12 jocks who became weaklings: photos before and after the rollback

Taking up bodybuilding classes, guys dream of transforming their muscles beyond recognition. Numerous examples of already established professional bodybuilders tell them the direction of movement.

The picture is tempting and promising, but at first no one thinks about how much time it takes to achieve their goals. Observing the end result of experienced bodybuilders, it is difficult for the average person to evaluate the efforts invested and, of course, the time spent on them. But it is time that determines success in a particular business, and bodybuilding is no exception to the rule.

It’s one thing when efforts are rewarded, albeit after some time, and quite another when these same efforts go “nowhere.” Even the owner of unearthly patience, sooner or later, without seeing any clear results, will give up his unpromising occupation and he will be right. But only in his understanding of what is happening to him.

Dorian Yates tore a muscle

Englishman Yates is famous for winning the Mr. Olympia tournament six times. He did this every year since 1992. On the eve of his last championship victory in 1997, Dorian tore his triceps, but still won.

He had similar injuries before. In a word, “material fatigue” took its toll. Dorian Yates has retired.

At his best he weighed 130 kg, now about 80 kg. The jock looks athletic and fit, and trains his son.

Hormone replacement therapy

If a guy decides for himself that he wants to become a girl, then his transformation begins with hormone therapy. It is based on female sex hormones. They are taken in different forms: capsules, injections, patches, gels.

First of all, these are those that interfere with the production of testosterone, as well as analogues of female hormones - estrogens and gastrogens. Among the antiandrogens (which block testosterone), the most well-known are cyproperone acetate and spironolactone. Of the estrogens, preference is given to estradiol, which is similar to the natural hormone and its artificial analogues: ethinyl estradiol and estradiol valearate.

Artificial drugs are much more powerful and safer than natural ones. For example, ethinyl estradiol at a dose of 0.035 mg can replace 2 mg estradiol, but it has a narrower spectrum of action than natural estrogens. Therefore, it is recommended to use them together. In addition, they enhance each other's effects.

Among estrogens, utrozhestan in capsules and estrogel in the form of a gel are also used, therapy for which lasts several months. It is then replaced with estradiol valearate.

Taking gastrogens is mandatory. They affect the enlargement of the mammary glands, and also smooth out the psycho-emotional consequences of decreased testosterone. Most gastrogens are produced in combination with estrogens, combining them in one preparation.

As for the well-known progesterone, its use has already been practically abandoned. This is due to the fact that it involves the administration of fairly large doses and causes a number of side effects.

It must be said that all natural hormones are more aggressive than their artificial counterparts. And before, when HRT was based exclusively on them, it caused great health problems and even caused death. Modern drugs are softer and harmless.

It is preferable to start HRT before the onset of puberty. In this case, the body will more organically “mature” according to the female type. This is exactly what model Andrea Pejic did. Her masculine features were minimally expressed.

In adolescence, therapy begins with small doses, gradually increasing them. In adults, the opposite is true: they start with shock dosages, gradually reducing them.

In parallel with hormones, vitamins are also taken, for example, folic acid, ideally multivitamins.

The big cat went to play music

American Kevin Levrone once won the “Night of Champions” and many national grand prix. In 1992 he took second place in the Mr. Olympia tournament.

He gained fame not only for his successful performances, but also for his amazing plasticity. That's why they called him the Cat. In 2003, he was seduced by the money that was promised in show business. Kevin lost his muscle mass, remaining just a handsome man.

About nutrition

The main concern with training without weights is that you won't be able to build muscle this way. Yes, of course, you won’t be able to work with hypertrophy like in the gym, but at least it’s definitely possible to preserve muscles. The key factor here is nutrition. If you build a competent diet in conditions of decreased activity, then excess fat will definitely not stick.

Most people isolated themselves in apartments, but I was lucky - I live outside the city. And if before quarantine I moved mainly by car and did not walk more than 6,000 steps a day, then in isolation I began to walk at the time when I usually went to work, and now I walk 12-18 thousand steps a day.

Changes in physical activity should be compensated by nutrition: if a person only walks around the apartment, then it is better to go into a calorie deficit. And if he can walk outside, then it’s not scary to stay on support calories (when incoming energy is equal to outgoing energy).

I decided to stop gaining weight (calorie surplus), because without the gym it was scary to gain excess fat instead of muscles. But everything was fine with my weight and appearance, so after a month I decided to add a little calories while simultaneously increasing my activity. According to the plan, I should not gain weight, but simply spend more energy and, accordingly, consume more. So far it's working.

