Impact Whey Protein Elite and Isolate – Myprotein protein review

Impact Whey Protein is a high-quality whey protein from MyProtein. The resulting food supplement is based on high-quality whey protein concentrate. Its advantages lie in high efficiency, excellent quality, no problems with the digestive tract and excellent taste characteristics. With each dose of protein, the athlete receives more than 20 grams of quality protein.

Impact Whey Protein is used both during the drying period and during the process of gaining muscle mass. Protein stimulates the growth mechanisms of muscle tissue, optimizes recovery processes, increases strength performance, as well as physical performance during training. Experienced athletes take a similar supplement during the period of losing excess weight to protect muscles from catabolism and preserve them during periods of high-intensity training.

Which proteins from Myprotein have been tested

Impact Whey Isolate was tested first I received a package weighing 1 kg with the taste of natural chocolate. One measuring spoon contains a serving of 25 g of dry product, which can be seen in the photo.

The powder shakes well in a shaker, without forming lumps, only a slight foam. I always do the first test on water, this is the only way to really assess the possible side effects. By the way, a bad product does not always cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract; this can happen due to milk. Therefore, it is important to select high-quality milk. If we talk about taste, I rather felt the taste of cocoa rather than chocolate.

The second was Impact Whey Elite. And here too the taste is “Natural chocolate”. It is noticeable in the photo that the powder comes out a little in clumps when dry, this already indicates that the compositions are different, although it shakes just as well in a shaker. I will describe the composition below, but thanks to the ingredients and their quantity, the taste of Impact Way Protein Elite is much more pleasant and richer. First of all, it's sweeter. And secondly, unlike isolate, you feel the taste of chocolate, and not cocoa powder.

I have extensive experience using Myprotein Impact Whey. In this review, I will share it and tell you about my impressions of the 21 flavors of this protein.



Myprotein Impact Whey packaging.

The entire Impact Whey line is packaged in economical packaging - soft bags with a zipper. It comes in packaging with weights of 0.25 / 1 / 2.5 / 5 kg. Impact Whey samples are also sold in single servings - both individually and as a set with different flavors. Samples are sold on the website on a separate page from large packs.

In 2022, Myprotein completed the process of radically changing the appearance of the packaging and the type of bag. At the beginning of this review I have posted a photo of a new type of package. The old type is blue and white.

The new bag holds its shape better. Personally, I think he's nicer than the old one.

As with any private label product, the emphasis is not on flashy promotional packaging, but on cost savings to offer the customer a quality product at the lowest possible price.


The composition of Myprotein Impact Whey is simple. In fact, we are talking about regular WPC (whey protein concentrate) with additives for taste (sucralose and flavorings), for color and for better solubility (lecithin).

For example, in the case of raspberry flavor, the pink color of the cocktail is provided by beetroot powder. I don’t care about the color of the cocktail at all, but since it was made colored, it’s nice that it was due to the use of a natural ingredient.

In the line of numerous Impact Whey flavors, there are duplicates for a number of positions in which stevia, rather than sucralose, is used as a sweetener. For example, there is simply “vanilla” and “vanilla with stevia”. The price is the same. I have never seen such an option from any manufacturer before.

Nutrition facts for Myprotein Impact Whey.

Here is the data for the option without flavoring additives:

  • Protein - 82%
  • Carbohydrates - 4%
  • Fat - 7.5%
  • Calorie content per 100g – 412 kcal

The Myprotein website lists these data for natural flavor only. Of course, the flavored versions have lower protein content. This is especially true for chocolate flavors. A significant amount of cocoa is added to them, as a result the total protein content in the powder decreases.

The exact percentage of protein in Impact Whey of a particular flavor can only be seen on the packets. For some flavors it may be only slightly more than 70%.

My composition rating is 8/10.


As of October 2022, the base price for a 1 kg package of Myprotein Impact Whey was RUB 1,999. Previously, the option with a natural taste was cheaper than the others, but from October 2022, with the next price increase due to the devaluation of the ruble, this difference was eliminated. However, during the revaluation, they left one line for now - in 2022, they released the Impact Whey Protein “Tastes of the World” line in a limited batch, the prices for which were not raised; 1 kg still costs 1,870 rubles (base price without discounts).

