Sports equipment and equipment for training in the halls

And although there are a lot of workouts using only your own body weight, to achieve high athletic results a person needs to increase the load. For example, doing pull-ups on a bar without increasing the weight, say by hanging a weight on a belt, will not progress. Of course, you can increase the number of approaches and repetitions, but with such training endurance will develop, but the strength and volume of muscle mass will remain the same. So what kind of equipment exists in the arsenal of the gym and home workouts, and which one should you choose for certain purposes? Knowing how to use different equipment will help you achieve the best results.

Sports equipment: general information

Sports equipment and equipment for various purposes found in the gym are divided into four categories:

  • exercise machines - units for pumping up and working out certain muscle groups and/increasing endurance;
  • fitness equipment - balls, hoops, light dumbbells and other equipment for burning fat and gaining a beautiful slim figure;
  • power equipment - barbells, barbells, plates, heavy dumbbells;
  • gymnastic equipment - horizontal bars, parallel bars, rings, etc.

In a bodybuilding and fitness room, there are usually two zones - one with cardio equipment, the other with all kinds of strength training equipment.

It’s easier to remember the name of exercise equipment by learning to distinguish between their types depending on the tasks they help an amateur athlete solve.

Which gymnastic equipment is better to buy?

Before purchasing, you should determine the location of your future training. As a rule, gymnastic equipment is used indoors, but if there is no free space in the apartment or hall, you will have to look for an outdoor model. In this case, protective qualities come to the fore. Parts made of metal, wood and other hard materials require treatment against moisture, mechanical damage or rapid wear.

Many equipment are equipped with special anti-slip elements for comfortable grip and increased safety during exercises. The material itself, for example, cotton rope fibers, can also perform a sweat-absorbing function.

We should not forget about age restrictions - they determine the maximum load that the projectile can withstand. Professional models are considered more reliable, but are less suitable for use by children. At the initial stage of training, it is better to use simplified models.

Gymnastics is one of the most popular types of physical education and sports. In addition to its well-known sports varieties, there are also non-professional disciplines - for example, workout, which requires the same equipment.

Types of exercise equipment and functionality

We list the types of exercise equipment available in almost every gym:

  • lever - with free adjustment of weights by adding and removing weights (barbell plates or collapsible dumbbells);
  • block - with built-in weight, which is adjusted using the appropriate structural element;
  • power frames or “named”;
  • devices for muscle development using the athlete’s own weight;
  • aerobic or cardio equipment - equipment for endurance exercise in the gym, developing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Equipment for strength training in the gym is classified according to muscle groups that bear the main load when performing exercises.

If an athlete knows which muscles a particular machine loads, this will help him understand how to use them and master new exercises in order to maximize the variety of training in the gym and harmoniously develop the entire body.

Exercise machines are not divided into women's and men's, it all depends on your goals. Goals may vary and different sports equipment is needed to achieve them. Let's conditionally divide the simulators, depending on the goals that representatives of different sexes usually set for themselves.

For women

Most female athletes visit the gym to:

  • first get rid of excess fat, then eliminate the appearance of new deposits;
  • strengthen the muscles responsible for the beauty of the female figure (chest, buttocks, hips) and women’s health (abs, back);
  • heal the body by increasing endurance, strengthening the cardiovascular system and gaining vigor.

Therefore, women work more in the cardio zone of the gym, where, in addition to hoops, abdominal benches and light dumbbells, their assistants are:

  1. Exercise bikes are the most popular units, and despite their ease of use, they help you get and maintain fitness. They strengthen and make the buttocks and all leg muscles beautiful, and they perfectly train the heart and lungs.
  2. Treadmills. The beneficial effect of running on the body is enormous, especially in terms of fat loss, and the exercise machine allows you to do it in the gym strictly on schedule, in any weather, and give less or more load by adjusting the speed of the treadmill and its angle of inclination.
  3. Steppers are simulators that simulate steps up the stairs. Residents of the upper floors of high-rise buildings know the stress a broken elevator can put on the body. There are steppers with load adjustment only on both pedals together and on each pedal separately.
  4. Ellipticals (orbitracks) are the heroes of stories about which gym equipment many girls like the most. Combining the features of a treadmill and a stepper, these units perfectly strengthen both the lower and upper body. At the same time, they allow you to develop muscles and ligaments, relieving unnecessary stress on the joints - knees and ankles.
  5. Rowing machines - train the lungs, heart and blood vessels while simultaneously loading the muscles of the chest, back, shoulder girdle and arms.