Experts say Can You Build Muscle on a Calorie Deficit? that muscle grows even in a calorie deficit, just a little at a time. And you can achieve a sculpted body precisely due to a deficiency: muscles consist of protein and water, so if you get rid of excess water (for example, eat less carbohydrates and salt, and also be less stressed and get better sleep), then the muscles will be better visible.

To keep fewer calories from slipping in, you can fill the refrigerator with fresh vegetables and low-fat cottage cheese. Try to cram a chocolate bar into yourself after a bowl of cabbage and carrot salad - it will be difficult.

Fedorov was let down by injury

Russian Alexander Fedorov is known as the most titled professional bodybuilder in the country. He practiced freestyle wrestling and taekwondo, and even played football. In peak form, he had an impressive chest - 150 cm with a height of 185 cm.

In 2006, Sasha tore his pectoral tendons and underwent a very difficult surgery to recover. During his illness, he lost 40 kg (he was 140 kg). After 8 years, he returned to professional sports, taking 3rd place in the Orlando Pro competition, Show of Champions. He’s almost back into shape, but it’s years... He’s already 43.

The most important thing is to have a plan

Any respectable bodybuilder always keeps in mind a training plan for the next training cycle.

It can last from several days to several weeks - this is not important. It also clearly represents how this minicycle is included in the overall annual macrocycle. Guys with enormous mental potential can make plans for three, five or more years. As a rule, they take first place on the podium.

In order to take advantage of the experience of predecessors in the first year of training, regardless of age, initial physical fitness and sports ambitions, you need little - just start using it. Numerous specialized literature on bodybuilding, electronic portals, and the help of qualified colleagues in the gym can be an excellent help in this endeavor. But just to give you some help, the main work needs to be done by you, there is simply no one else.

Gradually gaining experience and knowledge, you can confidently move forward. But what awaits there - ahead? And this is what awaits. Having learned new exercises and techniques in the first months, and become a little familiar with the principles of mass-building nutrition, you can reach your physiological strength limits in the first five to six months. In other words, finally getting to those barbell weights that can take training stress to new horizons.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to do this earlier, and there is no extreme need for this. At first, it is much more important to lay a strong foundation of neuromuscular work, cardiovascular endurance and master an arsenal of techniques for performing basic exercises. Without all this, simply “stepping on the gas” is futile and traumatic. But having acquired these skills, you can continue moving towards your goal.

A pleasant consolation of the first six months of training, with rare exceptions, is almost always an increase in your own weight and weights on the apparatus.

“Almost”, because violating the basic rules of recovery and nutrition will not allow the undisciplined to pass further along the route, but will force them to spin on the spot, replenishing the army of those who like to talk about “chemists and geneticists.”

Of course, the state of the body before the first training depends on experience in other sports, age, gender and general health, but all these are just starting points. As a rule, a man aged 17 to 35 years is able to add from 3 to 10 kg of muscle in the first six months of training in the gym. And these are average figures. And at an older age, magical metamorphoses are possible - it’s all about determination and the understanding that the main competition in the gym is with oneself, but yesterday.

Coleman got married and gave up on sports

American Ronald Coleman, better known in RuNet as Ronnie Coleman, topped the Mr. Olympia podium immediately after Yates retired in 1997 and held the title for 8 years. The real Energizer Bunny worked as an accountant, a police officer, acted and continues to act in films.

He left the sport in 2007, immediately after he got married. He maintains his shape, but has lost about 50 kilograms.

Wheeler was eaten by steroids

American Kenneth “Flex” Wheeler is famous in the world of professional bodybuilding for tearing everyone apart at the Ironman Pro competition for several years in a row (1993, 1995, 1996-1998). Known as the Sultan of Symmetry. He became addicted to anabolic steroids, destroyed his immune system, and left his career when his kidneys began to fail.

He is still being treated. In 2022, a message appeared online that due to life-threatening circulatory problems, his right leg was partially amputated.


Signs and symptoms of DVT:

  • Swelling of the affected leg. In rare cases, swelling appears in both legs.
  • Leg pain. The pain often begins in the calf and may feel like cramping or soreness.
  • Red or discolored skin on the leg.
  • Feeling of warmth in the affected leg.

Deep vein thrombosis may occur without noticeable symptoms.

When to see a doctor

If you have signs or symptoms of DVT, contact your doctor.

If you develop signs or symptoms of pulmonary embolism (PE), a life-threatening complication of deep vein thrombosis, get emergency medical help.

