How to lose weight with HIIT - interval training against fat

High-intensity interval training is one of the most effective types of cardio programs among fitness enthusiasts. The name HIIT is an acronym for high-intensity interval training. It is famous for its minimal time investment and high results: increased endurance and effective weight loss.

High-intensity interval training for fat burning (HIIT) will help you achieve better results in less time.

When it comes to cardio, high-intensity interval training (or HIIT) is one of the most effective types of programs for burning fat. This is recognized by all fitness enthusiasts, both professionals and novice athletes. Have you tried doing 100 burpees in 15 minutes with short breaks? This is approximately the feeling and approach to training.

Alternating high-intensity exercise with low-intensity exercise or complete rest is a very different approach from the usual long-term, constant-intensity cardio programs that people spend 30-60 minutes on.

With HIIT you will have to run, bike or do any other activity like crazy. At the same time, you will achieve amazing results in the shortest possible time.

What is HIIT

Why is HIIT (from the abbreviation HIIT - high intensity interval training) so popular? By doing high-intensity interval training, you will become a fat-loss super hero, but it will definitely feel like it's in the crosshairs. Start burning fat with this science-backed program.

High-intensity interval training was developed decades ago by a running coach to better train athletes. At that time, this method was known as “Fartlek training,” which translated from Swedish means “playing with speed.” Well, this completely characterizes high-intensity interval training aimed at burning fat.

HIIT has firmly established itself in the fitness industry due to its effectiveness. Studies comparing HIIT to continuous steady-state exercise have proven that such interval training is much more effective for burning fat despite requiring less time.

One of the first studies on this topic was conducted in 1994 at the University of Laval (Saint-Foy, Quebec, Canada). The results were stunning: Young men and women who did HIIT for 15 weeks lost significantly more fat than those who followed a 20-week steady-state endurance program.

This is despite the fact that the steady-intensity program burned 15,000 more calories than the fat-burning high-intensity interval training program.

How intense should the active intervals be?

If you look at the scientific research surrounding high-intensity training, you will notice that they often mention something called VO2 max.

Your body's VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen the body can use and is a major factor in determining your endurance level.

He refers to HIIT as follows:

Research shows that to get the most benefit from interval training, you need to reach 80-100% of your VO2max during the active interval.

And this is all great, of course, but not very applicable in practice, because it is quite difficult to estimate your VO2max directly during an interval training exercise. Simply because there are no reliable indicators that would allow you to accurately determine anything.

Fortunately, you can work with a more practical parameter: Vmax.

In short, you've reached the Vmax level of exertion where you feel like you can't inhale as much air as your body requires (if you can easily carry on a conversation while exercising, you're not even close).

For most people, this is about 90% of their maximum effort.

  1. Your goal during intense periods is to reach and maintain your Vmax.

In other words, you need to move fast enough and for long enough that breathing becomes difficult, and also maintain this speed for a certain period of time.
As you may have guessed, this requires significant effort. It's like sprinting, not jogging.

  1. Throughout your workout, your goal is to methodically achieve and maintain your maximum tension level.

This seems obvious, but it requires focus because the amount of time you spend at your maximum effort level determines the overall effectiveness of your interval training.

So a metabolic workout where you've been at max for, say, a minute will be much less effective than if you've pushed that up to just a few minutes.

Fortunately, this is more a matter of well-designed exercises than the need to bend rebar by force of will.

We'll talk about the exercise routine soon, and if you still have doubts, here's a motivation for you.

So here's a quick guide to interval training.

Let's look at why you should choose these types of workouts over easier, less intimidating forms of cardio.

Secrets of Interval Training

For HIIT, burning 2% body fat in 8 weeks couldn't be easier.
And this was scientifically proven in 2001. Participants in a study at East Tennessee State University in the United States who did a HIIT program actually experienced a 2% fat loss over 8 weeks.

