Guarana: why do athletes take it and its effect on weight loss?

Why take guarana

  1. Guarana extract is an adaptogen. This is the name for substances that help the body adapt to unfavorable conditions. Guarana helps to endure high stress - both physical and intellectual. It improves immunity, improves mood and tones the body.
  2. Guarana-based preparations are widely used in sports. Guarana extract is included in many popular pre-workout supplements. This is the name of nutritional supplements for athletes that need to be taken before training.

Why do you drink pre-workouts: to increase the effectiveness and duration of your workout. These substances mobilize the body's hidden resources. They increase endurance and provide a lot of energy, which can be used to increase the load. Guarana extract prevents lactic acid from accumulating in the muscles, which speeds up recovery after exercise.

Pre-workouts with guarana are suitable for strength training, running or other cardio activities. This is a godsend for people who play sports after work. Guarana relieves fatigue, gives a surge of strength and improves mood.

The drug begins to act 15-30 minutes after administration. The effect lasts up to 5 hours. It is recommended to take guarana no later than 4 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep on time. Guarana should be taken at intervals of at least 8-10 hours to avoid overdose or addiction.

  1. Women often drink guarana for weight loss. Guarana extract accelerates metabolism, helps burn fat and cleanse the body, and also suppresses appetite. Metabolism accelerates by 3-11% within 12 hours after taking the drug. For maximum effect, combine taking guarana with fat-burning workouts and a calorie deficit diet.

The tonic effect of guarana is 5 times stronger than that of coffee. However, taking it does not cause side effects: increased heart rate and overexcitation of the nervous system (if you do not exceed the daily dose). Guarana juice, like concentrated powder, contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Precautionary measures

Guarana is such a strong substance in concentrated form that you need to follow some rules.

  1. It is dangerous to consume liquid chestnut simultaneously with alcohol; there is a risk of cardiovascular problems.
  2. Excessive, long-term consumption of funds can have the opposite effect - reduce productivity, make it difficult to quickly concentrate and perceive information. This occurs due to overexcitation and subsequent fatigue of the nervous system and muscular system.
  3. Deterioration in well-being can be caused by counterfeits, as well as additives in energy drinks, drugs: synthetic - because they are harmful and enter the body in large quantities; natural (vitamins, minerals) - because they disrupt the physiological balance towards an excess of any biochemical elements.
  4. People who have health problems should recharge their energy with greater caution. It is more logical for them to limit contact with guarana to 2 times a week or consult a doctor regarding individual dosage. But even those who feel excellent should not get carried away, but soberly assess all changes in their condition.
  5. Exit from the course of guaranine use should be gradual. The body, left without a stimulant, may respond with at least a headache, irritability, and restless sleep.

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Beneficial properties and harm

Taking guarana extract has a complex effect on the body. What are the benefits of guarana for humans:

  • increases the body's endurance;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • stimulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • has an astringent effect on the stomach;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and waste;
  • eliminates swelling, removes excess fluid;
  • improves memory and stimulates brain function;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • eliminates fatigue and chronic apathy;
  • suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • accelerates the healing of inflammation and wounds;
  • reduces pain;
  • eliminates hangover symptoms.

The benefits of guarana are enhanced in combination with other drugs:

  • with caffeine: the tonic properties are enhanced, but the risk of overdose increases.
  • with ginseng: improves memory and concentration, improves mood.
  • with yerba (Paraguayan holly tea): suppresses hunger for a long time.

You should not drink guarana together with antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group, as well as female contraceptives.

Side effects and contraindications

Pregnant women and nursing mothers, young children, and people over 50 years old should not use guarana-based preparations. You should not drink energy drinks while breastfeeding - the baby will be excitable and restless.

Medical contraindications for use:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • seizures or epilepsy;
  • kidney diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety disorder;
  • other diseases of the nervous system;
  • individual intolerance (allergy).

Follow the instructions for use of guarana to avoid side effects. After the first signs of addiction appear, for example, the inability to concentrate without a stimulant, you need to stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Effect for men

Representatives of the stronger sex should know the benefits and harms for men. The beneficial properties of guarana include:

  • accelerated muscle mass gain;
  • improvement of libido and potency;
  • improving memory and concentration.