View current prices for Impact Whey on the official website

I have emphasized the word "base" because the actual sales on the Myprotein website are never at base prices. There are always discounts there, the only question is their size at a particular point in time. Lately, a 30% discount has been quite common. Sometimes it’s 40%. Rarely, but sometimes more than 40%.

You can view current Myprotein promotions here on the official website. And here you can see promotions using an exclusive code. Often, such a code gives a deeper discount than the code from the official website. Do not buy without reading this information!

Taking into account the discounts, the price is definitely good.

Of course, if you buy larger packages, you will benefit from unit price per kg. For example, if you bought a 5 kg pack instead of a 1 kg pack, in October 2022 you would save 10% on each kg of Impact Whey Protein.

When purchasing in online stores, a significant portion of the final price may be delivery costs. Especially when it comes to delivery from abroad. In the case of Myprotein, in October 2022 there is a free delivery option for order amounts over 5,500 rubles (for Russia). However, the amount is not the only condition. You also need to fit into a given weight. Full terms and conditions for delivery can be found here. For Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and other ex-Soviet republics they are different.


How to get free shipping?

If I take only Impact Whey in 1 kg packs, then I was able to get free delivery to Russia only by taking 5 packs at once.

However, with a combination of the components of the package (protein + BCAA or vitamins, or clothing), it is quite possible to achieve free delivery parameters even with one pack of protein. In fact, given the price-to-weight ratio of protein, the less protein you order, the more likely you are to receive free shipping.

Want to get the most protein at the lowest cost?

Get Impact Whey with natural flavor. It has the highest % protein content. If you still take the flavored Impact Whey, then it’s better not to take the chocolate variations - there is less protein there than in other options. And of course, give preference to packs of 5 kg.

Want to save more?

Sign up for one of the cashback services that pay out bonuses on Myprotein purchases, such as Letyshops or Cash4Brands, and get some of your money back.

And of course, pay with cashback cards. I use this debit card and it gets up to 3% cashback.

Myprotein promotion + cashback from the service + cashback on the card = in most cases you will get a final discount of 40%.

Video about Myprotein production:


There were 69 flavors in the Myprotein Impact Whey line in October 2022! Some of the options were released one-time, in limited edition.


My first impression of Myprotein Impact Whey was the raspberry flavored protein. I really liked it. Yes, there is a bit of a chemical aftertaste, but where would we be without that? The last berry flavored whey protein I tried before was Dymatize Elite Whey. In comparison, Myprotein Impact Whey is a clear winner.

Rating 10/10.

Unflavored (also called "natural flavor").

Quite acceptable, typical whey protein taste, quite close to Lactomin.

The highest protein content in the line is the trump card of this type of Impact Whey. For me, this is #1 in terms of attractiveness in the line.

Review based on taste - 7/10.

Strawberries and cream.


Rating 9/10.

Chocolate spread (Chocolate Smooth).

Not my taste. I prefer bitter chocolate flavors, dark chocolate, and in this case the taste is closer to light milk chocolate, which I can't stand. The taste is not bitter at all. Reminds me of cheap Soviet Palma chocolate, if that tells you anything.

However, many of my friends tried this taste, and they liked it.

My subjective rating is 5/10.

Natural Chocolate.

In this case, I expected to feel the rich taste of dark chocolate, but in fact I received only a slightly improved version of the Chocolate Smooth taste.

Rating: 7/10.

Pecan Pie.

Pecan, if anyone doesn’t know, is a nut. It is rarely sold here, because... Due to the high content of fatty acids, it goes rancid quite quickly under normal storage conditions. Because of this, they sometimes even prefer to store it in the freezer.

Pecan Pie is a traditional dessert of the southern United States. I have not eaten pecans themselves, much less Pecan Pie. Therefore, I cannot judge the similarity of the taste of protein to pecans.

The taste is pleasant, the powder has a rather noticeable nutty smell. I'm just afraid that this taste might get boring quickly. Plus, some may find it too sweet.

Rating: 8/10.


Another flavor from the “chocolate” family (contains cocoa). I liked it more than other chocolate varieties of Myprotein Impact Whey. A little like one of those creamy alcoholic cocktails.

Rating: 9/10.

Strawberry Pudding (Strawberry Jam Roly Poly).

