Oatmeal with milk and water: preparation methods, composition, calorie content, BJU

Oats are a unique cereal crop that contains many nutritional components and vitamins. And if we look at the flakes, they are not inferior in useful properties to grains and cereals, the only difference is in appearance - these are steamed and flattened oat grains that have retained their shell. The calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams depends on the type and method of preparation. But still, this cereal crop is often used for dietary purposes. Porridges made from it satiate quickly and for a long time, and they also replenish the necessary beneficial components in the body. But it’s still worth first considering the basic properties and nutritional value of oatmeal.


Before considering the calorie content of oatmeal, it is worth studying the types of cereals. Each variety has characteristic distinctive properties, which depend on the quality of the grains and the number of operations performed on them.

The following types of oatmeal are distinguished:

  • "Extra";
  • "Hercules";
  • petal oat flakes.

The last two types are made from premium grains. The “Extra” category refers to the first class of oats.


Subspecies of this category include:

  • whole grain flakes;
  • cut grain flakes;
  • fast-cooking cereal.

It is worth noting! Many nutritionists claim that flakes with a fine structure are absorbed much faster. But those that resemble more whole grains are able to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.


Oatmeal is considered a popular breakfast food. This is due to the fact that they contain many vitamins and nutritional components.

Porridge made from them is useful for adults and children. The table below shows the indicators of KBJU per 100 grams of this product.

Calorie content366 kcal
Squirrels11.9 grams
Fats7.2 grams
Carbohydrates69.3 grams

The structure of oatmeal is similar to coarse dietary fiber. After entering the stomach, they begin to intensively absorb liquid, as a result of which they swell and fill the stomach. Therefore, a person does not feel hungry for a long time. Oatmeal contains a high level of fiber. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system. Thanks to it, metabolic processes are improved and the work of the stomach and intestines is stimulated.


In addition, cereals contain a number of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins – group B, A, C, D, E, K, N, NE, RR;
  • macro- and microelements - calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, selenium, silicon, iron, sodium, selenium, fluorine, copper, iodine, chlorine and other minerals.

Calorie content per 100 grams

So how many calories are in oatmeal per 100 grams? This figure is 366 kcal. A tablespoon contains approximately 36 kcal.

Please note: It is worth remembering that dry oatmeal, unlike boiled oatmeal, contains several times less calories. But it is still worth considering that the nutritional value may depend on many factors - the method of preparation, the type of cereal, the addition of additional components.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk

The calorie content of oatmeal cooked with milk is low. Per 100 grams it is only 102 kcal. For this reason, they are very popular among those who actively watch their figure.


Oatmeal with milk is often used as a main breakfast dish. Porridge is eaten by adults and children. The main advantage is its appearance. After brewing, it does not lose its shape and does not spread on the plate.

Calorie content of oatmeal with honey

The nutritional value of flakes with added honey is very low. It is about 84.5 kcal. After cooking, porridge with honey is endowed with a special taste, this is due to the addition of a beekeeping product to it. This option is suitable for those who do not consume sugar.

Calorie content of oatmeal on water

Porridge that is cooked in water has low nutritional value. Its calorie content is 88 kcal. This cooking option is very popular. Oatmeal perfectly saturates the body with useful components and suppresses hunger for a long time.

What does energy value depend on?

The cooking method does not greatly affect how many dangerous calories are found in boiled oatmeal. The energy value is influenced by the following factors:

  • what initial product will be used - cereals, grains or packaged crushed and processed flakes;
  • what the porridge will be cooked on. Milk increases the calorie content of the finished dish by 3 times;
  • what other ingredients will you put in the oatmeal. Sugar, butter and honey will reduce the dietary value of this product.

What is the benefit

Oatmeal is a healthy product that is essential for the human body. With its regular use, there is a decrease in bad cholesterol in the blood. It reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and vascular atherosclerosis. And if you eat oatmeal every day, you can increase the body’s protective properties and normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Oatmeal reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques forming. And if you eat oatmeal porridge every morning, it can increase your energy and also give you strength for the whole day. The product improves the emotional background, it relieves depression and bad mood.