  1. Australian scientists found that women who did 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training, which alternated between 8 seconds of sprinting and 12 seconds of rest, burned six times more fat than participants who did 40 minutes of constant-intensity fat-burning cardio.
  2. The main reason why high-intensity training has a fat-burning advantage over steady-intensity training is the increased metabolism after HIIT. After high-intensity training, your body continues to burn calories for another whole day! This was proven by a study conducted in 1996 at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. The subjects who did a high-intensity interval training program on exercise bikes burned significantly more calories in the 24 hours after the workout than the participants who exercised as usual!
  3. In addition to boosting your metabolism, high-intensity interval training boosts your metabolism, which helps burn fat and prevent fat storage. The process of lipid oxidation—that is, fat burning—in your muscle fibers occurs faster if you engage in high-intensity training.
  4. Reduce fat-storing enzymes. A study conducted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim shows that HIIT can reduce fat-storing enzymes. Metabolic syndrome participants showed 100% greater reductions in fat-storing enzymes after 16 weeks of high-intensity interval training than their counterparts after a steady-state, moderate-intensity program. Sounds amazing, right?

But there's more evidence that high-intensity interval training is effective at burning fat forever.

High-intensity training and your muscles

In the minds of most people who lift weights, cardio and muscle gain are more or less opposites.

Either one or the other.

And, again, there is some truth in this, but at the same time it is a kind of simplification.

For example, research has shown that combining strength and endurance training (if you do both at the same time) can slow your strength gains and muscle growth than if you did strength training alone.

Research also suggests that the longer your cardio sessions, the more they slow down your strength and size gains.

However, this does not mean that cardio training directly interferes with muscle growth. Because it doesn't do that.

This only happens if there is too much cardio.

Cardio in the proper amount actually increases muscle growth for the reasons described here.

But what volume can be called appropriate, including for training at home?

Well, there are two factors to consider:

  • Duration of individual cardio sessions.
  • The total amount of cardio performed each week.

And if your goal is to improve your physique (and this requires progress in the weight zone), then cardio sessions should be short, and the average duration over the course of a week should be quite short.

Only HIIT meets these criteria and burns significant amounts of fat.

Fat burning strength HIIT workout

The heavy artillery is ready for battle, the faint-hearted leave the premises - we declare war on fat. This HIIT foot soldier workout will give you the ripped body of a Hollywood action hero.

How to become as slim and attractive? The ideal figure cannot be bought, but it can be earned through exhausting work. Here is a super burning workout for the whole body.

HIIT exercises with TRX loops:

  • TRX jumps. 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Pull-ups. 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Pike. 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Bench press on an incline bench. 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Back lunges. 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Jumping on a box. 1 set of 10 reps.
  • Push-ups with legs raised. 3 sets of 8 reps.

Add this fat-burning interval strength training 1-2 times a week to your cardio routine. Thus, the training program for burning fat will look like this:

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Sunday
Week 1, 2CardioStretch marksPowerStretch marksCardioRest
Week 3, 4CardioPowerStretch marksCardioPowerRest
Week 5, 6CardioPowerCardioPowerStretch marksCardio
Week 7, 8CardioPowerCardioPowerCardioPower

What is the workout made from? Program!

A workout for beginners could be like this:

1. Squats, you can start without weights. 8 reps.

2. Lunges forward with turns to change the supporting leg, you can start without weights. 8 reps.

3. Difficult push-ups (optional) - 4 repetitions, regular push-ups - 4 repetitions.

4. Classic crunches, you can start without weights. 8 reps.

The entire complex must be performed four times without rest between approaches.

There’s no point in staying too long at a workout for beginners—there’s too much interesting stuff ahead. For example, this workout ( training for the prepared ):

1. Push-ups with upper legs

(for example, put them on a chair).

2. Squat jumps (remember to keep your body weight on your heels).

3. Side crunches with rolls (alternate sides, rolling to the other side).

4. Squats with weights - push-ups - jump up with weights.

Each exercise is 1 minute. Perform 3 circles without rest.

Or this:

1. Running with high knees (10 times) - lie on your stomach - stand up. 6 reps.

2. Jumping with your feet to the sides in a plank. 25 times.

3. Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back (without jerking or rocking, press your lower back to the floor). 20 reps.

4. Jump onto a stool (one leg always stands on a stool). 20-25 repetitions on each leg.

5. “Superman” push-ups (with opposite legs and arms raised in the upper position). 6-10 repetitions.

Perform this complex 4 times without rest.

Whatever you want, I’ll try! And let's share our impressions.

Even more benefits of HIIT

High-intensity interval training will save you time because it will take less time to get the results you want. Agree, 30 minutes on an exercise bike or ellipse is a rather tedious activity. HIIT is exhausting to the fullest, but this type of training will not let you get bored.