I didn't feel any global difference between this flavor and Strawberries and Cream. If we made a direct simultaneous comparison of these tastes, perhaps some nuances would emerge. But I tried them with a break of 2 months, so the sensations were about the same. Yes, there is some slight extra marshmallow tint, but nothing more. Overall I liked the taste.

Rating: 8-9/10.

Natural Vanilla.

This taste is quite easy to describe - it is as close as possible to the taste of melted ice cream. Definitely the best tasting Impact Whey Protein I've tried to date.

Rating – 10/10.


Banoffee is a traditional English pie made with cream, bananas, boiled condensed milk, crushed biscuits, butter and caramel.

The taste of this Myprotein Impact Whey reminded me very much of BPI Whey HD Banana Marshmallow Pie ​​flavor. Somewhat vaguely reminiscent of marshmallows and fruit chewing gum. Grayish color, apparently due to the malt extract included in the composition. Overall I liked it.

Rating: 9/10.

Apple Pie (Crumble) and Custard.

Despite the fancy name, the taste was disappointing. It is quite pleasant, but at the same time somehow “indistinct”, weakly expressed. It is difficult to correlate it with something familiar to the Russian consumer. There is something vanilla, there is something from the Banoffee taste described above. In the end it turned out, as they say, “neither this nor that.” However, for me it is better than Impact Whey Protein Natural Chocolate and Chocolate Paste.

By the way, for some reason this particular taste mixed worse than others.

Rating 7-8/10.

Natural Strawberry.

The taste is quite pleasant, but among the strawberry ones, I would prefer Impact Whey to Strawberry with Cream, and among the berry ones, I would prefer Raspberry. As usual, dye is used for strawberries.

Rating – 8-9/10.

Chocolate Brownie.

This is perhaps the most delicious chocolate Impact Whey I've ever tried. However, it’s not ideal (I again lack the “bitterness” - well, I love dark chocolate, what can you do☺).

For some reason, this flavor of Impact Whey Protein (and also Apple Pie) mixes worse than others. I shook the shaker for almost a minute, but small lumps still remained. I used a shaker without a mesh. If the mesh had been installed, the powder would probably have been completely mixed. But the fact is that most of the other Impact Whey flavors were mixed quite happily in 20 seconds in a shaker WITHOUT a mesh.

Rating – 8/10.

Natural Banana.

A light yellow dye (curcumin) was used. No problems with solubility, unlike the Chocolate Brownie described above.

The taste, although declared as “natural,” is somewhat controversial, with a not entirely natural aftertaste. I liked the taste more than not, but I'm afraid that it is not worth recommending to everyone, as I would do in the case of Impact Whey Natural Vanilla.

Rating – 8/10.

Summer fruits.

The product contains dyes as expected, solubility is not at the best level, but acceptable.

I can’t identify the taste of a specific berry or fruit that reminds me of this protein. It's just a mix of flavors. Nevertheless, the taste is pleasant, and, importantly, not oversweetened. For me, I would consider Summer Fruit to be one of the top 10 best Impact Whey Myprotein flavors.

Rating – 9/10.

Chocolate mint.

I'm not too happy with the regular chocolate flavors of Myprotein Impact Whey, but this mint variation is just what I need! One of the best flavors in the line, in my opinion.

Rating – 10/10.

Cherry yogurt.

This Myprotein Impact Whey flavor is a limited edition release. I have already tried proteins with this taste from other manufacturers, in particular from Olimp. I really liked it and have been waiting for Cherry Yogurt to be available from Myprotein. It took a long time to wait, but the result did not disappoint. Super taste, now my favorite in the Impact Whey Protein line!

Among the shortcomings: although I prefer whey proteins without thickeners, in this case it probably wouldn’t hurt to thicken the cocktail. Still, from the yogurt taste you expect the thickness inherent in yogurt. But Impact Whey Protein produces its entire line without thickeners, and in this case, no exception was made.

Rating – 10/10.


Contains 4% natural matcha green tea. If anyone doesn’t know, matcha tea is sold in the form of soluble powder. “Matcha” is translated from Japanese as “pounded tea.” Prepared with both water and milk. They also make special green ice cream with matcha tea. The taste is quite specific. I had tried the original matcha many times before and was thus prepared to accept a similar protein.