The list of contraindications for men includes diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.

Guarana is not a “male” drug. Girls and women can drink it for weight loss and to improve workout results. The drug contains vitamins and microelements that improve the condition of the skin and hair. Guarana extract is included in shampoos, creams and face masks, creams and scrubs for cellulite. You can use it to prepare ubtan.

Harm from overdose

Safe daily dosage: 1-2 teaspoons of diluted concentrate or 300-500 ml of energy drink with guarana. This is approximately 50-75 mg of active ingredient.

Exceeding the specified dosage by 2-3 times causes side effects. The first signs of an overdose are: rapid breathing, increased heart rate, headache. If an overdose occurs for several days in a row, convulsions, insomnia, confused thoughts, irritability and nervousness appear. An overdose of energy drinks containing sugar can cause diabetes mellitus and kidney dysfunction.

Guarana should not be taken continuously. The plant extract is consumed in courses: from 10 to 30 days. After finishing taking it, take a break for one month. Regular use without breaks can lead to addiction.

Interaction with other drugs

Important information: Taking guarana together with other drugs can lead to unpleasant consequences and even cause harm. You should not take it at the same time:

  • Adenosine;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • Antabuse;
  • antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group (Noroxin, Floxin);
  • Tagamet;
  • Lithobid;
  • Theo-Dur;
  • Neo-Synephrine.

Guarana should not be combined with drinks containing caffeine.

Nutritional value and composition of guarana

Energy value of liquid drinking guarana (in 100 g):

Calorie content68 kcal
Squirrels9 years
Fats3 years
Carbohydrates2 years

Chemical composition of the drink (per 100 g)


Substance nameContent% of daily valueEffect on the body
Vitamin B10.045 mg3%Eliminates inflammation, slows down skin aging. Accelerates the synthesis of muscle cells, Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
Vitamin B20.129 mg7.2%Improves metabolism, fights early wrinkles, improves vision, reduces the risk of blood clots.
Vitamin PP1.63 mg8.1%Improves immunity, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and serves to prevent oncology.
Potassium447 mg18%Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessel walls. Helps in maintaining muscle mass. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Calcium34 mg3.4%Maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Improving the transmission of nerve impulses. Strengthening muscles.
Magnesium77 mg19%Normalizes pulse and blood pressure. Strengthens the heart and blood vessel walls. Maintains muscle tone. Participates in tissue regeneration.
Phosphorus386 mg48%Accelerates muscle recovery after training. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Strengthens teeth and bones.
Manganese2.6 mg130%Normalizes metabolism, reduces blood sugar levels.
Iron2.4 mg13%Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, necessary for the transfer of oxygen to tissues.
Zinc2 mg17%Improving metabolism, strengthening immunity. Normalization of the digestive system.

The fruits, roots and seeds of the plant contain guaranine. The chemical composition of this substance is no different from caffeine. Theophylline and theobromine included in the composition also have tonic properties. Guarana drinks quickly relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

The catechin contained in the composition helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis. This substance stops the formation of plaque in the arteries. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and removes “bad” cholesterol from the body. Catechin and epicatechin in combination with potassium have an antibacterial effect.

Daily norm

The concentration of additives depends on the form of release and composition. 1 serving contains 300-700 mg of guarana.

A safe dose of caffeine for a healthy adult is 250 mg of caffeine, which is approximately equal to 3-5 g of guarana.

Recommended training dosage varies widely. Guarana for athletes can be taken in doses of 1000 to 4000 mg. The tonic effect occurs 30 minutes after administration and lasts up to 4-5 hours. Repeated administration is permissible no earlier than after 8-10 hours.

Doses of caffeine up to 1 g do not cause adverse reactions. A dose of more than 1 g is dangerous; toxic symptoms may appear - irritation, agitation, convulsions, rapid heartbeat. When the drug is discontinued, the harm of guarana goes away on its own.

