipment and can be performed anywhere and anytime.

As before any other exercise, you need to warm up well. The most dangerous place for injury is your knees, so warm them up well before starting squats. Squats create aerobic and strength loads on your body, as a result of which you not only increase your strength, but also lose a fairly large number of calories.

Nothing is impossible!

You can often hear the following phrase from women: “I don’t have an athletic figure at all, that’s just the way we have genetics.” With such conversations, women put an end to their beautiful athletic figure and allow themselves to lead their previous lifestyle. Don’t agree that the figure is given to us once and for all, and we can’t do anything about it. In fact, anyone can get such a figure, of course, subject to proper perseverance.

Today you can find hundreds of examples of how people literally “sculpted” their figure without having outstanding natural abilities. They decided to argue with nature and proved that the figure is largely the merit of man, and not of the genes inherited from our ancestors.

Willpower and perseverance in achieving a goal are perhaps the main qualities necessary to obtain a sports figure, and not natural data. If you want to become beautiful and attract the admiring glances of others, go for it. In this matter, everything depends only on you. Have no doubt, if you are determined to win and take the necessary actions for this, then nothing is impossible for you!

Lose weight without problems with squats

    Classic squats.

The most common type of squats. To begin, you need to extend your arms in front of you or place them on your belt. Then place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a deep breath and begin to slowly lower yourself down. It is very important to keep your back straight at all times. After returning to the top point, you can jump up slightly. This will make the exercise more difficult and increase its effectiveness.

    Squats using dumbbells.

This is an excellent exercise for working the buttocks and thighs. To do this, take two dumbbells and place them on the sides of your body. Taking a deep breath, slowly lower yourself to the lowest point. Then return to the starting position.


A type of squats in which you need to spread your legs as wide as possible and point your toes further to the sides. These squats will help you work and get rid of fat on your inner thighs. To make it more difficult, you can use dumbbells.

    Squats for women with support on the wall.

To perform this exercise, you need to lean your back against a wall. Place your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, with your hands on your waist. Then start doing squats yourself without lifting your back from the wall. This type of squats maximally loads the gluteal muscles, tightening them.

    Lunges forward or backward.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Then take one step forward with one foot. You should squat so that the leg that is in front is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The leg behind should almost touch the floor with the knee. By performing such squats, you can work the muscles of the buttocks and add elasticity to them.


Another type of squats. In general, it is no different from other exercises. Only here, to complicate the exercise, a barbell is used, which is located on your shoulders.

Here are several variations of this simple and very effective exercise. Don't forget to warm up before you start and try not to violate the correct technique. If you do everything correctly, you will soon notice a huge difference. Good luck and be beautiful!

Diet, sports nutrition and drinking regimen to create an athletic female body

A properly selected diet promotes complete weight loss with health benefits. A sports diet is a diet designed with the condition of constant exercise and exercise. This diet includes a large amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements.

IMPORTANT: When preparing a sports diet, you should take into account the increased consumption of water, proteins and carbohydrates with increasing physical activity.

Not only the diet in a sports diet is important, but also the diet itself.

  • So, for example, you can’t eat before training. Food will weigh down the body and prevent you from exercising fully. It is important to eat 2 hours before training and only foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates
  • “Fast carbohydrates” in the form of a bar or chocolate can satisfy your hunger before your workout. After training, the result is usually consolidated by eating a large meal
  • When working out in the gym, it is also important not to forget about special sports supplements. By consuming sports nutrition , the human body becomes fully prepared for physical activity. It helps to achieve complete conservation of energy resources in the body during sports.
  • The dosage and choice of sports nutrition should be made based on individual characteristics and the type of sport. Also, sports supplements can help the body and muscles recover faster after heavy exercise.
  • Drinking regime plays a significant role in the life of an athlete . By following it, you can achieve high-quality results in the fight against excess weight and the formation of a sculpted body. Rational intake of water throughout the day will keep the body’s water-salt balance normal and avoid dehydration.