From the category of strength training equipment, fitness room visitors are recommended to:

  1. The Roman chair is a wonderful device for both abdominal exercises and back extensions or hyperextensions. Did you know that doing abdominal exercises without doing exercises for the lower back is harmful to the spine and internal organs? The exercise machine is in the form of a special bench with a changeable inclination angle, easy to use and allows you to correctly dose the load.
  2. Extension bench - for pumping up long muscles (lower back).
  3. Rider or “rider” - develops many muscle groups, suitable for cardio and strength exercises in the gym.
  4. Hammer machine – for working out the chest muscles.
  5. Crossover - for swinging your legs back, moving your legs to the side (alternately right-left) and squats with weights, developing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. In the crossover you can also do exercises for the pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle.

Important! If a girl has a desire to build up muscles in the gym that were not mentioned here, you can safely train on the weight machines recommended for men. And they will not be offended, and the figure will not be damaged, quite the contrary.

For men

Cardio training is also useful for men, but the desire to pump up huge, sculpted muscles in the gym draws the stronger sex to exercise machines of the appropriate design and purpose.

There are quite a lot of such units in the gyms; they make it possible to perform a large range of exercises for all muscles and muscle groups. So let's look at strength training machines next.


You can do exercises for different muscles with a kettlebell (Photo:
An option for those who even consider dumbbells to be massive equipment: a small kettlebell will fit in any room. Contrary to popular belief, the kettlebell is suitable for men and women of any training level. Even if you've never done strength training, it's worth trying a light weight kettlebell. The projectile will pump up the muscles of the back, core, shoulders, and arms. For ladies, a kettlebell will help you achieve a firm butt.

The disadvantage of kettlebells is the fixed weight. If you start lifting the old weight with one hand without difficulty, you will have to go get a new weight. However, if there is no intention to create sculpted muscles, and the apparatus is needed only to maintain shape, one weight of suitable weight (5-15 kg) is enough.

Choose a model with a comfortable wide handle that does not slip in your hand.

Classification of exercise equipment by muscle groups

The following types of exercise equipment are distinguished by muscle groups:

  • for the chest;
  • for the back;
  • for the press (abdomen);
  • for shoulders;
  • for hands;
  • for legs;
  • multifunctional.

Advice! When creating a strength training program, try to pay attention to the development of all muscle groups, not just the main ones. However, when working out in the gym, you should take into account the timing of the exercises. To get everything done, you need to use multifunctional exercise equipment, on which you can exercise using all muscle groups.

Now let's take a closer look at the simulators and their purpose.

For chest muscles

The basis for the development of the pectoral muscles is the bench press, without which training in the “strength” gym is practically impossible.

In this exercise, the muscles involved are not only the pectoral muscles, but also the triceps, and indirectly the anterior deltoids.

A horizontal press machine has an important advantage over lifting a barbell or heavy dumbbells while lying on a bench - you can work in the gym with a significant weight without the help of an assistant.

This also applies to the Angle Press machine, which provides an accentuated load on the upper chest.

Many gym regulars enjoy using the “Butterfly” exercise machine (synonyms: “Butterfly”, “Chest machine”). Working with your arms bent at the elbows, reminiscent of a dumbbell fly-down while lying down, thoroughly loads the pectoralis major and minor muscles.

Also among the equipment of gyms there is a “Pullover”, designed for the safe performance of the exercise of the same name, which, in addition to the pectoral muscles, well loads the serratus muscles, indirectly the “wings” and the abs.

For back muscles

Exercise machines that allow you to do exercises for the back of all types, protecting the spine from hernias and other troubles:

  1. T-neck design. Used for T-bar rowing in a bent or angled position.
  2. Block simulators for three types of traction - vertical (with two hands together or alternately), horizontal and lever. All types develop the “wings” and other muscles of the upper back, replacing deadlifts with a barbell or 1-2 dumbbells.
  3. The Gravitron is an excellent substitute for a pull-up bar that develops the muscle groups of the back and arms. The device allows people with insufficient muscle strength to perform regular pull-ups to perform the exercise.
  4. Extension bench. Designed to allow you to do the aforementioned hyperextension in the gym, strengthening your lower back.
  5. “Back Extensor” exercise machine – for an exercise that replaces hyperextension. Good for preventing spinal problems.

