List of anabolic steroids. The most popular steroids

The popularity of anabolic steroids in the sports environment is quite, if not “very” high. As a means of quickly achieving results, they have become widespread in almost all sports, from cycling, skiing and athletics, to artistic gymnastics, rowing and bodybuilding. Largely for this reason, they are doping and are prohibited both at the level of the Olympic committees of countries and at their legislative level. Our goal is to understand exactly which drugs are doping and what effect they have on the athlete in each particular case.


So, we come to the consideration of specific drugs. Firstly, since anabolic steroids under the prism of their use in sports are a taboo topic, then, within the framework of this article, namely, for informational purposes, only their purpose will be given, the properties that the drug has on the athlete, the side effects that it is capable of causing, active substance, release form and manufacturer. Secondly, since this article does not aim to promote the use of AAS, dosages, indications, conditions and shelf life, interactions with other drugs and other recommendations for use and consumption will not be given.

ADVICE. You can learn about the nature of anabolic steroids, the principle of their action, the nature of their effect on the body and possible side effects from the article “What are anabolic steroids.” In it, we tried to cover this topic in some detail and recommend that you start getting acquainted directly with popular drugs after studying it.

IMPORTANT. This article is based on materials from the book by the author Davidenko F. Yu. “ PROFILES OF ANABOLISM” .


Contraindications: prostate cancer, acute liver diseases; relative contraindications - pregnancy and lactation, acidosis in diabetes mellitus.


Anabolic steroids in medicine, ed. E. V. Vasyukova and G. P. Shultseva, M., 1969; Akhrem A. A. and Titov Yu. A. Anabolic steroids, Zhurn. All-Union chem. islands named after Mendeleev, vol. 10, no. 6, p. 684, 1965; Zarubina N. A. Anabolic steroids, Probl. endocrinol. and hormonother., vol. 11, no. 2, p. 106, 1965, bibliogr.; Boris A., Stevenson R. N. a. Trmal T. A comparison of the androgenic and myotrophic activities of some anabolic steroids in the castrated rat, J. Steroid Biochem;, v. 1, p. 349, 1970; Kochakian CD Die anabole und androgen Aktivitat von Androgenen, Klin. Wschr., S. 881, 1961; Krüskemper HL Anabole Steroide, Stuttgart, 1965, Bibliogr.

N. A. Zarubina, K. K. Pivnitsky.

Popular steroids

Among bodybuilders (professionals and not only), a fairly large list of anabolic steroids has become widespread. Most of what we could say about them we already said in the original article, the link to which you saw above. Now, all we can do is describe them methodically and in order. That's probably what we'll do.

Below we will list the means, the use of which is not limited to bodybuilding alone, but is primarily used in it. Each of these drugs is designed to cope with completely different tasks, be it gaining muscle mass, losing weight by reducing body fat, increasing strength, etc. Each of them has several analogues, differs in method of application, side effects and release form, in tablet or injection form. For ease of perception, we have compiled a kind of rating of popular anabolic steroids. Again, for the reasons described above, we are not choosing the best or worst of them, we have simply arranged the drugs in alphabetical order and now begin to describe them.


This is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in the world. Today there is a lot of critical information about this drug, but from an objective point of view it remains the best among the drugs of its pharmacological group. Many of the disadvantages of this medication can be easily eliminated if it is used correctly. Dianabol effectively and quickly increases muscle mass, but has disadvantages: conversion to estrogens, moderate toxicity and the phenomenon of rollback of results.


Active ingredient: oxandrolone.

Release form: tablets 0.05/0.5/2/2.5/5/50 mg.

(Brazil), "SPA" (Spain), "Dainippon" (Japan), "Kowa" (Japan), "Hubei" (China).

Anavar has earned popularity due to the fact that it helps to actively increase strength indicators and at the same time, if adequate dosages are observed, does not lead to side effects. This occurs as a result of the activation of creatine phosphate production in muscle cells and at the same time, it is worth noting that water does not accumulate in them. That is, the drug helps you become stronger without gaining weight. Although Anavar itself does not stimulate active muscle growth, it significantly increases the effectiveness of the effects on the body of many other steroids with which it is well combined. Another reason for the high popularity of Anavar is that even at high dosages it does not convert into the female hormone - estradiol, which helps to avoid the occurrence and development of many side effects.

