Daily diet for 6 thousand calories. How Dwayne Johnson keeps himself in shape

Dwayne Johnson
trains and eats

to always look like The Rock.

Even if you have ever seen Dwayne Johnson in a movie, you will never forget his impressive appearance. It is not for nothing that he is known under the pseudonym The Rock. The third-generation wrestler has been surprising WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) viewers with his abilities for many years. He has been crowned WWE Champion eight times, which is one of the top titles in the wrestling world.

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Moreover, The Rock has produced dozens of action films with spectacular scenes. It is no secret that the fee Dwayne Johnson received for the film “The Scorpion King” was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest fee for the first leading role.

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However, we are not at all interested in The Rock's acting abilities, but in the secrets of how he manages to stay in amazing physical shape year after year. Of course, his strong muscles were influenced not only by successful genetics, but also by hard training.

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Dwayne was born in America in 1972. The fate of a future celebrity was destined for him even before birth.

Sports career

All of Johnson's relatives were in one way or another connected with wrestling. Duane's grandfather, father, brothers and uncles were all professional theatrical sports performers. The female half of the family dealt with organizational issues. Mom was a promoter, and grandmother ran a women's club. Young Dwayne literally “grew up ringside,” traveling around the world with his touring parents.

Johnson Jr. first picked up a barbell at the age of 12. Independent attempts to take up bodybuilding failed, but the teenager was supported by his father. It was under his leadership that Dwayne began his professional career.

"The Rock" is an 8-time WWE Championship winner.

At the same time, the teenager played football and even received several offers from prestigious universities in America. However, the footballer’s career was hindered by a back injury and he had to give up football. Dwayne entered the faculty of criminology. The future athlete received a higher education diploma in 1995.

In 1996 he made his debut in the ring. During the first year, Rocky Maivia (Johnson's pseudonym) experienced unprecedented fame. By participating in staged fights, he earned a strong reputation as a “positive” guy, and by the end of the year he won his first championship title.

Soon the spectators became fed up with Maivia's manner of fighting according to the rules. The audience kept chanting curses, demanding that Rocky be removed from the ring. Dwayne decided not to anger the crowd and voluntarily took a timeout.

Having rethought his tactics, the wrestler soon returned with a new role. Now he was a “bad guy” with an inimitable tough fighting style. The brutality of the thug was emphasized by his laconic nickname - “The Rock”. Dwayne himself was not modest and openly called himself “The People's Champion.” The name soon materialized in the form of 17 championship titles, which the wrestler won during his long career in the ring.

The path to the cinema

After the release of his autobiography “The Rock Speaks,” not only sports organizers became interested in the wrestler. In 2000, “The Rock” was invited to the filming of “The Mummy.” The debut in the cinema brought the wrestler an unprecedented fee. The $5.5 million received for a minor role was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest “first salary.”

Dwayne Johnson at the presentation of his star on the Walk of Fame

Later there was “The Scorpion King” and the acclaimed “Fast and Furious,” but Dwayne did not limit himself to serious action films. The wrestler also appeared in comedy films and even voiced several roles in cartoons. Today, Johnson is the highest paid actor in the world. He describes his rapid fame with eloquent statements:

“If opportunity is waiting for you at the door, don’t knock on it. Just kick the hell out of her and introduce yourself when you enter.”

The wrestler managed to conquer Hollywood not only with his talent. Compared to the male actors, “The Rock” looks more than impressive. The actor's height is 196 cm, and thanks to regular training, his weight has reached 118 kg. The secret to an athletic physique is simple and complex at the same time - six workouts a week and a clear nutrition schedule.

Preparing for the film

Working out at the gym doesn't just help Johnson look shirtless. He trains hard to be able to perform as many stunts on his own as he can physically handle, and to make those stunts look as realistic as possible.

In the blockbuster "Fast and Furious 7" and the disaster film "San Andreas," Johnson performed some incredibly impressive, but physically exhausting stunts. Sipping from a huge cup of coffee after a morning workout, he explained that the brutal training schedule for last year's Hercules helped lay the foundation for his subsequent roles.