Slender small waist

A slender waist has always been an integral part of the ideal female figure. If you want to reduce its volume, you will have to work on yourself and the result of your hard work will be a beautiful figure that will attract attention.

And you don’t need to starve for weeks to do this. All you need to do is create a diet for yourself and the right training program. In this article we will talk about everything in detail.

There are several reasons that may be the reason for the lack of a small waist:

    Excess weight.

The female body is designed in such a way that when overeating, fat will first be deposited in the waist area. This is associated with bearing children. Therefore, first you need to get rid of this ballast.


Among all the hormones in the body, there is one and it is called cortisol. And it is a stress hormone. In the modern world, people are very often exposed to various stresses. In such cases, a protective mechanism is triggered in the body, which begins to store fat. Most likely it won’t be needed, but that’s how nature decreed it. And she doesn't care that you need a slim little waist.

    The individual structure of each person.

This is a common cause of waist size problems. Many people initially have all the necessary data, while others need to put in a lot of effort. But be that as it may, a person with any body type can achieve the desired results.

    Wrong training.

Many girls who have set themselves the task of reducing their waistline begin to perform various exercises. The fact is that many of these same exercises increase muscle volume, which, in turn, leads to an even greater increase in waist size. Such exercises include side bends. Forward bends and abdominal crunches are best.

    Problems with posture.

Slouching and misalignment of the spine can ruin the contours of your figure. For this reason, try to always stay straight.

Slender small waist with diets

In order to have the figure of your dreams, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with a variety of diets. All you need is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Below are some useful tips that will help you achieve the desired result.

    Try to eat less fat.

After all, this is reasonable. In order for the body to begin to destroy excess fat, it is necessary to create all the conditions for this. You need to stop eating fatty foods. Eliminate fatty meat, mayonnaise, sour cream, and yoghurt from your diet. While dairy products are essential, choose ones that contain less fat.

    Eat less carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are fuel for our body. And all the fuel that entered your body along with food must be used up. If this does not happen, then it begins to be deposited as fat. It is impossible to completely get rid of carbohydrates, but if you are not doing any heavy physical labor, then simply reduce their amount. But you need to completely abandon fast carbohydrates. These include confectionery, sweet drinks, sugar and much more.

    More protein.

Protein is a building material for our muscles and helps burn excess calories. Therefore, your diet should consist mainly of such products (egg whites, chicken fillet, fish and other seafood). Try to choose only those protein foods that contain the least amount of fat.

    Eat little and often.

Such fractional meals will provide your body with everything it needs throughout the day. Small portions are absorbed much faster and better, without stretching the stomach? What will have a beneficial effect on your slim waist. You may have to eat 5-6 times a day.


This meal is the most important of the day and should be in the first hour after waking up. Schedule the rest of your meals yourself as you see fit. Just remember that dinner should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.


Water is involved in all body processes; if there is not enough water, they slow down. It is of great importance for losing weight and exercising. That is why it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Juices, teas and similar drinks are not suitable for this purpose. Drink only clean, mineral and still water.


About once a week you can give yourself a so-called fasting day, on which you will only eat fruit or, for example, drink kefir. This method is also recommended by professional nutritionists.

    Fiber consumption.

This substance will help you improve the digestion process, which in turn will have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Whole grain porridges, vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber.

Now you know that for the health of the whole body and a slender small waist, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with hunger and similar nonsense. All you need to do is adjust your diet and follow it.

Slim small waist with exercise

If you want to achieve better results in the shortest possible time, then you also need to add physical exercise to your proper nutrition. Below are some useful exercises that will help you get rid of problems with your waist.

    Tilts forward and backward.

Some athletes do not recommend using side bends because they increase the size of the side muscles that hide the waist. Therefore, it only bends forward and backward. They will noticeably tighten your muscles.

    Various twist options.

Such exercises work the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. If your abs are in good condition, your waist will look better.


