Cougar and Makeup Queen: 10 Types of Girls Every Gym Has. What type are you?


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Previously, men could hide from their beloved women in gyms. The rocking chair was truly considered a man's refuge. But, unfortunately or fortunately, these days beautiful ladies have made their way here too. They, just like men, need effective training programs and wise advice. A training program in the gym for girls can be aimed at both losing fat and gaining muscle mass. But, as a rule, most girls come to the gym to lose weight and improve muscle definition. The main factor is still a properly formulated diet. With a calorie surplus (you eat more than you burn), a person will not be able to lose extra pounds. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to establish nutrition. If everything is in order with nutrition, then it’s time to look for a good training program. I will help you with this. In this article we will analyze the features of training, effective exercises and useful tips for the fair half of humanity. Go!

Women's motivation

As I wrote above, the beauty of a girl is a sign of her success under the conditions of natural selection. This speaks about her health, her ability to give birth to healthy offspring, as well as her adaptability to environmental conditions.

It's no wonder that all girls want to be beautiful. No matter what anyone tells you, every girl dreams of a sexy body and attention from men.

Women's motivation is an amazing thing. She is able to help them endure colossal loads, but, like any human body, girls are also susceptible to laziness, because... the brain tries to minimize energy expenditure. But physical, muscular activity requires a lot of it, and is not beneficial to the body.

This is where this strange paradox comes from. Girls want to be beautiful, but, in most cases, they do the wrong thing. They spend hours twirling hula hoops, kicking their legs in all directions with bandages on their foreheads, going to step classes, oxy-size classes and other ineffective activities.

At the same time, their appearance remains unchanged for years and then, without losing a single gram of fat, they give up this useless activity. After all: “I tried, but apparently that’s just my constitution.”

What could be more logical: to get a beautiful body, you need to remove excess fat, and then, when you don’t look like a chocolate-covered candy, look at your problem areas and build up muscles in the right places.

All! But no. I want to be sexy, but I don’t want to strain my butt for this. And not only the fifth point. After all, you will have to control your nutrition, really train, and not think that you are training.

But girls are not always to blame. On every corner, as well as the entire Internet, various completely useless state-of-the-art products for instant weight loss and muscle building are flooded. And a person wants to believe that he will spend a minimum of energy and get the maximum result.

That’s why various belts, teas and coffees for weight loss, bracelets for “unreal” muscle pumping that allow you to eat everything and lose weight, meal replacements, etc. appear.

After all, it’s profitable! Manufacturers earn millions from their products. More precisely on human laziness. How much you give is how much you receive. I talked about this in my cool article: “How to get pumped in a week.”

Various myths about bodybuilding also add fuel to the fire. Photos of masculine women have flooded the World Wide Web. Girls are afraid of becoming like men and losing their main criterion for success - beauty.

As a result, it turns out that there is desire and motivation, but the path to achieving the goal is completely crazy. There is no clear understanding of the correct, most effective training.

As a result, due to the lack of results, motivation disappears, and girls give up their studies without any hope, because we do not like to invest energy in something that does not bring results. This applies to all areas of our lives.

Women's motivation comes from the desire to produce offspring more adapted to environmental conditions, and for this they need the best man, with excellent genes and good support resources, to ensure better survival for their child.

To get the best man, you need to have a highly competitive resource, which for women is their beauty. No need for illusions.

A man’s success can be measured by other indicators (for example, the amount of money in his account), but if a girl is not beautiful, then it will be very difficult for her to attract a worthy man.

How to determine a lady's readiness for dating?

The gym is not a place for dating and the majority of girls come with one goal: to work on their body. However, there are people whose position is neutral, and sometimes they have a desire for communication on a subconscious level. Such girls even practice makeup and maintain a good hairstyle. I advise you to pay attention to them.

Distinctive features:

  • wear perfume and always wear makeup;
  • make contact easily and behave positively;
  • the technique of performing exercises often suffers;
  • ask others for tips;
  • come to the club with friends.

There is a category of women who come purely for the sake of meeting people in fitness clubs. They can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • the lady often preens herself, straightening her clothes and hair;
  • is the first to make eye contact and often glances briefly in your direction;
  • smiles back;
  • does a squat right in front of your face.

Don't waste your time on beauties who make it clear with their appearance that they came to the gym to train.
Identify those who are “available” based on the above criteria and then success will be on your side!

Features of the female body

What is a woman's main goal in life? I think it's extremely simple. Give birth to healthy offspring and continue your family line. Therefore, the female body is “sharpened” precisely for this.

