Seated shoulder press in a machine to train the muscles of the shoulder girdle

One of the main exercises for the shoulder girdle is the seated shoulder press. Suitable for beginner athletes, since the movements are performed according to a given amplitude by the simulator itself. Works the front and middle deltoids of the shoulders, trapezius muscles of the back, triceps of the arms, and slightly includes the upper pectoral muscles.

The anterior deltoids are the target muscles to work.

Alternative (similar) exercises:
  1. Dumbbell press standing or sitting.
  2. Standing barbell press.
  3. Bench press while seated in a Smith machine.

Leg press

The hammer allows the bodybuilder to change the direction of the load, pumping exactly the muscle that needs it. Control of the emphasis depends on how the athlete places his feet on the platform.

The machine leg press is almost the same as a squat, but much safer for the knees and Achilles tendon.

It is important that only in a hummer it is possible to relieve excess tension in the back. This allows the athlete to lift more weight without risking his health.

What muscles work?

This exercise actively loads the thigh muscles and buttocks, as well as other leg muscles, but not so actively. When performed correctly, part of the load falls on the abdominal area.


To perform this type of press, you must follow the rules:

  1. Set a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level.
  2. Sit on the seat, straighten your shoulders, raise your head.
  3. Place your feet on the platform so that the load is directed to the muscle group that needs to be worked.
  4. Remove the supports from the platform.
  5. Bend your knees to an angle of 90 degrees.

What exercise machines will help pump up the shoulder muscles?

The choice of the type of sports equipment depends on your goals. Modern exercise machines are multifunctional and allow you to efficiently load various muscle groups.

A popular universal crossover is block equipment for strength training.

On it, girls perform exercises that develop:

  • arm flexors/extensors;
  • deltoid bundles;
  • pectoral groups adjacent to the trapezius muscle;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • elastic torso structures.

To work out the shoulder girdle, use a Smith machine, which simulates lifting and moving a barbell. For girls, a hummer is suitable - lever equipment that allows you to vary the load and perform isolated techniques.

For home training, use a butterfly expander. The device is compact and convenient. An expander, consisting of a spring element and a pair of handles with a semicircle, allows you to work out any muscle groups.

Combine exercises: chest, biceps

Training the chest and back muscles in one session is extremely undesirable, since both muscle groups are classified as large. In this case, an excessive amount of energy and strength will be expended, which can lead to a feeling of overtraining. High-quality training will take place only in those muscles, the exercises for which will be done at the beginning. The body will not be able to perform all subsequent sets as efficiently and correctly as possible, so it is better to divide programs of loads on the chest and back into 2 separate days.

Chest + triceps or back + biceps training, on the contrary, will be the most successful combinations of strength loads (large and small muscle groups are combined).

Important! This rule is equally true not only for beginners, but also for experienced athletes.

Isolation exercises

The inclusion of such exercises in a training complex is recommended for experienced athletes. For athletes with no more than 2 years of experience, doing a base on the chest will be enough.

Isolation exercises allow you to refine your muscle shape, that is, make it more prominent and expressive. They are performed at the end of strength training after a base with maximum weight. Consider the following few exercises with dumbbells to pump up your chest.

Dumbbell flyes

This exercise with dumbbells is the leader among isolated exercises. When performing it, one shoulder joint works, that is, the main effort is concentrated on the pectoral muscles.

Starting position:

  • On the bench, take a sitting position with your knees bent.
  • Place dumbbells on your knees in a vertical position.
  • Take a lying position.
  • Raise your arms with your elbows slightly bent so that the dumbbells are above your shoulders.


  1. On a deep inhalation, arms are spread to the sides to the peak points. Then they are fixed in this position. At the same time, a pleasant feeling of stretching should appear in the chest muscles, but not without pain.
  2. As you exhale smoothly, your arms are slowly brought together without jerking until the dumbbells touch. Pause.

It is recommended to ensure that during the exercise you do not allow your arms to fully straighten to avoid injury to the elbow joint. It is also necessary to keep your back straight, since when you bend, part of the load is transferred from the chest to the lower back. As for the weight of dumbbells, it should be moderate.


Since using heavy weights and stimulating muscle fiber is very difficult in this exercise, it cannot be called the best exercise for the chest. But it contributes to the process of chest expansion, so it must be included in the training program of young athletes.

Starting position:

  • Take dumbbells and place them with their ends on the floor near the bench.
  • Take a lying position - only the upper back is on the bench.
  • Bend your lower back and grab the dumbbell with both hands (by the upper part). You can ask someone to hand you dumbbells.
  • Raise the barbell above your chest with your arms almost fully extended.


  1. The dumbbell is lowered behind your head as you inhale, while your elbows should remain slightly bent.
  2. Following a similar trajectory, when you exhale, the dumbbell rises to its starting position.

This exercise must be performed smoothly, without haste or sudden movements. At the upper limit, the arms should not be fully straightened to avoid injury to the elbow joint. At the lower limit, you should lower the dumbbells as low as possible, stretching the chest muscles.

Let's look at isolation exercises for the chest using machines.

