The history of rubber women: from Aryan beauties to intelligent robots

The first attempts to create an “artificial” woman date back to the 17th century. It looked primitive: a dress was used, tightly stuffed with old rags, where elastic leather pockets were sewn in certain places. Such “male toys” were popular among sailors who spent months sailing the ocean frontiers.

Today, the industry is taking a new approach: high-tech dolls are appearing, which in the future may lead to the fact that men will no longer be interested in women as objects of sexual desire. In 2016, the first brothel was opened in Barcelona, ​​where all the girls are dolls.

A little bit of history

There are practically no mentions of sex dolls in historical references. There are brief descriptions of strange “tools” that men used for self-satisfaction.

Until the 20th century, these were, in a way, analogues of masturbators. Full-fledged dolls, from dresses and rags, were made mainly by the Chinese. But the beginning of the “puppet” industry is usually called the beginning of the 20th century and the famous “Borghild” project.

About the project "Borghilda"

During the Second World War, when the Germans occupied France, unforeseen circumstances arose in the army: soldiers were massively infected with sexually transmitted diseases. The reason was established - these were French prostitutes, who were in great demand both among ordinary soldiers and officers of the German army.

Hitler, having received a report of such incidents, allegedly instructed Himmler himself to implement the Borghild project, the main task of which was to create a doll in the likeness of a real woman to meet the needs of the army. The decision was also justified by the fact that Hitler tried to preserve the purity of the Aryan race.

The project was supervised by Franz Tschakert, an employee of the Hygiene Museum (who previously worked on the creation of humanoid dolls). The body of Wilhelmina von Bremen, an Olympic champion, was used as a sample. But the face was “borrowed” from the then popular actress Katie von Nagy (but she later categorically refused to participate in the project “for ethical reasons”). These images were selected based on the tastes of real men of that time.

As a result, several prototypes were created. The first ones were unsuccessful: in some places the shoulders were too broad, in others there were unnatural lengths of the legs or arms. Only 3 months later Gemmler personally approved one of the exhibits.

The most difficult thing was that, according to the technical specifications for “Broghilda,” the doll being developed must be compact and mobile so that it “fits in a backpack or suitcase.”

Then they produced the first batch of 50 dolls. The tests turned out to be extremely successful, and the army received about 6,000 more copies. But already in 1942, the plant where “men’s toys” were produced was destroyed. It is believed that it was destroyed by German partisans who did not recognize the rule of Hitler and the Reichstag.

To date, none of the copies have survived. There are only a couple of photographs of poor quality showing the prototypes. And the entire project “Borghilda” belongs to the category of myths: historians can neither confirm nor refute it.

What are sex dolls made of?

Today, three materials are used to produce sex dolls:

  • Vinyl

Primitive, but popular for over 50 years. Inflatable rubber dolls are made from this material. It is still used in production today, although it has a lot of disadvantages. In tactile sensations it is inferior to more expensive materials.

  • Medical silicone (with added latex)

The material is relatively cheap and vaguely resembles real leather.

The disadvantage of silicone is that it is not durable with active use. It is easily scratched, torn, becomes rough and covered with microscopic scratches.

  • Cyberskin

The exact composition is not known, as it is a trade secret of the manufacturers. You can guess that the base is the same medical silicone, but with the addition of composites that give the artificial leather greater tactile naturalism.


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Sex dolls of the future

Manufacturers have learned to create sex dolls, intercourse with which is as close as possible to natural copulation. Chinese sex toy company WMDOLL in the early 2000s produced dolls whose vagina shapes were created based on casts taken from porn actresses.

It is believed that sex dolls with artificial intelligence will appear soon. They will not only be able to carry on a conversation or respond to a man’s actions, but also study his behavior, remembering his preferred positions or choosing those that he might like.

How will this affect the world? Optimists claim that it is positive: the number of sexual crimes will decrease, “harassment” towards women will disappear. Pessimists are determined that dolls for men will completely replace women, and this will cause a global demographic crisis, as well as an increase in the number of single mature people.

Pygmalionism or salvation5

Psychologists are concerned about the widespread prosperity of sex with a rubber woman. Pygmalionism is gaining momentum. There are many reasons for this and they are completely justified.