The female body tends to accumulate nutrients for the future (in reserve). This ensures better survival for the child. After all, our ancestors had big problems with food.

Women have much less anabolic hormones (testosterone) and fear hormones (adrenaline), so they are virtually unable to reach true muscle failure on a set (when the muscles are no longer able to contract properly to perform another repetition).

A man, through pain and a grimaced face, can force himself to do a couple more repetitions, and a woman (if she doesn’t foolishly use steroids), although she will be physically able to do a few more repetitions, will be forced by her brain to stop.

This is one of the ways the female body saves energy (what if the girl doesn’t have enough energy for the child on a hungry day).

Women have much less myofibrils (muscle fibers). Therefore, failure training for 6-10 repetitions, which works so effectively on men, is not suitable for them.

Women have much less muscle in their upper body than in their lower body. This is also very logical. After all, in this way a woman better protects her child (strong muscles of the legs, buttocks).

And since muscles are a very voracious thing in terms of energy, nature has endowed a woman with a smaller volume of muscle tissue in “less important” areas of the body (arms, shoulders, back, chest, neck). Therefore, women’s lower body responds very well to training.

Separately, I’ll say about girls’ abs. Because girls experience severe menstrual pain, nature has taken care of reducing the neuromuscular connection in this area so that women do not go crazy. Therefore, it is much more difficult for girls to pump up their lower abs than for men. I have a very cool article about how to quickly pump up your abs at home.

Metabolism is much slower than that of men. Energy consumption in a calm state is much less. This is necessary to ensure better survival of the child. For the same reason, women have much less muscle compared to men, because... muscles spend a large amount of energy, and this is not beneficial for bearing a fetus.

Women's muscles store glycogen better. Glycogen, let me remind you for those who have forgotten, is the fuel (energy) in our muscles, which the body devastates most quickly during physical activity.

Therefore, carbohydrates are deposited into fat much faster in girls, but at the same time, the female body converts fat into energy much more easily than the male body. The more muscle there is, the more glycogen will be stored (increasing fuel tanks).

We must remember that the required amount of carbohydrates will be easier to store in the muscles and this is good, because. gives additional volume and fullness to the muscles, but an excess amount of carbohydrates will very quickly be stored as fat deposits, and this is already bad, because Hardly anyone likes extra fat.

I know that girls really like to experiment with food (although I don’t encourage this on a diet), but I have an interesting article about protein shakes at home for a set. In the same article I talk about protein shakes for weight loss. I'm sure you'll like it!

A very important point is the menstrual cycle! It imposes certain restrictions on women's training. Now I will explain why.

In the first two weeks after menstruation, a woman feels a strong influx of strength and energy, so at this moment you can give a heavier load (strength load). After the egg has matured, ovulation occurs (approximately on days 12-16 of the cycle) and regardless of whether the egg was fertilized or not, the female body goes into an “energy-saving mode” for an average of two weeks (until the next period).

Therefore, it is very important to use microperiodization of loads. Those. after ovulation, do not train the lower body (legs and abs), and also switch to a lighter (lighter) load.

Aerobic exercise (fast walking, running, cycling, etc.) is best for burning fat. There is no particular difference here from men. Fat burning occurs best from brisk walking (35-50 minutes), with a heart rate of 110-130 beats per minute.

But the term “fat burning” is not entirely correct. Fat does not burn due to temperature, it oxidizes under the influence of a large amount of oxygen!

How to start a conversation?

So, we have already found out whether it is possible to meet at a fitness club. Now let's look at options for phrases to start a conversation:

  • “How long have you been working out your abs? Looks very beautiful!”;
  • “How do you manage to keep your back so straight in this exercise?”;
  • “Hey, maybe you need help with the treadmill? Let me show you how to adjust the speed";
  • “Sorry, I noticed that you are doing the exercise incorrectly, so you can injure your knees and back. Let me show you how to do it right or I’ll correct you.”

The most important thing is to unobtrusively start a dialogue, supposedly on the topic of fitness.
Later you can continue to chat about anything. You shouldn’t brazenly roll your balls and offer an acquaintance - this turns the lady against you.

It happens that a woman herself can ask for advice, then all the above phrases will not be needed. The main thing is not to get lost and continue communication after discussing pressing problems. Then don't forget to invite her to go for a walk after class.

What are the conclusions?