Another benefit of HIIT is that you can work out almost anywhere with or without any equipment! The possibilities are almost endless: you can work with a weight loss jump rope, weights, dumbbells, a rubber band or your own weight. The only limitation is probably that HIIT may not be suitable for a cardio training room, but here everything depends only on your imagination.

So choose - long, monotonous exercises on cardio equipment for weight loss or high-intensity interval training. There are a huge number of exercise combinations for you and a lot of benefits - maximum fat burning by accelerating metabolism and increasing the amount of fat-burning enzymes, as well as muscle building. And all this in the shortest possible time!

Is HIIT also suitable for bodybuilders?

In a word - yes. While many bodybuilders and trainers claim that slow, sustained cardio is best for burning fat and protecting muscle, the opposite is true.

Cardio performed at a higher intensity for a shorter time will not only help maintain your muscles, but can actually help build muscle mass. When you train at a slower, more steady pace for a longer period of time, you train muscle fibers to be more aerobic and have greater endurance.

Do you know how muscle fibers adapt to become more aerobic and gain more endurance? In such a way that they become smaller and weaker. The smaller the muscle fiber, the less time it takes for nutrients to travel within the muscle fiber. This reduces the time it takes for nutrients to be used as energy.

Think about it. It makes sense. Saying that slow, moderate-tempo cardio done over a long period of time is best for maintaining muscle mass is the same as saying that lifting a 2kg dumbbell in 30 minutes will build more muscle than lifting a 18kg dumbbell. in sets of 10 repetitions with a two-minute rest between sets. High-intensity workouts are clearly the best for muscles .

HIIT and Beta Alanine for Massive Muscle Growth

A study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that men who followed a 6-week HIIT program (performed 15 minutes per day with a 2:1 exercise-to-rest ratio, three days per week), when consuming beta-alanine, gained more than 1 kg of muscle after three weeks, although they did not perform strength training during the program.

Increase testosterone levels by 100% with HIIT workouts

In another study, researchers from New Zealand studied competitive cyclists who completed a 4-week HIIT workout that included 30 seconds of stationary cycling and 30 seconds of rest. One group ran at high resistance , which was more difficult, while the other group used easier resistance. Both groups pedaled as fast as they could for thirty seconds.

The researchers found that testosterone levels increased by almost 100% in men who pedaled at the highest resistance level, while testosterone levels increased by about 60% in the lower resistance group. Since testosterone is critical for muscle size and strength, higher-impact HIIT workouts can help build muscle and strength.

HIIT also helps mental health. Many people find 30 minutes on a treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical machine monotonous. With HIIT, the burst of intensity can be more challenging , but it's short and stimulating. This makes the workout more enjoyable and faster.

Another benefit of a HIIT workout is that you can do it almost anywhere with any equipment—or even without it! You can do HIIT at the gym, but not necessarily on a cardio machine. The possibilities are almost endless . You can use a jump rope, kettlebells, treadmill, or your own body weight.

So think about it and give HIIT training a chance. The benefit will be fat loss due to better resting metabolism and fat burning enzymes, while at the same time building muscle mass . All this in a minimum amount of time.

HIIT workout weeks 1, 2

The ratio of work and rest is 1/4.
Total training time is 15 minutes.

Circular - 3 laps

Treadmill workout

  • 1 minute, 80% of your own capabilities
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Elliptical training

  • 4 minutes, medium pace
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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Don’t forget, to achieve tangible results, it’s not enough to just push yourself in training, you also have to eat right! Learn everything about proper nutrition before, during and after training from our article!

How “calm” should rest periods be?

There are two methods to make your workouts harder:

  1. Increase the duration of active phases.
  2. Reduce the duration of rest phases.

In general, I recommend for beginners to work on increasing the duration of your active intervals until you get to 50-60% of your Tmax. Only in this case do you actually do high-intensity interval training.

When you have achieved this, see for yourself where you want to go.

It seems reasonable to me to shorten the rest periods until the ratio to active is 1:1 (90 seconds of intense work followed by 90 seconds of rest, for example), and then slowly increase the duration of both active and quiet phases, maintaining the same proportion 1 :1.

