Methane for muscles: side effects, how to take it correctly, dosage, how to combine it with training

To take methane or not to take methane – that is the question...

For “ chemists ” (that is, people who use synthetic drugs to quickly increase muscle mass), “ methane ” is a painfully familiar word and concept; so familiar that many of them do not even think about the mechanisms of its effect on the body, dosages, regimens of administration and other, generally speaking, important details. Stereotypes most often prevail here - everyone does it, and I will do the same. However, there are several most popular “regimes” for taking “methane” and some of them differ significantly from each other. But often the first scheme for using the drug that comes across becomes an established rule, a dogma, the truth of which cannot be doubted. At the same time, it is obvious that taking anabolic steroids is fraught with many pitfalls, known and little-known health risks. The person who made the decision will certainly have to be responsible for the possible consequences of the decision made to use methane. Despite the fact that a lot has been said and written about this drug, we will still try to systematize the information and clarify some details so that experiments on our own body would be well thought out. By the way, " methane " is officially called methandrostenolone ; we will allow ourselves to further use both terms with an understanding of what we are talking about. So, go ahead!

Release form and composition of tablets

The steroid medication is sold in the form of small, round, biconvex tablets. The tablets are pink in color, have a standard medicinal aroma and a marbled surface.

Methane (methandienone)

The drug is packaged in standard filamented plastic blisters of 20 pieces. In a small cardboard box you can find 3 or 5 tablets with tablets and a detailed description of their use. The tablets may also be blue in color, round in shape, and medium in size.

They are packaged in polyethylene bottles of 100 pieces. Such bottles can also be placed in small cardboard packages, where you can find a description explaining in detail all the nuances of use.

The anabolic agent contains methandienone as the main active component that affects the body.

The auxiliary ingredients are standard substances:

  • Lactose.
  • Povidone.
  • Dye.
  • Magnesium stearate.

The amount of the main component in 1 tablet is 10 mg. When prescribing, you should take this into account so as not to exceed the recommended amount. Auxiliary ingredients have no effect on the body.

Methane is a muscle pill that has anabolic properties. The principle of action of the product is based on the ability of the active component to influence directly the cell nucleus. Against the background of stimulation of the genetic apparatus, there is an increased production of special components responsible for the growth of muscle mass and improved tissue nutrition against the background of this growth.

As a result, there is not only an increase in muscles, but also an improvement in the condition of muscle tissue fibers.

The drug also has other properties:

  • Suppresses the process of fat deposition , which also has a beneficial effect on the volume of muscles of the limbs and torso. As a result, a person only increases muscle mass, but does not experience an increase in fat deposits, as when taking some other drugs.
  • Increases the amount of calcium in the blood and bone tissue, which helps prevent the development of osteoporosis and some other musculoskeletal disorders. Similar complications often occur when using steroids.
  • Retains phosphorus and some other mineral components in the body. One of the negative features of the product is considered to be the ability to retain sodium in the body. This can cause swelling.
  • It has weak androgenic activity , which can provoke the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

The drug is quite effective, helps to quickly improve the condition of muscle tissue and stimulates its growth. When taken orally, it is well digestible, absorbed in the digestive tract and distributed throughout the body. The main amount of the active substance is concentrated in muscle tissue.

The bioavailability of the drug is quite low, which does not reduce the effectiveness of use. The active substance is processed in the liver. The maximum concentration of the component in the blood is achieved 2 hours after taking a single dosage. The action of the product lasts for 14 hours.

After processing the main substance, its breakdown products are evacuated with the help of the kidneys. Athletes who suffer from pathologies of the paired organ experience a deterioration in the excretion of components. The duration of body cleansing is usually 1-2 days, depending on the duration of taking the pills.

Methane, when used correctly, is considered quite beneficial for the body of athletes. Tablets, which are used primarily to increase muscle volume, help improve tissue condition.

At the same time, there is a positive effect not only on muscle fibers, but also on connective tissue. Many people note an improvement in the condition of their skin and an increase in its elasticity.

The ability of the product to retain calcium in bone tissue is also considered useful for people who play sports professionally. As a result, the risk of developing bone tissue pathologies and fractures due to excessive physical activity is reduced.