Butterfly trainer: hand pinch

Despite the many varieties of this simulator, they are all based on the same operating principle. To practice on it, no special training is required, and the likelihood of injury is practically reduced to zero. Perhaps this explains the popularity of this simulator among beginners who are not yet ready to work with a barbell.

Starting position:

  • On the machine bench, take a sitting position with your back straight and tightly pressed to it.
  • Your feet should be comfortably spaced shoulder-width apart.
  • Wrap your hands around the handles, rest your forearms on the pillows.


  1. Take a deep breath, then with a powerful movement as you exhale, bring your hands together until they touch.
  2. As you inhale, smoothly return your hands to the starting position.

When raising your arms, it is recommended to try not to reduce the load on the pectoral muscles

It is also important to keep your back pressed against the bench (do not lift it)

Crossover: hand pinch

Thanks to this exercise, the inner and lower parts of the chest muscles are worked out.

Starting position:

  • Take a standing position between the exercise racks.
  • Grab the handles.
  • Bend slightly forward.
  • Bend your arms slightly at the elbows.


  1. With both hands, simultaneously pull the handles somewhere to the waist, exhaling at the extreme point.
  2. As you inhale, smoothly return your hands to the starting position.

Only the arms should work, the legs and the back should be kept motionless.

Pump up your pectoral muscles? Easily! Andrey Shmidt

Watch this video on YouTube

Correctly performing the above-described exercises for the chest muscles will allow you to achieve tangible results and become the owner of a beautiful, inflated chest!

Swings with dumbbells through the sides while standing

If, during the upward movement, the dumbbell goes first, followed by the elbow, then the middle section of the deltoid muscles will not contract. It is important that the elbows go up first, and then the dumbbells.


  • feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in each hand;
  • We move our hands up and to the sides from the body. We raise our elbows, trying not to raise our shoulders. We do not twist our wrists at the top point;
  • At the top point, we do not fully extend our arms;
  • We do the exercise without pauses.

We perform 3-4 working sets of 12 repetitions.


Recommendations for implementation

  • When the handles are in the upper position, your arms should remain slightly bent. We already talked about this when we looked at working muscles.
  • There is no need to artificially increase the range of motion by lowering the handles of the machine. This will not help in the development of deltas, but it can cause injuries to the shoulder joint.
  • When returning to the starting position, the elbows should not go back. This will cause the humerus to externally rotate, putting it at risk of impinging on the acromion of the scapula. As a result, the supraspinatus muscle may be injured.
  • The back should be pressed against the bench to avoid excess load on the spinal column.
  • The return to the starting position must be controlled. There is no need to suddenly relax your hands and throw down the levers of the simulator. This can cause injury to the shoulder and rotator cuff muscles.
  • Do not twist your hands while doing the press. This technique can cause injury to the wrist joint.
  • Choose the right working weight. Although the machine is safer than working with free weights, the emphasis should still be placed on execution technique.

Weekly volume

Each week you should do a certain number of repetitions.

Consequently, problems may arise associated with overtraining, which interferes with achieving results.

Finding the sweet spot can be difficult because the heavier the weights, the fewer reps you can do. This theory is especially relevant for the deadlift - the most effective and difficult exercise for the back muscles.

When lifting heavy weights (80-85% of your one-rep max), you should do 60-70 reps per week. This number of repetitions is the most optimal.

This technique is applicable not only to the back muscles, but also to any other muscle groups.

Common mistakes

Warm-up increases the effectiveness of the training complex. In no case should it be neglected or reduced below the recommended level. A typical female mistake is performing an exercise without warming up, because it seems easier than the basic complex. You should not try to push the handrails or the bar by fidgeting on the bench.

You should not help yourself by exerting force on your back muscles when exercising on a Smith machine or a Hummer. To achieve proper results, only the target muscles should work. It is considered a mistake to pull the shoulders toward the ears when pressing. It is important to respect the principle of parallelism. Do not lift your shoulder blades off the support platform of the machine.

Breast exercises for women - an effective complex

Many girls believe that with the help of exercises they can increase the size of their breasts, change their shape, and increase their elasticity. This opinion is wrong. The mammary glands consist exclusively of adipose tissue and have no muscle fibers. Although exercise cannot change their appearance, you can strengthen the muscles that support them. Today we have selected a set of chest exercises for women. with which you can really improve the muscle tone of the problem area.

By the way, by training this muscle group, a certain amount of mammary gland fat decreases. Accordingly, breast size in women will not only not increase, but will also decrease slightly due to a reduction in fat deposits.

Slouching visually reduces breast volume, while straight posture, on the contrary, increases it. Therefore, women’s training program must include back exercises. aimed at strengthening muscles and developing correct posture.

Workout Features

The pectoral muscles in girls, as a rule, are poorly developed, since in everyday life they rarely receive sufficient load. In addition, feeding a child, as well as age-related changes, cause the mammary glands to sag. In order to tone their bust, women should perform special chest exercises.

Girls can give these techniques both individual training and combine them with whole body training. In both cases, the first results will appear in 3-4 weeks. An excellent addition to classes is a contrast shower, a light massage and a good nourishing cream.

Women should remember to wear a supportive sports bra when exercising.