Let's imagine, for example, that you start your interval training with 30-second active phases followed by a 60-second rest period (1:2 ratio).

Over time, you calculate your Tmax and ensure that your active phases are 50-60% of it, which is approximately 60 seconds. You work at this level, maintaining a 1:2 ratio (that is, your quiet intervals are 120 seconds).

As you progress, you will feel that you can do more, and, leaving the time of the active phase the same, 60 seconds, you will begin to reduce the rest period, reducing it to 90 seconds (ratio 1: 1.5).

Gradually, your body adapts and you can further reduce the rest period to 60 seconds (1:1 ratio), and when this becomes easy for you, you begin to increase both the active and quiet periods to 90 seconds.

(And so on.)

You also need to know that quiet periods should be active recovery, where you keep moving rather than freezing in place.

Research shows that active rather than passive recovery helps achieve peak speed during the intense phase and helps the body adapt to the exercise being performed.

HIIT workout weeks 3.4

The ratio of work and rest is 1/2.
Total training time is 17 minutes. Circular - 5 laps

Treadmill workout

  • 1 minute, 80% of your own capabilities
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Elliptical training

  • 2 minutes, medium pace
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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While doing these workouts, you can add various tools, for example, a jump rope, you can do jumping, running, or just spin an exercise bike. Use your imagination! The only thing you need is to follow the specified work-rest ratio.

The Best Types of HIIT Cardio

The principles of HIIT can be applied to any type of cardio, but some types are more practical (and effective) than others.

Simply put, the three best options are...

  1. Bike
  2. Rowing
  3. Sprint

Cycling and rowing are my favorites because sprints are sometimes hard on the legs and will likely overlap with your squats and deadlifts.

The reason I prefer these three over the others is because research shows that the type of cardio you do has a significant impact on your ability to gain strength and size gains when lifting weights.

In short, it goes like this:

The more similar a cardio exercise is to movements you use to build muscle, such as squats or barbell rows, the less it interferes with strength and size gains.

This makes sense because one of the most important parts of building strength is simply repeating a movement. (The more you do this movement, the better you will get.)

Still, if you don’t know how or don’t like to ride a bike, row or run sprints, don’t be “afraid” of other forms of cardio exercise, such as swimming, jumping rope, calisthenics, boxing, short fitness, and so on. They won't harm your muscles.

Again, the biggest mistake when it comes to cardio is doing too much cardio.

HIIT workout - weeks 5.6

The ratio of work and rest is 1/1.
Total workout time is 18.5 minutes. Circular - 9 laps

Treadmill workout

  • 1 minute, 80% of your own capabilities
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Elliptical training

  • 1 minute, medium tempo
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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HIIT on an incline treadmill

Walking durationSpeedTrack incline*3 min.801 min.2045 sec.841 min.2045 sec.9690 sec.2045 sec.10890 sec.2045 sec.11590 sec.2045 sec.1233 min.20

* “Incline” on the track display indicates the angle of inclination. The up and down arrows increase and decrease the slope.

HIIT workout - weeks 7,8

The ratio of work and rest is 2/1.
Total training time is 20 minutes. Circular - 7 laps

Treadmill workout

  • 2 minutes, 80% of your own capabilities
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Elliptical training

  • 1 minute, medium pace
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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The times listed for each step are just a guideline. Listen to your body and adjust your fat burning interval training program to suit your capabilities. If you need more than two weeks for each phase, you can do it until you feel ready to move on.

If some stage is too easy for you, just skip and move forward. By the end, you'll become an expert at high-intensity interval training and burn all that extra fat.

Warm up before and stretch after HIIT

A mandatory element of high-quality cardio HIIT training is a warm-up. Don’t think that your joints and ligaments will be so happy to start exercising in the cold.

If you have knee pain, you can do HIIT on an exercise bike, rowing machine, or even a stepper, which put much less stress on your knee joints.

For those new to running, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the techniques and training exercises from the Cyclone School. International Master of Sports in Athletics and FSSP CyclON coach Mikhail Kulkov gives the basics of running for beginners as concisely as possible:

  • Warm up before running
  • Running technique
  • Hand and foot work
  • Body and head position
  • Breath
  • Stretching after running

Finish your workout with stretches for all muscle groups, focusing primarily on your calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

How to train HIIT style

ACSM recommends that you consider the intensity, duration, and frequency of intense periods and recovery periods when designing your training program. The work intensity should be at least 80% of your maximum heart rate. If you can rate your intense training intervals as “hard” or “very hard,” this means that the selected load is selected correctly.