One of the reasons is male infantility. Teenagers who have had a bad sexual experience may be afraid of new relationships like fire. Closing themselves deeper and deeper, they plunge into the world of their fantasies. A very high percentage of young men cannot find a partner for a long time. Youth is fading, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to leave offspring. But I want sex. The best option for solving such a problem, it seems to them, is a rubber woman.

The psychology of sexual relationships is complex. And this is the second reason for buying a doll. Not everyone can completely liberate themselves and fulfill their partner’s desires. Problems of a sexual nature often become the cause of infidelity and divorce. Sad statistics only prove this. In addition, the behavior pattern of many wives leaves much to be desired.

Hysteria, frigidity, commercialism - all these factors have a serious impact on the quality of marriage. And a man can easily go in search of a silent girlfriend. The most advanced ones acquire rubber women and enjoy their company.

The advantages are obvious: the rubber beauty is silent and does not act up with or without reason. She does not require superpowers from a man, either in everyday life or in material terms. This beauty is content with little. She looks 100, unlike her overweight wife who doesn’t want to change anything. And most importantly: she is always ready for sex. And to anyone. With her you can realize your most secret and forbidden fantasies.

Perhaps the female half of the population should think about this. After all, if a man chooses latex instead of leather, then women can gradually fade into the background.

The most expensive sex dolls in the world

Most high-tech sex dolls are made in China and Japan. Let's talk about the most expensive and high-tech:

  • Transectual doll

An ambiguous option: this sex doll in the “set” has interchangeable phallus attachments. Transsexual lovers are offered to buy a sex doll of this variation. But it is also possible to fully use her as a “woman”. Price – about 600 thousand rubles.

  • Ally doll

It is made on the basis of cyberskin and metal (in the skeletal design). The doll's figure is Asian (a miniature girl with a size 1 bust), while her appearance is more European. The manufacturer claims that it produces such dolls to order, that is, the buyer can change anything in them. There is no need to pay extra for this (edits are included in the price). Price – about 700 thousand rubles.

  • Akari 2 doll

The second version of the “Asian beauty” from WMDOLL. Made from a mixture of medical grade silicone. The main thing is the presence of a multifunctional skeleton, due to which the doll can take even the most complex poses from the Kama Sutra. The price is more than 700 thousand rubles.

  • Celeste 2D2 doll

Her prototype is a girl of European appearance. Made from silicone and cyberskin. The manufacturer allows the buyer to choose the color of his skin, eyes, hair, height, bust size, etc. Heating is provided by internal batteries.

This is one of those dolls that will have to be recharged before use. For an additional fee, only a bust of size 4 or larger, as well as an intimate haircut (not available by default), can be done. It will cost approximately 710 thousand rubles.

  • Gabriel doll

A unique exhibit, because this is a “man”.

The manufacturer indicates that the doll is suitable for both women and gay men.

According to the structure of the trip to the Transectual doll. The declared price is 710 thousand rubles.

Workouts with elastic bands for the whole body

// Training scheme with elastic bands:

  • 3-4 workouts per week for 40-60 minutes
  • first a block of abdominal exercises
  • exercises with elastic bands
  • stretching and cool-down exercises

Push-ups with a tourniquet

Place the band behind your back, then get into a push-up position with your hands pressing the other side of the band toward the floor. Keeping your abdominal and core muscles in conscious tension, straighten your arms and push up as high as possible, then slowly return to the starting position.

// How to learn to do push-ups correctly?

Reverse trapeze flyes

Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your abs in conscious tension (this trains the internal abdominal muscles). Take the elastic band with both hands, then extend your arms in front of you. Without bending your elbows, slowly spread your arms out to the sides while squeezing your shoulder blades together.

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Abdominal row with harness

Before starting the exercise, carefully secure the elastic band at waist height. Stand straight, knees slightly bent. Stretch your arms in front of you, clasp them together, holding an elastic band. Tighten your abs, then slowly pull the tourniquet towards your stomach, avoiding twisting your body. On exit, return to the starting position.

// How to pump up the press correctly?

Standing harness row to the waist

Make sure the elastic is securely secured. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, abs tense. Slowly pull the band towards your stomach, feeling the work of the latissimus dorsi muscles. The exercise can be performed with either one or two hands.

Squats with a tourniquet

Holding the bottom edge of the elastic with your feet, grab the top edge with both hands, then place them behind your neck. Start doing squats, making sure that your back maintains a natural arch and does not round, and that your abs are tense. From the bottom point, straighten up explosively.

