Rank standards for kettlebell lifting 2022 - 2022

Kettlebell lifting is a sport that is based on exercises with weights and their repetition as many times as possible. In this article we will look at the types of exercises, as well as the various standards of kettlebell lifting.

It is worth noting here that to perform exercises both in normal and competitive form, weights of 16 kilograms, 24 kilograms and 32 kilograms are used.

To ensure fair execution, the weight of the athlete performing the exercises is also taken into account:

  • There are eight male weight categories: up to 63 kilograms, up to 68 kilograms, up to 73 kilograms, up to 78 kilograms, up to 85 kilograms, up to 95 kilograms, up to 105 and over 105 kilograms.
  • Women currently have five categories: up to 53 kilograms, up to 58 kilograms, up to 63 kilograms, up to 68 kilograms, over 68 kilograms.

Kettlebell Snatch

You probably came across this exercise in physical education classes in high school. In it, you need to throw the weight onto your straightened arm with a wave of your hand and fix it in this position, then lower the weight down for the next jerk. In fulfilling kettlebell lifting standards, this exercise is usually performed by women.

Training theory

  • For kettlebell lifting after 40 years, two workouts per week will be enough . On the first training day, the athlete works with heavy weight, and on the second day with moderate weight. Thus, not only strength develops, but also strength endurance.
  • Exercises with a kettlebell (profile) should be done in rounds, similar to CrossFit training. Additional exercises are performed in sets. The load and intensity should be increased as your physical fitness develops. Read more about CrossFit →
  • For training aimed at improving performance in kettlebell lifting, you can use all kinds of exercise techniques, namely: drop sets, ladders and pyramids.
  • It is also better to change the number of repetitions as your strength capabilities improve. For example, from the classic scheme of 4 sets of 12 repetitions, you can switch to high-repetition training or perform strength training, like lifters, consisting of 5-6 approaches with a minimum number of repetitions.
  • You should start with two workouts per week, but for advanced athletes, a three-day training is possible .

Also for kettlebell lifting, the following scheme would be appropriate: “training on the fourth day.” In this scheme, the athlete has three full days of rest after training. Adhering to this scheme, you should alternate the load as follows:

  1. profile training;
  2. strength training, consisting of additional exercises (with maximum weight);
  3. profile training;
  4. strength training consisting of additional exercises (multiple repetition training).

Kettlebell lifting appeared in the late fifties of the last century and, for sure, it will be practiced for many more years, but this sport is for young people. Of course, there are benefits from performing exercises with kettlebells, but, nevertheless, this sport cannot be called a harmoniously developing type of physical activity. The advantage of kettlebell lifting can be considered the strengthening of the cardiovascular system, ligaments and respiratory system. Sport also has a negative impact, for example, on the spinal column. For many disorders of the musculoskeletal system, injuries of the spine and joints, this type of load is contraindicated.

And also read: 20 exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups → Kettlebells or dumbbells - which is better? Training after 40 years for men: how to start from scratch?

Conditions for performing exercises

Having dealt with the exercises themselves, we can move on to the conditions and standards of kettlebell lifting. So, for all three types of exercises there are certain rules that must be followed, namely:

  • The athlete is given ten minutes to complete this task.
  • In each exercise it is necessary to fix the weight.
  • You must always keep your balance.

It is worth taking into account that:

  • The double event consists of a clean and jerk and a snatch, and points for them are awarded separately: 1 clean and jerk = 1 point, 1 snatch = 0.5 points.
  • Mass categories are assigned at any competition.
  • The rank of Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) is awarded at competitions of a higher status.
  • The rank of Master of Sports (MS) is awarded in the semi-finals of the Russian Championship.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Let's look at the muscles that take part in the exercise. The main muscles working during the exercise are the deltoids - in this exercise the front and middle deltoids receive the greatest load. The biceps consists of two heads that differ in strength and size, so the main load is taken by the inner head, which is larger and stronger.

The auxiliary muscles in the military press are the triceps - the main load is taken by the medial fasciculus, trapezius and triceps brachii.

Stabilizing muscles in this exercise: leg muscles, core muscles (abs, lower back), gluteal muscles.

Standards for master of sports in kettlebell lifting

The table also contains data for candidates for master of sports (CMS) and international masters of sports (MSMS).

Classic men's biathlon:

Athlete weightKettlebell weight - 32 kilograms
Master of SportMSMKKMS
63 kilograms100 points170 points70 points
68 kilograms115 points185 points78 points
73 kilograms130 points195 points86 points
78 kilograms140 points205 points97 points
85 kilograms150 points215 points111 points
95 kilograms155 points223 points120 points
105 kilograms160 points220 points115 points
+105 kilogram165 points222 points120 points

Long cycle push of two weights. Number of lifts.


Athlete weightKettlebell weight - 32 kilograms
63 kilograms47 climbs48 climbs28 climbs
68 kilograms44 climbs57 climbs35 climbs
73 kilograms49 climbs64 lifts41 lifts
78 kilograms53 climbs69 climbs45 climbs
85 kilograms57 climbs75 climbs48 climbs
95 kilograms60 lifts80 lifts52 climbs
105 kilograms62 lifts82 lifts55 climbs
+105 kilogram64 lifts85 climbs57 climbs

Jerk. Number of lifts.


