A set of sports nutrition for weight loss, fat burning, drying, relief

Regular training within the framework of an individually developed program that takes into account body type, genetics, and health status will not work fully if other equally important components are not included. These include a balanced diet and high-quality sports nutrition. Choosing the latter is a responsible step. You should be guided by scientific calculations, expert opinion and recommendations of specialists. To decide which sports nutrition is best for muscle growth, you need to consider the problem comprehensively and comprehensively.

Sports nutrition complex for relief[edit | edit code]

Photo of the tablet box set

The complex of sports nutrition for obtaining relief was developed by SportsWiki experts using data obtained on the basis of a critical analysis of the properties of sports nutrition, taking into account numerous customer reviews, materials from independent articles and modern sports literature. This combination is based on the most effective additives that combine well with each other and have a pronounced synergistic effect.

Who is this complex suitable for?

The complex of sports nutrition for relief is suitable for people with moderately expressed fat mass (fat fold less than 3 cm - measured at the level of the navel, 3 cm to the side) regardless of gender, without pathology of the cardiovascular system. In many ways, this combination is similar to the weight loss complex, but there are some differences (composition, regimen and diet). As a rule, well-fed beginners begin bodybuilding with weight loss, and then gradually switch to working on relief. The performance of the complex is confirmed by its wide practical application. In more than 70% of cases, the desired results were obtained, which is a very high indicator of effectiveness, in 20% a positive result was obtained, while side effects occurred in less than 10% of cases, which indicates a high degree of safety of the complex.

1. Pre-workout complex

  • NO-Xplode from BSN - combines three important systems: L-arginine (nitrogen donor) to improve blood supply, that is, muscle nutrition. Creatine - increases muscle strength and growth, improves muscle definition. BSN's NO-Xplode Pre-Workout increases the intensity of your workouts, helping you burn more fat. It also contains some vitamins and microelements. Directions for use:
    Drink 1 serving 30–45 minutes before each workout.


Trac Extreme-NO from MHP, Fierce from SAN, Xpand Xtreme Pump from Dymatize

  • On rest days, you can take creatine monohydrate; this supplement, in addition to stimulating muscle growth, enhances the secretion of insulin-like growth factor, which promotes the formation of relief.

2. Protein

  • Fast protein (100% Whey Gold Standard) - is necessary to preserve muscle tissue, which begins to actively break down when following a low-calorie diet to burn fat. This is one of the key components of the complex, which has a strong evidence base. The expert system will allow you to calculate your daily protein requirement, based on this, determine the number of servings of 20-30 g. Take fast protein immediately after sleep to suppress morning catabolism, 1 hour before training and 30 minutes after training. Consume the remaining portions between meals.
  • Complex protein (Syntha-6 from BSN) or slow protein (casein) is a protein with a long absorption period that will satisfy the body's needs for amino acids at night. Take 1 serving of product before bed.

2. BCAAs

  • Intra Fuel from SAN is a complex of branched chain amino acids. This part of the complex is aimed at preserving muscle tissue under conditions of training stress; it has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect. BCAAs have a wide range of effects, they not only protect muscles, but also promote the breakdown of fat and suppress appetite. In addition, Intra Fuel contains reducing agents, antioxidants and some vitamins that are important when working on relief. Dosage regimen:
    Take Intra Fuel during training. It should be noted that the advisability of using BCAA in the presence of protein has not been proven. Read more: Protein and BCAA.

3. Mild fat burner

  • L-carnitine - Power System L-Carnitine is the safest fat burner, which also helps protect muscles from destruction. Carnitine has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and has no side effects. Carnitine accelerates the transport of fat molecules into the mitochondrial matrix - the site of their destruction. Dosage regimen:
    take one serving 30 minutes before training, in the morning after sleep. On rest days, take 1 serving in the morning and at lunchtime. Take carnitine on an empty stomach.
  • If you want to achieve maximum fat burning effect, use thermogenics.

4. Vitamin-mineral complex

  • Opti-men for men or Opti-women for women - all metabolic reactions, muscle growth and fat breakdown occur with the participation of vitamins and minerals, so good results are unthinkable without a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex. Provided that the diet when working on relief limits the supply of vitamins and minerals from food, this complex of vitamins becomes very important. These supplements are optimized for sports, creating ideal conditions for gaining weight and burning fat. Dosage regimen:
    Take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day after meals.


Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition, Activite Sport from MHP

5. Optional components (not required)

  • Cortisol blockers
    - one of the best Lean FX from Anabolic Xtreme - suppresses the secretion of the catabolic hormone cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage and causes muscle breakdown.
    Its effect is especially pronounced during relief training and weight loss. Dosage regimen:
    Take 1 capsule 3 times a day.
  • Omega-3
    - Lipidex from SAN - essential polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in fat metabolism.
    Omega-3s promote weight loss, protect the cardiovascular system, reduce bad cholesterol and have many other positive effects. They have no side effects. Dosage regimen:
    2 times a day, 3 capsules.
  • Anabolic complexes
    are the optimal choice of Myotest from SAN. This supplement increases testosterone levels and allows you to maintain maximum muscle mass. Take 3 capsules twice daily, with or immediately after meals.

6. Diet and training

  • Diet when cutting and working on relief
    - must be followed
  • Training for relief
    is highly desirable
  • 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition
  • Syntha-6 (BSN)
  • NO-Xplode from BSN
  • L-Carnitine (Power System)
  • Intra Fuel (SAN)
  • Opti-Men by Optimum Nutrition
  • Myotest (SAN)

Key points in a weightlifter's diet

Porridge is the basis of your breakfast

You need to start your day with a specific breakfast. Porridge is only suitable if there is something accompanying it. Fruits, cottage cheese or some meat. Cereals themselves are ideal for any athletes. But they do not carry the required amount of calories, especially if the athlete is an experienced one. You can eat it if you take chemically approved additives.

Fruits and vegetables are the perfect snack

Then after a couple of hours you can eat some fruit or vegetable salad. Add nuts and milk. The portion should give you time to survive until lunch, but nothing more! It is important to know its value in order to understand the big picture.

Soup is an essential component of your lunch.

Two course lunch. The first is definitely soup. Better than medium fat. The main thing in it is the broth. Since the stomach will be constantly working, it needs help. For the second course you can have a salad or a small portion of a side dish with meat. It is important, all with only one goal, to give the body the right amount of energy, without excess.

Gainer is an excellent source of energy and material for recovery

Next is afternoon tea. Many people replace it with a drink made from a gainer substance. This is a special supplement that is required for muscle recovery before training. It contains protein with all permitted substances. You definitely shouldn't take anything forbidden. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

Stew is a great option for dinner

Dinner should consolidate success. That is, deliver to the muscle mass only those substances that it has consumed. To achieve the desired effect, just eat a side dish with vegetables. Better stew. Protein and carbohydrate food.

Weightlifting competitions. Fourth and fifth weeks of preparation

By the fourth and fifth weeks of preparation for competitions in weightlifting, the weightlifter’s body, as a result of a competent coaching and pharmacological approach, is fully prepared for heavy physical activity. Joints, ligaments, muscles are prepared. A psychological mood appears.

At this stage, the athlete has a pronounced motivation - to enter the competition in good shape, take a worthy place and show a good result. In the 4th week, drugs that affect the cardiovascular system are also included in the work.

We introduce “Cardioton”, since the loads increase, which means the load on the heart muscle also increases. And we introduce Sevitin and Dihydroquercetin Plus, which improve blood circulation, to nourish the muscles with nutrients.

From the fourth to fifth weeks of training, the athlete enters a period of heavy loads. Under heavy loads, the female body experiences calcium deficiency, which affects the hormonal process. To support the body, you can take Osteomed during this period.

Weightlifting competitions. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 weeks of preparation

From the 6th to the 10th week of preparation for competitions in weightlifting, the basic load occurs.

Weightlifter training

A weightlifter’s preparation for weightlifting competitions from the 6th to the 10th week is carried out as follows:

  • the emphasis is on the load on the legs,
  • squats,
  • delayed squats,
  • slow squats with a stop,
  • static squats,
  • plinth squat,
  • loads on the back,
  • suspended pulls with delay,
  • hanging rods with plinth,
  • pulls from a plinth at different levels, from a stand,
  • tilts,
  • sitting bends,
  • goat bends,
  • tilts lying on the board.