No. 1. Seated bench press (3*10 times)

The work involves the pectoral muscles, as well as the shoulder girdle, abs and back.

All movements must be controlled without the use of inertial force. Keep your chest open and your back straight. Note - while working, do not contract or raise your shoulder girdle.

No. 2. Bench press with wide grip (3*10 times)

The exercise loads the target muscle group, as well as deltoids and triceps.

For women, as for men, it is important to choose working weights. The chest exercise must be performed correctly, even with a small barbell weight. Learn more about the wide-grip bench press technique

Learn more about the wide-grip bench press technique.

No. 3. Raises with dumbbells (3*10 times)

The technique works the pectoralis major muscles.

Dumbbell raises are isolated exercises

It must be performed carefully, clearly following the chosen trajectory of movement. The dumbbells touch at the top, and lower down until they are parallel to the floor, not lower. As for the weight of dumbbells, it should not be maximum

As for the weight of dumbbells, it should not be maximum.

No. 4. Pullover (3*10 times)

The pecs work in tandem with the latissimus dorsi muscles, and the long head of the triceps is also involved.

When lowering the projectile down, make sure that there is no “overextension” of the arms. The latter should be slightly bent at the elbow joint. When you lower the weight down, do not arch your back in the lumbar region, otherwise this may cause injury.

No. 5. Push-ups on parallel bars in the simulator (3*10 times)

In this chest complex exercise, in addition to the target muscle group, deltoids, biceps, triceps and lats work.

Push-ups in the exercise machine for women provide high-quality work on the problem area. To do this, you do not need to use the force of inertia. You cannot slouch and round your shoulders, your chest should be straightened and your shoulder blades down.

No. 6. Raising hands from the lower block (3*10 times)

Isolated technique for working the upper chest. It is recommended to perform it at the end of the workout. The higher you bring your hands, the more effectively you will work with the target group. At the same time, do not lower your arms completely, but keep them tense.

Do not perform the exercise with straight arms - this is dangerous; they should be slightly bent at the elbows.

That's all, a set of 6 chest exercises for women is completed.

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Shoulder muscles involved when exercising on exercise machines

The main target muscle is the deltoid. Its elastic fibers form the configuration of the body and lend themselves well to hypertrophy through sports exercises. The triangular deltoid muscle covers the entire shoulder joint.

The rounded heads of the large muscle grip the anterior surface of the clavicle and the posterior plane of the scapula. The functions of the deltoid muscle are abduction of the upper limbs, support of the chest, prevention of possible dislocation of the joint when lifting heavy weights.

The shoulder press on the machine allows girls to acquire a graceful posture and high, firm breasts. The trapezius muscle group is involved in sports work. Its task is to lift and rotate the shoulder joint.

For women, the development of the trapezius muscle allows them to visually narrow their shoulders due to the visual suppression of the deltoid structure by the trapezius, which is divided into 3 bundles, called heads, which perform complex motor functions.

The anatomical structure of the deltoid muscle is presented in the table:

FrontRaising the arms above the shoulder, bringing them to the central axis of the body
AverageRetraction of arms to the sides
RearExternal rotation of the upper limbs

The shoulder girdle has a complex anatomical structure. It includes a large number of small muscles that are subject to stress when performing bench presses on exercise equipment.

The rotator cuffs give the shoulder girdle a clear structure.

This group includes the following muscles:

  • supraspinatus;
  • infraspinatus;
  • small round;
  • subscapular.

The rotator cuff is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder structure, holding the articular bone in the bed of the scapular cavity. For the overall development of the body area, this muscle group is of key importance.

Exercise options

  1. Basic and basic. A medium grip or when the seat height is so that the arms are at the level of the middle of the pectoral muscles. Then the load is precisely distributed over the pectoralis major muscle.
  2. An option for greater development of the upper pectoral muscles. Overhand grip or when the seat height is so that the hands are at shoulder level.
  3. Alternate chest press in the simulator. For uniform training and targeted concentration on the muscles. Use this version of the exercise.

Chest press. Block and lever trainers

Recommendations for execution technique

  1. Often, exercise machines have an additional lever for the legs. To help move the handles to a comfortable starting position. Use it by pressing with your feet. If there is no lever. For help, you can turn to your partner in the gym. Ask him to throw the heavy weight into the starting position for the press.
  2. Perform a movement that is comfortable for your shoulder joints. If flexibility is good, lower the levers of the machine low; if flexibility is not enough, work in the upper range of motion.
  3. You can choose the load in the exercise depending on the purpose of working out muscle groups. When you spread your elbows to the sides, perpendicular to the body, the pectoral muscles work more. When the elbows are brought together and are closer to the body, the triceps muscles of the arms are more involved in the work.
  4. An exercise similar to a horizontal barbell press. Good for beginners. Since the movements in the simulator are predetermined and do not need to be coordinated. Unlike horizontal bench presses with barbells or dumbbells.
  • Lifting your back off the backrest and moving your shoulders forward. Keep your back close to the backrest and your shoulders level with the shoulder girdle. Concentrate on your chest muscles.
  • Full arm extension. Always keep your arms slightly bent in the final position. This way you will protect your joints from premature wear and aging.
  • Incorrect breathing. Under load, when you press up, exhale. When you lower it, inhale.
  • Jerks and fast movements. Make clear movements. Try to do lowering slower than lifting.