Since Anavar exhibits mild toxicity and rarely causes side effects, many athletes resort to its services, without hesitation in maintaining a high course duration. However, long-term use without interruption, like other tablet forms of steroids, puts a significant burden on the liver. As for women, this drug is not recommended for use, especially in excessive dosages, since otherwise it can lead to the development of side effects such as acne, changes in the timbre of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris and active loss of hair on the head.


Active ingredient: oxymetholone.

Release form: tablets 2.5/5/50 mg.

(USA, UK, Brazil, Spain, Sweden, Greece), “Abdi Ibrahim” (Turkey), “Cilag” (Portugal), “Grunenthal” (Austria), “Zarva” (Belgium).

A very strong and very effective tablet steroid. Anadrol exhibits very strong androgenic activity, but at the same time very intense anabolic activity. Due to its anabolic properties, the drug is able to provide an incredible increase in strength and muscle growth in the shortest possible time. An increase of up to 5-7 kg or more is considered normal, literally within 14 days. Anadrol increases the density of red blood cells, which promotes better saturation of muscles with oxygen and thereby increases endurance and performance in training. The high androgenic activity of the drug increases the rate of regeneration and recovery, which simply eliminates the likelihood of developing fatigue after intense training.

Anadrol, for all its positive qualities, is almost the most harmful tablet steroid, which can cause a whole bunch of side effects. First of all, the active substance of the drug is easily converted into female hormones, which often leads to the development of female sexual characteristics in men. Acne and active hair loss also often begin. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and more often occur. For women, the use of Anadrol is strongly discouraged, since the drug can lead to quite strong and often irreversible phenomena: enlargement of the clitoris, deepening of the voice, activation of hair growth on the legs and face, with simultaneous loss of hair on the head.


Active ingredient: stanozolol.

Release form: ampoules with a volume of 1 ml, containing the active substance - 50 mg/ml.

(Italy, Spain), Sterling research (UK).

Winstrol, in conjunction with a well-structured diet, a limited amount of calories and a high protein content in the diet, is capable of qualitatively building solid and elastic muscles. This steroid itself is relatively weak, so a proper diet is only one side of the coin. Its weakness is due to low androgenic activity, which significantly reduces its ability to protect protein structures from destruction. Winstrol does not retain water in the body, so you won’t be able to gain weight quickly with it. A noticeable increase in mass and strength is noticeable only with a relatively long course of taking the drug. This slow action is compensated by the fact that after stopping taking Winstrol, most of what is “acquired” on the course can be retained.

The drug can cause side effects such as headache, high blood pressure, and sometimes muscle spasms, which occurs in both sexes. Winstrol in injection form is less toxic than its tablet brother, so the former finds its audience much more often for the simple reason that it practically does not harm the liver, except perhaps in excessively high dosages. Another characteristic feature of it is the gradual scarring of the tissue at the injection site, which is why the drug has to be injected into different parts of the body, into the arms, legs or shoulders, where, with the same frequency of injections, the likelihood of skin scarring remains the same.


Active ingredient: methandienone.

Release form: 10 mg tablets.


Danabol promotes active muscle growth due to pronounced anabolic and androgenic activity. In fact, the main advantage of the drug is, without a doubt, high-quality and guaranteed muscle growth. On the Danobol course, the increase in muscle mass is usually about 2 kg per week, and for as long as six weeks, which certainly explains its high popularity. Such a high and long-lasting effectiveness of the drug is explained by its ability to hypertrophy muscle fibers, due to increased water retention in the body.

Danabol, be that as it may, is not without side effects. Often they appear only when using significant doses of the drug. Despite the fact that tablet forms of anabolic steroids are usually quite toxic to the liver, Danabol does not decompose in the process of passing through the liver, but nevertheless, although insignificant, it has a negative effect on it. For women, it is definitely not the preferred choice, as it promotes the manifestation of male sexual characteristics. Hair growth on the body and hair loss on the head are activated, the voice becomes rougher, the clitoris hypertrophies, the mammary glands become smaller, and with excessive dosages the cycle stops.