Having found out what units are used in the gym, pumping our backs, we lower ourselves to our feet.

For leg muscles

The leg press machine provides powerful training for the quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks in the gym.

The same muscles are trained, increasing muscle mass, on the Hackenschmidt machine (another name in the gym is the Hack machine) and the Smith machine, which is used primarily for squats.

Leg training on each of the three units is useful as a replacement for barbell squats or as an additional exercise.

In addition to the basic leg exercisers mentioned above, in well-equipped gyms there are devices for:

  • knee extensions that load the front of the thighs;
  • bending the knees to strengthen the hamstrings;
  • information about the legs, pumping up the adductor muscles of the thighs;
  • leg extensions - abductor muscles;
  • swings to the side - adductor, abductor and buttock muscles;
  • swings back - buttocks;
  • exercises to develop the muscles of the legs.

The latter are called shin machines in gyms.

They come in three types:

  • inclined – for training in a sitting position;
  • regular – for sitting exercises;
  • regular ones - for standing exercises.

For arm muscles

A triceps machine and a biceps machine, respectively, help pump up the extensors and flexors of the arms in the fitness club. The special design of both simulators allows you to relieve the spine and work out the only muscle involved in isolation.

You can develop both biceps and triceps in the gym using the aforementioned Gravitron to simulate pull-ups, and the Gravitron to simulate dips.

There is another replacement for such push-ups, which is what the “Seated Bars” simulator is designed for.

Units such as the “seated French press” are needed in the gym to work out the middle and inner fascicles of the triceps.

If the listed units for arm extensors are not available in the gym, a bench press bench with adjustable arm position will do. Imitating a bench press with a narrow grip reduces the load on the chest and increases the load on the triceps.

For training the muscles of the forearms in the gym, the “Roller Block” simulator was invented.

For shoulder muscles

List of exercise equipment addressed to those who care about the development of the shoulder girdle:

  1. “Seated press” - replaces the exercise of the same name, which perfectly increases the muscles of the shoulders and triceps. Loads mainly the extensors of the arms and the front part of the deltas.
  2. “Seated fly” - imitates dumbbell flyes while sitting or standing, part of an effective method for pumping up delts in the gym. Develops their middle part.
  3. “Seated reverse fly” - serves to work the back of the deltas.

The machines do not require a detailed description, the exercise technique is simple and clear, and such units can be found in almost any gym.

For abdominal muscles

It remains to find out what types of abdominal exercise machines there are:

  • a seated crunch machine that helps pump up the anterior surface of the abdomen, intercostal and serratus muscles;
  • twister - this is the name of the abdominal exercise machine, which focuses on increasing and working out the oblique muscles;
  • Roman chair (see above);
  • inclined bench for raising legs while lying down;
  • Swedish wall with bars or a bench for raising the torso while lying down.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning a simple gymnastic roller, which helps to remove the belly and gain sports cubes in place of pillows with fat. You can exercise with the roller both at home and in the gym.

Multifunctional trainers

The two most common multifunctional trainers are the block frame and the crossover.

The block frame design includes two traction blocks, and the crossover has four. They practice according to the same principle - to perform exercises for all muscle groups, they correctly use the change of different handles.

A set of exercises that will help you pump up your upper and lower body, torso and limbs using these simulators are given in the instructions. You can also ask a more experienced bodybuilder for advice at the gym or watch him train while resting between sets.

Jump rope

A simple piece of equipment that can be used for running and endurance (Photo:
Great piece of equipment for cardio training. Pumps up the muscles of the heart and legs. You can also perform fitness exercises and aerobics with a jump rope. The equipment will be needed primarily by runners and those wishing to lose weight. Jumping rope every day will develop endurance, improve coordination and burn extra calories.

A jump rope is not suitable for a small apartment in a multi-storey building: it is too noisy and too big. But for outdoor activities and in a private home, it is ideal.


A running headlamp is often required equipment for trail runs. But the flashlight should be specifically for running, special, with certain characteristics for convenience and safety.