To clarify the above, let's summarize the results in order to create the most competent training program for girls:

  • The use of microperiodization of loads is mandatory! Before ovulation, heavy training + after ovulation, light training.
  • Power control. There should be the right amount of carbohydrates, but not excess! It’s better to have a little too little carbohydrates than too much of them.
  • Carefully monitor the growth of the buttocks and legs, because... they respond to the load best, and the upper part of the body in women always lags significantly behind the bottom.
  • Brisk walking for 35-50 minutes with a heart rate of 110-130 beats per minute is best for “burning fat” because... Women use body fat more easily as energy than men.
  • Training in a high range of approaches and repetitions works better on the female body than on the male body, because... The female body accumulates glycogen better. Also, in this repetition range there is no possibility of “failure training”. For a woman, it is better to do many sets of many repetitions (12-15) than to work with heavy weights for three working sets of 6-10 repetitions.

Group fitness

We haven't talked about playing sports in groups, whereas this is exactly what gives the best results in dating.
When working with a girl in pairs, you don’t have to worry about unnecessary physical contact. The girl will perceive him completely normally and generally feel comfortable. During exercises, you can try to establish eye contact and exchange remarks during breaks. Under conditions of regular joint activities, the lady will get used to your company, will greet you and communicate if she likes it.

Try to find out more about her and don't ask her out too quickly. Also, make sure she doesn’t have a wedding ring on, otherwise it will be awkward... If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my Instagram and my VKontakte page.

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Training program for girls

Well, here we come to the most interesting part, practice. It’s time to create a competent training program for girls, based on the above conclusions that we have made. It makes no sense for girls to train their body according to body parts, because... this is more suitable for heavy “failure” training. We have different goals, so we train the whole body in one workout!

Heavy training program for 1-2 weeks (after menstruation):

  1. Barbell squats (bench leg press), 1-2 warm-up sets, 5 x 10-15
  2. Vertical pull-down, 1-2 warm-up sets, 6 x 10-15
  3. Close grip bench press, 1-2 warm-up sets, 6 x 10-15
  4. Barbell row to the chin, 1-2 warm-up sets, 6 x 10-15
  5. Press (lying crunches), 4 x max.

This is a program for the first two weeks (after menstruation). This workout will take you from 50 to 70 minutes, depending on how long you rested between sets.

The less you rest (but not less than 45-50 seconds), the higher the intensity of your workout, the greater and faster the effect you will get.

This program is also suitable for beginners, although at first you can rest a little more between approaches, for example, about 1.5 - 2 minutes.

The program contains a fairly large (5-6) working approaches and repetitions (10-15). This is necessary for better accumulation of glycogen in the muscles. Just don’t overdo it with carbohydrates so that they are actually stored in glycogen and not in fat.

In combination, I advise using only basic (involving several joints) exercises in order to have time to work on all the muscles in one workout.

There is only one exercise for the legs - squats, because... The lower part of the body responds to stress much better than the upper body in women. And in general, squats are the best exercise of all, for many reasons. For example, one of them is the absolute naturalness of movements for the human body.

If you have problems with your knee joints, then replace the barbell squats with the bench press.

There is no specialization for the chest (such as bench press or dumbbells), so that this does not reduce the size of the mammary gland, but there is a bench press with a narrow grip (you can do it in Smith), because this engages the chest muscles underneath the gland, the triceps, and the front of the deltoids (shoulders).

We train the abs either after training or before, in order to pump blood into the abdominal cavity for better blood supply to the remaining muscles. Although in fact, you can generally train your abs on rest days.

As soon as your fitness level increases and the current program becomes too easy for you (the body has adapted), then I suggest you the following training program (heavy) for 1-2 weeks to increase the load:

  1. Barbell squats (bench leg press) + Deadlift, 1-2 warm-up sets, 5 sets of two exercises immediately after each other x 10-15 in each approach (there will be 10 in total)
  2. Vertical block row + Horizontal block row, 1-2 warm-up sets, 5 sets of two exercises immediately after each other x 10-15 in each approach (there will be 10 in total)
  3. Bench press with a narrow grip + Dumbbell curls with supination (rotating the dumbbells at the top of the amplitude), 1-2 warm-up sets, 5 sets of two exercises immediately after each other x 10-15 in each approach (there will be 10 in total)
  4. Barbell row to the chin + Dumbbell swings to the sides, 1-2 warm-up sets, 5 sets of two exercises immediately after each other x 10-15 in each approach (there will be 10 in total)
  5. Lying crunches + leg raises (reverse crunches), 6 x max, without pause between exercises. Rest between sets 1.5-2 minutes.