“I was lucky that these films were made after Hercules. I trained and worked harder than ever for that role. “I had to pump iron for eight months straight,” he recalls. “During the filming of Hercules, I locked myself in Budapest and lived alone for six months, and then there was the seventh Fast and the Furious and San Andreas.”

“I was lucky that these films were made after Hercules. I trained and worked harder than ever for that role. I had to pump iron for eight months straight.”

For San Andreas, Johnson had to significantly change his training structure in order to be able to physically meet the demands of his role in the film about the devastating California earthquake. The task was not easy.

“In San Andreas, I play an emergency responder for the Los Angeles Fire Department. It was very exciting to work with those guys and change my training and diet to fit the character,” he explains. “The role required a lot of core strength, so I did a lot of rope training, as well as in the water and with my own weight. I really enjoyed the process and my respect for the guys who chose this job increased several fold. True heroes of our time, in the true sense of the word."

Before Furious 7, Johnson knew he'd be up against his match in terms of physical prowess when he went toe-to-toe with another Hollywood tough guy, Jason Statham. Although Johnson was used to being the big bad guy, he was happy to share that glory with Statham during their epic office showdown.

“The fight with Jason Statham in the first scene was something. Everything was very, very cool and unconventional. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to fight many Hollywood bad boys, action actors, and men of action, but Jason Statham beats them all. “I mean, with all due respect to the guys I fought in the previous films,” Johnson says, “Jason brought an element of realism to the franchise. He doesn't just play during a fight, he takes everything seriously. Jason is a real tough son of a bitch, no doubt about it."

Dwayne Johnson workouts

Dwayne calls training a metaphor for life, with the help of which a person learns to manage his own life. Strength work is not just a load, but a strengthening of willpower, spirit and character.

“Success begins with self-discipline. It all starts with her"

One cog in the self-discipline machine is the Rock training schedule. Having dedicated his life to building an extremely strong and resilient body, Dwayne created the ideal training and nutrition regimen for himself. The program is based on dogmas that have been tested by time and world record holders.

The Rock's morning begins with a long run around Florida. Even before the sun rises, the actor goes for a cardio workout. According to Johnson himself, a morning run helps set the mood for the coming day and gives a burst of energy.

Dwayne Johnson: "I can't imagine my life without working out"

Sometimes he replaces outdoor aerobic exercise with an hour's work on an elliptical machine. No matter what type of cardio Dwayne does, he's drenched in sweat after a run. However, fatigue is out of the question.

After an hour of aerobic exercise, Dwayne goes to breakfast. The actor attaches great importance to nutrition, and even calls the morning meal a kind of sacrament. It is food that helps the body perform at its best, so the quality of food cannot be ignored.

After breakfast, Dwayne heads to a place where his crazy schedule finds a reasonable rhythm - the gym. Johnson calls working with iron a kind of psychotherapy.

“It’s cheaper than a session with a psychologist. And without hard work it is impossible to achieve results in any area of ​​​​life."

The Rock compares each workout to a miniature model of life. You can’t do without purposefulness, determination, ups and downs.

Despite modern training programs, which are a dime a dozen today, Dwayne prefers to stick to the classic bodybuilding scheme: “Pump iron. When you get tired, stretch some more iron.” Rock workouts are based on lifting free weights, and other types of exercise remain auxiliary.

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Finish your week strong. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat . And after the man leaves the arena, he will then pour fine tequila? on his oatmeal and brown sugar because he's also kinda f*cking crazy and finds that concoction delicious. Excerpt from one of my favorite speeches from one of my favorite Presidents. I may or may not have made up the last sentence.. ??? it's conjecture at this point. #ManInTheArena #Roosevelt26 #DareGreatly #AndGetToWork

A post shared by therock (@therock) on Nov 2, 2022 at 3:49pm PDT

Even a mountain of muscles on a two-meter frame does not mean that training will be easy and painless.