This exercise has the maximum effect on the muscles of the buttocks, increasing them. This will make your waist look significantly smaller.

    Cardio training.

These include running, cycling, exercise bike and much more. All this will have a positive effect on burning excess fat and will give you a boost of energy.


Quite an effective tool for creating a slim waist. To increase efficiency, you can take a heavier hoop. The heavier the weight, the better it will impact your waist.

    Exercise “vacuum”.

This exercise has a number of benefits. Firstly, it can be performed absolutely anywhere and does not require special equipment. Secondly, it quite effectively removes the belly, which will also emphasize your waist.

You can also visually change your waist size with the help of clothing. And don't forget to get rid of bad habits if you have them. They significantly slow down your results in achieving your goal.

Firm, toned buttocks

Firm, toned buttocks look simply amazing and are therefore worth the effort you put into it. But before we talk about ways to work the gluteal muscles with exercises, it is necessary to talk about how to get rid of excess fat on them.

Large reserves of fat deposits, in addition to hiding all the charms of your figure, can also create excessive stress on the heart. All this is associated with increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Therefore, before you begin the training itself, you need to make some changes to your diet: get rid of various food additives, establish control over the intake of calories into the body, and much more.

Why does fat accumulate on the buttocks and abdominal area? This is due to a very slow metabolism in the body, which can be accelerated by performing various physical exercises and eating special foods. In addition, harmful substances quite often accumulate in the intestines, which also leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. You can cleanse the body not only by fasting, but also by eating fruits and vegetables, which contain a large amount of fiber.

Firm and toned buttocks with exercises

Before you start you must be patient. Don’t expect noticeable results in just a week; you need at least a month of hard training. The first step is to properly stretch the gluteal muscles and prepare them for subsequent loads. Walking or running in place is excellent for this. 10-15 minutes is enough.

    Jump rope.

A fairly simple and equally effective exercise that does not require any special equipment. Jumping rope perfectly works the muscles of the legs and hips and gives elasticity to the buttocks. In addition, this is an excellent exercise for losing weight. The time you should spend jumping is from 10 to 40 minutes. There is no need to jump until you lose your pulse on the first day. Start small; if you feel nauseous or tired, you can slow down or stop altogether. But don't feel sorry for yourself too much. To get results, you need to work. Don't forget about rest. The best option is to exercise every other day, but at least twice a week.


Well, what kind of classes can there be without this exercise? Squats are one of the most effective exercises that, in addition to the gluteal muscles, involve many others. This especially happens when you use additional load in the form of a barbell or dumbbells.

To perform this, you need to stand up straight, place your hands behind your head or on your belt, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and spread your toes to the sides. Squat slowly, controlling every movement. 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions are enough.

    Training using a bench.

This is a very simple exercise and all you need to do is a chair, bench or something similar. Stand up straight and place your feet next to each other. Then lift one leg and place it on a chair and gradually begin to transfer your entire body onto it. After this, return to the starting position and do the same for the second leg. 15 repetitions are enough.

Firmer, toned buttocks in other ways

If you don't want to waste your time doing various exercises, then there are other ways. Simple walks in the fresh air will also pump up your buttocks. In addition, they tone muscles, train the cardiovascular system, and improve blood circulation. Light jogging has a much better effect. Start with small runs and then make them longer. Run at a leisurely and measured pace; there is no need to push yourself to the point of shortness of breath and loss of consciousness. Exercises such as cycling, running, skiing, and skating can be an excellent alternative to squats and other exercises.

As you can see, everything is not that complicated. You just need to have the desire, but the opportunity will always be there. If something is unclear to you, watch the video below. Good luck to you and have a nice mood!

Healthy elastic graceful legs

Elastic, graceful legs have always attracted attention.

Beautiful and slender legs do not need to be hidden under clothes and their owners can wear whatever their heart desires. Today we will talk about how to restore beauty and elegance to your lower limbs, and at the same time maintain the results obtained for as long as possible.