Table of steroids with main characteristics

TradenameInternational nameGain muscle massIncreased strengthFat BurningSide effects
AndriolTestosterone Undecanoate3442
AndrogelTestosterone (Creme)3432
Boldenone (esterless)Boldenone5754
Deca-DurabolinNandrolone Decanoate7656
EquipoiseBoldenone Undeclynate5754
LaurabolinNandrolone Laurate7656
MasteronDrostanolone Propionate366.53
Masteron EnanthateDrostanolone Enanthate366.53
OmnadrenTestosterone Blend8846
ParabolanTrenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate5787
Primobolan (Injectable)Methenolone Enanthate4671
Primobolan (oral)Methenolone Acetate4553
StenTestosterone Blend8846
SustanonTestosterone Blend8846
Test 400 (T400)Testosterone Blend8846
TestolentTestosterone Phenylpropionate8846
Testosterone CypionateTestosterone Cypionate8846
Testosterone EnanthateTestosterone Enanthate8846
Testosterone PropionateTestosterone Propionate8846
Testosterone SuspensionTestosterone Suspension9846
TestovironTestosterone Blend88410
Trenbolone AcetateTrenbolone Acetate5787.5
Trenbolone EnanthateTrenbolone Enanthate5787


Active ingredient: nandrolone decanoate.

Release form: bottles with injection solution, volume 2 ml, 25/50/100 mg/ml of active substance.

(USA, Canada, UK, Holland), Chemica (Greece), Bender (Austria), Etem (Turkey).

Deca-Durabolin is a very popular and widely used anabolic steroid. Its high popularity is largely due to the positive nitrogen balance of the active substance nandrolone decanoate. First of all, you need to understand that in a bound state, nitrogen is a structural component of protein. “Deca,” in turn, provokes muscle cells to accumulate nitrogen, and in much greater quantities than they release it, and this makes it possible to achieve a positive nitrogen balance. When we say positive nitrogen balance, we mean muscle growth. This is possible because muscle cells in this phase accumulate more protein compounds than under any other circumstances. It is for this reason that Deca is actively used for a qualitative increase in muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators.

Deca, partly due to its injectable form, does not cause aggressive side effects, however, which is quite logical, when the dosage is overestimated, there is often an increase in blood pressure and a decrease in the ability of blood to clot. This development of events provokes periodic nosebleeds. Also, the activity of the sebaceous glands is often activated, which in turn leads to the development of acne. Experience has shown that women, for the most part, do not experience significant problems when using Deca. Exceeding the dosage often leads to an irreversible deepening of the voice, increased growth of body hair, acne and, in some cases, an increase in the size of the clitoris.


There are a large number of positive reviews about anabolic steroid drugs. They indicate which of these remedies are best used in a given situation.

The largest number of good reviews are about the medications “Dianabol” and “Deca Durabolin”. Patients who have used them say that the drugs are very well tolerated, do not cause adverse reactions and perform their therapeutic functions to the maximum.

There are negative reviews about the medications “Andriol” and “Nandrolone”. Patients noted many negative effects associated with their use, including digestive disorders, pain in the liver and emotional disturbances.

We looked at what anabolic steroids are. The list of steroids listed in the article will help you make the right choice.


Active ingredient: drostanolone.

Release form: 1 ml ampoules, 50 mg/ml.

(Moldova), Alpha Pharma (India).

Masteron is an injectable steroid with moderate anabolic and androgenic activity. The drug is rightfully considered a “soft” form of testosterone, which for the most part is devoid of the disadvantages of its brother and at the same time retains selective androgenic benefits. In terms of its effect on the athlete’s body, Masteron is similar to the well-respected testosterone. One of the obvious advantages of the drug is the fact that drostanolone propionate in almost no dosage is converted into female hormones and does not have a toxic effect on the liver.

Since Masteron is characterized by rather weak anabolic activity, a certain, and rather high, risk of developing side effects always remains. Despite the fact that the drug does not retain water in the body and does not affect the rise or fall of blood pressure, otherwise, regarding the side effects, everything is quite standard: acne, hair loss, benign enlargement of the prostate. Such side effects, by the way, develop very rarely and only when inflated doses of the drug are administered or when the course duration is too long.