Seated press and Smith machine

Seated barbell press in a Smith machine is an exercise for the shoulders and upper chest. Let's look at both options.

Seated Angle Press

Place an incline bench under the bar of a Smith machine. Position it so that when you lie down on the bench, the bar is level with the middle of your pecs. Set the back angle to 45 degrees. This position is also called “sitting”. There is no need to hang anything yet; initially the bar weighs 20–25 kg, which is just right for warming up.

We recommend reading: How not to gain weight during the holidays

  1. Sit on a bench, press the top of your buttocks to the bottom of your back. Bend your lower back forward, squeeze your shoulder blades together, straighten your shoulders. Press the back of your head against the back of the bench.
  2. Grasp the bar with a wide grip (palms wider than shoulder width). Usually there are risks on the fingerboard that you should follow. You can do this: find the marks located closer to the edges of the fingerboard and place your ring or middle fingers on them. This makes it easier to achieve a symmetrical grip. By the way, the grip is straight.
  3. Remove the bar by twisting it to remove the clamps.
  4. Gently lower it onto your chest. The bar should be located between the shoulders and the pectoral muscle. This is the correct position. Lower it as far as possible, stretching the front deltoids and pectoral muscles.
  5. Lift up as you exhale, repeat 10–15 times. The warm-up is over.

Now set the desired weights and do 8-10 repetitions in 3-4 sets. If you can't squeeze out the last reps, rotate the bar in a critical position: it will lock. Or ask a friend (coach) to back you up.

There is a nuance - for some it is convenient to turn the bar away from you, for others - towards you. Experiment with how it is more convenient for you to do this. Because at the critical moment, when you need to fix the barbell, you may not succeed. That is, if turning in one direction is inconvenient for you, turn the bench 180 degrees.

Seated Vertical Press

In this case, the bench press in the simulator is an imitation of a barbell bench press while sitting on the shoulders. You need to install an inclined bench under the bar, which should be strictly above the seat (preferably in the middle). Adjust the height of the bar so that when sitting, it is level with the top of your head.

We will be lowering the barbell behind our heads, so make sure the bench position allows this to happen.

  1. Grab the bar with an overhand grip and lift it up. The grip is slightly wider than the shoulders, be guided by the marks on the bar (they are located exactly where they are on the free bar).
  2. Don't forget that this is a warm-up. This option is not suitable for girls, the weight is too heavy, it is better to rock your shoulders in a different way. Therefore, we recommend the Smith press for men. Raise and lower the empty bar 10-15 times. The warm-up is over.

We hang the pancakes, perform 3-4 approaches in 8-10 repetitions.

Complexes for back development

Let's look at the main training complexes for developing the back in the gym and at home.

Complex Exercises Task Split on the lats Warm-up deadlift – 20 times empty bar. Bent-over barbell row 5*8 (70% of the repeated maximum). T-bar row 5*5 (60% of the maximum) Upper block row behind the head 5*20. Cheating biceps curl - light weight.

The main task is to focus on the lagging lats. Excellent for increasing the number of pull-ups and width of the back by developing the wings. The biceps curl is used to increase arm flexor strength to relieve weight restrictions.

Split into diamonds Warm-up deadlift – 20 times empty bar. Deadlift 5*8 (70% of the rep max). Rowing machine 5*20 Pulling the barbell to the chin 5*5 Pulling the block to the waist 5*20 Clean biceps curl on the Scott bench 3*8

A good complex for working out the thickness of the back, heavier, but providing a serious basis for further training in any sport. Biceps training allows you to increase working weights in the future.

Profiled training Warm-up deadlift – empty bar 20 times. Deadlift 5*8 (70% of the repeated maximum). Block row to the belt 5*20 Bent-over barbell row 5*8 (70% of the repeated maximum). T-bar row 5*5 (60% of the maximum) Upper block row behind the head 5*20. Pulling the barbell to the chin 5*5 Shrugs with dumbbells 3*3 (maximum possible weight) Hyperextension max*max

Suitable for athletes who can afford to dedicate a full day to back training

The best option for professionals. Preparatory Rows of the upper block or pull-ups 3*12 Rows of the horizontal block 3*12 Rowing machine 3*12 Shrugs with dumbbells 3*12 Hyperextension max*max

It is used in the first month of training, since the muscle corset is not yet ready for specialized circuit training. Optimizes the tone of small muscle groups. Additionally, it is recommended to master deadlifts with an empty bar and bent-over rows.

Restorative Bridge 5 - for a while Farmer's walk 100 steps with light weight Hyperextension max*max Negative pull-ups on a machine with a counterweight 5*3 Body bends in different directions Hanging on a horizontal bar for a while

Suitable for restoring muscle tone after a long break or after an injury. All weights and number of repetitions are individual. After completing the recovery course, it is recommended to study for another month according to the preparatory complex. Home Pull-Ups Raising arms with a chest expander Pull-down of your own weight using a rubber band. Horizontal pull-ups with harness Farmer's walk Basket Bridge Shrugs with any available weight Rows with any available weight

Everything that can be squeezed out for your back at home in order to at least somehow seriously load it.

