Recipe for milkshake with banana and protein. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Protein milkshakes for weight loss with banana will be not only healthy, but also a tasty treat. However, many people do not tolerate this combination of products with milk, so kefir with banana is perfect for them. Kefir is an easily digestible fermented milk product of mixed fermentation, so it is allowed and even recommended for elderly people to drink; suffering from serious illnesses; children over 8 months.

Why bananas?

Numerous studies confirm that whey, soy or casein are quite capable of helping to build muscle mass. But the taste of protein shakes may not seem attractive to everyone. And their regular use requires a varied diet. The simplest solution is to add fruit, which will not affect the amount of protein in the diet.

One of the most popular options is a protein shake with bananas. The choice of this fruit is not only due to its taste. Thus, bananas are a source of potassium necessary for the body. This element is beneficial to the liver, heart, bones, brain and muscular system. In addition, it is known that bananas promote the production of the “happiness hormone”, serotonin. Another benefit is that it tastes great with fruits and flavored protein powders.

It is worth noting other nutrients contained in bananas:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • magnesium;
  • folates.

Please note: adding bananas to a protein shake increases the carb content. One medium banana contains 27 grams of carbohydrates - something to consider if you're trying to lose weight.

Properties of egg cocktails

Such cocktails work productively for weight loss, saturate well, thereby reducing the daily calorie intake, are instantly absorbed, and fill the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Thus, a weight loss shake with an egg solves the problem of satiety with a low calorie content.

By including regular consumption of the cocktail in your diet, you can lose up to 5 kg, and the lost weight will be fat, not muscle and water.

This drink has a powerful general strengthening effect and significantly improves immunity. The proteins it contains are necessary for the construction of new cells, their stable and uninterrupted operation every day, increasing a person’s energy strength and capabilities.

Recipe No. 1

Making a banana protein shake using the following recipe will take you no more than four minutes. Of which two need to be spent on preparing the ingredients and another two on preparing the drink.


  • 1 cup almond milk;
  • 1/2 cup low-fat Greek yogurt;
  • 1 serving vanilla protein powder;
  • 1 frozen banana;
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • ice.

The preparation process is simple: you need to mix milk, yogurt, powder, banana, cinnamon in a blender until smooth. If the cocktail is too thick, you can add a little milk.

Quantity per serving% of daily value
Fats10.7 g16%
Saturated fats0.1 g1%
Sodium208.8 mg9%
Carbohydrates32.6 g11%
Cellulose6 g24%
Sugar19.2 g
Protein38.2 g76%

Adding a small amount of cinnamon to a cocktail allows you to give the drink a delicate aroma without changing its taste.

Important Foods Specifically for Fertility

Take a look at the foods listed below and you will begin to notice that all of these foods are rich in nutrients. They are also the most nutrient-dense foods listed in this guide.

Eggs – Vitamin D, B12, protein

Make sure you consume farm fresh eggs that have an orange/yellow yolk. They are more expensive than eggs obtained in incubators. The best places to find quality eggs are markets, neighborhood markets, or health food stores (we have some that sell farm produce).

Nuts and Seeds – Omega-3, Zinc, Vitamin E, Protein

Eat nuts and seeds raw for a source of essential fatty acids and zinc, which are heat sensitive and can be destroyed by cooking.

The best seeds and nuts for omega-3 are: walnuts - 1/4 cup = 2,270 mg flax seeds - 2 tablespoons = 3,510 mg hemp seeds - 3 teaspoons = 3,000 mg chia seeds - 1 teaspoon = 2,300 mg The best seeds and nuts by zinc content: pumpkin seeds (raw) - 1/4 cup = 2.7 mg Sesame seeds (sesame) - 1/4 cup = 2.8 mg

The best seeds and nuts for vitamin E content: Sunflower seeds - 1/4 cup = 18.10 mg Almonds - 1/4 cup = 8.97 mg

Best seeds and nuts for iron content: Pumpkin seeds - 1/4 cup = 5.16 mg Sesame seeds - 1/4 cup = 5.24 mg

Dark leafy vegetables - iron, folic acid, B6, vitamin E

Dark leafy vegetables are rich in minerals, antioxidants and vitamins essential for healthy fertility. Examples of dark green leafy vegetables are spinach, cabbage, and cauliflower.