From the 6th to the 8th week of training a weightlifter, we turn on the intensity in classic exercises.

Weightlifter training

The following exercises are included in the preparation of a weightlifter for competitions in weightlifting:

  • a large number of exercises with light weights,
  • broaches,
  • broaches in the seat

The technique is being honed, and with frequent repetitions, mistakes appear; the coach must monitor the athlete and correct the mistakes.

At the peak of the base load, the athlete’s body is weakened. During this period, the athlete is susceptible to viral diseases and colds. During this period, it is necessary to use Apitonus P. We use it until the competition.

By the end of the 9th week, I recommend taking a break from taking Leveton P (or Leveton Forte), Elton Forte and Levzei P for 7 to 10 days. Now the body needs to be given a break from pharmacological support so that there is no addiction. This is the moment when the basic load ends and the transition to the preparation for competition occurs.

The 10th week begins with reducing the load on the legs and back. The number of repetitions in squats and leg exercises decreases, but the weight increases. Such combinations correspond to 80 - 90%, so it is necessary to repeat them 2 - 3 times and alternate.

The intensity of classical exercises increases by 75% - 90% on weights. At the end of each week, it is necessary to simulate the competitive process - the so-called “passes” depending on the condition.

If you feel unwell, under no circumstances should you lift the maximum weight, as you may get injured.

Weeks 11 and 12 – the last stage of preparation for the competition is underway. In 15 days, the final “walk” is completed and the starting weight is determined.

In the last two weeks, it is necessary to take a shock dose of three sports adaptogens - Leveton P (or Leveton Forte), Elton Forte, Levzei P.

By doing this, we cause a concentration of testosterone in the body, which will allow us to perform well in competitions.

During the entire process of preparing a weightlifter for competitions, it is imperative to follow a sports regimen, eat a balanced diet, do restorative procedures once a week, visit a sauna, and, if possible, do a massage, especially during the base period, when muscle acidification is high.

Weightlifting coach, international weightlifting judge D.N. Vasin


Weightlifting competitions. Third week of preparation

In the third week of preparing for weightlifting competitions, we include classic exercises in the work with a low percentage, but with high repetition.

Weightlifter training

A weightlifter's workout consists of the following:

  • We are working on technology
  • include static exercises,
  • preparing ligaments for heavy loads,
  • we increase the percentage component 67% - 77% and the variety of exercises to avoid monotony in the training process.

Also, with increasing loads, we increase the intake of “Leveton P” (or “Leveton Forte”), “Elton Forte” and “Levzei P”. At this stage of preparation, the effect of these drugs begins to take place within 10 to 15 days.

Weightlifting competitions. Second week of preparation

In the second week of preparation for competitions in weightlifting, a gradual, step-by-step increase in loads begins, moving to the basic component.

Weightlifter training

When preparing a weightlifter, there are more strength exercises:

  • pull-squats,
  • inclines with a higher number of repetitions, but a lower approach - 65% - 75% of the weight.

In the second week of preparing a weightlifter for competitions, we begin to use sports-related drugs - Leveton P (or Leveton Forte) and Elton Forte, Levzeya P. According to coaching experience, this trio of sports nutrition gives an anabolic effect. The effect of the combination of bee pollen and leuzea (ecdesterone) was proven back in the 80s of the last century by academician R.D. Seyfulloy.

Weightlifting competitions. First week of preparation

The first week of preparation for a weightlifting competition begins with light loads. The body is included in the training process. Naturally, the athlete still has “muscle memory”, a psychological aspect to the training process (exercise technique, load, motivation).

Weightlifter training

A weightlifter's training consists of the following exercises:

  • warm-ups,
  • light stretches,
  • not explosive climbs, not high-speed ones.

In the first week of preparation, the body (muscles, joints) adapts to the load. In the first week, pharmacology is not included in the process.

Naturally, at the entire stage (3 - 4 months) you need to monitor the volume of loads (in kilograms), the volume of loads in percentage equivalent, monitor your own weight, measure blood pressure and pulse at the beginning of training, and all this must be recorded in a sports diary.

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