Fried chicken, calories, benefits and dietary properties

Other servings of Fried Chicken:



QtyA portionCaloriesIn the counter
100 g284
1 g2.84
273 1 PC. (from 500 g cooked chicken) = 96.09 g 273
115 1 wing, bone removed = 40.5g115
80 1 ounce = 28.3g80

Grilled chicken: tasty and healthy!

If you grill the meat of this bird, this will help preserve its usefulness, as well as reduce the calorie content of the fried product - 100 grams contain 200 kcal.

This is the only way, you don’t need to run to the supermarket for chicken now. This will only make everything worse, since harmful fat often accumulates on the skewer for preparing them, which many of us want to get rid of.

Cooking this dish at home is both cheaper and healthier.

So let's get started. First you need to get rid of the feather covering, and then singe the skin with a candle. If you have a plucked carcass, then you don’t need to do any of this.

Next, we thoroughly rinse it from the inside, as well as from the outside. Then rub the surface of the chicken with salt and other spices (to your taste).

When preparing the meat, do not forget to turn on the oven to preheat. Place the chicken carcass on the grill, and place a container under it for oil, into which excess fat will drip during cooking.

To check the meat for doneness, pierce it with a fork. If it is pierced without effort and liquid comes out, then the meat is ready. Bon appetit!

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Chicken fried in oat flakes + beans on the side!

All your loved ones will love this dish. It is easy to prepare and quick. Let's try!


  • chicken carcass;
  • egg;
  • mayonnaise - two tables. spoons;
  • salt;
  • blend of spices;
  • flakes (oatmeal) – 0.1 kg;
  • garlic cloves – two pieces;
  • asparagus – 0.2 kg;
  • purified vegetable oil.


  1. We wash the chicken and dry it. We cut it into portioned pieces - drumsticks, wings, thighs, etc.

  2. Salt the meat, sprinkle with spices.
  3. Add mayonnaise to the chicken. You can use sour cream instead.

  4. Add an egg to the meat.
  5. Peel the garlic and grate it. Add the garlic mass to the meat. By the way, it can be added already during the heat treatment of meat.

  6. Photo 3
  7. Stir well.

  8. Cover the container with the chicken with food grade film and place it in the refrigerator. Let marinate for twenty to thirty minutes.
  9. Pour the cereal into a plate. If the specified amount is not enough, add them during the cooking process.

  10. So, we have prepared all the ingredients for frying the chicken.

  11. Grease the frying pan with refined vegetable oil.
  12. Place each chicken piece in turn in the flakes.

  13. Thoroughly roll the pieces on all sides in flakes.

  14. Place the meat in the frying pan. We fry the chicken on a moderate burner so that our flakes do not burn.

  15. Fry the chicken on all sides until golden, being careful not to burn the flakes.

  16. When the meat is ready, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  17. For now, leave the chicken in the pan without opening the lid.
  18. Remove the asparagus from the freezer. There is no need to defrost it.
  19. Place the asparagus in a separate frying pan. Add purified vegetable oil, salt, and spices.

  20. Fry it, stirring, for ten to fifteen minutes.

  21. Let's serve our treat! Ready!

Composition of nutrients, BJU

Fried chicken

For quantity: 100 grams
— 284
Calories from fat - 154
Total fat content17.07
Total carbohydrate content6.21g
Dietary fiber0.18g
Vitamins and microelements
A - 47.36 µgC - 0.04 mg
B-6 – 0.34 mgB-12 - 0.35mcg
D - 0.12 µgE - 0.88 mg
Calcium 19mkgIron 1.5 mg
Magnesium 22mgZinc 2.04 mg
Potassium 203 mgSodium 187 mg

Distribution of calories for BJU:

Carbohydrates (11%)

Fats (54%)

Proteins (35%)

Cooking chicken correctly!

As a rule, there are several concrete rules that it is advisable to use when cooking chicken.

So, it is advisable to defrost the bird not just before preparing the dish, for example, in a microwave or under running hot water, but a little earlier, as this affects the taste of the final result.

If you really don’t have time for this, and guests are already on the doorstep, then put the carcass in a pan with cold water, in which dilute one tablespoon of salt. Change this solution every 15 minutes until it is completely defrosted.

Do you want to get a dietary dish? Then it is necessary to remove the skin from the chicken meat before cooking.

If possible, avoid all kinds of marinades and breadings. It is better to cook chicken in its own juices in the oven. If desired, you can add broth or wine.

To get a golden crust on the surface of the bird, cut the sleeve or wrap it in foil 15 minutes before cooking.

Table of calorie content of different parts of chicken per 100 grams

The caloric content of various parts of chicken deserves special attention, since we rarely cook a whole bird. As a rule, many people prefer white meat from chicken breast. Others are delighted with chicken wings or legs (fried or baked in the oven). Let's find out how many calories they contain per 100 grams.

Carcass partCalories (kcal)Proteins (g)Fats (g)Carbohydrates (g)
Chicken fillet123,1823,772,760,55
Boiled chicken fillet120,5223,822,091,01
Fried chicken fillet128,7022,693,690,55
Stewed chicken fillet12122,083,390,55
Chicken leg169,7321,629,280,38
Boiled chicken leg16520,808,800,60
Fried chicken leg24924,9317,650,88
Braised chicken leg188,4920,3111,481,77
Chicken breast11222,582,40,21
Boiled chicken breast13427,002,680,58
Fried chicken breast16430,325,081,04
Chicken breast stew11021,002,061,51
Chicken drumstick174,621,2910,290,59
Boiled chicken drumstick159,8721,828,350,15
Fried chicken drumstick208,1821,0723,880,17
Braised chicken drumstick172,7718,969,290,41
Chicken wings195,5219,3212,700,36
Boiled chicken wings179,5620,409,760,56
Fried chicken wings264,3121,9617,476,67
Braised chicken wings18521,3011,000,10

How many calories are in a chicken thigh? A raw chicken thigh contains 184 kcal. At the same time, the BZHU indicators are as follows: 20.3 g / 11.16 g / 0.13 g. Boiled chicken thigh is only slightly lower than these indicators.



Any part of a chicken carcass is suitable for frying. To make your dish as healthy as possible, remove the skin first. Believe me, the taste will not suffer at all. And you will get rid of extra calories. The breading also absorbs a lot. If you cook fried chicken without it, according to the “chicken tobacco” principle, you can make the dish exclusively dietary.

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Beneficial features

The large amount of unsaturated fatty acids in chicken meat makes it a preventive product for pathologies of the cardiac system. Daily consumption reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. B vitamins have a positive effect on the endocrine system and stabilize metabolic processes. Folic acid helps stimulate hematopoiesis in flat bones, cobalamins help avoid depression and depression. Many nutritionists recommend consuming fried chicken during an epidemic of viral diseases, as it helps strengthen the immune system, and the trace elements it contains create an insurmountable barrier to external negative factors.

Video of cooking stewed chicken

Chicken meat is a popular food all over the world. It is believed that chickens were first domesticated in India thousands of years ago, primarily for cockfighting and later for meat consumption. In addition, this meat is part of various culinary traditions, starting with chicken curry and teriyaki

ending with
Buffalo wings and barbecue

Chicken is known for being rich in proteins, nutrients that are very important for the development and maintenance of body functions. Chicken meat is also rich in other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fat.

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