Fruits – Vitamin C, Flavonoids, Various Antioxidants

The fruits richest in antioxidants are prunes, pomegranates, raisins, blueberries and strawberries. Remember that antioxidants are heat sensitive, so fruits are best eaten fresh, ripe and raw.

Colorful vegetables - B6, vitamin C

The color of a vegetable will tell you what nutrients and benefits it will provide to your body. For example, vegetables that are red or green are high in vitamin C. Vegetables that are orange have high levels of vitamin A. White vegetables are typically rich in the trace element sulfur. The easiest way to get plenty of nutrients is to eat a wide variety of vegetables. Make sure you eat colorful vegetables every day. The easiest way to do this is to eat either a salad or stir-fry vegetable or drink fresh vegetable juice daily.

Fish and crustaceans - Vitamin D, Omega-3, zinc, selenium, B12, CoQ10

Fish and crustaceans (shellfish, etc.) are among the most nutritious foods. Fish provides an abundance of essential fatty acids, vitamin D, zinc, B12, selenium and coenzyme Q10. The catch is that most of these nutrients are heat sensitive, so keep that in mind as you prepare these foods. Try to avoid farmed fish as they will not have large amounts of omega-3s and have been fed antibiotics.

Lentils and other legumes - iron, folic acid

Lentils are the second best source of iron of ALL foods and the second best source of folic acid. 1 cup of cooked lentils provides 90% of your daily folic acid needs. Beans and legumes too. You can use them to make soups (I love lentil soup!), hummus, as a side dish, stir-fries, and brownies.

Fresh or fermented dairy products - Vitamin D, B12, zinc

There are some cases when you should avoid milk - endometriosis or if you are allergic to it.


I have already posted an article about infertility due to gluten intolerance, as well as the possible connection of gluten with immunological infertility. If you've made a lot of changes to your diet but still aren't getting results, try cutting out gluten as well. Gluten-free grains and pseudo-cereals - amaranth, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, corn, etc.) are great options for you, and are generally richer in nutrients than regular grains ( wheat, rye) to which we are accustomed.

Recipe No. 2

Due to the delicate taste of bananas, the elements in the cocktail can be combined with various additives. For example, the following recipe uses chocolate protein powder and peanut butter.


  • Almond milk - 1 cup;
  • peanut (or butter) butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • ripe banana (can be frozen) - 1 piece;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • chocolate protein powder - 1 scoop;
  • ice - 5-10 cubes, depending on preference.

All ingredients are mixed in a blender until a uniform mass is formed. Its thickness can be controlled with ice and milk. If desired, you can add a little honey - the drink will be sweeter.

Quantity per serving% of daily value
Fats19.7 g30%
Saturated fats49.9 mg9%
Sodium208.8 mg2%
Carbohydrates39.9 g13%
Cellulose7.4 g30%
Sugar19.3 g

Foods to Avoid

Sugar, soda and pasteurized juices

Pasteurized juices such as packaged apple juice, orange juice, and other packaged/bottled fruit juices contain a lot of sugar, which can spike your blood sugar and negatively affect your immune system. Also avoid any processed/refined and artificial sugars. An alternative is stevia, honey, maple syrup.


Research has shown that caffeine can affect your hormonal balance, increase your chances of miscarriage and prevent ovulation.

Soy products

Soy products have estrogen-mimicking properties. It is best to avoid processed soy products such as soy milk, soy burgers, soy protein powder, soy chips, meats, and soy cheeses to avoid negative effects on your hormonal balance in both men and women.

GMO products

Genetically modified foods are becoming a real problem when it comes to fertility issues, causing an increase in infertility in the world. Since the 1970s alone, the number of active sperm among the world's male population has decreased by 40-50%, according to some studies. GMO foods may be one of the reasons. .

Low-fat foods

Foods that are modified to have less fat or are fat-free are always highly processed and high in sugar. When choosing foods, always choose foods that contain the fat content that nature intended. Full-fat versus low-fat dairy products are one example that was shown in a Harvard University fertility study. Again, fat is needed for our body to produce hormones.

Simple recipes

If you don't have cinnamon, almond milk or Greek yogurt in your kitchen this morning, don't worry. You can get by with a more modest set of products. For example, one of the most affordable banana protein shake options is made from the following ingredients:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • vanilla sugar.