Rating of steroid manufacturers according to Eroids

Rating of steroid manufacturers (brands) according to Do4a

International ranking of the popularity of anabolic steroid manufacturers according to

List of main manufacturers:

  • Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Moldova)
  • Pharmacom Labs (Moldova)
  • Vermodje SRL (Moldova)
  • Golden Dragon
  • British Dragon
  • Alpha Pharma (India)
  • Axiolabs
  • Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical (China)
  • SP Laboratories (SP Labs)
  • British Dispensary (Thailand)
  • British Pharmaceuticals
  • Lyka labs (India)
  • Finax Pharmaceuticals
  • Organon (Holland, Pakistan, Egypt)
  • Aburaihan Pharmaceutical (Iran)
  • BM Pharmaceuticals (India)
  • Bayer Schering Pharma (Germany)
  • BHMT
  • Desma Spain
  • Unigen Life Sciences (Thailand)
  • Thaiger Pharma (Thailand)
  • MaxPro Pharma (China)
  • SB Laboratories (Thailand)
  • Gen Shi (Japan)
  • Radjay Healthcare (India)
  • British Dragon Platinum (BD Platinum)
  • Biomedis
  • Body Pharm
  • British Pharma
  • Cloma Pharma
  • Dynamic Development Laboratories (Mauritius)
  • Genetic Labs
  • Geofman Pharmaceuticals
  • Zambon
  • Troy Labs (Australia)
  • Farmak (Ukraine)


Active ingredient: methandriol dipropionate.

Release form: 10 ml bottles, containing 75 mg/ml active ingredient.

(Hong Kong).

Methandriol has high anabolic and androgenic activity and has proven itself to be an excellent drug for weight gain and strength. Along with testosterone, this steroid has a positive effect on the course of these processes with minimal water retention in the body, which is comparable to the performance of Deca-Durabolin. By the way, you can achieve better results by combining it with other anabolic steroids, since Methandriol has been proven to effectively enhance their effect.

The injectable form of Methandriol is used primarily in veterinary medicine, in drugs such as Spectriol, Geldabol, Filibol forte and more. The practice of using injectable Methandriol demonstrates a progressive increase in strength indicators, active muscle growth and completely insignificant water retention. The drug is slightly susceptible to conversion into female sex hormones and has low toxicity. Things are somewhat different with its tablet form. Due to its pronounced androgenic effect, the drug is used extremely rarely by women, since even a slight excess of the dosage leads to liver damage, stomach upsets, progressive acne, increased blood pressure and increased aggression.


Medications from the category of anabolic steroids help accelerate intracellular protein synthesis, which can lead to anabolism, that is, pronounced muscle hypertrophy. Due to this effect, these drugs are widely used in bodybuilding.

Anabolics are synthetic analogues of the hormone testosterone. Such products help build muscle tissue, give strength, provide the body with energy and increase endurance. However, with long-term use of anabolic steroids from the list of steroids, serious changes occur in the body, including negative ones.


Active ingredient: methenolone enanthate.

Release form: ampoules of 1 ml, containing 50 and 100 mg/ml of active substance.


Primobolan is an excellent base steroid with more pronounced anabolic and slightly less pronounced androgenic activity. In terms of the nature of its effect on the body, it is slightly weaker than Deca-Durabolin, however, it compensates for its weaknesses by the fact that it combines well with many other popular anabolic steroids. The injection form of the drug, like the tablet form, is not converted into female hormones, but it still retains water in the body. The drug in both forms of release does not have a significant effect on suppressing the production of own testosterone. In reality, only inflated dosages and a long course can suppress it.

Primobolan practically does not cause side effects, and those that do develop during the course appear mainly in individuals with high sensitivity to the drug. Most often, side effects are expressed in the appearance of acne, deepening of the voice or increased growth of body hair. Traditionally, the injection form has virtually no toxic effect on the liver, for this reason disruption of its functioning is unlikely. The drug also does not affect blood pressure and does not affect cholesterol levels. Among women, the tablet form is more common, but preference is often given to combining the injectable forms of Primobolan with Winstrol, since such a combination extremely rarely leads to side effects.