I can say that the appearance of the protein matches the tea. When diluted in milk, the cocktail is also very similar to the original matcha tea in milk, both in appearance and taste. Overall I liked it. However, I think that if you are not familiar with the taste of the original matcha tea, then you should not risk buying a large package of Impact Whey Protein with this taste. There are samples on sale - it’s better to start with them. The taste of matcha is very specific.

Rating – 7/10.


Licorice is another name for licorice root. The taste is completely consistent with childhood cough syrups containing this very licorice root. I'm not a fan of this taste at all, so this is definitely not an option for me. I can't recommend Impact Whey Protein licorice to other people either, at least not in large packages.

This protein in dry form looks like ash☺ Not surprising, since coal was used as a dye☺ The cocktail looks the part.

Rating – 2/10.


It really tastes like chocolate and coffee, I liked it. It is similar to Myprotein hot protein coffee Mocha, however, unlike it, it does not contain natural coffee; cocoa and flavoring are used to add flavor.

A suitable option, perhaps, is to immediately take a kilogram.

Rating – 9/10.

Vanilla with stevia.

I have always had a negative opinion about the taste properties of stevia. I have experience using it as a separate sugar replacement additive. I find it to be bitter and overall significantly inferior to sucralose (which is what Myprotein primarily uses). However, for fans, this manufacturer has products with stevia instead of sucralose.

Out of curiosity, I decided to test how the protein tasted with stevia. As expected, it is significantly inferior to the usual version (with sucralose). I can recommend Impact Whey with stevia only to convinced supporters of the use of this sweetener. For everyone else - absolutely not!

Rating – 5/10.


There is a not very pleasant aftertaste, moderate coloring, and practically no foam. The taste is between raspberry and vanilla, but it is the raspberry that dominates.

Rating 7/10.

Because On the Myprotein website, unfortunately, they do not provide information on the nutritional value of each of the flavors; below I will list them according to the flavors that I tried.

KBJU (Calorie/Protein/Fats/Carbohydrates) vanilla-raspberry flavor per 100 g of product: 407/76/7/8.9

A pineapple

The taste of the original fruit is very similar, except for one thing - there is no acid at all. There is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. Just add a little citric acid and the taste would be 10/10. I was also a little surprised by the texture of the shake - it is thicker than usual with Impact Whey Protein. After drinking the shake, fragments remained on the walls of the shaker, which are more characteristic of casein than whey protein. Perhaps this is a deviation in a particular batch, from which I got a sample... There is a slight coloring due to the use of curcumin.

Rating 8/10.

KBZHU per 100 g of product: 406/78/7.1/6.5

Peach tea

But here we used citric acid in full. As a result, I really liked the taste and confidently give it the highest score. An additional plus is the use of natural flavoring. The declared “tea” is not particularly noticeable there, the complete dominance of peach, but I am absolutely satisfied with this. Also pay attention to KBJU - this flavor is one of the best in the Impact Whey Protein line.

Rating 10/10.

KBJU per 100 g of product: 412/82/7.5/4


The taste is very close to the original berry, with a slight sourness due to the use of citric acid. Natural flavoring. I give it only 9/10 for taste, not 10/10, simply because I don’t like the combination of blueberries and milk. The consistency is a little thicker than usual for Impact Whey Protein. The cocktail is significantly colored.

Rating 9/10.

KBJU per 100 g of product: 410/78/7.1/8.3

Golden syrup

After dissolution, the not very appetizing grayish-brown color attracts attention. The taste is only for lovers of everything very sweet. Actually, the name speaks for itself... sugar, syrup, honey, caramel are the nouns that can be used to describe it. Personally, I didn't like it.

Rating 5/10.

KBZHU per 100 g of product: 407/78/7.1/7.7


I'm not a big fan of Impact Whey Protein's chocolate flavors, and the chocolate-coconut option is no exception. The chocolate is not bitter enough, the coconut taste is rather weak, I didn’t notice much difference from the pure chocolate taste. Overall, it's a mediocre taste for me...

Rating 6/10.

KBJU per 100 g of product: 391/73/6.9/8.2

Cinnamon bun

A lightly colored cocktail, the taste is truly identical to the name. I liked it, but I think that I will get tired of this taste very quickly.