Call 103

Warning signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism include:

  • Sudden shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or discomfort that gets worse with deep breathing or coughing.
  • Feeling dizzy or dizzy or faint
  • Rapid pulse
  • Rapid breathing
  • Coughing up blood

Do you suspect deep vein thrombosis? Contact the professionals.

Fuchs broke his legs

Swiss Jean-Pierre Fuchs became the most promising newcomer at Mr. Olympia in 1997, finishing 7th. The guy began to build a career, but in 2002 he broke his knees during a photo shoot for Flex magazine. They say that he squatted without a harness with a lot of weight (310 kg).

Jean-Pierre was treated for a long time, tried to return, but it didn’t work out. He has lost a lot of weight, but looks decent and runs a successful business in the USA.

Paris chose cinema

American Bob Paris is slender for a bodybuilder. With a height of 183 cm, in his best shape he weighed 98 kg. According to Flex magazine in 2006, he was recognized as “the most aesthetic bodybuilder in the history of bodybuilding.” Bob competed for ten years from 1982 to 1992.

The guy worked as a fashion model, wrote seven books about sports, acted in the theater, and acted in films and TV series. He was noticeably thinner, but acquired a new charm. Homosexual, married.

Numbers for men

Now we will give specific values ​​​​of muscle mass that men who had a specific physical training plan and followed a balanced diet for 4 years managed to gain. Statistics from years of training for men who did not take steroids are shown below:

  • 1 year: 10-12 kg;
  • 2 year: 4-6 kg;
  • 3 year: 2-3 kg;
  • 4 year: 1-2 kg.

From these data you can see that as soon as a beginner begins to exercise regularly, for each month in the 1st year he gains about 0.8-1.1 kg of muscle mass. With each subsequent year, this figure decreases by approximately 2 times. Finally, by the 5th year of training, the athlete reaches the so-called “saturation” or reaches his physiological “ceiling”.

Below is a graph that reflects these numbers. The values ​​of muscle mass growth are plotted along the vertical axis, and the training time is plotted along the horizontal axis. The graph shows a drop in the initially high rate of muscle gain to almost zero (horizontal position of the red line).

Before moving on to the article, I would like to draw your attention to this service for athletes. The virtual rocking chair is a godsend for beginners. All the advanced training principles are so organically and competently woven into the training programs that I regret that such a service did not exist when I myself was a beginner.

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As soon as a person makes the decision to “pump iron,” a natural question arises: how long can it take to build muscle? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. However, the rate of muscle gain can be accelerated using certain methods. I will talk about the most effective methods from the pages of my blog. So I advise you to subscribe to my blog’s newsletter and don’t miss any issues.

The rate of muscle growth depends on many factors:

  • body features (height, bone width, muscle structure, amount of fat mass)
  • Lifestyle
  • nutrition
  • training intensity
  • athlete's age

For example, having a height of 1.60 meters, a biceps circumference of 40 centimeters will look impressive, but the same biceps in a person with a height of 1.90 meters is quite harmonious, without being conspicuous. In addition, there are people whose muscle mass does not increase, because it does not react correctly to heavy loads and the muscles simply harden.

Body type also plays an important role. A broad-boned person (mesomorph) will gain muscle mass faster, but in an athlete with narrow bones (ectomorph) this will be more noticeable, since they often have a narrow pelvis and waist, the development of the upper body is quite rapid. A person who has a significant amount of adipose tissue (endomorph) will do well to build muscle mass, but athletes of this type also need to take care of proper nutrition and additional burning of excess weight.

In this article we will look at the developmental stages that are recommended for the average person to go through if they are 1.80 meters tall and weigh 80 kilograms. With less growth, you should subtract 20% of the time received for every 10 centimeters of difference, and accordingly, with greater growth, add 20% for every 10 centimeters. Also, when analyzing, we will focus on the average intensity of training and proper nutrition with the intake of all necessary vitamins.

During the first six months of training, the muscles adapt to the load. During this period, you should exercise with 50% of the maximum load, this way muscle injuries are eliminated, and the beginning athlete learns how to perform the exercises correctly. After just three months of training, the muscles acquire tone and it becomes noticeable that the person has started bodybuilding. During the first three months of training, athletes experience the same results, regardless of body structure.