How to take guarana. Instructions

Guarana tea is brewed using ground powder. How to brew guarana correctly:

  1. Boil the kettle and cool the water slightly. Optimal temperature for brewing: 80-85 C.
  2. Heat a small kettle in which the powder will be brewed. It is not advisable to skip this step. If the walls of the teapot are cold, the water poured in will quickly cool down. The beneficial properties, taste and aroma of guarana will not be fully revealed.
  3. Brew tea in the proportion of 1 or 1.5 teaspoons of powder per 400 ml of water. To enhance the tonic effect, you can take 2 teaspoons of concentrate.
  4. After pouring the powder with water, close the lid of the kettle and leave the drink to brew for 2 minutes. After this, the drink can be poured into cups.

Do not leave the brewed drink in the kettle for a long time. If you steep tea for a long time, it will become bitter because tannins will be released into the water.

Guarana in energy drinks is often included in the recipe. But it is not recommended to add it to drinks yourself, for example, trying to mix “Adrenaline” with guarana. Exceeding the concentration of tonic substances causes unpleasant side effects: increased heart rate, headache, ringing in the ears, convulsions, confusion and insomnia. Choose energy drinks that contain tonic substances (caffeine, guarana, taurine, l-carnitine) mixed in a safe proportion.

Guarana capsules are intended for weight loss. In capsules, the extract of this plant is often combined with other tonic substances. Taking capsules speeds up metabolism and increases the effectiveness of fat-burning exercises. How to use capsules: 1 piece before meals in the morning. You are allowed to take 2 capsules a day, before breakfast and during lunch break. You should not take capsules for longer than 1 month to avoid addiction.

Guarana powder (1 or 1.5 teaspoons) can be added:

  • in freshly squeezed juices;
  • in brewed tea;
  • in fruit salads.
  • in hot chocolate (if you are not on a diet).

Drinks with guarana in capsules or ampoules are intended for sports nutrition. Before starting your workout, you should drink one capsule or ampoule. Standard serving size: 25 ml. Shake the drink before drinking. Small containers are convenient to take to a fitness club, for a run, or to a workout area.

Guarana tincture in drops is sold at the pharmacy. You cannot prepare an infusion at home, following the recommended technology. The tincture serves as an aphrodisiac, it improves potency and stimulates libido. You need to drink the tincture 20-30 minutes before intimacy. There will be no side effects if you do not exceed the daily dose of 4 ml (approximately 30 drops).

Can you drink guarana instead of coffee? Guarana contains more caffeine and other stimulants than coffee. Doctors allow you to drink 2-3 cups of coffee per day, but not more than 1 cup of guarana. It is recommended to drink the juice of this plant and drinks based on it in the first half of the day to avoid insomnia as a side effect.


Description of appearance. Large leaves are folded into bunches. The shoots of the plant are dark, jagged, oval in shape. They reach 10 meters in length, which makes harvesting the plant more difficult. Inflorescences form on short cuttings. The flowers are fragrant, white.

The size of the fruit can be compared to grapes or the fruit of a coffee tree. The fruit is yellow, its upper part is scarlet (pod). Guarana fruits are covered with a thick peel. When the vegetable ripens, the oval-shaped black seed is exposed when the skin splits. There are 1 or 2 seeds inside the fruit.

In Portugal the fruit is called "guaraná". In the Maue Indian language it means “fruit shaped like human eyes.” The plant was discovered by K. Pauli in the 17th century.

Where to buy and how much it costs

You can buy guarana-based products in a regular pharmacy, on the Fitomarket and Ayherb websites, on the Wildberries and OZON marketplaces, or in stores for athletes. The price depends on the form of release of the drug:

  • Powder: 400-700 rub. for 100 g.
  • Sports nutrition: from 450-550 rub. for 9-10 shots (tablets).
  • Capsules: 650-850 rub. for 60-90 capsules.
  • Energy drinks with guarana: 100-150 per 500 ml bottle.

Let's consider the most popular drugs presented on the sports nutrition market or in pharmacies.

  • Source Naturals, Guarana Energizer, 900 mg. Dietary supplements are available in tablets. The numbers indicate the concentration of the substance. The supplement improves concentration when playing sports and gives a boost of energy for training. Price: from 540 rub. for 60 tablets or 1550 rubles. for 200 tablets.

Buy at a good price

  • Solaray. Guarana seed extract, 200 mg, 60 capsules. Natural energy drink in one soft capsule

Buy at a good price

Guarana 3000. The drink activates the body's hidden resources, relieves drowsiness, and makes it possible to better concentrate on training. Price: 130-15 rub. per ampoule or from 2500 rub. for 20 ampoules.