Oatmeal should be consumed by people who have the following health problems:

  • Tuberculosis in the initial stages. The substances that make up oats reduce the risk of developing this disease; they fight the rods that provoke its appearance.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Low immune system.
  • Pathologies of the circulatory system.
  • Deterioration in brain function, memory loss.
  • Brittle bones, nails, hair.

Important! The main uniqueness of the product is that it is easily digestible, despite its high calorie content. Complex carbohydrates are used for energy saturation.

Rules for selecting and storing oatmeal

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying oatmeal is its packaging. The peculiarity of the cereal is that it quickly absorbs moisture, so the packaging must be intact and airtight. The next thing to check is the expiration date, which is calculated from the date of production, but not from the date of packaging.

Please note: You also need to pay attention to the composition, which does not contain harmful impurities, carcinogens, or sweeteners. You can often see the words Fitness or Light on packages of oatmeal. Most often this is just an advertising campaign to attract attention.

It is actually very difficult to find truly healthy oatmeal on store shelves. If the flakes are slightly toasted, they will no longer bring any benefit to the body. It is better to take the flakes in their pure form and make healthy porridge from them yourself, adding dried apricots, raisins, nuts, prunes and other dried fruits.


If you add sweets, candied fruits, chocolate, and flavorings to the porridge, the dish will no longer be considered healthy for the body; its nutritional value will increase significantly. You need to choose the oats that go through the minimum number of processing stages. Although this type of cereal is considered the most healthy, it will take much longer to prepare.

Note! Cereals absorb moisture very quickly, so they should be stored in a dry place. The container can even be cellophane and cardboard.

The shelf life will depend on the type of packaging and storage conditions. For example, in cellophane it will be 1 year, in cardboard a maximum of 4 months. If you store cereal in store-bought packaging, there is a high probability that bugs will infest it.

Types of containers for storing cereals:

Type of containerAdvantagesFlaws
MetalThey look high quality and stylish.Risk of rust.
PlasticVery light, the load on shelves and cabinets is minimal.Frequent change of cans.
CeramicBeautiful design, roomy, affordable dishes.Quite a heavy container.
GlassBeautiful design, light, spacious, affordable dishesNot found

Oatmeal is a delicious, healthy, satisfying and healthy breakfast that is suitable for adults and children. You can prepare such a dish every day, because it has a lot of useful properties, low calorie content, a minimum of contraindications, and the most affordable price.


Do not forget that oatmeal has negative characteristics. Of course, compared to the benefits, they are much smaller, but they still need to be taken into account.


It is necessary to exclude from the diet for people who have the following health problems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • congenital intolerance to the product;
  • celiac disease.

Celiac disease is a disease in which the body is unable to absorb and process components that are also found in cereals, including oatmeal.

Oatmeal should be consumed in moderation. Excessive intake of this product into the body can lead to leaching of calcium from bones. As a result, they may become brittle and deformed.

Practical advice: Don’t get carried away with instant cereals. There are flakes on sale that require 5–10 minutes to brew. They contain many sweeteners and preservatives, which can be harmful to health.

Who are oatmeal contraindicated for?

The main contraindication for eating food is food allergies. However, intolerance to oatmeal is practically rare in people. However, a rare pathology called celiac disease may be the reason to completely give up oatmeal.

The disease is an intolerance to gluten – the plant protein of wheat and similar cereals (rye, barley). There is no gluten in oats, and its analogue avenin causes a negative reaction in patients with celiac disease only in 1% of cases. It would seem that oatmeal is practically safe in this case. But that's not true.

It happens that oats are harvested in fields where wheat previously grew, and the flakes are produced on equipment where wheat or rye grains are processed. Therefore, a small amount of gluten also ends up in oatmeal. If the manufacturer guarantees that the cultivation and processing of oatmeal was carried out without “contact” with wheat, then the product is labeled “gluten-free.”