Healthy, graceful legs with exercises


And again, you can’t do anywhere without this excellent exercise, which perfectly works the leg muscles. No special equipment is required to perform it. Just stand up straight, straighten your back and start squatting. 4 sets of 15 repetitions are enough.


Stand near a chair or in a doorway and start swinging as high as possible: first forward and then back. Then do the same for the second leg. Approximately 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions.

    Lateral lifts.

To perform this exercise, you need to stand near a chair. Place your hands on your back and begin to lift one leg as high as possible. Repeat this action 15 times and move on to the next one.


Another great exercise that will help restore the slimness of your legs. We place our feet as far apart as possible. Then we lower ourselves onto one leg and gradually begin to roll onto the other leg.

    Lunges forward or backward.

This is an exercise that maximally works the quadriceps, gluteal muscles and muscles of the back of the thigh. To perform, you need to stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, keep your chin parallel to the floor. Then take a step forward. The leg that remains behind bends and barely touches the floor with its knee, and the one in front is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Then return to the starting position and do the same for the second one. In order to complicate the execution and increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you can use additional weights in the form of a barbell or dumbbells.

    Stepping onto the platform.

For this exercise you will need a chair or bench. Go to the bench and place one foot on it. Then gradually transfer the weight of your entire body to this very leg, push off with the second one and stand completely on the platform.

Healthy, elastic, graceful legs in other ways

If you don’t have time to do various exercises, then there are many more ways to make your legs look beautiful. You experience similar stress throughout the day. Try to get the most out of them.

    Walking is an excellent and completely free way to get back into shape. Short walks, or even better, jogging, will make your legs slim. If you decide to go jogging, then do not forget to choose comfortable shoes and choose the right place for this activity.
    Cycling is a form of cardio exercise that will help you burn off excess calories.
    Walking up the stairs - this kind of exercise creates a lot of stress on the muscles. At first it may seem very difficult, but then you will quickly get used to it and the result will not take long to arrive. For this reason, if you live in a multi-story building, then avoid using the elevator.

Diet for healthy, graceful legs

After waking up, you need to drink a glass of water; if desired, you can add lemon juice or honey. Breakfast should be hearty, since the greatest energy consumption occurs in the first half of the day. If you decide to lose weight, this does not mean that you should completely give up food. Try to avoid all fatty foods. If you decide to have a small snack, then nuts or fruits are best.

Try to completely avoid fatty and sweet foods, which deliver large amounts of fast carbohydrates and fat into your body. Instead, get into the habit of eating natural cereals.

And remember that a quick effect is only in advertising. Only there they can promise you instant relief from all your problems without any effort. But overall it's just a waste of money and time. There are various medications and teas available for weight loss and they may work. But all of them are aimed only at accelerating the achievement of your goals. They can't do it for you. That is why, if you want to lose weight and get the legs of your dreams, then you need to work as hard as you can.

Shape type: rectangle

The stumbling block for “rectangular” women is the lack of a waist. Such girls also cannot achieve roundness in their hips. But with a low body fat composition, such figures look good, but, unfortunately, women of this type are often prone to being overweight. And the higher the percentage of fat and the more fullness, the less relief the muscles that form the contours of the figure have, which means the figure appears even more rectangular. “Rectangles” have the same width of hips and shoulders. the difference between the hips and waist is less than 25 cm. The body is strong, stocky, legs are slender. There is almost no bending of the hips, the buttocks are flat, the chest is wide.

The main problem of this type is a protruding belly and an undefined waist. It seems that such a figure cannot be called ideal - but, on the other hand, with such initial data it is easier to achieve the ideal than for everyone else. Typically, the muscles of representatives of this type are naturally strong and easily respond to even small loads.

The main goal is to lose belly fat and around the waist. Take a comprehensive approach: low-fat diet + cardio + exercises aimed at the abdominal and abdominal areas. Walking and jogging will be very beneficial for you.