Why train chest and triceps together?

The triceps are actively engaged during all variations of the press, so from an efficiency standpoint it makes sense to work them in the same workout, maximizing the pump and maintaining the same good rate of growth for your triceps and pecs.

However, John Rusin, DPT, CSCS (creator of the functional strength training system), says you can't put these two muscle groups together randomly. In particular, lifters should be careful when using "two exercises back to back with no rest" supersets, because fatiguing your triceps too early in the workout will only limit your pressing strength.

“The golden rule of supersets is to do both movements better,” says Rusin, “not to work at the expense of both movements. The problem is that many guys will superset the dumbbell bench press with the triceps, which fatigues both the pecs and the triceps to the point where neither muscle group is working optimally.”

According to Rusin, in a couple of five such supersets, such guys are withdrawn after two. So they end up doing "junk volumes" - sets that have no real training effect. They have to use less weight and their shape deteriorates.

In short, if you're going to train chest and triceps together, the path to victory is through straight sets of chest and triceps exercises. That is, do all the chest work and then the triceps exercises. However, limited use of supersets, especially late in a workout, is possible for advanced lifters. Training the triceps before the chest is also out of the question.

“Every training session should be built around a KPI or key performance indicator,” says Rusin. “This is true whether you are training for the Olympics or doing general physical training.”

In the case of chest and triceps training, the KPI would be the bench press or push-up: a row that you really need to get stronger over time to see progress. Working the triceps primarily will limit your ability to perform these lifts with maximum effort and concentration, as well as maximum weight. Note: You may be more concerned with muscle gain than the amount of load you can lift, but remember that muscle gain is based on progressive overload - you need to get stronger over time to increase muscle mass.

Additionally, doing the press first allows the triceps to relax in the workout, warm up as a secondary muscle in the chest workout, and then build to the finish where you'll hit the triceps with higher reps and leave the gym with a monster pump in your hands.

“In terms of consistency, triceps training transfers very well to the end of chest and triceps training,” says Rusin. “By this point, the triceps have received maximum blood flow and although they are a little tired from locking your elbows during pressing exercises, you can use lighter weight to get the training effect.”

According to Rusin, the main driver for triceps growth is the pump you get, not the mechanical stress of lifting weights. In general, by the time you finish pressing, it won't take much effort to pump your triceps to their max, and that's good news for your shoulders and elbows.

Separation into base and isolation

In bodybuilding, there are several groups of exercises, which are combined according to different characteristics. One of the main such classifications is the division into basic and isolating exercises.

Basic movements include movements that involve two or more joints, as well as several muscle groups. Another name for them is multi-joint.

For example, the standing military barbell press is a base for the shoulders. There are two joints at work here - the shoulder and the elbow. As well as several muscle groups - in addition to the anterior and middle deltas, the triceps (in dynamic mode) and the forearm (in static mode) are loaded. The indirect load falls on the upper, supraclavicular part of the pectoral muscles.

Isolation exercises involve movement in only one joint (single-joint). The number of working muscles is small - 1-2.

Well-known representatives of shoulder isolation are dumbbell abductions (forward, sideways, bent over). Here only the shoulder joint moves, and the main emphasis is placed on one particular deltoid bundle. Indirect load falls on the trapezius and forearms.

Basic shoulder exercises do a great job of building muscle mass and strength in the deltoid muscles. This is their direct purpose.

Isolation exercises for the deltoid muscles are relatively weak in stimulating muscle growth. And attempts to perform them in a power mode with heavy weights often end in a serious shoulder injury due to the fragility of the joint.

The main purpose of isolation is to detail and polish the already gained muscle mass. And also giving the muscles a more harmonious shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts in heavy training note that the hummer, in fact, has only one significant drawback: this simulator cannot be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the athlete’s figure.

But the main advantage of the hummer is that the mechanism used to develop the simulator helps reduce the likelihood of injuries.

This can be clearly seen when comparing two types of exercises, for example, the barbell bench press and the hummer bench press:

  • the hummer allows you not to overstrain the joint, forcing it to also hold the load in an upright position;
  • the simulator prevents the load from swinging, which frees up the stabilizer muscles;
  • the hammer helps distribute the load evenly on both sides, but free weights can “walk.”

Some bodybuilders even complain that they oversize one side to the detriment of the other. They can only advise one thing - a hummer, in which it is impossible to deviate from an already verified trajectory.

Some people think that the machine does not help build muscle mass, but this is not a drawback. Athletes traditionally build muscle with barbells or dumbbells. But when the stage of grinding the reliefs comes, the hummer is irreplaceable.

Based on the above, it becomes clear: the hummer will be the best assistant for people who are not involved in professional bodybuilding. If you just need to develop your chest, maintain beautiful muscle volume, and develop the strength of your pectoral muscles, then don’t pass by the hummer.