The intensity of recovery periods should be at 40-50% of maximum heart rate. The subjective indicator will be the ability to engage in physical activity and at the same time talk without shortness of breath.

Accurate intensity calculation

In order not to rely on subjective sensations, it is necessary to calculate the desired intensity level using the Karvonen formula:

Target heart rate = ((max heart rate - resting heart rate) × intensity in %) + resting heart rate.

Maximum heart rate is calculated using a formula improved in 2007 (Gellish et al.), which replaced the better known but less accurate formula (220 minus age).

The updated formula for calculating maximum heart rate looks like this:

207 – (0.7 x age).

For a clear example, let’s calculate 80% of the maximum heart rate for a 28-year-old woman with a pulse of 62 beats/min. at rest:

207 – (0.7 x 28) = 187 (maximum heart rate)

((187 – 62) x 80%) + 62 = 162.

162 beats per minute is a beat rate that is 80% of this woman's maximum heart rate.

Cardio HIIT style

There are many options for high-intensity interval cardio training. Their main principle is to select one or several exercises, perform them at high intensity, alternating periods of recovery. Burpees, jumping ropes, sprints, mounting climbers, jumping squats, jumping jacks, lunges - these can all form the basis of your workouts.

For a specific example, consider one of the simplest workouts using an exercise bike, where you will pedal intensely for 30 seconds and recover for the next 60 seconds.

Start your workout with a 5-minute warm-up, pedaling the exercise bike at a moderate pace. This is followed by an interval of 30 seconds of intense work (pedal as fast as possible with a high level of resistance), followed by 1 minute of recovery (pedal at a moderate intensity, reduce the resistance to maximum). Repeat the circle 3-5 times, this will be enough to get started.

At the end of the workout, be sure to cool down - pedal for 3 minutes, gradually bringing the intensity to very low. This workout, including warm-up and cool-down, will take you about 14 minutes.

As your training progresses, you can increase periods of intense work, shorten recovery periods, and increase the number of intervals. Jim Stoppani believes that 20-30 minutes of interval cardio, in which the recovery period is half the time of the intense work, will be more than enough to achieve maximum benefits.

HIIT style strength training

HIIT style strength training has huge benefits, especially for women. By carrying out strength training in a high-intensity interval manner, girls can achieve the effect for which they go to sports clubs - to tighten muscles and get rid of fat. And, by the way, 2-3 such workouts a week lasting 15 minutes will be more than enough. As Fred Hatfield says, if such strength training does not produce results, then your problem is inadequate nutrition.

For strength HIIT, Hatfield suggests using barbell circuit training. During this workout, you will perform basic exercises and work all the muscles of the body during the workout.

What the complex looks like:

  1. Squats – 5-8 reps.
  2. Squats + overhead press – 5-8 reps.
  3. Exercise “good morning” – 5-8 repetitions.
  4. Romanian deadlift – 5-8 reps.
  5. Barbell rows to the waist – 5-8 reps.
  6. Deadlift – 5-8 reps.

Training rules:

  • Start with an empty bar and add 3-5 kg ​​of weight as you progress. To increase intensity, you can shorten the rest periods between circuits.
  • Perform the exercises at the fastest possible pace, subject to proper technique.
  • Rest after each circuit for 1 to 3 minutes (but do not rest between exercises).
  • Perform 5-7 exercises per workout in the 5-8 rep range.
  • Do not perform more than 4 laps per workout.
  • The workout should last no more than 15 minutes.

HIIT for weight loss

You can lose weight much faster with high-intensity interval training. HIIT for weight loss is ideal if you know what physical fitness is. So now we are losing weight with the help of HIIT. Let's look at an example of training at home.

Such training has a quick internal effect on the biochemistry in human muscles. Studies have shown that you can spend up to five times less time on cardio, but at the same time train your body to burn fat as an energy source.

Good results can be achieved in just 2-4 months of HIIT training 2-3 times a week.

Do you like these prospects? Certainly! They have many advantages. For example, tedious long and complex classes can now be avoided. You simply won’t be able to get bored: you need a high concentration of attention on performing the movements!