Nutrition for "rectangles"

The metabolic rate is moderate, there may be a tendency to be overweight. Limit your caloric intake, give up salt, beer, and sausages.

Rectangle body type training

A weakly defined waist is a problem for this body type. Work on the abdominal area.

Goal of training: achieve curves. Work your core muscles. Strength training is essential to adding size to your hips and glutes. Be careful with crunches - you don’t need to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles additionally.


  • Russian twist
  • Sumo squats
  • Pulling the leg back in the simulator

How to dress as a “rectangle”?

Choose straight-cut clothing made from thick fabrics—plain trouser suits are best. Refer to the classics. By the way, there will also be sports-style clothing (a hoodie with a zipper). Take a closer look at dense, structured fabrics that hold their shape. Emphasize large breasts with interesting models of tops and wrap blouses. Your skirt styles are “tulip”, “sun”, “half-sun”. It is better to choose trousers that are loose or tapered at the bottom. Cardigans and jackets are shortened. Draw attention to your chest and hips. Your choice is flounces, draperies, ruffles, yokes, basques in these places. Feel free to open your shoulders. You can create a color contrast between the top and bottom of the suit. Add femininity with accessories: high-heeled shoes, exquisite handbags, scarves. Fitted and tight styles are not your story; too thin fabrics, straps and belts at the waist will not suit you either. Correct those parts that are angular.

"Rectangle": celebrities

  • Coco Chanel
  • Jacqueline Kennedy
  • princess Diana
  • Kate Middleton
  • Gwyneth Paltrow

How quickly will my body begin to change?

– This is a very common question asked to a coach. But here you need to take into account too many factors that influence the result: the training itself, recovery, nutrition, and stress factors.

But in general, if a person follows a diet, a training regimen, then, in principle, after three months you can already feel some changes in yourself, people around you will notice it in six months (but we are not talking about losing weight now: it can be done much faster). Yes, this can happen earlier: I repeat, everyone’s body reacts differently.

If I have already done fitness (in the gym), will my body get in shape faster?

– There is such a thing as muscle memory. Imagine that there are some kind of stations, or nuclei, in our muscles - in different quantities for each person. Due to physical activity, stress and other factors, the number of these nuclei increases, and the muscle grows in volume.

At some point, you stopped training and during this time your muscle tone disappeared and their volume decreased. But at the same time, the number of cores in them has not decreased. Therefore, when you return to the gym and start training, the muscle begins to progress faster than for a beginner.

Plus, it’s important to note that your body remembers the technique too. You have already done this exercise once, so remembering how to do it correctly will also not be difficult in a year or two.

Sports set with bike shorts

Previously, bicycle shorts were an element of clothing for professional athletes, but just a few years ago they appeared on the world podium in combination with various T-shirts, sweatshirts, and they also look great in combination with a jacket and crop top.
Finding a suitable set with bicycle shorts will not be difficult, because now there are a huge variety of them: with an elongated T-shirt and a belt at the waist, with a sweatshirt, with a crop top, a hoodie, a sweatshirt. Cycling shorts are an outfit for the warmer seasons, pairing them with a T-shirt and throwing a hoodie or sweatshirt over your shoulders for a cool evening will create a very comfortable and on-trend look.


This is a very comfortable and practical option for sportswear, which is suitable for cozy everyday looks. There are sweatshirts of different lengths, but they fit absolutely any type of bottom:

  • skirts;
  • sports trousers;
  • shorts;
  • bicycle shorts

You can wear long hoodies as a dress if they reach your mid-thigh. By combining this style of sweatshirt with high socks and bulky sneakers, you will create a trendy look and look very cool.

Tracksuit with joggers

Joggers are a universal element of a sports wardrobe that is suitable for any sports top:

  • sweatshirt;
  • sports bra;
  • crop top, short sleeve, long sleeve, strappy;
  • sweatshirt;
  • hoodie;
  • t-shirt.