Where I wrote “two exercises immediately after each other” - this is how I simply called a superset or, less commonly, a “double”.

Rest between pairs of exercises (doubles, supersets) 45-60 seconds. Those. For example, we did 1 set of squats, then immediately did a set of deadlifts without rest, then just rested for 45-60 seconds - this is a superset. Then again a set of squats, followed by a set of deadlifts without rest - this is the second set of the superset.

In squats, you can rest for even 1.5 minutes. There is no need to rest for 5-6 minutes, as most girls do in the gym! This, firstly, greatly reduces the effectiveness of the training, and secondly, it infuriates those around the room, because you occupy shells for a long time.

You must be mutually polite to others, even though you are the weaker sex.

Each subsequent approach should be performed with slight under-recovery in order to increase the “oxygen debt” and energy expenditure.

The first two weeks of training are understandable, but now that ovulation has occurred, you should switch to more gentle training and eliminate heavy loads on the lower body and abs.

An example of a lightweight training program for girls (for 3-4 weeks):

  1. Vertical pull-down, 1-2 warm-up sets, 3-4 x 12-20
  2. Close grip bench press, 1-2 warm-up sets, 3-4 x 12-20
  3. Barbell row to the chin, 1-2 warm-up sets, 3-4 x 12-20
  4. Cardio exercise (fast walking or slow running) with a heart rate of 110-130 beats per minute x 35-50 minutes

Leg and abdominal exercises were completely eliminated. We reduce the weight on the equipment, which allows us to perform exercises for 15-20 repetitions per set. You can use drop sets (losing weight with each approach) to stay within your desired rep range. We also reduced the number of approaches by half (3-4).

You can increase the rest between sets if you feel you need it. Be careful with carbohydrates at this time (especially fast ones), because... During the 3-4th week of the cycle, the female body intensively begins to accumulate excess energy into fat.

If during menstruation you feel a strong loss of strength or pain, then there is no need to torture yourself, it is better to give up training for this time, there is also a positive point. Such rest does not allow the body to quickly adapt to stress and ultimately contributes to better progress, because this meets the principles of microperiodization in bodybuilding.

What if I don’t want big muscles?

Dear girls and women, understand that a girl cannot grow huge muscles without artificial anabolic hormones!

Your body contains 10 times less of the main anabolic hormone - testosterone. And also the next obstacle is that with a lack of calories, muscles cannot grow in principle (since “fat burning” is a state of catabolism, not anabolism - growth).

I understand your fears. Few men will like it if your biceps are larger than his.

And the terrible pictures with masculine women-freaks evoke quite a bit of horror. After all, this way they begin to look neither feminine nor beautiful, which means they reduce their chances of finding a successful man.

I can safely tell you that if you, out of your stupidity, do not start taking steroid drugs, then you will not be able to pump up huge masculine muscles.

Remember that too little load does not change muscle size. The load should be sufficient for growth, but not excessive, because this can disrupt your recovery abilities and significantly slow down your progress.

What if I don't like lifting weights, can I do aerobics instead?

If your goal is to change the size of your muscles (I want a bulging butt, I want strong legs, etc.), then aerobics will be ineffective here.

Let's do some math. 1 g fat = 9 kilocalories, 1 g carbohydrates = 4 kilocalories. A group aerobics or cardio class will burn an average of 300 calories per hour. If you exercise three times a week, this will equal 900-1000 calories.

Moreover, most of the calories will be burned from glycogen, and not from fat deposits, i.e. Let's take about 500 calories or 55 g of fat. And then, this is if you ate the same way all week, consuming the same amount of calories. I am sure that you will not be able to do this, but even if a miracle happened, you will burn 55 g of fat per week. Do you need it? How much time do you have to waste just to burn through a couple of Super Snickers a week?

At first, few people like to lift weights, because this is a colossal waste of energy, and our body does not like this and in every possible way wants to make you lazy. “Let’s not go to the gym today, you’re so tired”, “Don’t go to training, it’s useless anyway!”, “Don’t do another set, you’ve already done a lot today!” etc.

Only when this becomes your habit, when it becomes your way of life, only then will you be able to enjoy not after training, but during it. Then you will move to the next level, and you will build your life, always setting aside a little time to build your body and your life.

Cardio can be a huge help in fat loss if combined with strength training in the gym!

Do you know what alpha and beta type 2 adrenergic receptors are and how they relate to fat loss? How do catecholamines help trigger lipolysis? If not, then be sure to read my article: Cardio Workout to Burn Fat. This knowledge will greatly enhance your progress.

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