Get Perfect Abs in 20 Minutes with Trainer Janet Jenkins

Many people dream of perfect abs, and also want to get rid of the layer of fat and see the elastic muscles underneath in the form of cubes. Who wants to do this fun, with pleasure and with an experienced American coach - then you should come to Janet Jenkins! The strength, success and benefits of her training are as follows:

  • just 20 minutes for the abs and waist;
  • no need for sports equipment - just a mat;
  • all exercises are simple and explained in accessible language;
  • energetic rhythm;
  • Jenny's positive energy energizing everyone.

“Ideal hips and buttocks” - a rich and effective program

Thus, Janet Jenkins’ “Ideal Hips and Buttocks” complex helps to correct the lower part of the body in a minimum amount of time by carefully, deeply working the corresponding muscles.

Training program: “Ideal hips and buttocks”

The exercises with Janet Jenkins, the videos of which we now present to your attention, are notable for their intensity and effectiveness. Without wasting time on lengthy warm-ups, Janet immediately begins to achieve her intended goal, gradually increasing the intensity of the load.

The incredible charisma and powerful flow of positive mood emanating from this trainer make the training interesting and encourage you to do your best, as if it didn’t matter at all that the work was being done remotely.

Janet Jenkins

The incredible charisma and powerful flow of positive mood emanating from this trainer make the training interesting and encourage you to do your best, as if it didn’t matter at all that the work was being done remotely.

If you have not previously had a close relationship with sports or have decided to resume your training after a fairly long break, then try to perform the proposed complex at least half the pace and number of repetitions that the trainer sets. Gradually, your muscles will become stronger, and you will be able to fully work out all the exercises.

After some time, all exercises will become available to you

Gradually, your muscles will become stronger, and you will be able to fully work out all the exercises.

The main thing is not to take a single step back and not give up your positions, even if something doesn’t work out in the first training sessions. Believe me: patience and work can create any miracle. With regular exercise, without even noticing, you will become the owner of the figure of a Hollywood movie star. Janet Jenkins will definitely help you with this!

Believe me: patience and work can create any miracle!

Pros and cons of the program


1. With Janet Jenkins you will train absolutely all the muscles of the abdominals, buttocks and thighs from all sides.

2. The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you give serious stress to problem areas of your body.

3. The “Ideal Abs and Correction of Hips and Buttocks” program does not require dumbbells or any additional equipment . You exercise exclusively with your own body weight.

4. Janet Jenkins is a very energetic and positive trainer. The classes are intense and interesting.

5. The program has been translated into Russian. The trainer comments on each exercise, so the workouts are very easy to understand .

6. If you have long been looking for a program to create a flat stomach or slender legs, then the Hollywood trainer is perfect for you.


1. There is no warm-up as such in training. Before class, be sure to warm up your body by lightly running or jumping for 5-7 minutes.

2. The program does not include aerobic exercise. By doing it regularly, you will probably strengthen your muscles, but losing weight without cardio training is almost impossible.

3. The effectiveness of local weight loss has long been questioned. There are more and more arguments in favor of an integrated approach to training.

Hollywood Coach Program Advice

Doing only this program is not the most effective type of fitness. If you want to lose weight and burn excess fat , include aerobic exercise in your training plan. For example, it might look like this:

  • PN: Hollywood trainer – Perfect abs
  • VT: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • SR: Cardio workout
  • TH: Rest
  • PT: Hollywood Trainer – Perfect Abs
  • SB: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • VS: Cardio workout

Reviews for Perfect Abs and Correction of Hips and Buttocks:

You can adjust your fitness plan depending on your individual preferences and characteristics. You can choose a cardio workout in the article: The best home aerobic workouts that are suitable for everyone.

Strange fitness of Hollywood stars (12 photos)

Author: White Fly

05 February 2022 08:30

Community: Stars and celebrities: stories, photos, sensations

Tags: actors Hollywood stars celebrities weight loss amazing nearby fitness show business  



Various glossy magazines tell us every now and then how celebrities lose weight. And while some celebrity fitness routines may seem strange, they're nothing compared to the wellness routines of old Hollywood. Classic Hollywood stars have tried some really weird tricks to look their best.


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The traditional way of training wasn't fun for some old Hollywood actresses either. Therefore, Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth kept in shape through dancing. Betty Grable, famous in the 1940s, was known for her "million dollar legs." To keep her famous legs in good shape, she trained them through dancing. She constantly practiced a funny dance move called "pecking." According to the actress, it helped a lot against double chin. While “pecking”, she stuck out her duck tail lips and pushed her neck forward. This movement is a bit like a pecking bird, hence the name of the exercise.




Rita Hayworth also danced to stay in shape. Hayworth trained as a dancer even before she began acting in films. When she became an actress, she danced up to eight hours a day - all for the sake of her figure. When she wasn't dancing, Rita Hayworth practiced an early form of aerobics called the Bagot Stack Stretch and Swing System. She was also careful with her food: Hayworth never ate fatty foods and avoided bread and pastries.



Oscar winner Ginger Rogers was known for her dancing skills, which she demonstrated extensively in films she made with Fred Astaire in the 1930s. Rogers worked on intense dance choreography several times a day with MGM staff trainer Donald Loomis. For this hard work, she was rewarded with her favorite food—Southern chicken and gravy. According to her, it was a worthy incentive!