The drug also weakens the negative effects of glucocorticosteroids on the body, so athletes who for some reason are forced to take them are allowed to use anabolic tablets.

One of the dangerous features of the drug is the effect on sodium levels in the blood. If an athlete consumes a large amount of salty foods, edema develops. They can also cause other complications, so prolonged use can lead to increased blood pressure and other disorders.

The androgenic effect of the drug on the body can provoke cycle disorders in women, as well as disorders of the reproductive system in men. Despite the harm of tablets, if they are used correctly, negative reactions can be avoided.

Myths about methane

There are widespread and deeply ingrained myths about the use of methane in modern sports:

  1. The drug does not need to be swallowed; instead, it must be dissolved in water and held in the mouth. In this case, methane enters the blood directly through the vessels of the mouth, and its effect on the liver is reduced. In reality, the liver will receive the same dose of methandienone through the blood.
  2. The drug should be drunk dissolved in vegetable oil to create a protective shell for the active substance and reduce its effect on the liver. Vegetable oil, indeed, to some extent prevents the destruction of the tablet by gastric juices and allows you to increase the concentration of methandrostenolone in the blood. But it will not prevent the drug from reaching the liver.
  3. The drug should be taken before meals. If you experience abdominal pain, you need to consume methane with food. This approach can be very dangerous. If a steroid causes a painful reaction, it must be discontinued - pain in the body warns of inevitable negative consequences. Taking methane with food only slows down the absorption process of the drug without preventing side effects.

Doctors often recommend dissolving methandrostenolone. But the motivation here is completely different. With this method of administration, a certain dose of the drug enters the blood from the stomach, and the other part from the vessels of the mouth. The total concentration of the active substance will become greater, since less of it will be destroyed by gastric juice.

Indications for use

The drug is in most cases used to increase muscle mass in patients who professionally engage in strength sports or bodybuilding.

However, there are other indications:

  • Cachexia , which is not associated with severe diseases of the internal organs. Quite often, a person cannot gain muscle mass, even with intense training carried out according to the rules and under the supervision of an instructor. This is why tablets can be used.
  • Disorders of protein metabolism in the body . Caused by various systemic disorders. The product can be used only after the patient’s condition has normalized and in the absence of acute symptoms.
  • Muscle dystrophy of various origins.
  • Osteoporosis at different stages of development, as well as disorders of calcium metabolism in the blood.

The tablets can be used to prevent the development of osteoporosis in athletes who are prone to this disorder. This is usually required by women.


Based on reviews of Turinabol, we can say that it is the leader of this review. The steroid is very popular in bodybuilding. Athletes use it to gain high-quality lean muscles, as well as during drying.

It does not retain fluid in the muscles, does not cause side effects associated with aromatization, and does not aromatize. The use of Turinabol during drying allows you to preserve both muscles and strength indicators. And with the right diet, you can gain several kilograms of muscle.

The dosage of the steroid when used solo, both for a cutting course and for muscle gain, is practically the same - 40-50 milligrams is enough to obtain the desired effect.

The duration of use is from six to eight weeks. During post-course therapy, Clomid or Tamoxifen is used. The first drug is more expensive, but it is less toxic, which will ensure good health during recovery.


Methane - tablets for muscles, which are not used if an allergic reaction to any component of the composition is detected.

There are other obstacles to taking the tablet drug:

  • Severe illnesses due to hormonal imbalance. In this case, the use of the medicine can provoke a worsening of the condition.
  • Diagnosis of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men.
  • Malignant neoplasms of internal organs. It is especially dangerous to use when tumors are localized in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any form and degree of neglect.
  • Acute or chronic liver diseases, accompanied by organ failure and disruption of its functioning.
  • Renal failure in acute and chronic form. With such disorders, the process of removing components from the body is disrupted.
  • Elevated levels of potassium in the blood.
  • Acute pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. In case of coronary heart disease, heart failure, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, the drug can provoke complications.
  • Acute myocardial infarction, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. During the rehabilitation period after suffering such a disorder, tablets should also not be used.
  • Diagnosis of breast cancer in men. The drug is not used for any malignant neoplasms in women and men.
  • Internal bleeding due to severe tissue damage to the internal walls of the digestive tract.
  • Mental disorders in acute and chronic form.
  • Infectious, viral diseases in the acute stage. After normalization of the condition, the use of tablets is allowed.
  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, intestines.