Guarana 3200. Powerful energy drink with a high concentration of active substance. Increases the physical and intellectual endurance of the body. Price: from 60 rub. per ampoule or from 1200 rubles for 20 ampoules.

Super guarana. Tablets containing concentrated guarana extract and caffeine. The drug is a strong natural energy booster. Price: 650-850 rub. per package of 100 tablets.

Complivit super energy with guarana and l-carnitine is designed to support the body. Taking pills helps avoid depression and gives you energy to solve problems. How much does the vitamin complex Complivit Superenergy cost: from 300 rubles. for a course of 10 tablets.

“Slimness” capsules contain a complex of extracts of green tea, coffee and guarana. The complex speeds up metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, and helps to quickly get results from sports. Price at the pharmacy: 300-500 rubles. for 30 capsules.


The plant was discovered by the German botanist Christian Franz Paullini in the 18th century, in whose honor the plant received its Latin name. The Portuguese word guaraná comes from warana ("fruit like the eyes of men") in the language of the Amazonian Maue people. The plant was first described in the European colonies and Europe in the 16th century by Oviedo, Hernandez, Cobo and other Spanish chroniclers. By 1958, the guarana trade had become international.

Guarana plays an important role in the cultures of the Tupi and Guarani peoples. The guarana fruit at the intersection resembles an eyeball, which formed the basis of the myth according to which an evil god killed the child of the beloved village of the Maue people. To console the villagers, the more benevolent god took the child's left eye and planted it in the forest, which produced a large variety of guarana. The god then took the child's right eye and planted it in the village, thus marking the beginning of the domestication of guarana.

The first person to use guarana fruit was Luiz Pereira Barreto. He was a doctor originally from Rio de Janeiro. In 1906, this man released the world's first soda based on guarana fruit and built an entire factory to produce this drink. 1921 Luis Pereira Barreto launched a factory producing the famous champagne - Guaraná Champagne Antarctica.

Question answer

Guarana - what is it?
It is a caffeine-rich vine with red fruits. Biologically active substances are obtained from the fruits, roots and seeds of this plant. Guarana root extract serves as a powerful natural energy booster
Where does guarana grow?
Paullinia cupana is native to Paraguay and Brazil. This plant is also grown in Peru, Bolivia, and Venezuela. The main suppliers of guarana to the world market are the Brazilian states of Bahia and Amazonas.
What does Guarana taste like?
Original guarana has a mild, fruity flavor. The taste may have a sour note, slight bitterness or sweetness. The shade of taste depends on the variety, collection and storage conditions. Many manufacturers of guarana-based drinks and dietary supplements mix it with other substances, use flavoring additives and sugar, which distorts the original taste of the extract.
What is guarana powder for?
Guarana powder is used to make drinks, tablets and capsules. It speeds up metabolism, relieves fatigue, improves attention and memory. Taking guarana-based products improves the results of sports training and helps you lose weight faster.
Guarana or caffeine: which is better?
Guarana extract contains more beneficial substances than caffeine. Drinks based on guarana not only have invigorating properties, but also heal the body. They contain vitamins and microelements necessary for a healthy and active life.
How much caffeine is in guarana?
100 mg of powder contains 2.57 mg of caffeine. The ground powder contains theophylline and theobromine, which have tonic properties. Therefore, it invigorates 5 times more than strong coffee.
Which is better: green coffee or guarana?
To cheer up and get rid of fatigue, any of the drinks will do. But for effective workouts and weight loss, guarana-based drinks are better suited.
Which is better: taurine or guarana?
Both substances are natural energy boosters. Manufacturers often mix them into drinks. No research has yet been conducted on which substance is better. Taurine and guarana provide a boost of energy for at least 5 hours, and have similar side effects.


The climbing vine itself does not pose a particular threat to humans; cases of guarana overdose, when the general condition of the body can be described as not entirely adequate, are more frightening. In addition, there are official contraindications for guarana, among which doctors distinguish not only periods of pregnancy and lactation, but also:

  • chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • extensive damage to the central nervous system;
  • childhood.
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