// Squats - what do they do and what muscles work?

Hyperextension while standing

Like regular hyperextensions, band extensions train the lower back and strengthen the lower back. During the exercise, make sure that your back maintains a natural arch and your chest is directed forward. At the bottom point, the back is almost parallel to the floor, returning to the top point with an explosive force.

// Hyperextension - what is it and what are the advantages?

Bicep curls

This exercise is best performed with either an open rubber band or a rubber band with special handles. Press the bottom edge with your feet, then bend your elbows using the strength of your biceps. Make sure that your elbows do not change position and do not move forward (or press them to your belt).

// How to properly pump up your biceps?

Triceps extensions

Secure the elastic band in the upper position. Stand up straight, grab it with both hands, tighten your abs and lock your knees. As you exhale, pull the band down using the strength of your triceps. Also make sure that your elbows do not change their position, or press them tightly to the body.

// Best triceps exercises

Rules for conducting training

Before starting a home workout with elastic bands, a light warm-up for 5-7 minutes is recommended. Shadow boxing, jumping on a rolling pin, or an exercise bike are all suitable options. The main exercises of the program are performed in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. While performing, monitor the rhythm of your breathing - pull the elastic band as you inhale, release as you exhale. The break between approaches is from 30 to 60 seconds.

A good addition to the proposed training program would be abdominal exercises - they can also be performed at home without special equipment. First of all, we are talking about the plank, as well as straight and side crunches. If you have a horizontal bar, be sure to include pull-ups in your program - Fitseven has already told you how to learn how to do pull-ups using fitness bands.

Why do men increasingly prefer rubber women to real ones?

Scientists from the University of Helsinki in Finland claim that the matter is in male physiology

Their need for sex is regulated by the hormonal system, the production of testosterone. The body is “built” so as to fertilize women as often as possible.

But in girls this aspect is less pronounced. Maternal instinct does not encourage us to give birth to 20-30 children. In simple terms: men want sex much more often than women, which is due to physiology. Sex dolls are capable of fulfilling everything that men dream about and don’t get enough of.

Another factor is psychological.

62-year-old Japanese Senji Nakajima is married and has a daughter. But, he said, he was “tired of everyday life.” He bought himself a Saori sex doll, with which he not only has sex, but also spends his leisure time: he goes to the cinema, to the beach, and regularly takes walks in the park. The man claims that he was never as happy as he is now. The main reason for this is that Saori “perceives” him as anyone. She knows how to listen, and not just demand something, like a legal spouse. It’s much easier for him with a sex doll than with a real woman.

Masayuki Ozaki is another Japanese. He decided to buy a sex doll after an unsuccessful romance, from which he could not recover for 2 years. He has been living with his new “girlfriend” Maya for more than three years and claims that he will never try to have an affair with a real woman again.


Now any man can crush a rubber woman. They are not as expensive as they seem. Real Dolls are another matter. Since the creation of these dolls, the term “Idolator” has appeared.

An idolator is a middle-aged man, approximately from 40 to 60. The typical psychological portrait of an idolator is a modest, shy man, usually divorced or never married. They suffer from many complexes, and communication with living women can be truly terrifying.

It is possible that such a man has signs of pygmalionism. Their rubber girlfriends have ideal appearance and character. But they are also terribly expensive. The cost of the doll starts from $6500. Expensive pleasure? But it's worth it.

Society condemns idolaters for their “love.” After all, the stereotypes of normality are unshakable: husband, wife, children. This is fine. But living with a doll is fetishism. But this doesn't stop men. Idolator clubs are popping up all over the world. Men even marry dolls. An example of this is the story of Everard Cooney from Great Britain. He arranged a real wedding with a doll. By the way, this is his second marriage, his first wife simply broke down. So he is, in theory, a doll-like widower.

But Davecat from Detroit has been living with the doll since 2000. She perfectly satisfies all his needs for sex, and at the same time does not burden him with problems.

Matek, from Detroit, lives with two dolls. According to Matek, he forgets about all his problems when he sees his dolls. They are real family members that he cares about.

There are also completely unique cases. Married couple C.D.J. and his wife C. purchased a doll to diversify their intimate life. They both became so attached to her that it costs them $400 a month to support their girlfriend. Moreover, she has her own room.

The owners give names to the dolls and endow them with individual character traits. They humanize them.

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