Active ingredient: a mixture of four testosterone esters.

Release form: ampoules, volume 1 ml, containing the active substance 250 mg/ml.

(Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Thailand, India, Pakistan, China).

Sustanon, like most testosterone esters, exhibits high anabolic activity along with pronounced androgenic activity. The drug is used for qualitative and quantitative muscle growth. Despite the fact that it is converted into female hormones and retains fluid in the body, this is, firstly, quite typical for derivative forms of testosterone, and secondly, the combination of esters makes it much easier to tolerate injections than, for example, enanthate and cypionate.

Since Sustanon has strong androgenic activity, it often leads to side effects such as increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes the skin to become oilier and acne to develop throughout the body, increased growth of facial hair while simultaneously losing hair on the head. A number of negative qualities include the fact that “Sust” actively inhibits the production of its own testosterone. Being the second most popular anabolic steroid after testosterone, it should be noted that this popularity is not due to the rare miraculous qualities of the drug, but solely to the mixture of four esters.


Active ingredient: testosterone propionate.

Release form: ampoules containing 100 mg/ml active ingredient.

(Ukraine), Dalkhimpharm (Russia), Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Moldova), Aburaihan (Iran).

Without further modesty, it is the most popular and widespread anabolic steroid. It has high anabolic activity, equal to 100% of its own testosterone, but also high androgenic activity. The drug promotes active growth of muscle mass without causing significant water retention in the body. At the same time, it has a pronounced fat-burning effect, thanks to which, by the sum of these factors, you can get high-quality and hard muscles.

Propionate does not have a toxic effect on the liver. However, due to its ability to be converted into female hormones, there is a risk of developing gynecomastia, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy, as well as increased aggression and irritability. Its period of action is very short, which is why it is often used by women. However, this does not completely eliminate the likelihood of developing side effects, among which, with excessive dosages of the drug, there is the possibility of cessation of the menstrual cycle.

Basic drugs to increase the impact of training

Athletes with access to a wide range of doping drugs often practice courses (or continuous continuous use of them) of basic basic drugs with periodic additions of drugs with more specific effects.
A similar list of basic drugs was used by athletes who were caught doping during the BALCO laboratory scandal. (US authorities drew attention to the activities of this laboratory after the sports world learned of the existence of a new, previously unknown drug, THG, created specifically to enable athletes to hide traces of doping in their blood - translator's note).

Strength athletes must take into account the weight restrictions prescribed by the weight categories.

The increase in muscle volume in such athletes should be very moderate: either for the purpose of maintaining within the weight category, or to ensure the best balance and symmetry in bodybuilding.

Of course, representatives of sports that require the development of endurance need slightly different drugs.

Basic drugs are essentially necessary to increase the body's recovery abilities, the ability to tolerate heavy training, diet and help improve metabolism, reduce symptoms of depression, insomnia, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, etc.

Strength athletes are often susceptible to injury, overtraining, various inflammations, chronic fatigue and many other unfavorable factors. The base steroid most often used is testosterone, injections of which are part of a complex cycle for security athletes undergoing doping tests. Although oral medications can also be used to provide physiological support and increase testosterone concentrations.

Testosterone helps maintain metabolic processes in the body and ensures the normal functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Many athletes take drugs that are aromatase inhibitors and SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators), such as Nolvadex. These AAS are used to minimize the risk of increased estrogen. However, it is important not only to suppress the production of estrogens, in particular estradiol, but also to eliminate problems associated with blood lipid levels, glucose tolerance, increase the body's antioxidant defense, take care of cognitive and nervous system support, etc. . Many drugs that stimulate the growth of strength and muscle volume are used incorrectly or abused. Such drugs include insulin, growth hormone, IGF-1, beta-2 agonists and nonspecific stimulants, for example, Clenbuterol, Adderall and others.


Active ingredient: trenbolone acetate.

Release form: 10 ml bottles containing 100 mg/ml active ingredient.

(USA, France), “Hoechst – Roussel” (USA, Mexico), “Hoechst” (UK, USA), “Syntex” (USA), “Ttokkyo” (Mexico).