  • During the first year, the muscles become quite developed, with sufficient muscle tone. It is clear from the athlete that the training gives quite noticeable results. This applies to a greater extent to people of average and below average height. In this case, training should take place at least three times a week quite intensively. On average, an athlete of any body type gains 2-3 kilograms of muscle mass during this period.
  • After three years of regular training, an athlete gains 15-20% muscle mass from his base weight (excluding fat tissue). That is, an average person with a height of 1.80 meters and a weight of 80 kilograms after three years will have a weight of 90 to 95 kilograms. The volume of the biceps will increase by 5 centimeters, the volume of the chest by 12-15 centimeters. Visually, the figure will already acquire athletic proportions. If the height is below 1.70 centimeters, the athlete can already start working on relief (if he does not intend to participate in bodybuilding competitions).
  • After five years of training, the athlete needs to exert all his strength. With average training intensity, the weight will increase to 30% of the initial body weight. The athlete’s proportions correspond to the competitive level, the body is fully formed and ready for competition. An athlete with a height below 1.70 meters achieves such results six months earlier, and athletes with a height above 1.85 meters achieves such results a year later.

As for age: The older a person is, the slower it happens. How much muscle mass can you gain? and the slower the fat tissue burns. With age, metabolism slows down and testosterone levels in the blood drop.

Regarding the training program, it should be explained that each muscle group (there are seven of them) is worked out once a week, ideally on the same day of the week. This allows the muscles to recover and grow as much as possible. Note that muscles do not “grow” during training; they grow after training for seven days.

You also need to consider:

  • With proper nutrition, adequate sleep and intense training, the athlete will achieve the maximum of his capabilities. An athlete’s food should be rich in proteins, as this is the main “building material” of human muscles. Meal frequency is at least 4 times. Sleep at least 7 hours a day no later than 00 o'clock. With such a return, regardless of body type, a person will look impressive.
  • When using nutritional supplements (protein, creatine, gainer), training will bring 20-30% more results.
  • By giving up bad habits, the athlete will become much more active, and the results will be more noticeable.

And it is important to remember that if you have the desire, ANYTHING is possible!

We recommend reading: How many days a week should you train to grow muscles?

And for those who want to gain muscle mass at an accelerated pace, but do not know how to do it, I advise you to purchase the “6 Weeks of Strength” , from the pages of which you will learn how to increase at least 15% strength in 6 weeks, and with it muscle mass . Read more here.

You may also be interested in the article on bodybuilding sites, read it here or material on the topic “training program for relief”

Martinez left part of his strength in the dungeons

Dominican-American Victor Martinez is known for performing well but unevenly. He is a two-time winner of the Arnold Classic tournament (2007 and 2011). Participates in Mr. Olympia: 2nd place in 2007, 11th place in 2016.

He had breaks in his competitive career due to injuries and, according to rumors, due to problems with the law. Each time he lost, then gained shape. The latest achievement is first place at Muscle Meyham Pro.

Jeff Seid

Finally, we present to you Jeff Seid's makeover.

Jeff, born July 12, 1994, is a rising star in bodybuilding and is considered one of the top five fitness models on the planet.

Let’s add that the number of subscribers to Jeff’s Facebook page has already exceeded a million and currently stands at 1.2 million people.

She's a woman again

American Kim Chizhevsky is a four-time Miss Olympia (1996–1999). Her fiancé brought her into bodybuilding. During her professional career, with a height of 174.5 cm, she pumped up her weight from 60 to 84 kg and was complex about it.

The girl quit bodybuilding after her last victory and a year later she already weighed 56 kg. With age she has gained a few kilograms, but it suits her.

How fast do our muscles grow?

Unfortunately, scientists rarely touch on this topic. Thus, there are no studies on the rate of growth of muscles exposed to training. It is clear, however, that several kilograms of muscle tissue cannot be built in a month. Usually this result is 0.5-1 kg. It’s not for nothing that bodybuilding is a sport for fans. Some bodybuilders take years to shape their bodies. Of course, building muscle mass is part of this time. Other trainings include, for example, body sculpting.

It is worth analyzing the number of kilograms that can theoretically be gained monthly. Simple calculations show that within a year we build up 12 kg of muscle tissue, and within 3 years - 36 kg. This sounds pretty unrealistic, but it doesn't mean that no one has succeeded. However, it is better to assume that in a month of work we will gain half a kilogram of muscle. And it sounds much more real.

How long should you build muscle mass?

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Obviously, we won't be able to gain mass in a week or two weeks. However, after a month we can already observe small effects of our work. It is clear that we need to train further. But for how long? Overloading your muscle mass can end badly. A body subject to hyperplasia is associated with a constant excess of energy. This is not a good situation for the functioning of metabolism. After working on muscle mass for a long time, negative health consequences can occur. These include decreased sensitivity to insulin, inhibition of enzymes responsible for the regeneration of damaged cells, or impaired appetite. So, let's take care of the right time to build muscle mass. It seems the optimal period is 8-16 weeks. However, if we want great results, we need to take breaks in the training cycles. They are aimed at reducing the energy delivered to the body. Thus, we will avoid harmful effects on metabolic processes.