Athlete weightKettlebell weight - 24 kilograms
58 kilograms120 lifts100 lifts55 climbs
63 kilograms130 climbs110 lifts63 lifts
68 kilograms140 climbs120 lifts69 climbs
68+ kilograms150 climbs130 climbs73 lifts


  1. Tsipin, Ph.D. in pedagogics, Professor of Biomechanics Department,
  2. Barnikova, Ph.D. in pedagogics, Associate Professor of Biomechanics Department,
  3. Samsonova, HD in pedagogics, Professor, Head of Biomechanics Department,
  4. Vinogradov, HD in pedagogics, Professor, Head of Theory and Methodology of Athleticism Department.

Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg.

Contact information for correspondence: 190121, Russia, St. Petersburg, Dekabristov St., 35, e-mail

Nowadays kettlebell sport has gained recognition in many countries of the world. Improvement in training methods is one of the reasons why several rules of competitions in kettlebell sport, including weight categories, have repeatedly changed. Experts have different opinions on quantity and bounds of weight categories. Practically there are no studies with scientific justification of optimal quantity and bounds of weight categories. In this regard research aimed at justification of possible weight categories in kettlebell sport based on a statistical analysis of male athlete's performance at large Russian competitions is conducted. Results in a classical double-event and a push of weights of 32 kg of a long cycle shown from 2010 to 2016 at 46 competitions are taken as a basic data for the analysis. 6349 results are processed in total. The carried-out analysis has shown that in a double-event results in the neighboring weight categories of 85 and 95 kg, 95 and 95 + kg don't differ significantly. In a push on a long cycle results in weight categories of 73 and 78 kg, 85 and 95 kg, of 95 and 95 + kg also don't differ significantly. The difference in results upon transition from light to heavy weight categories decreases. The correlation between results and weight of athletes in the neighboring weight categories is weak. There is a certain tendency of growth of results with increase in weight of athletes in all range of their change. On the basis of the obtained data the possible option of weight categories of athletes-weight lifters is offered: to 63, 68, 78 and over 78 kg. The offered option differs in the fact that the results of competitive exercises in all next weight categories authentically differ and their difference is approximately identical. Bounds of weight categories are brought closer to currently existing.

Key words: kettlebell sport, double-event, push on a long cycle, weight categories, the statistical analysis.


  1. Gomonov VN Individualization of technical and physical training of athletes-weight lifters of various qualifications. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Smolensk, 2000, 26 p. (in Russian)
  2. Poliakov VA, Voropaev VI Girevoi sport [Kettlebell sport]. Moscow, Fizkul'tura i sport, 1988, 80 p. (in Russian)
  3. Rasskazov VS Puti i perspektivy razvitiia girevogo sporta. Lipetsk, Mezhdunarodnaia federatsiia girevogo sporta, 2004, 33 p. (in Russian)
  4. Starodubtsev MV Methodological development approaches to uniform rules of competitions and sports categories in kettlebell sport. Tiazhelaia atletika: ezhegodnik [Weightlifting: year-book]. Moscow, 1984, pp.73-77. (in Russian)
  5. Tikhonov VF, Sukhovei AV, Leonov DV Osnovy girevogo sporta . Moscow, Sovetskii sport, 2009, 132 p. (in Russian)
  6. Protokoly sorevnovanii. Sait Vserossiiskoi federatsii girevogo sporta. Available at: https://www.vfgs.ru/ protocols (accessed 08/10/2016). (in Russian)


Rank standards for kettlebell lifting

Biathlon. Number of points.


Athlete weightKettlebell weight - 24 kilogramsKettlebell weight - 16 kilograms
1st category2nd category3rd category1st Yu category2nd Yu category3rd Yu category
48 kg1107550
53 kg1208555
58 kg9070501309560
63 kg100806014010565
68 kg110906515011070
73 kg120957016012075
73+ kg1251007517012580
78 g13010580
85 kg14011085
85+ kg14511590
95 kg15012095
105 kg15012090
105+ kg155130100

Long cycle push of two weights. Number of lifts.


Athlete weightKettlebell weight - 24 kilogramsKettlebell weight - 16 kilograms
1st category2nd category3rd category1st Yu category2nd Yu category3rd Yu category
48 kg302520
53 kg383226
58 kg453525453830
63 kg503929514132
68 kg554433564636
73 kg604836615141
73+ kg625038645444
78 kg645240
85 kg695644
85+ kg735946
95 kg766248
105 kg806550
105+ kg.857055

We hope that after reading it, it became clear to you what standards exist for CCM in kettlebell lifting, for MS, as well as for MSCM.

But besides the main competitive exercises, there are many others, for example, the “Turkish” lift:

The exercise involves lifting with a kettlebell and a straight arm, and develops all muscle groups.

Modern standards for kettlebell lifting - all the nuances of beauty on MedNews.info

Beauty and style are the main components of the success of every girl. Of course, it’s not bad at all if you also have a sparkling sense of humor and remarkable mental abilities. Anyone who mistakenly believes that to “open all doors” and find personal female happiness is enough to have a pretty face and an excellent figure, but style is not necessary, I hasten to disappoint, even as it is necessary. These are two halves of one whole. A stylish person a priori cannot but be beautiful. This is how our psyche works. We perceive everything unusual and original as beautiful. Beauty and style in the modern interpretation are practically synonymous.

Push on the DC in men

VK (kg)MSMK 32kgMS 32kgKMS 32kg1 view 24kg 2 views 24kg 3 views 24kg 1 youth 16kg 2 youth 16kg 3 youth 16kg
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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