Rating 8/10.

Pudding Toffee

The shake is lightly taupe in color and tastes like melted ice cream, much like Impact Whey Protein's vanilla flavor. However, unlike vanilla, the taste is more “creamy” and, accordingly, more pleasant. This option was a pleasant discovery for me. Exactly what you need, I give it the highest score. KBZHU is also one of the best in the line.

Rating 10/10.

KBZHU per 100 g of product: 409/80/7.3/5.6


I never undertake to evaluate the effectiveness of protein. What I can say about Myprotein Impact Whey is that it has caused absolutely no digestive problems, even though it has no added enzymes and I have a low lactose tolerance. This is already a good sign.

I am confident that Myprotein Impact Whey is no less effective than its more expensive and widely advertised counterparts.

Myprotein Impact Whey review summary.

The manufacturer claims on its website that Myprotein Impact Whey is “the UK's #1 premium whey protein.” It’s not clear what “premium” has to do with it. The product is good, I would even say excellent, but definitely not premium.

I find Myprotein Impact Whey to be a very tasty, reasonably priced whey protein with minimal fillers and the widest range of flavors possible. I recommend.

Myprotein product reviews section on our website.

Review of whey proteins Myprotein The Whey and The Whey+

Composition of Impact Whey Protein Isolate “Natural Chocolate”

The packaging states: the powder contains whey protein isolate 91% (from milk), soy lecithin, cocoa powder, flavoring, sweetener (sucralose). One 25 g serving contains:

  • calories - 90 kcal;
  • proteins - 20 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g (of which saturated - 0.2 g);
  • carbohydrates - 1.2 g (of which sugars - 0.8 g);
  • fiber - 0.8 g;
  • salt - 0.13 g.

Attention! Contains milk and soy, which may cause allergic reactions.

Composition of Myprotein Impact Whey Protein Elite “Natural Chocolate”

Here's what the ingredients say on the packaging: milk protein concentrate 91%, soy lecithin, cocoa powder, flavorings, sweetener (sucralose). One 25 g serving contains:

  • calories - 99 kcal;
  • proteins - 19 g;
  • fats - 1.9 g (of which saturated - 1.3 g);
  • carbohydrates - 1.5 g (of which sugars - 1.1 g);
  • fiber - 0.8 g;
  • salt - 0.06 g.

The packaging indicates that the protein contains: glutamine - 3.6 g, BCAA - 4.6 g.

Which Impact Whey Protein do you like best?

In terms of taste, I liked the Elite protein from Myprotein more, since its taste really resembles chocolate, and not a cocoa drink, as is the case with isolate. Elite has a thicker consistency, it feels a little more satisfying, but of course, far from being a gainer. Also, the rate of absorption of these proteins is quite high, so they cannot satiate you for a long time.

At the moment, my goal is to gain mass, so I give greater preference to the elite. Although the content of carbohydrates, including sugar, in proteins is not very different, and the fat in the elite is only 1.9 g, which is quite low for a concentrate, the content of BCAA and glutamine is still captivating. True, the composition did not indicate the proportions of those same BCAAs, nor were they included in one serving, but only indicated on the packaging. In principle, there is no fundamental difference in them, except that the isolate is practically fat-free.

Therefore, when choosing elite for myself, I start from taste. In the morning, to prevent catabolism, I am going to use isolate, and immediately after training, Elite.

Who is more suitable for Elite and Isolate: dry or mass

It is interesting that on both packages the manufacturer indicated a protein content of 91% per 100 grams, but if you look at the table with the composition, you can see that the protein in the isolate is no more than 81%, in the concentrate - 74%, if for concentrate this is still acceptable, but not for isolate.
If you read my article about isolate, you know that 90-95% protein is acceptable for isolate, and 80-85% is acceptable for concentrate. It turns out that instead of protein, the isolate contains a lot of sugar. That is, there is no declared 91%. Isolate contains almost no fat, but there is not much less sugar than concentrate, only 0.3 g per serving. Everything would be fine if there were more protein and less sugar.

It turns out that I cannot recommend this isolate specifically for hard drying, but closing the protein-carbohydrate window with it and preventing muscle destruction during fasting is quite possible and necessary, since the rate of absorption will be fast. It may also be suitable for leisurely weight loss. Suitable for both maintaining and gaining muscle mass, regardless of the type of sport.