“Every session is riddled with epic pain, followed by epic results. As in life’s victories, endurance and perseverance are required here.”

Basis of training

Philosophy is philosophy, but The Rock's actual training program looks rather prosaic. To get closer to Dwayne's physique, it's important to adopt not only the actor's workout plan, but also his attitude towards the sport.

The celebrity prefers to conventionally divide her body according to the classical scheme. These are legs, back, chest, shoulders, as well as arms - biceps and triceps.

All possible equipment, no matter what assortment the gym has, can be divided into several categories: dumbbells, barbells, cable trainers and other equipment.

The Hollywood star prefers training with free weights

Depending on the desired result, Johnson adjusts the program, selecting effective exercises. In other cases, the training is built according to the traditional scheme - 4 sets of 12-20 repetitions with a minute break between them. The actor actively shares his secrets with subscribers on social networks. On his page he mentions energy saving more than once.

“I don’t walk up and down the hall. I work to the limit and relax next to the exercise machine, without being distracted by walks.”

The only thing worth walking around the hall for are pancakes.

Training program

The Rock's training process is divided into six days. Each of them is dedicated to working out a separate muscle group. The only exception is arm training combined with abdominal work. This is due to the small size of these muscle groups, so it is recommended to combine them.

Using the “Rocks” program, it is not necessary to adhere to a clear sequence or be tied to calendar days of the week. The first workout may be on Friday or Wednesday, but this will not make it any less effective.

For ease of presentation, the days in the programs are still called days of the week.

Monday - legs

Any workout begins with a warm-up and warm-up. When working out in the gym, Dwayne uses an ellipsoid or treadmill. Warming up in the early morning - aerobic exercise in the fresh air. Cardio takes from half an hour to 50 minutes. Regarding warming up, the same results can be obtained with a short interval run and a slow long run. You can focus on your own schedule.

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Warm up & focus before the storm called LEG DAY. After all my fun lower body injuries/surgeries (5 knee surgeries, 2 ruptured discs, Achilles rupture, quad & adductor torn off my pelvis and 3 emergency hernia repairs all at once) my warm up takes 25-30 min. When overcoming your past demons/ fight thru the discomfort focus on health and wellness build back your muscle with an even greater quality and density apply smart pain management And cheat meals and tequila like a motherf*cker! ? ? ? #FinishingTheWeekStrong #OvercomeThosePastDemons #LegDayInTheIronParadise

A post shared by therock (@therock) on Nov 9, 2022 at 6:11am PST

The wrestler does not attach much importance to types of aerobic exercise. When building muscle mass, the emphasis is on iron, and jogging serves only as a warm-up and endurance training.

Lunges with a barbell4/25
Platform Leg Press4/25
Leg extension on the machine3/20
Squats on the Hackenschmidt machine4/12
Romanian deadlift4/10
Leg curl on the machine3/20
Leg raises on the simulator4/12

As a rule, the pain from training does not stop with the end of leg day, so the next such day should be done no earlier than 3-4 days later.

Tuesday - back

According to tradition, the workout begins with cardio, lasting at least half an hour. This is especially true during “drying”, since subcutaneous fat begins to be consumed only after 30-40 minutes of leisurely aerobic work.

Wide Grip Vertical Row4/12
Bent-over barbell row4/12
Bent-over dumbbell row4/12
Straight grip pull-ups3/12
Shrugs with dumbbells4/12
Reverse grip pull-ups3/12

Wednesday - shoulders

First you should do cardio on any machine - 30-50 minutes. After warming up, the shoulder girdle is pumped.

Seated dumbbell press4/12
Standing military press4/12
Raising dumbbells in front of you4/12
Lateral dumbbell raises4/12
Pulling your arms back on the peck-deck machine4/15
Extension of arms in a sitting position with an inclination4/12

Thursday - arms and abs

The classic start is running for half an hour. As soon as the sweat starts pouring down your back, start your arms and abs day. It is recommended to perform the entire exercise to work small muscle groups while standing.