It is recommended to take the pills only after consulting a doctor and a professional sports instructor. The latter decides on the advisability of using tablets for a particular athlete.

Instructions for use, dosage for muscle growth

The drug is taken only orally in the dosage prescribed by a specialist. In order to increase muscle mass, a standard regimen is used, which involves taking pills for 30 days.

In this case, the average dosage for patients is 2 tablets. The daily dosage should definitely be divided into 2 times, since the maximum one-time dosage should not exceed 10 mg, that is, 1 tablet. If there is no effect after several courses, the daily dose can be increased to 3-5 tablets, but prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Experts draw the attention of athletes to the fact that the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 50 mg. You cannot extend the course yourself. Typically, athletes take the pills for a month, after which they take a break for 8 weeks and repeat the course. In most cases, professional athletes take 2-3 tablets per day.

No more than 3 courses are allowed per year. The intake should be taken before meals. Simultaneously with the use of the drug, it is necessary to devote time to physical activity, which enhances the effectiveness of anabolic tablets.

Post-cycle therapy (PCT)

Let us immediately note that when using methane solo (in small and medium dosages), with a cycle duration of 4-6 weeks, there is no need for post-cycle therapy.

After such relatively light cycles, the body independently restores its functions in 4-5 weeks.

PCT is advisable to use after “heavy” steroid courses. This is when a combination of two or more drugs is used, with high dosages for 12 or more weeks.

In this situation, the suppression of one’s own hormonal system is quite serious. And full recovery may take several months.

To speed up the process of launching the endocrine system, a number of drugs are used. The leaders are Gonadotropin and Clomid (Tamoxifen).

But in fact, a powerful steroid course is a serious blow to hormones in order to self-medicate. It is better to seek help from endocrinologists.

Side effects and overdose

Methane is a muscle pill that often causes complications, especially when used uncontrolled without prior examination.

Disorders affect the functioning of internal organs and systems and can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being.

Organs and systemsCommon complications during use
Nervous systemDrowsiness due to disruption of normal night sleep is often observed during therapy. Many note signs of depressive disorder, apathy and increased irritability. The condition is aggravated by simultaneous adherence to a strict diet with insufficient amounts of protein products in the diet.
Musculoskeletal systemOften, when using tablets, muscle cramps in the limbs, pain in the joints and muscles are noted, aggravated by physical activity. With prolonged use of the drug, the symptoms worsen.
Reproductive systemThe most severe disorders affect the reproductive system. In men, it is possible to develop oncological pathologies of the prostate gland, enlarged mammary glands and the disappearance of body hair. In women, there is an enlargement of the clitoris, male-type body hair growth with simultaneous baldness of the head. Libido in people of different sexes can weaken or increase depending on individual characteristics and hormonal levels.
Digestive organsNausea and vomiting during use are often observed, many report diarrhea or persistent constipation, flatulence and bloating.
Vessels and heartWhen taken, it is possible to worsen atherosclerotic changes in the vascular walls, as well as tachycardia and heart rhythm disturbances.

The severity of complications largely depends on the duration of use of the product. When using it, athletes often report swelling of the limbs and severe thirst. Atypical symptoms include hearing and vision impairment, as well as allergic reactions.

Allergies manifest themselves as:

  • swelling of tissues;
  • rash;
  • severe itching.

When scratching the lesions, damage to the outer layer of the skin is observed, and there is a risk of infection.

The drug can cause an overdose if taken in large quantities over a long period of time. At the same time, there is an increase in the severity of all negative reactions and a significant deterioration in the condition.

There is repeated vomiting throughout the day, severe headache and dizziness. Patients have no appetite, but there is severe thirst and pain in the stomach.

In severe cases, consciousness is impaired, severe convulsions appear, as well as other symptoms of the musculoskeletal system.

If symptoms of an overdose appear, the person should immediately receive assistance, which includes gastric lavage and the prescription of drugs to eliminate the symptoms. The treatment regimen is different in each case, depending on the specific disorders.