People diagnosed with diabetes (types 1 and 2) should avoid instant oatmeal. The product, practically devoid of coarse fiber, is processed in the body and absorbed quickly. The result is a sharp increase in blood glucose levels.

Note! Flakes like “Hercules” and others, minimally processed and requiring long-term cooking, on the contrary, are extremely useful for diabetics. Due to their high fiber content, they help maintain stable sugar levels. Moreover, inulin, which is part of oatmeal, helps insulin-dependent patients reduce the daily dose of medication.

Doctors also advise patients with gout to exclude oatmeal from the menu. Purines in cereals for healthy people are needed for the absorption of vitamins and metabolic processes. They harm the body of patients by promoting the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and provoking an exacerbation of gouty arthritis.

Recipes for healthy eating

Fish meatballs in tomato sauce

  • 19.7 g Protein
  • 3.2 g Fat
  • 18.2 g Carbohydrates
  • 200 kcal

50-60 min.

  • #second course
  • #cinnamon
  • #dinner
  • #breadcrumbs
  • #tomato
  • #onion
  • #fish
  • #sugar
  • #spices
  • #cod
  • #dinner
  • #dill
  • #garlic
  • #egg

Other recipes

Features of use during pregnancy

Women during pregnancy are recommended to consume oatmeal, because it can bring great benefits to them and their unborn child.

This product can solve many problems during pregnancy:

  • During pregnancy, the supply of necessary components is required that can ensure the correct construction of the child’s bones. All the necessary macro- and microelements are contained in oatmeal.
  • If you regularly include oatmeal in your menu, you will be able to get rid of excessive brittleness of your nail plates and hair.
  • Vitamin B will normalize the nervous system and eliminate frequent nervous breakdowns and stress.
  • Oatmeal contains high levels of fiber. It will improve digestion and help cope with frequent constipation.
  • The elements contained in the flakes will help cope with unsightly stretch marks on the surface of the skin.
  • Iron will relieve anemia, and this component will also prevent fatigue and nervousness in a woman.
  • Consuming the product will prevent possible complications that may arise during fetal development.

Oatmeal, sir! What does a “slimness breakfast” look like?

If you need to lose weight, then it is better to abandon experiments with newfangled diets, and entrust this task to good old oatmeal. And that's why. This healthy product is an element of a healthy diet. It will not only feed you, but also improve your health: strengthen your immune system, get you back on your feet after an illness, maintain normal blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, make your gastrointestinal tract work well and improve your mood.

Another important quality that oatmeal has for losing weight is its calorie content. For such a nutritious product it is minimal. Constant consumption of this cereal will help kill two birds with one stone - adjust your weight and improve your well-being.

Oatmeal during lactation

After pregnancy and the birth of a child, the mother’s body is greatly weakened. The immune system decreases, which means that during this period the woman will be highly susceptible to various unpleasant and dangerous diseases.


For this reason, a full recovery of strength is required. It is the foods that will be consumed that will have a major impact on a woman’s health.

Please note: Oatmeal during this period will be a necessary product that should be on the mother’s menu. It is easily absorbed in the body without causing excess weight gain. In addition, it will saturate the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, and nutritional components that will be included in mother’s milk. As a result, the child will be able to fully grow and develop.

But it’s still worth remembering a few important tips:

  • The choice of oatmeal should be treated with special care. You definitely need to look at the appearance, the method of preparation, you need to study the composition, it should not contain dyes, preservatives, or palm oil. These substances will have harmful effects on the child.
  • Before introducing it into the diet, you should make sure that the baby has no allergies or colic in the stomach. The child should also have normal bowel movements.
  • A woman should consume 200–250 grams of boiled porridge per day.
  • At first it should be cooked in water, and after three months it can be boiled using milk.

How to select and store?

Due to the huge variety and large assortment of oatmeal, many have repeatedly faced the problem of choosing and how to further store the product. In this article we will try to give some useful recommendations on this topic.