Standing dumbbell curls4/12
Standing Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise4/15
Spider curls for biceps4/12
Extension of arms on a block with a cable4/15
Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar4/20
Crunch with top block4/20
Russian crunches4/20

Friday - repeat Monday's leg program.

Saturday - breast

Treadmill, elliptical trainer or bicycle - 40 minutes.

Wide grip bench press4/12
Incline dumbbell press at 45o angle4/12
Dumbbell Bench Press4/12
Crossover on a horizontal bench4/12
Raising dumbbells with a hammer grip on an incline bench4/12

Sunday is a day off. On this day, the muscles are restored, so rest is necessary.

Special program

In addition to universal training, Dwayne Johnson also uses special training. He compiled one of these programs to prepare for the film “Blood and Sweat.” The entire program was divided into 6 days, and the days themselves alternated.

Days of the weekMuscle groupsPerformance
Monday Wednesday FridayChest, back, calves and triceps5 sets of 20 reps each. Minimal rest between sets. Before training, do short interval cardio for 15 minutes.
Tuesday Thursday SaturdayLegs, shoulders, bicepsWorkout of five sets of 20 repetitions.

The effectiveness of any workout directly depends on the energy that the muscles are able to expend. The first and most important source of this energy is in the athlete’s blood, and it comes from food.

Suits from personal designers

Almost all Red Carpet appearances are marked by his luxurious custom suits. Given that he is almost two meters tall and has a massive, muscular figure, he only wears tailored suits to ensure they fit him perfectly. As such, each of his suits is custom-made—like the stunning blue velvet suit he wore to the 2016 Oscars.

That same year, he wore the same maroon to the Golden Globes. And even his character in The Players often mentions his custom costumes. .


A well-structured menu helps Johnson maintain muscle mass, the volume of which has exceeded a hundred kilograms.

The daily caloric content of the "Rock" diet is 6,000 calories. This is how much a bodybuilder needs according to his body constitution to carry out productive training and maximize effective recovery. However, looking at photographs of Johnson, it is safe to say that his diet is in the deficit corridor. Otherwise, he would not have been able to maintain such a small percentage of subcutaneous fat.

Dwayne Johnson consumes up to 350 g of protein per day

The basis of a wrestler's diet is protein. Protein is the building material of muscles, so progress in weight gain depends on its quantity and quality. Dwayne uses four main sources of protein - meat, fish, poultry and eggs.

The amount of protein Johnson consumes is staggering. An athlete consumes up to 350 g of protein per day. That is, one “meat” part of the menu weighs one and a half kilograms. Of course, it is impossible to digest such an amount of protein without special enzymes. The carbohydrate part accounts for only 500 g. This is approximately 4 grams of “coals” per 1 kilogram of weight, which is normal for a person with such physical characteristics.

When creating a menu, Johnson practically does not limit himself. The ban applies only to junk food, although sometimes the star indulges in fast food cheat meals. On other days, Dwayne refuses fried foods, pizza, donuts and other sweets.

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My cheat meal Sushi Train? ? rolls on… Worked my ass off all week to enjoy this masterpiece from a spot here in London, called #SushiShop. Highly recommend. I will apply my chess game techniques here by Attacking brilliantly Playing defense stunningly And ending it all with calculated precision. This soosh has zero chance of survival, but this game has no losers today. Winners only. Especially my greedy, glutinous belly. Enjoy your cheat meals my friends — you've earned them. #CheatMealSoooshiTrain #ChessAndWooosabi ? ?

A post shared by therock (@therock) on Oct 13, 2022 at 2:16am PDT

On the Sunset

As the afternoon wore on, Johnson drove the giant Ford F-150 truck, also known as the Black Gorilla, down the long, winding freeway back to his residence. Although Johnson is known for his infectious charisma, he was calm and thoughtful on the drive home. After all, most people don't get the chance to realize their dreams of becoming a movie star or take the time to get their body in shape, whereas Johnson has built a stellar career through it. This is his hobby and calling, and he tries to become better at each of his roles.