To stay in shape, you need to lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition. During the golden age of Hollywood, humanity's ideas about diets were very bizarre, so you shouldn't try most of the diets that old Hollywood stars were fond of. The most fashionable topic for them was calorie deficit. Many of the stars of that era ate very little. An article published in Photoplay magazine in January 1929 said that actress Joan Crawford ate only "a spoonful of cold consommé, a plate of rhubarb and half a dozen crackers thickly spread with mustard" in a day. And this is every day!



On the other end of the fancy food spectrum was actress Ava Gardner. While many Hollywood actresses were on diets and trying to maintain a calorie deficit, Gardner's food consisted of the most harmful foods for her figure - carbohydrates, sugar, butter and dairy products. She ate a high-calorie diet because of her "nervous stomach" which prevented her from eating normally. She also did not gain weight due to her busy schedule, due to which she sometimes simply forgot to sit down and eat. So Gardner ate high-calorie foods to compensate for the calorie deficit from the time she couldn't or forgot to eat.



Sometimes weird eating habits weren't the stars' choice. In the 1920s, many actresses had "weight clauses" in their contracts. These clauses stipulated that actresses had to maintain or stay below a specified weight. For example, actress Clara Bow had to stay under 53 kilograms. To maintain this weight, Bowe consumed just 500 calories a day.



Many old Hollywood stars had a habit of skipping food to stay slim. For example, actress Jean Harlow followed a four-day tomato diet. During filming, Harlow ate two whole tomatoes and black coffee for lunch and dinner. Her breakfast consisted only of black coffee and orange juice.



Actress (and future princess) Grace Kelly also had an interesting diet, called “Eleven.” At 11 a.m., Kelly had a snack to avoid overeating at lunch. She brought carrots, celery sticks and dried apricots to the set and snacked on this healthy, low-calorie food every day at 11 a.m.



Some old Hollywood celebrities started juicing before it became a trend. Greta Garbo was a client of "diet guru" Gaylord Hauser, who introduced her to many new ways of eating, including juicing. Many of Houser's dietary recommendations included drinking freshly squeezed juices, making Garbo one of Hollywood's first happy juicer owners.



Marilyn Monroe was not only a sex symbol, but was also considered to have an impeccable body that needed to be kept in shape. Monroe was one of the few female stars to lift weights, a practice that was new in the 1950s. In 1952, Monroe spoke about her fitness routine to Pageant magazine, stating: “My biggest concern used to be getting enough calories. Now I have to worry about eating too much. I spend at least 10 minutes every morning training with light weights. I've developed my own exercises for the muscles I want to strengthen, and I know they work for me because I can feel them engaging the right muscles during the workout." At the same time, Monroe, although she monitored her diet, did not starve herself. Monroe's diet included foods high in protein and nutrients. For breakfast, she broke two eggs into a glass of warm milk, and for dinner she always ate some meat - liver, lamb or steak - with raw carrots.



Audrey Hepburn also did not starve herself and always ate three times a day. Hepburn studied for years to become a ballerina, hoping to one day become a prima ballerina. There were rumors in Hollywood that she suffered from an eating disorder - due to her thinness. In fact, she was never into dieting. She loved pasta, ate three times a day, and believed that women should eat some kind of red meat at one of their meals every day.

Source: - translated specifically for

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Janet's success

She is a unique fitness trainer . At the moment, I owe my success only to myself. Since school, she has been interested in sports, which helped her in life. Fitness classes strengthened her character and predetermined her future life. The family was low-income and her mother had to raise three children alone.

Jena received a college degree in nutrition and sports medicine. This knowledge helped her in the future when creating her own programs. Working as a trainer, she succeeds in running her fitness blog, collaborating with The Huffington Post magazine and achieving 20 million daily visitors. Thanks to this, Janet becomes famous in “star circles.”

Merits of a Hollywood trainer

Currently, Jenny is the President of the Hollywood Coach Association . Many celebrities take training from her: American actress and singer Carmen Electra, singer Alicia Keys, actress and singer Queen Latifah and others. She recorded about 330 training videos.

Pros and cons of the complex

Despite the fact that the training is conducted by a specialist, it has negative aspects. Let's discuss them.

  • Since the workout lasts 20 minutes, during this time there is a strong load on the muscles, and this can have a bad effect on the body. Intense exercise is not suitable for everyone.
  • The workout does not include a warm-up, which is very bad. Therefore, try to warm up on your own by jumping or jogging lightly.
  • According to experts, such training helps to build muscles, but not to lose excess weight. To lose weight you need cardio training.
  • There is an opinion that local weight loss is ineffective, you need to use complex training.

However, the positive points are:

  1. Working out helps you use a lot of muscles.
  2. The training doesn't take much time.
  3. You don't need dumbbells or other objects for the workout.
  4. The program is led by an experienced and energetic trainer.
  5. The training can be seen on the Internet in Russian.

Although these workouts have helped many stars achieve their ideal figure, it cannot be said that Janet’s program is suitable for every person, so you need to carefully weigh everything before starting a weight loss course. I advise you to try exercise courses for 10 days, and for a month.

Important! If physical activity is contraindicated for you, then find out your doctor’s opinion about these exercises

What will help you lose weight?

Janet Jenkins has proven herself to be a good trainer and those who train directly with her have seen significant results. However, if you decide to use her exercises for weight loss, find out what else you need to do for them to help you.

Review your diet and eating schedule. Perhaps you need to quit your bad habits. Don't forget that the workout itself is very beneficial, but only if you drink extra water and watch your diet. Don't hurt yourself by making hasty decisions, but rather find out everything in advance. Alice was with you, see you again.

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