If you had a dream of becoming more resilient, then it is destined to come true. By the way, the metabolic process accelerates and continues for a day after each training. It will also noticeably increase your strength. The most important thing is that you can forget about fat on the waist and hips. After all, HIIT is ideal for losing belly fat.

However, you should still consult your doctor if you have any health problems. Training is not suitable for athletes during competition periods because it can lead to overtraining. It is also contraindicated in cases of injury and in overweight people, so as not to overload the heart.

You will learn about the benefits of strength training over time from your own experience. The path will be a little thorny, which will reveal how much you want to be beautiful, healthy and happy.

Benefits of Strength HIIT for Weight Loss

When it comes to high-intensity training, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. It may not be fun to push yourself to work your body fast and hard, but the results are worth it: HIIT helps you burn more calories and lose belly fat, while also saving you time.

There are only 12 exercises, 30 seconds each, and a ten-second rest between them - everyone will definitely have 7 minutes of time! All you need is a rug, chair or bench. Now let's burn fat with HIIT.

Scientific background

In a professional sports environment, interval training has long established itself as a quick and safe method to get the body into the desired shape. Coaches use this kind of “buildup” to prepare the athlete for competitions, after which they return to the normal pace of training. The essence of the method is that training using the HIIT system increases the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle to 80% of the maximum, taking the body out of its stable comfort zone for a few seconds. As a result, endurance increases significantly.

Research on the effects of HIIT on humans has been conducted all over the world: in Japan, the USA, Great Britain, Brazil, and Russia. Both athletes and untrained people leading a passive lifestyle took part in the experiment. Scientists have confirmed that short interval training allows you to burn 6 times more calories and body fat than regular fitness classes at a steady pace. The result of the research was the adaptive HIIT program.

HIIT for fat burning

Circular - 3 laps
Jumping in place

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Squats without weights

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Push ups

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No


  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: No

Lunges forward

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Calf raises with dumbbells

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Dumbbells

Push-ups on a bench

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body part: Triceps Equipment: Body weight

Plank with alternate arms

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: No

Lunges with barbell to the side

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Treadmill workout

  • 5 minutes in the third zone
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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Yes, HIIT for fat burning is a very useful training for weight loss. However, you will have to approach it wisely. After all, getting a slim figure is a gradual process.

By the way, aerobic training reduces your waistline. Therefore, if you are determined to burn fat in one of 1000 ways, but have never done fitness, you will first have to undergo general physical training.

And HIIT itself will be your second step towards your dream.

What exercises to do

It’s easy to try your hand at HIIT using the Tabata protocol. One cycle takes 4 minutes, and the heart rate monitor will show you how many cycles in a row you can complete until you reach your peak estimated heart rate. You shouldn’t immediately grab dumbbells, kettlebells, or try to master burpee exercises if you don’t have the proper preparation. The simplest elements, done at a high tempo, will do an excellent job of accelerating the heart rate:

  • jumping rope, performed in different modes and combined with alternating knee raises or high jumps;
  • running in place;
  • squats and half-squats, which alternate with jumps;
  • simple and oblique twists from a lying, standing, sitting position;
  • simplified push-ups from the knees.

Sports supplements for fat burning

A 2012 study published in the American Journal of Physiology further confirms that HIIT burns more fat.

Use fat as fuel during interval training

Scientists have found that 6 weeks of high-intensity interval training increases the content of L-carnitine in muscles by 50%, an amino acid responsible for carrying fat into the mitochondria, where fat is burned as fuel.

A large amount of L-carnitine means that only fat will be used for energy during and after exercise. In addition, L-carnitine reduces bad cholesterol, which will help you prevent constriction of blood vessels in the heart and brain.

During high-intensity training to burn fat, it is important to consume sports nutrition. I recommend L-carnitine. This is an amino acid, which itself, although not a fat burner, has many beneficial qualities. L-carnitine is an excellent transporter of fat molecules to body cells, which increases the ability to burn fat.

Sports nutrition will help speed up the fat burning process - fat burners, BCAA, protein isolate. These supplements are specially designed for athletes and fitness-active people of different fitness levels. Such drugs are completely safe, and their effectiveness has already been proven.