  • A headlamp for running should be powerful – 200 lumens minimum.
  • A running flashlight should be waterproof. Look for the abbreviation IPX4 - this means that the flashlight will withstand rain and snow.
  • A running flashlight needs a diffuser - the light will cover a large area, which is critical on rough terrain and on descents.
  • It is desirable to automatically adjust the brightness, which will adjust the glow power to natural light.
  • It is better to take a headlamp for running with a convenient and easily adjustable angle adjustment.
  • When buying a lantern, check that it does not move off your head, does not put pressure on it, and that it fits tightly. The fastening should be on an elastic band and complemented by a belt on the top of the head. This distributes the weight of the accessory.
  • Brands – Petzl Myo, Bindi, Reactik, Nao, Black Diamond Icon, Revolt. Prices range from 1 to 6 thousand rubles.

On the subject: How to choose a headlamp for running in the dark

Smart sneakers

Shoes keep up with clothes, and they also become smart.
An accelerometer, pressure sensor, wireless charger, Bluetooth connection with an application - these are already attributes of sneakers, among other things. Such shoes are able to measure the number and frequency of steps, distance, speed, calories burned, foot temperature, determine the center of body mass and foot placement. The gadget will also be useful for coaches to track the mistakes of their players. The most popular models are from Xiaomi.


Weights create additional stress on the legs, arms, back (Photo:
These are special pads with Velcro that are attached to the legs, arms, and waist. Used when performing familiar exercises to increase the load. You can run and swim while wearing weights.

Simple models include several sections (like a quilt) filled with sand. In such options, the weight cannot be adjusted. The lightest weights for legs and arms weigh 500 g, the heaviest weigh 10 kg. Belts weighing 3-20 kg are worn around the waist. There are also vests weighing up to 64 kg. More complex models consist of plates. Their number can be changed and thereby regulate the load. The weight of one plate is 50-400 g.

It is worth purchasing weights when your own weight is not enough. For those who find simple charging difficult, it is better to hold off on purchasing.

Smart plug

Hapilabs, a company specializing in the development of gadgets for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, has created a special “smart fork” that controls the rate of food absorption.
A motion sensor is built into the handle of the device, which fixes the position of the fork and a vibration motor, which signals when you are going too fast. In this way, you can avoid overeating, since in a hurry our brain does not have time to understand that satiety has already occurred. The smart plug communicates with a special application, transfers data to it, and you get the opportunity to monitor your progress in forming the right habit of eating slowly. It is worth noting that the gadget does not monitor the diet, but only controls the speed. The device is charged from a computer and works autonomously for up to a week.

Fitness bracelet

Fitness bracelet

The device is a bracelet with various functions, for example, calorie counting, distance traveled and others. The bracelets are very comfortable to wear and do not take up much space. Recharging usually lasts for 5 days, which is a good advantage. In addition, they synchronize well with the phone and constantly update data.

The main advantages of this device include:

  • Additional motivation.
  • Track your distance traveled throughout the day.
  • Silent alarm clock.
  • Setting personal records.
  • The ability to share your progress.
  • Long battery life.
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Original design.

Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • Most models do not have a display.
  • Waterproof.
  • Short service life.

The price of this gadget depends on the model and brand and starts from 700 rubles.


If you dream of beautiful chest and pumped triceps, then think about buying push-up supports. They will allow you to increase the load during push-ups and speed up the effect of such training.


  • The support handles provide a new type of load for your muscles, which helps them develop;
  • On average, such supports can withstand loads of up to 120 kg, which allows them to be used by both women and men;
  • Push-up supports will help in building muscle mass in the arms;
  • They weigh little and take up little space;
  • Do not slip during use and do not scratch the floor.


  • Apart from being not suitable for push-ups, there is no versatility;
  • Not sold everywhere.

Punching bag

This accessory is suitable not only for boxers and martial arts fans, but also for those who want to have beautiful pumped up arms, develop dexterity and resourcefulness.

Pros of use:

  • Pumps up the muscles of the arms, back and oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Helps relieve stress and tension.
  • Develops impact force.
  • Easy to store when not in use.

Disadvantages of use:

  • Requires space for training.
  • Requires a mount for hanging the pear.
  • Additional accessories are needed in the form of boxing gloves, elastic wristbands, etc.
  • It is expensive if it is made of quality materials.
  • It can quickly tear if done poorly.

Running assistant

Running assistant

This gadget is a clip that attaches to your pants or shorts and monitors your running, namely distance, pace and time. This fitness tracker is good for runners and transmits data on all indicators to the phone. He also gives advice on when to slow down and when to speed up.

The advantages of such a device are:

  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Preparation of individual training.
  • Measuring body mechanics.
  • Audio coaching.
  • Takes up little space.