Before choosing whole grain oatmeal, first pay attention to the packaging the product comes in. It is advisable to purchase exactly the cereal that was produced industrially. As a rule, in the original packaging it is possible to visually examine the grains for quality.

The main quality requirements are tightness, in which moisture does not penetrate inside, the absence of dark spots, various third-party additives, visible damage and chips on the product.

The terms and methods of storing oatmeal are almost the same as its “relatives”. The product should be stored for no more than a year in a ceramic or glass container with an airtight lid. The room where oatmeal will be stored must be dark, dry and cool, for example, a pantry. You can freeze oatmeal in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. With this storage method, the product retains its beneficial and nutritional qualities for a much longer period.

To prevent moths and other insects from getting into the product, you need to place garlic cloves and several sprigs of mint or lavender near the jar of cereal.

When losing weight

The menu of many diets often includes oatmeal porridge. This product promotes complete weight loss, without loss of vitamins and necessary components for the full functioning of internal organs.


But since oatmeal is a high-calorie dish, it should only be consumed in the morning for breakfast.

Please note: You can also significantly reduce its calorie content. It should be cooked in water, and when consumed, you should not add sugar or butter to it. To improve the taste, it can be supplemented with pieces of fresh fruit or dried fruit.

So why are oatmeal important for weight loss:

  • provide long-term saturation of the body;
  • reduce cravings for sweets;
  • enrich the body with vitamins and nutritional components;
  • increases strength, which makes it much easier to perform various physical exercises, without overloading the stomach;
  • cleanses the stomach of harmful components, normalizes stool;
  • improve the appearance of the skin, increase skin elasticity.


You can make different types of dishes from oatmeal: prepare oatmeal, decoction, or use it as an additive to soups. Oatmeal is an excellent, healthy, dietary dish. It is great for breakfast for adults and children. You can cook it with both water and milk. A particularly delicate consistency of the porridge is obtained by rubbing it through a sieve or using a blender. Different flavors of porridge can be obtained by adding fruit, chocolate, and condensed milk to it. An excellent additional nutritious product for children under one year old is a decoction of oatmeal. You can add oatmeal soup with meatballs to your menu. In a word, there are a lot of ways to use oatmeal, so you should definitely eat this product.

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Oatmeal Oatmeal is flour made from oat or barley grains, initially steamed, dried, fried, peeled and crushed. Oatmeal, unlike ground flour, is endowed with a wonderful taste, very nutritious due to the preservation of all grain parts, and in ground flour the most nutritious fractions often go to waste. Since oatmeal retains all the elements of the original plants, oatmeal flour is ready for consumption without any processing. Previously, oatmeal was prepared from oats kept overnight in a warm oven. The grain proteins changed, and the flour from these grains lost the ability to form gluten, but at the same time had the opportunity to swell in water and become thick.
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Wheat bran Wheat bran itself acts as a by-product of the flour industry. Wheat bran is the husk that protects the grain and is suitable for use as food. In the process of making flour from wheat of the highest quality, the bran waste contains: the flower shell of the grain, the aleurone layer of the endosperm and the grain germ. These components contain at least ninety of all useful substances from the total amount present in wheat grain. During the processing of wheat at the grinding stage, the bran husk is isolated from the grains so that the bran germ does not make the flour rancid, and the brownish aleurone layer of the endosperm does not disfigure the appearance of the flour product.
Buckwheat (prodel) In the mountainous regions of India and Nepal, buckwheat was cultivated about 4 thousand years ago. There is no exact information about the import of buckwheat to Russia, although according to one version, it came to us from Greece, which is reflected in its name. It is reliably known that this cereal was known on the territory of Kievan Rus already in the 10th - 11th centuries.
Pearl barley Pearl barley is the core of barley grain. At the very first stage, it undergoes heat treatment and cleaning from small husks. During processing, pearl barley is ground about six times and undergoes a polishing process using special polishing systems, which makes the grain very smooth. Also, the process of processing pearl barley includes crushing. To remove residual barley flower films from fruit and seed coats, the grain is passed through magnetic devices. At the final stage of processing, automatic sorting occurs according to the size of the resulting grain.