You can order Impact Whey Isolate here →

As for the concentrate, it can be recommended to athletes who engage in both strength training and aerobic exercise to support rapid and effective muscle recovery. Close the nutrition window and consume between meals.

You can order Impact Whey Protein Elite here →

How to use

Before purchasing Impact Whey Protein, you should understand how to take the protein and who should not even try it. Let's start with the fact that it should not be used by children and adolescents under 14 years of age. If you have a lactose allergy, then you shouldn't risk your well-being either.

To prepare the drink, take 1-2 scoops of powder and stir it with milk or water. It is recommended to take the drink in the morning, an hour before training and immediately after it. On non-training days, you can replenish your protein reserves between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Some people take MyProtein Impact Whey Protein in combination with other sports supplements. The choice of ancillary product is determined by the goals you set for yourself. If you want to lose weight while maintaining muscle, add powdered l-carnitine to your drink. If your goal is to increase strength and gain muscle mass, take protein in combination with BCAA amino acids or creatine monohydrate.

How to use Impact Whey Isolate and with what

  • If you were looking for the most low-fat product with low sugar content for weight loss , then do not overload it with extra calories, dilute the powder in water, approximately 150-200 ml.
  • If you close the protein-carbohydrate window with isolate after training for the purpose of muscle growth , mix the protein with milk or juice.

The manufacturer recommends taking 1 serving 30-60 minutes after training, but I think it would be more advisable to drink a serving immediately after exercise and then eat a carbohydrate-rich meal 30 minutes later.

If you cannot reach your daily protein intake with food, you can take another serving during the day or in the morning immediately after sleep.


According to the manufacturer, a 25-gram serving contains 1.9 grams of fat, 1.3 grams of carbohydrates, 0.2 grams of dietary fiber, 0.06 grams of salt and 20 grams of protein. In principle, a good composition, excellent for enriching your diet with protein. The manufacturer recommends taking protein 30 minutes before or after training, or at any time instead of a snack - here I completely agree with him.

General impressions. The taste and smell of the protein is very similar to Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. It is also easy to mix and did not cause any digestive problems. For 2.5 kg, the manufacturer asks 2,700 (there are also often discounts on the website), if you compare it with the same Whey from ON, then 2,270 grams will cost you approximately 3,681 rubles (at the time of writing the review). Judging by the reviews on other sites and YouTube, as well as personal feelings, the protein is of really decent quality and at a good price, so we can safely recommend it for purchase. You can order it on the Russian-language official website here.

At the end of the article, I suggest you watch a video from a well-known video blogger in the fitness environment, Boris Tsatsoulin, who conducted an independent study of protein, both domestic and foreign (in this video, testing foreign sports nutrition). Based on its results, Impact Whey Protein passed the test. If you are only interested in this protein, you can start with the time code 19:45, enjoy watching.

How to use Impact Whey Protein Elite and with what

I recommend Elite during the period of weight gain for all body types; this is probably the most universal protein concentrate. Due to its low fat and carbohydrate content, it can be taken even by those prone to obesity. Elite ectomorph is also suitable, but it is better to supplement it with milk or juice, cottage cheese, banana or other carbohydrates, even honey.

The manufacturer recommends adding creatine for better muscle growth.

  • If you have difficulty gaining weight, then drink this cocktail half an hour before training.
  • If you drink without creatine after training, then consume immediately, and after half an hour, eat food.


Opening the package inside we find a dark blue 25 gram measuring cup (stingy), which was transparent in all the previously ordered protenins, if present at all :), well, it doesn’t play a big role, but you can’t confuse it :)

Personal conclusions and reviews of proteins from Myprotein

Personally, the products are suitable for me, however, the isolate was disappointing in taste - it does not resemble chocolate, but cocoa. I can recommend both products when gaining weight, especially if it is important to gain leaner muscles, since the products do not contain a lot of fat and simple carbohydrates. And for those who don’t have enough of them, you can add honey, berries or banana to the cocktail. I would not use isolate for drying; there are also more purified isolate compositions. Overall, not bad products.

And also read a review of protein bars from Myprotein →

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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