Sets with joggers look very stylish and youthful. For slightly older women who want to choose an image that will make them look younger, we suggest looking for a tracksuit with joggers and, for example, a hoodie.

How long should one workout take?

– Average training time – 1 hour (maximum 1.5) . This time is enough to do quality work on your body. But it often happens that some try to do it in 20 minutes, while others try to do it in three hours.

By increasing your time, you are not doing yourself any good. Fatigue accumulates, intensity and concentration decrease, the central nervous system becomes tired - this does not allow you to exercise effectively. You definitely won’t grow anything faster this way, but the risk of injury and overtraining will increase.

For example, you worked out in the gym for three hours on Monday: everything hurts, you can barely walk. A day later, when the body has not yet recovered, there is still pain, you come back to study for three hours. On Friday the same thing. Firstly, your indicators stop growing, and secondly, your nervous system will sooner or later say: “I’m tired of it.” And the motivation to train will disappear.

If this condition is not stopped, the risk of injury is very high. And recovery after it can take from one month to six months - this is a very long process. If you worked your legs on Monday, work on your arms and back on Wednesday.

What about your diet? How to compose it?

– Here it is important to understand what we mean by “getting your figure in order.” If a person just wants to be thin, he just needs to adjust his diet and add cardio exercise (for example, running). You will lose weight, the percentage of subcutaneous fat layer will decrease. But if we are talking about acquiring sports shape (building muscle mass, increasing strength, etc.), then nutrition alone (like cardio alone) will no longer be enough.

In theory, you can independently create the right diet for yourself, but practice shows that doing this is quite problematic. Of course, if you understand the principles of healthy eating - that the diet should be varied, balanced and should meet your goals (I mean the energy component or calories) - then why not. But for this you need to really bother and spend a lot of time.

I will say that not even all trainers are involved in preparing a diet: not because they don’t know how, but because it is really a very time-consuming process. Therefore, I would recommend contacting a nutritionist or other specialist who can choose a diet for you.

Here are films about nutrition that are worth watching:

  • “I want to change” (Hungry for Change), 2012. A film about the secrets of diets and shocking stories of weight loss.
  • "Sugar", 2014. An experimental film in which the hero begins to eat exclusively food labeled "healthy" ("good for health") in order to reveal to the audience the bitter truth about sugar, which is actually hidden in freshly squeezed juices, low-fat yoghurts, muesli and other “healthy” foods.
  • Forks Over Knives (2011) An American documentary film that promotes lean, whole food, plant-based eating as a way to avoid or reverse some chronic diseases.

What should I read to understand the topic?

Since today we are surrounded by a very large amount of information, you should treat everything you read with a grain of salt: do not blindly trust everyone. I would advise beginners to read:

  • “Think! Bodybuilding without steroids! (Stuart McRobert) The book is written in simple, accessible language and is aimed at beginners. The author described the basic exercises in detail, placing emphasis on training without the use of pharmacology. However, many criticized the book, since the author himself could not boast of a bodybuilding physique.
  • “Anatomy of Strength Exercises for Men and Women” (Frederic Delavier, 5th edition, 2016) Perhaps the best guide for both beginner athletes and experienced fitness trainers. This book is a unique illustrated database of exercises describing the technique from an anatomical point of view.
  • "Human anatomy. Body. How it works" (Peter Abrahams, 2016) This book, based on the most modern medical knowledge, outlines the basics of the structure and functioning of the human body. In principle, it will be useful to read any book on human anatomy.
  • “Rational nutrition of athletes” (P.I. Pshendin, 2005) The correct approach to nutrition makes 50% of success in bodybuilding, so you need to know and understand what and in what quantities should be eaten to dry muscles, gain muscle mass or lose weight.
  • “The Body Building System” (Joe Weider) Considered a classic of “Kachkovsky” literature. Contains many recommendations, explains the principles used in training, and, of course, descriptions of exercises.

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Photo: from personal archive, www.pexels.com

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