Along with the pros, the cons include:

  • Compatible with iOS only.
  • Little functionality.
  • Entering data manually.

The average price for this device is 4,000 rubles

Heart rate sensor

Heart rate monitor

This is a device that monitors an athlete's heart rate. It is placed on the chest and uses impulses to read the work of the heart. For many workouts it is very important to keep your heart rate in a certain zone, this accessory is well suited for this.

It is needed not only for professional athletes, but also for beginners, which will make training more effective. This gadget is also suitable for high-intensity training.

The advantages are:

  • Heart rate control.
  • Allows you to exercise even with heart disease.
  • Allows you to keep your heart rate in the desired zone.
  • Chest sensors take readings more accurately than others.
  • Long lasting.
  • Waterproof.
  • Compatible with mobile devices.

The disadvantages include:

  • Inconvenient to wear, especially for obese people.
  • Not suitable for interval training as it cannot detect sudden changes in heart rate.
  • Inaccurate readings.
  • For proper use, you need knowledge about the zones of the heart, which are calculated individually.

The average cost of such a gadget is about 5,000 rubles.


The hoop has been a universal home workout tool for decades. Previously, it was believed that with the help of regular hoop twirling you could lose weight and get a wasp waist, however, practice has shown that this is not so.

In stores you can find a huge variety of hoops: plastic, metal or rubber, with or without weights, with special balls and plates for additional massage of the body and problem areas, of any color and diameter.


  • The hoop helps pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, strengthen the back and abdominal muscles;
  • The hoop is easy to store, for example, under a bed or behind a closet;
  • The hoop is inexpensive.


  • If the hoop is very heavy, it can leave bruises on the body;
  • Choosing the wrong hoop diameter will make training more difficult and will be inconvenient to use;
  • The hoop does not help remove fat from the waist;
  • You still need to learn how to twist the hoop.

Smart glasses

When your hands are busy, for example, while riding a bicycle, you can use real know-how in the world of sports gadgets - augmented reality glasses combined with a headset.
The highly ergonomically designed sunglasses feature a display on top of the lens and a touch panel on the side. Some models are controlled using voice commands. Battery life up to 8 hours. The gadget can show trip statistics (distance traveled, speed), builds a route, displays incoming notifications, and even while wearing gloves you can easily answer a call by swiping the sensor. The screen also displays useful information such as heart rate, calories burned and warnings about cars approaching from behind, which is especially valuable during city driving.

Popular models:

Google Glass,



Smart watch

Smartwatches are very popular, look solid and boast their multitasking capabilities.
By purchasing a gadget, you will receive a watch, a fitness tracker, and smartphone functions, all in one device. What do a fitness tracker and a smartwatch have in common?

  • heart rate measurement;
  • counting the number of steps;
  • counting calories burned;
  • “smart alarm” function;
  • notification of calls and messages;
  • analysis of the route traveled (distance, speed);
  • time display.

Differences between smartwatches and fitness trackers:

  • the presence of an operating system with an interface for a touch display;
  • the ability to answer calls and messages directly from the device;
  • making calls and payments;
  • support for third party applications.

Cons of smart watches:

  • the size and weight are not suitable for wearing the gadget around the clock;
  • high price;
  • short battery life, only 1-2 days.

Popular models:

Apple Watch Series 3,

Samsung Gear S3 Frontier

Samsung Gear S3 Classic

Huawei Watch 2 Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Watch Garmin Fenix ​​3 Sony Smart Watch 3 Motorola Moto 360 (2 Gen) Asus ZenWatch 3

LG Watch Sport

FitBit Ionic

Smart clothes

Smart clothing is a solution primarily for those who are looking for a monitoring system that is as discreet as possible when worn.
This piece of clothing is a replacement for a classic fitness tracker. The functions are similar: measuring heart rate, breathing rate and oxygen levels, counting calories and the number of steps, determining movement speed. Smart clothing is essentially a sports jersey/shorts/socks with a sensor. The sensor can work either in conjunction with an application or independently. Some manufacturers have gone further, for example, in the Polotech smart T-shirt from Ralph Lauren, sensors are placed directly in the fabric. The Electricfoxy company has created the Electricfoxy Move sports suit for gymnastics, yoga and other high-risk sports. The suit monitors the position of various parts of the body and will let you know if actions are performed incorrectly.

Sensor socks mainly track foot position and running technique.

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