Fat burnerCreated to reduce excess fat deposits. Accelerates the breakdown of fat molecules and converts fat into free energy, increasing its consumption.
BCAAsAllows muscle fibers to recover faster and provides building material for the growth of lean muscle mass.
Protein isolateIt features a deep degree of purification from impurities. Contains less lactose and fat, but more pure protein. Taking isolate is recommended for those who want to lose weight.

Harm and contraindications

It is believed that HIIT classes are not suitable for beginners, and to switch to interval training, certain physical preparation is required. This statement is not entirely true. Extreme sports training is suitable for everyone who is relatively healthy, but before starting classes you must undergo a medical examination and tests. Absolute contraindications to HIIT:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  • diagnosed type 1 diabetes;
  • long-term smoking and alcohol consumption.

In other cases, the type and intensity of exercise depends on the initial physical condition of the person. Provided you have a reasonable approach, HIIT training is acceptable even in the treatment of obesity. The main thing is to constantly monitor your heart rate using a fitness bracelet or heart rate monitor during exercise.

The effect of interval training on the body dictates certain restrictions in diet and lifestyle:

  • It is recommended to refrain from taking fat burners, caffeine, stimulants or cardiovascular drugs before training;
  • You should not drink drinks containing fast carbohydrates and sugar;
  • You should not visit the sauna after class (a cold shower or swimming pool is better for relaxation);
  • It is forbidden to combine hiit and a carbohydrate-free diet (this can lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels and fainting).

Beginners should only exercise under the guidance of a trainer, who will help develop a detailed training plan with a gradual increase in time and intensity of stress on the joints and nutrition recommendations. Most video lessons describing the regime are designed for physically fit and absolutely healthy people.

The first workouts should take no more than 5-15 minutes. You can set aside about an hour a day two or three times a week and this is enough to change clothes, take a shower and have time for a restorative massage session or have a snack at a healthy food cafe, for example, at the LaSalute club. After a high-intensity workout, many people notice a strong appetite.

Alarming symptoms after HIIT that you should immediately pay attention to: a constant feeling of fatigue, acute muscle pain and shortness of breath. This condition is a reason to stop training and immediately consult a doctor.

Fat burning supplements for men

Weider | Super Nova Caps?

  • The fat burner significantly accelerates the fat burning process with regular training and belongs to the class of thermogenics. Created on the basis of plant extracts.
  • Category: Fat burners More about the category

Take 2 capsules daily.

Does not contain ephedrine, which is banned in most countries due to its extremely dangerous biological activity. As an analogue of ephedrine, “Super Nova Caps” uses synephrine, which is completely devoid of the side effects of ephedrine, despite the fact that its action is very similar to the action of ephedrine. The drug also contains caffeine to stimulate the nervous system, create concentration and increase endurance; salicin (willow extract) with other components helps burn fat; green tea extract, which, like synephrine, provides a thermogenic effect. Weider's "Super Nova Caps" formula also includes additional components - quercetin, chromium and ascorbic acid. They act as adaptogens and help maintain the health of the immune and nervous systems. In addition to fat burning, Super Nova Caps improves the tolerance of a low-carb diet, increases activity, suppresses appetite, helps concentrate, speeds up metabolism and stimulates the central nervous system. Can be used both on rest days and during the training process to speed up the body’s adaptation to various loads.

Red Star Labs | S-BCAA Powder 2:1:1 ?

  • balanced complex of BCAA amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine) with a branched side chain in the traditional ratio of 2:1:1
  • Category: BCAA More about the category

Mix 1 serving of product with 250 ml of water or milk. Consume 1-2 servings per day based on your needs and diet. Use before and after training. On non-training days, consume between meals.

BCAA amino acids are essential and are not synthesized by the body, entering it from the outside with food. The more often and intensely you exercise, the more BCAAs you need. Not all of this amount can be obtained from food, so additional intake is often required. A sufficient supply of these amino acids improves protein synthesis in the body, promotes fat burning and stimulates the effective gain of high-quality muscle mass, as it prevents catabolism. When you take BCAA during workouts, you will be able to exercise more intensely because these amino acids provide a kind of energy for physical activity. Each serving of S-BCAA powder from Red Star Labs will provide you with 8.6 g of BCAA amino acids in the ideal classic ratio of 2:1:1.

Trec Nutrition | Isolate 100 ?