Cinnamon is added to taste and if available. In this case, cream can replace ice cream. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth and consume.

When studying recipes for protein shakes with bananas, you should understand that there are practically no strict rules on product compatibility. The only thing you should listen to is your own taste. However, we must not forget that such a breakfast will be quite high in calories. So the protein shake from the first recipe has a calorie content of 362 kcal, from the second - 450 kcal.

Thanks to the easy compatibility of bananas with other products, you can pamper yourself with new flavors almost every day. At the same time, these examples make it possible to obtain a “base”, in which, by changing the components, a fresh recipe is easily and quickly obtained.

You can experiment and add the following products to your protein shake, in addition to banana:

  • apples;
  • mango;
  • chocolate;
  • spinach;
  • strawberry.

How to drink?

For effective weight loss, it is recommended to completely replace your usual daily diet with a cocktail of kefir and banana. For such a diet, it is necessary to prepare the body in advance: for four days, limit the consumption of fried, smoked, salty and fatty foods. This protein drink is perfect for fasting days.

Kefir with banana for weight loss is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, exhausted people, severe obesity, heart failure, diabetes and exacerbation of chronic forms of gastrointestinal diseases.

For greater convenience, you can immediately prepare the daily dose of the cocktail, and, dividing it into 5 equal portions, consume them throughout the day. It is better to drink the cocktail every 2-3 hours; between doses you are allowed to drink water/green tea.

Long-term use of such a cocktail is contraindicated because it contains a rather meager amount of food, that is, the nutrition is not balanced. You should not drink a protein drink for more than seven days in a row. After a break, if necessary, the course can be resumed.

If you follow the instructions, weight loss will not take long; weight loss can reach 4 kilograms in a week. During this time, the condition of the skin will significantly improve and the body's resistance to stress will increase.


Benefits of bananas for the body

Protein shakes with banana are good for more than just breakfast. It has been proven that fruits are also indispensable after the training process. And if athletes doubt the benefits of bananas after active exercise, then nutritionists agree: bananas normalize muscle metabolism.

In addition, those who experience difficulties with the digestive system do not need to worry about the dangers of bananas. Fruits help in the fight against heartburn and do not put stress on internal organs.

Bananas are considered an excellent natural antioxidant.

Potassium contained in the composition allows you to regulate blood pressure, which is also quite useful during heavy training. Banana fruits do not cause allergies and have virtually no contraindications. In addition, the fairly high iron content in them allows you to increase hemoglobin levels and fight the development of anemia.

Nutrition Guide

Eat more organic vegetables and fruits

Conventional foods contain harmful herbicides and pesticides that negatively affect male and female fertility. Research has also shown that organic vegetables and fruits have greater nutritional value.

Eat organic dairy products

Industrial dairy products should be avoided as they contain additional hormones and antibiotics that can increase estrogen levels in the body. There are many healthy alternatives, such as almond milk or hemp milk (if you need it, I’ll tell you where to find it).

Try eating mostly cold-water fish

which contains important essential fatty acids (omega 3). These fatty acids help in hormone production, reduce inflammation, and also help regulate the menstrual cycle. Fish is also an excellent source of protein and vitamin A. Avoid large deep-sea fish such as Ahi tuna, swordfish, and Chilean sea bass due to potential high concentrations of mercury, and focus on cold-water fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, cod, and Alaska halibut. Also when choosing salmon, avoid North Atlantic farmed salmon and choose wild salmon instead. Farmed salmon contains antibiotics and toxic food dyes.

Choose organic meat (meat from the village)

Meat from industrially raised livestock contains high levels of added hormones and antibiotics that can contribute to estrogen dominance in the body (and consequently cause estrogen dominance-related PCOS, endometriosis fibroids, luteal phase defect). If you have endometriosis you may want to reduce the amount of red meat you eat. study shows a link between high red meat consumption and endometriosis (link to article in English).

Choose only free-range country chicken

In industrial conditions, chickens are kept in unclean, cramped cages and fed inorganic and often genetically modified feed. Ideally, buy your chicken from a local, free-range farm.