Johnson has proven time and time again why no one can compete with him as a hard-boiled action hero, and he wouldn't want it any other way. “I love it,” he says with a big smile on his face. “Creating and maintaining this type of muscle requires attention to detail. At times you have to remove cardio or add cardio. At times you are forced to train twice a day, consume calories or cut back on the caloric content of your menu. You're constantly in a state of transformation, and I love that, without a doubt."

Early morning jog

Working out is a huge part of Dwayne Johnson's life. Indeed, he wakes up early to go for a run. He gets up every morning around 3:30 and stretches. Johnson noted that he likes to start early in the morning because it fuels the rest of the day. His brutal run begins at 4 a.m. while the rest of the neighbors are fast asleep. Of course, Johnson could not have done otherwise. However, running is just the beginning. After breakfast his training begins.

Sports nutrition[edit | edit code]

Dwayne Johnson comes to training with a large bag filled with nutritional supplements. He considers taking sports nutrition an integral part of his training program.

Before training:[edit | edit code]

Optimum Nutrition Protein Beta Alanine VPXRedline Creatine

During training:[edit | edit code]

BCAA amino acids from Optimum Nutrition

After training:[edit | edit code]

Gaspari MyoFusion (or VPX Protein Rush!) Glutamine Beta Alanine Creatine

He has a huge farm - all for himself

Isn't it just wonderful to have a private farm where you can ride horses, frolic on the grass or just enjoy the magnificent view?

In addition to his many homes, the actor also has his own farm. Located somewhere in Charlottesville, Virginia, it has a lake, trained thoroughbred horses and, naturally, a gym. Between his strenuous workouts, he probably relaxes by fishing or practicing horse riding. Dwayne says the farm helps him reconnect with nature and spend time with his family between film shoots.

Leg exercises

Dwayne Johnson never misses a day. Indeed, this is a common mistake many people make. However, Johnson gets straight to leg exercises. The first day of training is called “Leg Day”. It includes leg presses, squats with a barbell or impact, and much more. Johnson does several different squats to work his lower body. Day 5 of Johnson's workout is his "Legs Day 2."

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Deception Day

Dwayne Johnson works extremely hard for six days straight. However, he knows how important it is to take a break. So Johnson uses the seventh day to rest to recover from the week. At the same time, he takes the chance to have a “cheat day”, which includes eating banana chocolate pancakes, ice cream, sushi and cookies, and drinking tequila. And Johnson's most epic dinner consisted of four pizzas, twelve pancakes and twenty-one cakes.

This is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's lifestyle.

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Health and Strength Foundation[edit | edit code]

Famous actor and wrestler organized a fund to support children's fitness

Dwayne Johnson is convinced that in our age of widespread computerization, children should be taught fitness just like hygiene skills. Children know that they need to wash their hands before eating. However, no one tells them that a hamburger is not only tasty, but also dangerous. No one explains that you can’t sit for hours in front of a computer or TV. Children should know more about the rules of a healthy life, that movement heals, but a passive existence necessarily entails illness. “Kids today are under threat,” Dwayne says. — It is beneficial for business that from childhood people become thoughtless consumers: they drink liters of cola, eat fried potatoes and pizza. Even diseases that come as a result of such nutrition become beneficial for business: the demand for pills is growing year by year. Someone needs to stand up to this worldwide conspiracy against human health. I believe that fitness should become a compulsory school discipline. At the same time, children should have the opportunity to apply their fitness knowledge in practice - in children's sports centers. Sports should enter their lives as early as possible, before drugs and alcohol encroach on their souls. I created a children's charity with the goal of getting as many children as possible into fitness. They will become adults and will always remember my lessons. Perhaps they will help them in life, just as my father’s strength lessons helped me..."

Source Muscle and Fitness #3

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