What effects and when to expect?

Professional athletes and people who have already used the product confirm its effectiveness, but only when taken correctly. You should not expect pronounced results after 7-10 days of use.

Usually the first results appear after 20-30 days of use. At the same time, muscle mass grows evenly and quite rapidly, provided that the training regimen is followed. In the absence of physical activity, you should not expect a pronounced result, even with prolonged use of the pills.

Drug use.

Well, let's look at all the details and nuances of using methane. But, first of all, I would like to add an opinion about the modern possibility of chemically building muscle mass in some other way than using such an obsolete drug as methandrostenolone. Humanity does not stand still, but is constantly evolving, just like pharmacology. It is worth refraining from using this anabolic steroid, if only because of the antiquity of its origin. After all, the history of its creation has already crossed the half-century mark. Advances in the field of pharmacology have made significant strides forward. Therefore, the use of tableted steroid drugs such as Anadrol, Primobolan, Stanazolol, methyltestosterone, halotestin and methane is simply an unjustified and thoughtless act. If the use of these drugs causes serious health complications for you, such as a damaged liver or stomach, no pumped-up muscle mass will replace it for you and will not compensate for the costs of restoring vital organs... In case your desire to “chemically” is firm and unshakable , opt for, for example, Andriol - the degree of risk when using it is several times lower.

special instructions

During the period of taking the pills, the athlete must follow the rules, which involve drawing up a special training regimen. This should be done by an experienced instructor who will help distribute the load on the body so that the muscles increase evenly and quickly.

A prerequisite is the consumption of a sufficient amount of protein food, which is the main building material for muscles. If there is a deficiency of protein in the diet, tablets will not bring a significant result.

Doctors are skeptical about this method of increasing muscle mass, considering it dangerous. Despite this, athletes around the world use the pills. It is important to take into account the anabolic steroid property of the tablets and the ability to accumulate the main component in the blood.

This can provoke various complications if the instructions are not followed and the dose and course duration are independently determined.

Experts warn athletes about the need for constant laboratory monitoring of blood counts during the period of use of the drug. This is due to the drug’s ability to increase cholesterol levels and provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques.

If complications appear, you should not ignore them; it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to avoid permanent deterioration of the condition.


This weight loss drug is used in medicine to treat bronchial asthma. Recently, Clenbuterol has found wide use in fitness and bodybuilding. The fact is that this drug has the ability to burn fat cells. That is why the drug is often used by athletes for weight loss. Clenbuterol courses for cutting often include ketotifen and thyroxine. This speeds up the fat burning process.

This product is not related to anabolic steroids. The drug belongs to the group of adrenergic agonists, which affect the body by activating the sympathetic system.

The course of "Clenbuterol" for drying should last no more than 1.5 months. With longer use, the effect of the drug decreases. In order to avoid this, you should use Ketotifen. It prevents a decrease in effectiveness and makes it easier to endure the first days of the course, when negative effects appear. The daily dosage of Ketotifen is 1 or 2 micrograms.

Start using Clenbuterol with small dosages, increasing the dose by 20 mcg every day until the optimal dosage is determined. It is not necessary to reach the maximum dose. You can stop at 80 mcg. In this case, you should focus on your own feelings.


The cost of tablets differs in different regions and pharmacies. The average price is approximately 1700-1900 rubles. per pack of 100 tablets.

Methane, or Methandienone, is an effective anabolic tablet that is actively used to eliminate signs of cachexia and for muscle growth. Despite the disapproval of doctors who do not recommend the use of the product for athletes, in different countries it is used by women and men.

If you follow all the rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications, but you cannot completely eliminate it.

What is methane and how to take it:

Combined courses of Danabol

Considering the frequency of side effects from using the drug, athletes prefer to combine it with other types of anabolic steroids. The combined use increases the effectiveness of the Danabol course, reducing the likelihood of side effects due to different pharmacodynamics of the drugs.

Any combination involves a precise dose for each agent and a specific route of administration. An example of a combination would be methandienone for muscle growth and Winstrol to reduce side effects. You should consult a professional trainer and doctor about mixing different steroids.

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