Eat only whole grains in their natural form

Whole grains are filled with fiber, important vitamins that support immunity. Fiber is important in helping the body rid itself of excess hormones and helps keep blood sugar levels balanced. Avoid processed white flour foods such as white bread, pasta, semolina, and white rice. Instead, choose bread made from whole and sprouted wheat (we sell this in monasteries), whole wheat pasta, quinoa (quinoa is a tasty and healthy grain, similar in appearance to millet), and brown rice.

Eat high fiber foods with every meal

fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels, which helps reduce fertility problems such as PCOS, immunological problems, and promotes healthy hormonal balance. Some examples of foods high in fiber are fruits, vegetables, greens, kale, spinach and beans.

Say no to soy products other than fermented ones like miso

Soy products have been shown to have estrogen-mimicking properties.
It's best to avoid processed soy products such as soy milk, soy burgers, soy protein powder, soy chips, meats, and soy cheeses to avoid negative effects on your hormonal balance. If you have hypothyroidism, eliminate soy completely.
Avoid refined sugars or shelf-stable industrial fruit juices (does not apply to fresh juices)

Pasteurized juices such as packaged apple juice, orange juice, and other packaged/bottled fruit juices contain a lot of sugar, which can spike your blood sugar and negatively affect your immune system. Also avoid any processed/refined and artificial sugars. An alternative is stevia, honey, maple syrup.

Drink plenty of clean water

It is best to avoid bottled water (link to article in English), because... Some of the plastics in the bottle may contribute to hormonal imbalances due to the estrogen-mimicking chemicals they contain. The best water to choose is distilled water, melt water and reverse osmosis water. Avoid tap water, as many recent studies have shown tap water is laced with harmful pesticides from agricultural runoff.

Bananas and sports

Among the advantages of bananas that will be appreciated by everyone who plays sports is the ability of these fruits to quickly restore energy reserves. There are also benefits from them after strength training - the pulp promotes the accumulation of glycogen reserves, thereby easing muscle pain. This same feature contributes to high endurance with regular consumption of the fruit.

Read more about the benefits of bananas after exercise here.

The potassium present in the composition makes it possible to forget about a common problem among athletes - muscle cramps. In addition, tryptophan, which promotes the body's production of serotonin, allows the body to relax.

After eating a banana, insulin is released in the body, which creates the necessary conditions for the growth of new muscle tissue.

What is the Fertility Diet?

It includes foods that are rich in specific nutrients essential for hormonal function, hormone production and balance, fetal development, egg health, sperm health, blood health, and more. This is a diet that is designed to help your body balance any fertility issues that may exist by building up your nutrient stores and providing all the building blocks for a healthy baby. It is also a diet that focuses on giving you and your unborn baby the best start in life.

This natural fertility diet is something that anyone can do, regardless of location, age, time or money. We all eat so why not eat what supports your fertility.


Vegetables Vegetable juices allow you to get more vegetables (more than you could eat) in an easy, quick and delicious way.

dark leafy vegetables and greens - If you add spinach or kale to your vegetable juice, you won't even notice the taste (even if you don't really like them). If you have hypothyroidism you need to eat dark green vegetables/steamed spinach only.


you can also make various smoothies

Nuts Make a mix of the most important nuts and seeds for fertility. You can also add nuts to your smoothies, make nut milks, and add nuts to your oatmeal and baked goods.

Lentils and beans

Experiment with creating hummus with different types of beans, and especially lentils. You can also use beans for baking.

Quick evening drink

A homemade muscle growth drink can also be consumed before bed. Your evening protein shake should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

According to the recipe, you need to take low-fat:

  • 50 ml kefir;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 70 g cottage cheese.

Additional ingredients to improve taste are not recommended. It is acceptable to add 0.5 tsp. honey.

A similar cocktail can be prepared using natural yogurt, all low-fat dairy products:

  • 200 ml yogurt;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 50 g cottage cheese;
  • 20 g currants or blueberries.

The prepared drink is drunk an hour before bedtime.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Morning exercises for those over 40, 50. Gymnastics exercises for weight loss, video lessons.

Strawberry drink for strengthening muscles

When preparing a protein shake at home for muscle growth, according to the recipe, take 2 crushed mint leaves, 100 g of fresh strawberries, 200 ml of milk, 45 g of cottage cheese. Mix all ingredients. The drink saturates the body with essential vitamins.

To make the cocktail more nutritious, you can add 110 g of banana and 50 g of nuts (preferably peanuts or hazelnuts).

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