It is quite important to remember the safety guarantees that the hummer provides: when bench pressing, the load will not fall on your chest or face - the hummer is equipped with a special bar that secures the load. The hummer is designed in such a way that weights from a barbell are used as a load, and in other devices, for example, roller ones, a system of weights built into the mechanism

In these machines, the weight is lifted through a winch. Movement through a winch places an uneven load at different points, and lever mechanisms compensate for this disadvantage

The hummer is designed in such a way that plates from a barbell are used as a load, and in other devices, for example, roller ones, a system of weights built into the mechanism is used. In these machines, the weight is lifted through a winch. Movement through a winch places uneven loads at different points, and lever mechanisms compensate for this disadvantage.

Technique for performing seated chest presses in a hummer

First, the athlete must set up the simulator by adjusting the seat to his height. Then take a sitting position, pressing completely against the back of the bench. The athlete must squeeze his shoulder blades together and open his chest.

  1. The legs should be spread wider, since the entire load will fall on them and on the back.
  2. The movement begins as you exhale and follows the trajectory directed by the simulator. Jerks and sudden movements are not welcome.
  3. When pressing, your elbows are directed to the sides. There is no need to press them to the body.
  4. The arms at the end point of the amplitude do not need to be completely straightened at the elbows, since then the load is transferred to the elbow joints, which is a very traumatic movement.
  5. It is best to pause for a second at the extreme point of the amplitude.
  6. On the return movement you need to inhale. The movement should be slow and smooth. Levers must not be thrown.

The correct technique for performing bench presses in a hammer machine

In general, the technique is not particularly complicated, since all the exercises performed in the simulators are quite simple. But don’t relax too much and think that the simulator will do everything for you. It’s just easier to work with than free weights, so any beginner can master the hammer chest press.

Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to warm up with elements of chest stretching. Especially if the hammer press is the first exercise in the training program. Well, as in any strength exercise, you should follow the rule - the first approaches with minimal weights.

Let's take a closer look at the correct execution technique:

Starting position: hang the desired weight and adjust the height of the seat to make it convenient and comfortable to perform the exercise. We sit down, press our back and lower back tightly to the bench, grab the handles with our hands, look ahead, chest open, and shoulder blades brought together. We place our feet firmly on the floor.

As you exhale: we begin to smoothly push the handles of the exercise machine forward, while the elbows should be directed to the sides so that the pecs receive maximum load. If you press them to the body, the triceps will actively participate in the work. Maximum concentration should be on movement in the elbow joints in order to better contract the pecs. At the extreme point, you do not need to fully straighten your arms to the end, leaving the elbow joint slightly bent. We stay in this position for several seconds.

As you inhale: slowly return your arms back, while trying to stretch your pectoral muscles as much as possible.

But, it is important not to lift your back from the seat and not allow your back to sag.

3-4 approaches of 10-15 times will be enough. As mentioned above, the best solution would be to perform it after basic chest presses. But, everything is individual.

By changing the grip width, you can shift the emphasis of the load:

What muscles does the shoulder press work?

As mentioned earlier, the main working muscles when performing shoulder presses in the simulator will be:

  • Deltoid.
    These muscles are responsible for shoulder extension (raising the arm up). Depending on the execution option, the load will change slightly, moving from the middle delta to the front and vice versa. As for the posterior head, in this exercise it will perform more of a stabilizing function.
  • Triceps.
    When it comes to pressing exercises, the triceps cannot be left out. This muscle is activated to its maximum in the final phase of movement, at the moment of extension of the arm at the elbow joint. In order to reduce the load on it, it is recommended to work within the amplitude. That is, in the final phase of the exercise, the arms remain slightly bent.
  • Breasts.
    In particular, the upper (clavicular part). Since the angle of the bench is almost 90°, the chest will be used minimally. But if we lower the backrest lower, the load on them will increase.

In addition to the main muscles, auxiliary muscles will work. These include:

  • Diamond-shaped
  • Trapezoid
  • Serratus anterior muscles

They will act as stabilizers for the scapula and are also responsible for its movement.

The best exercises for the pectoral muscles

So let's finally get to our list of the 10 best chest exercises at the gym, listed in no particular order. In it you will find basic exercises for the pectoral muscles, as well as isolation exercises, depending on your training goals.

Bench press

Reason for inclusion in the list

This chest exercise is good for working the middle and lower part of the pectoral muscles, but requires proper technique.

You can generate maximum force by performing different barbell exercises, so the standard bench press allows you to lift the most weight. In addition, this chest exercise allows you to balance the weight better than an exercise with heavy dumbbells. The bench press is easy to belay and relatively simple to master. There are many variations of this chest exercise that you can use to increase strength and mass.


Place in the training program

Perform bench presses at the beginning of your chest workout, using heavy weights but limiting your reps to low reps. Try different grip widths for a more detailed workout of the pectoral muscles.

Dumbbell bench press

A great exercise to tone all parts of your chest muscles. It involves the upper, middle and lower thoracic regions.

Reason for inclusion in the list

Chest exercises with dumbbells allow each part of the body to move independently of the other, this engages the stabilizer muscles. The dumbbell press requires additional effort to balance them, as it is necessary to constantly maintain the correct trajectory. Dumbbells also provide the opportunity to increase the range of motion compared to the barbell press, both in the lower and upper phases of the exercise. The dumbbell bench press will allow you to lift quite a lot of weight, and can also be a good alternative to the long-practised bench press.