Cormier left 'of his own free will'

American Chris Cormier came to professional bodybuilding for three crowns - the highest titles at the Mr. Olympia, Arnold Classic and GNC shows. It didn't work out. But there was first place at the Night of Champions in 1997, victories at Ironman Pro in 1999, 2000 and 2001, and later at Grand Prix tournaments.

He ended his career in 2007 and became a professional trainer, very popular. He’s old and shrunken, but happy with life.

Supermass blown away

Finnish bodybuilder Marko Savolainen, nicknamed Supermass, at his peak weighed 108 kg with a height of 173 cm. He did not show good results, but became famous for his record biceps volume of 61 cm. The athlete was eventually let down by the drugs he took to increase muscle mass. At some point, the body’s excretory system failed, and I had to urgently go to the hospital.

Marco gave up bodybuilding and lost a lot of weight. But the immune system has been restored and exercises are more beneficial for health.

What does hormone therapy do?

HRT is a key point in the process of gender transformation, because it allows you to replace secondary sexual characteristics with the opposite ones, harmonizes the emotional background, and makes it possible to adapt to a new body.

The effect of hormone therapy is as follows:

  • reduction of hair growth. The amount of hair on the body and face is significantly reduced. They become less rigid, lighter;
  • muscle mass loses volume, and fat begins to be deposited in the abdomen and thighs. Because of what the figure acquires feminine features;
  • Metabolism slows down, but caloric needs remain. Because of this, weight gain occurs. Energy potential decreases, the need for sleep increases;
  • body odor becomes less pungent and takes on a softer and more subtle hue;
  • breast enlargement occurs within 2 years of HRT, and then it stops;
  • changes in the activity of the reproductive system. Male libido is inhibited and female libido is enhanced. The ability to develop and maintain an erection is lost. The prostate and testicles decrease in size and atrophy. The penis also shortens in length. Although if you stop taking hormones, then everything will return to normal. Meanwhile, the ability to conceive is preserved, since the testicles, despite their deformation, still continue to produce sperm.

Under the influence of HRT, transsexual girls become more emotional. The manifestation of negative feelings that arise against the background of rejection of one’s biological body is reduced. Some claim that their memory and mental activity have improved.

Special changes occur in the skin. The fact is that hormonal changes significantly affect her condition. This is akin to puberty, when

It's a riot of hormones. The skin becomes thinner and more delicate, its sensitivity increases.

Under the influence of estrogens and antiandrogens, the dermis becomes smooth and silky. The activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands decreases, thereby reducing the appearance of acne.

On the other hand, estrogens provoke itching and dry skin. Creams with a moisturizing complex and hyaluronic acid, as well as corticosteroids, will help eliminate this.

By changing the structure of blood vessels, female hormones lead to the appearance of red spots on the body. Moles also increase in size.

Brown pigment spots form on the face. They require regular exfoliation and nourishment of the skin with retinol and vitamin C.

Many trans girls use Botox injections. This allows you to even out your facial skin and remove facial wrinkles. Fillers are used to correct the shape of lips, cheekbones, chin, and raise eyebrows. The face becomes more open and pretty.

Dillet was in a car accident

American Paul Dillett, nicknamed Frankenstein, won the “Night of Champions” in 1999. In the world of bodybuilding, he is known for his extravagant approach to training. Paul lifted weights in a state of deep hypnosis, put himself into a state of passion, and shocked himself with high voltage currents. In general, the people were amused.

He ended his career after being unable to recover from a car accident. He survived divorce and bankruptcy and grew a beer belly. Life has improved, but the guy is now unrecognizable.

What’s interesting is that even after ceasing to be a mountain of muscles, all these former jocks have retained their excellent appearance and only look weak compared to the current Mr. Olympia. Even Dilett.

Mark Fitt

Mark Fitt is a rising bodybuilding star who will soon prove to the world that he is one of the best “natural” bodybuilders on the planet. He began his path to the top in 2010, and since then he has been purposefully pursuing his dream.

I remember the moment when I saw Mark in one of the videos dedicated to the transformation of the popular fitness model Greg Plitt, and today Mark inspires millions of his fans with his example.

Not only did Mark’s body change, his sense of self changed. Before bodybuilding, he was terribly shy; concentrating his attention on achieving his dreams gave the young man a lot.

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