  • ISOLATE 100 is a premium nutritional protein product based entirely on the unique whey protein isolate CFM.
  • Category: Whey Protein Isolate Category details

mix 1 scoop with 250-350 ml of water or milk and drink after training 30-40 minutes later

This product is considered the ideal and most valuable source of proteins and is used as a supplement to a sports diet. ISOLATE 100 supplies the body with quickly absorbed building components of the highest quality, which stimulate the processes of growth and regeneration of muscle fibers. Whey protein isolate is characterized by an optimal content of the most important amino acids with an anabolic effect and active micropeptides. The unique production technology allows us to obtain a record high concentration of pure proteins. As a result, the protein is virtually free of unwanted components that could reduce its nutritional value.

Olimp Sport Nutrition | Knockout 2.0?

  • New formula for an excellent pre-workout complex. Benefits: 2g beta-alanine and 1g el-arginine for impact training!
  • Category: Pre-workout supplements

Take one serving (6.1 g of powder or ½ scoop) 30 minutes before training mixed with 250 ml of water

Ingredients: L-citrulline, beta-alanine, citric acid, L-arginine hydrochloride, taurine, L-tyrosine, silicon dioxide, flavors, caffeine, guarana seeds, barley extract, acesulfame K, sucralose, sodium cyclamate, cayenne pepper seed extract , black pepper seed extract, ramus serrata leaf extract, carotene, carmine, riboflavin, E150c, E150d, E133, indigo, chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, curcumin, anthocyanin, paprika extract, betanin, plant carbon.

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

By adding L-carnitine to the diet and following the proposed fat burning program, girls will quickly lose excess weight and tone their body in the shortest possible time.

On the website you can find information on products from different manufacturers, for example, L-carnitine from Optimum Nutrition or effective L-carnitine Dymatize and choose the right sports supplement for yourself.

Don't run on an empty stomach

As with any exercise, you can get more out of your body by fueling it with the right fuel before and after exercise to help your body recover. This doesn't mean you should jump and run on a full stomach, so make sure to time your nutrient intake so that the food can be properly digested.

Consuming carbohydrates after HIIT is very important as your muscle glycogen stores will be depleted by the intense activity.

What about nutritional supplements?

I saved this for last because, frankly, it's much less important than proper diet and exercise.

The fact is that it is not supplements that will give you a good physique - it is persistence, proper training and a healthy diet that will.

Unfortunately, the plague of the supplement industry is pseudoscience, hype about nonsense, misleading advertising, big name promotion of dubious products, junk products, products missing key ingredients, and a host of other similar shenanigans.

Most supplement companies make cheap duds and try to fool you with crazy marketing claims, celebrity names (which cost them a lot), supposed scientific babble, fancy proprietary formula names, and flashy packaging.

So while supplements don't play a key role in muscle growth and fat loss, and many of them will just be a waste of money... some of the right ones can still help.

The bottom line is that there are safe natural substances and science has proven that they are useful in increasing strength, endurance, muscle growth, weight loss and so on.

Part of my job is to know what these substances are and to find products that contain them so that I can use them myself and recommend them to others.

However, finding a high-quality, effective product at a fair price has always been a challenge.

But for the purposes of this article, let's quickly run through the supplements that will help you get the most out of your interval training and make your weight loss efforts more effective overall.


Since weight loss comes down to the ratio of calories consumed to calories expended, caffeine helps you lose fat by increasing your body's daily energy expenditure.

Caffeine also promotes muscle endurance, strength, improves anaerobic performance, and also relieves the “morning sickness” known to many people who lift weights.

In order to maximize the fat-burning effect of caffeine, you need to prevent the body from getting used to it. And the best way to do this, of course, is not to abuse it.

Here's what I recommend:

Before training, take 3-6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. If you are unsure about your sensitivity to caffeine, start with 3 mg/kg and increase the dose as needed.

Let your daily dose not exceed 6 mg per kilogram of body weight. There is no need to take 6 mg/kg before training and then drink several cups of coffee throughout the day.

There should be 1-2 days per week with reduced caffeine consumption and 1 day without caffeine at all. On such days, the dose should be half your norm, and a no-caffeine day means no more than 50 mg (you can drink one or two cups of tea, but no coffee, caffeine tablets, etc.)

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