Place in the training program

Perform flat dumbbell presses to begin your chest workout, using heavy weights for low reps. We generally don't recommend this exercise in addition to the bench press because the exercises are so similar.

Their identity was confirmed through electromyography (EMG), which revealed no significant differences between them in terms of muscle activation.

Bench press at an upward angle

Reason for inclusion in the list

The main working muscles are the upper chest.

Often the bench is placed at a very steep angle, thereby forcing the front deltoids, rather than the pectoral muscles, to be involved in the work. Therefore, if you want to focus on developing the upper chest and not overload the deltoids, use a less steep incline of the bench. You can also do this easily with an adjustable bench on a Smith machine.

EMG results showed that a narrow grip allows for significantly better work of the upper pectoral muscles.


Place in the training program

Often, chest workouts at the gym start with bench presses and later move on to incline presses, but it's time to break this bad habit. Start practicing incline presses from time to time. The advantage will be that you will be able to handle more weight and, as a result, better work the upper pectoral muscles.

Reason for inclusion in the list

Some machines (for example) allow you to work each arm separately, independently of each other, which is a great advantage for chest training. In addition to the usual position, in such machines you can sit sideways and perform a bench press with one arm across your body. This will give a completely different load than what would be in the standard position.

With such a transverse movement, the pectoralis major muscle comes into play. Think back to the butterfly or crossover exercise to get an idea of ​​the exercise. Sitting in this position, you maximally load the pectoral muscles, which means you enhance the effect of the exercise.


Techniques for performing exercises on simulators for girls, number of approaches

Sports complexes aimed at working out the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle harmonize the figure and form a proportional silhouette. Push-ups and pull-ups provide proper tension to the target groups.

Shoulder press on the machine

Isolation exercises require a gradual increase in the level of external resistance after thoroughly honing the technique. Warming up is key, warming up the muscles and increasing their functionality and strength.

For such exercises, before starting intensive training on the simulator, use dumbbells weighing 1-1.5 kg. Warm-up is performed in a standing position with slightly bent legs. This position takes some of the load off the back muscles.

It is recommended that beginners perform the shoulder press in the simulator no more than 1-2 times a week. The break between classes should be at least 72 hours, due to periods of physiological recovery.

If the goals of the exercises are to improve the anthropometric parameters of the body and reduce weight, it is enough to perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions 2 times a week. Recommended training duration is 45-60 minutes.

If the training is aimed at building muscle mass, which is not typical for girls, then start with 3 sets of 12 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 20.

After reaching this mark and mastering the technique, for further development of muscle groups it is necessary to increase the working weight of the weights. Don't be afraid to pump up your deltoid muscle.

Female physiology is such that this muscle can be greatly hypertrophied only by regularly using large weights in combination with taking testosterone-based drugs. Below are common exercises for working the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Hammer shoulder press technique

A lever-type sports unit allows you to pump muscles symmetrically, providing an even load on both sides of the central vertical of the body. Unlike standard cable machines, the hammer press can be done with one hand.

Before class, the height of the frame of the sports unit is adjusted to suit your own height.

Algorithm for performing the exercise for girls:

  1. Sit on a bench with your back straight and your thighs parallel to the floor.
  2. Raise the working handles slightly above the shoulder joints for a comfortable grip.
  3. Press your back against a vertically placed supporting structure.
  4. As you exhale, press up from yourself by contracting the pectoral muscles, muscles of the forearms and neck.
  5. Return the handles to their original position while inhaling.

At the beginning of a sports movement, the shoulder blade bones are brought together. Girls who have just started training and do not have good physical fitness are advised not to use weights, but to work with the weight of the unit itself.

The hummer press requires the mandatory bringing together of the shoulder blades and fixing them in the area of ​​the spinal column. The technique does not allow you to adjust the grip width over a wide range.

The safest angle of inclination of the shoulder joints from the point of view of injury is 45° relative to the body. Some designs allow you to perform presses with elbow abduction.

But not all Hummers have this feature. The exercise does not cause pain in the joints, lower back or back. If discomfort occurs, you should consult a fitness trainer and orthopedist.

Variation of one-arm press on the simulator

The exercise limits the recruitment of multiple stabilizing muscles, increasing the load on the target group and accelerating progress. The one-arm press is a way to correct bodily or muscular asymmetry.

This exercise is recommended for girls to bring their figure to ideal anthropometric parameters and create a harmonious athletic silhouette. Movements with each hand are performed alternately in a hummer or a specially designed unit.

The shoulder press is done following the technique described above. In a specialized simulator, the design provides the desired vector of movement for one limb. While inhaling, the handrail is pushed up from the chest, and while exhaling, it is returned to the starting position.

In the Smith machine

The universal machine can be easily adapted to perform any exercise. Girls pump up their shoulder muscles in a Smith machine in a convenient and safe way. The technique in a sitting position provides the main load to the anterior and middle heads of the deltoid muscle. Thanks to the strictly vertical movement of the bar along the guides, there is no need to concentrate on holding the projectile.

The Smith simulator allows you to feel the tension throughout the entire amplitude of movement, thereby specifically working out the target group.