Oatmeal on the children's menu

Oatmeal porridge must be included in children's menus. You should start taking oatmeal while feeding infants. Moreover, children who are bottle-fed can start consuming this product earlier. For such children, the optimal period for introducing oatmeal will be 6–7 months, but for infants – 8–9 months.

Before cooking, the cereal must be ground to flour. Boil in water or dry mixture. After a year, you don’t have to grind the flakes; you can cook with cow’s milk. Porridge is best used for breakfast.

How to cook at home?

Many people are interested in how to properly prepare oatmeal porridge at home and how long to cook it. In this section we will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

There are several ways in which you can easily prepare oatmeal with your own hands, namely:

Method Cooking method
Traditional You will need to pour 1 tablespoon of the product with 2.5 glasses of hot water and leave to swell for at least 6 hours. After this, the oatmeal must be brought to a boil, and then continue to cook for about 30 minutes until the dish is completely cooked. At the very end, salt the porridge and add a small amount of sunflower or butter. If desired, the finished porridge can be supplemented with dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts or fresh berries.
In a slow cooker In an electronic unit, preparing oatmeal is not at all difficult. You just need to add cereal or flakes to the multicooker bowl, and then fill it with water in the amount indicated in the previous case or according to the instructions for the household assistant, and then set the “porridge” option by setting the timer for half an hour (the time may vary depending on unit model).
In a steamer The cooking principle in this “smart technique” is similar to the previous one, but with only one difference. The cooking time will take a little longer, namely about 40 minutes (time may vary depending on the program provided in the unit).

It is not at all necessary to steam the porridge in water. Some people prefer to dilute it with broth or milk, which gives the finished dish a richer taste. Remember that uncrushed cereal must be cooked for at least 90 minutes. During this time, the finished porridge will remain almost the same volume as before heat treatment.

If you prefer to cook whole grain porridge on the stove, then you will need to be patient and wait time, as it will have to be soaked in water at room temperature for a longer time, which is 5 hours. You can do this procedure before going to bed, and start preparing porridge in the morning. After this, you need to add water to the oatmeal in a ratio of 1:2.5, respectively, and then you need to cook the porridge as usual. This can be done over an open fire or in the oven, covering the pan with a lid, for 30 to 40 minutes.

By the way, if you want the porridge to be ready in the multicooker in the evening, upon returning from work or in the morning, then you can pour the necessary ingredients into the unit in advance and select the “Delayed start” option. Thanks to this useful function, you can enjoy the taste of crumbly porridge exactly when it is convenient for you.

Use in cooking

Oat flakes can be used to prepare not only porridge; they are suitable for preparing various dishes. They are suitable for regular and proper nutrition, and can also diversify the menu.


Lazy oatmeal in a jar

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • oatmeal – 150 grams;
  • banana;
  • glass of water;
  • yogurt – 250 grams;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • fruits and berries.

The banana is kneaded into a puree, which is poured into jars. Next, pour in the cereal, add water, add yogurt and honey. The containers are placed in the refrigerator and left overnight. Afterwards pieces of fruit and berries are added to the porridge.

Porridge with nuts, honey and fruits

For this dish you will need products from the list:

  • oatmeal – 300 grams;
  • nuts of any kind - 10–20 pieces;
  • honey – 1–2 teaspoons;
  • apple.

Place a container of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Next, the flakes are poured into it and boiled until tender. Afterwards honey is added to the porridge and stirred until completely dissolved. Supplemented with nuts and apple pieces.


Smoothie with strawberries

A tasty and nutritious drink is quite simple to make. It will require 20 grams of flakes, this amount is divided into two parts. One part is steamed with hot water. Afterwards strawberries, banana, vanillin are laid out. Everything is whipped until smooth. At the end, the remaining flakes are added.


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