Trenbolone is produced in varieties of esters such as acetate, enanthate, and even in such a less common form as hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. Initially, Trenbolone is another representative of veterinary medicine, intended to combat dystrophy in cattle, which at one time was produced under the name Finaject and is currently no longer available. The drug has fairly strong anabolic activity and provides a qualitative increase in mass and strength, and its effect is further enhanced in combination with other popular anabolic steroids.

Along with a pronounced anabolic effect, there is also an androgenic side of the coin, which can lead to side effects such as high blood pressure, acne and hair loss on the head. Trenbolone is exactly the case when the injected drug has a toxic effect on the kidneys. However, this information should be treated with a certain degree of skepticism, since this fact has not received scientific confirmation. However, an explanation for this can still be found, taking into account the fact that the drug can lead to the development of hypertension, which in turn already has a negative effect on the kidneys.


Active ingredient: chlordehydromethyltestosterone.

Release form: 10 mg tablets.


Turanabol is characterized by its pronounced anabolic effect, with relatively low androgenic activity. For this reason, this anabolic steroid is weaker in comparison with the same Danabol, and does not bring with it rapid muscle growth and an increase in strength. By and large, visible results are achieved mainly with long-term use of the drug.

Turanabol can cause side effects mainly when the recommended dosage is too high, and the manifestation of side effects in men and women often occurs differently. With high individual sensitivity to the drug, women’s voices begin to deepen, acne appears, and hair growth is activated. However, this only happens with high daily dosages and the same course duration. In men, suppression of the production of their own testosterone and, less often, gynecomastia are most often observed. Since Turanabol does not have a significant effect on the electrolyte and water balance in the body, water retention occurs extremely rarely, and an increase in pressure is even less common. Also, do not forget that the toxicity of the tablet form of the drug carries a potential danger to liver health.

Application area

The main indications for the use of legal steroids are the following pathological conditions:

  • hypogonadism in men;
  • angioedema of a hereditary nature;
  • mastopathy of fibrocystic type;
  • endometriosis;
  • anemia of aplastic or hypoplastic form;
  • therapy and prevention of osteoporosis;
  • bulimia, anorexia and general exhaustion of the body;
  • in order to speed up recovery after surgery;
  • fractures, muscle atrophy, post-infectious complications, etc.


Active ingredient: fluoxymesterone.

Release form: 10 mg tablets.


Halotest stands out among other popular steroids in that it carries quite high androgenic activity with completely inconspicuous anabolic activity. Its characteristic feature is the ability to give the athlete an increase in strength, but not in muscle mass. Halotest regulates oxidative reactions in the liver, which is why it is successfully used to eliminate fat deposits in the body. It provides the athlete with an increase in strength and increases energy reserves, for which it is valued in literally all sports.

Traditionally in tablet forms, the drug has a toxic effect on the liver. Significant excess of the dosage and a long course of taking the drug often cause headaches, acne, inhibition of the production of testosterone and more. As for women, for them the use of Halotest is a risky undertaking, since it very often leads to the development of masculine traits, and these changes are often irreversible.


Active ingredient: boldenone undecylenate.

Release form: bottles of 10/50 ml, containing the active substance 25/50/200 mg/ml.

(Moldova), BQ Pharmacy (Canada).

Equipoise is known for its strong anabolic and moderate androgenic effects. For the same reason, it does not provide significant muscle growth in the shortest possible time. The drug has a beneficial effect on metabolism, that is, it accelerates protein synthesis in muscle cells. As a result, the result in muscle and strength gains is slow but sure. At the same time, the muscles become elastic and tough, since Equipoise does not retain water in the body.

Women use the drug quite often, and with quite noticeable success. However, often attempts to achieve a better result by increasing the dosage cause the development of side effects. Most often this is a deepening of the voice, increased sweating, increased hair growth on the body and face, as well as acne. Men do not often encounter side effects for the same reason that the drug practically does not retain water in the body. This helps avoid problems with blood pressure surges. Gynecomastia, acne and aggression are also quite rare. Well, in the end, it’s still worth informing that the drug does not have a negative effect on the liver.

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