Additionally, the exercise involves:

  • elongated triceps head;
  • subclavian muscle;
  • pectoral fibers;
  • the upper part of the trapezoid.

The only drawback of the Smith machine is the ineffective strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus due to the isolated nature of the exercise and the movement of the bar strictly upward along the guides.

To perform a shoulder press, the seat back is tilted at an angle of 70-75°.

Exercise technique for girls:

  1. The bar is placed in front of the chest just above the level of the clavicle bones.
  2. Use a standard grip with hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. The back is kept pressed against the supporting structure during the cycle of movements.
  4. Simultaneously with the exhalation, the bar is removed from the clamps and slowly, without jerky movements, squeezed upward until it stops, without completely straightening the elbow joints.
  5. Synchronously with exhalation, the projectile is returned to the starting position.

Girls perform complex bench presses in the Smith machine with front swings using the superset system. For beginners, the scheme is 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. To work on terrain, reduce the weight of the weights, but increase the number of approaches to 4.

Press with a narrow (parallel) grip

The exercise is universal, suitable for beginners or constantly training girls. Thanks to the narrowed position of the palms, the main load emphasis falls on the triceps, the anterior head of the delta, and the trapezius.

Additionally, small stabilizers are involved in the training process. Some models of exercise equipment are equipped with 2 types of handles. One pair is set wide apart for a classic grip, the other pair is set narrowly for a close palm position.

For shoulder presses, it is convenient for girls to use the last option. A narrow grip with parallel placement of the palms, when the front surfaces are turned towards each other, allows you to perform the exercise with the elbow joints slightly extended forward.

As a result, the main load falls on the anterior head of the deltoid muscle, which is responsible for the formation of a harmonious silhouette of the shoulder girdle and upper body. The technique remains unchanged and identical to the exercise with the classic position of the palms.

Press facing the machine

The technique involves standing facing the working handrails in a sitting or standing position. For girls, the first option is preferable. In this position, the main load of external resistance is taken by the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle and neck.

The position forces the elbow joints to be moved slightly behind the back, which maximally strains the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle, which, together with the trapezius, is the main goal of the exercise.

Shoulder presses on a Smith machine or in a hammer with this body position are recommended for girls only after mastering the classical technique. Before performing the exercise, you must warm up thoroughly.

Insufficient warming up of muscle groups will increase the likelihood of a sprain, and low flexibility of the shoulder joint will lead to dislocation. The technique involves pushing out the projectile while inhaling and returning to the starting position simultaneously with exhalation.

Alternate press

The exercise allows girls to effectively work out each deltoid muscle individually. The technique is recommended for asymmetry of the shoulder girdle. You can perform the exercise with a narrow or wide grip, with your back or facing the frame of the machine.

The technique will form an attractive and harmonious silhouette in a relatively short period of time. When performing the exercise, the abdominal muscles are additionally strained.

The technique in a standing position facing the frame of the simulator involves placing your feet shoulder-width apart with the knee joints slightly bent to relieve the load on them. After a deep breath, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.

At the top point of the amplitude of movement, a pause is made without relaxing the muscles until a slight burning sensation occurs in the fibers of the shoulder girdle being worked. As you exhale, the handrail is smoothly returned to its original position.

The exercise is repeated 10-15 times for each hand. The elbow joints do not straighten completely. They should always be in a slightly bent state. It is important to work with each hand in the same plane. The body is kept motionless throughout the entire exercise.

Standing butterfly press

A basic exercise aimed at working all muscle groups of the shoulder girdle. It is considered an effective technique for rapid weight loss. The machine is designed to work the pectoral muscles, but it can be used to develop the shoulder girdle.

The technique is quite simple:

  1. Place the required number of weights on the levers.
  2. Stand facing the working handles.
  3. The back is straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. As you exhale, press the handles up, and as you inhale, lower them down.
  5. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Girls can perform the shoulder press on the butterfly machine in the shung style, which is a special strength exercise. The load varies depending on the technology used.

The shung style, which came into fitness from the training of weightlifters, involves bending the knee joints at the moment of the squeezing movement, synchronously with pushing the handrails up with straightened arms.

The technique allows girls to quickly increase working weights. It is necessary to control the position of the thoracic region, preventing it from bending back. Rounding the back is a common cause of spinal injuries.

Seated butterfly press

It is important to properly set up your exercise equipment before performing the exercise. To work the shoulder and pectoral muscles, the handrails are symmetrically brought together in front of you. The seat is adjusted so that when moving, the working shoulder is brought to the middle vertical of the body.

It is better for girls to perform the exercise with a horizontal support platform, avoiding its inclination. The back is pressed tightly against the structure. The seat height is set so that the feet touch the floor surface completely.

The palms are fixed on the handrails with a free (neutral) grip. The handles survive in front of themselves by contracting the target muscle groups. Shifting the grip of the handrails in the upper direction transfers the load emphasis to the pectoral fiber bundles, and in the lower direction – to the waist muscles.

To work out the shoulder girdle and upper chest, abduction/adduction is performed in compliance with parallelism. You should try to achieve maximum smoothness without jerky movements. Repetitions are performed without a pause in one approach. Breaks between sets – 1-2 minutes.

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