How to take Mesomorph (pre-workout)? Composition and reviews

What is “Mesomorph” (pre-workout)? Why is it needed? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

Through repeated experiments and scientific research, the famous American sports nutrition manufacturer AOS Nutrition created one of the best pre-workout complexes called APS Mesomorph. This drug gives the athlete everything he needs to achieve records. Its effectiveness has been proven in practice. There is nothing superfluous in this product: no ballast substances, half portions, or accumulators.

Composition of the sports nutritional supplement

What does Mesomorph (pre-workout) consist of? This medicine contains the following components:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – a deficiency of this substance in the body negatively affects the overall well-being of the athlete.
  • Inkarin – acts as an anabolic and antioxidant.
  • Creatine nitrate is one of the latest creatine formulas that improves recovery processes, stimulates muscle growth, and helps increase strength and endurance. It also activates the production of testosterone in small quantities and rationalizes blood flow (improved blood circulation quickly transports nutrients to muscle tissue).
  • The intracellular buffer is creatinol phosphate. It is necessary to maintain a standard level of glycolysis during the release of lactic acid, which accumulates in the muscles during exercise, provokes cell starvation and destruction of connections between muscle fibers and nerves. With the help of this substance you can increase your training time. Creatinol-O-phosphate allows you to better work out muscle groups and increase the number of approaches.

“Mesomorph” (pre-workout) also includes some other elements - citrulline malate, taurine, beta-alanine and other components.

Advantages of dietary supplements

What's good about Mesomorph? This drug has many important advantages:

  • Increases endurance and strength, allows you to exercise more intensely and increase training time.
  • Gives a lot of energy and strength in class.
  • Contains much more active ingredients than similar drugs.
  • The use of the drug “Mesomorph” (pre-workout) provides the effect of marking the saphenous veins and pumping during training.
  • Contains thiamine, incarine, creatine nitrate, geranium extract, creatinol-O-phosphate and many other necessary components.
  • Perfectly dissolves in the digestive tract and contains the most productive creatine formula.
  • As reviews and studies have shown, “Mesomorph” is similar in its effect to antidepressants, helps increase concentration, improves mental abilities, and strengthens bones.

What advantages does Mesamorph have?

This powerful and effective pre-workout has the following positive effects on the human body:

  • gives a powerful boost of energy and strength during training;
  • allows you to make training more intense and longer by increasing strength and endurance;
  • helps to get a more pronounced appearance of veins and a pumping effect during training;
  • stimulates mental and mental abilities, increases the concentration of the athlete, having an effect similar to an antidepressant;
  • strengthens bones, although not very pronounced.

The drug has a richer composition of active substances when compared with similar supplements offered by other manufacturers. It contains all the components an athlete needs, including thiamine, incarine and others. It dissolves perfectly and contains the most effective form of creatine.

Course duration

Athletes praise Mesomorph (pre-workout). Its composition is unique. You will feel a positive effect from taking the sports supplement on the very first day. You can use the drug for two months, after which you should take a break for a couple of weeks.

The fact is that the human body itself can produce creatine. This property disappears if creatine supplements are taken over a long period of time. After stopping taking the pre-workout, the body’s functioning returns to normal within two weeks. The package contains 388 g of the drug - 25 servings of 15.5 g each.

How to take Mesomorph

One serving of the pre-workout complex contains 15 grams and is filled with cool water in an amount of 200 to 300 milliliters. It is recommended to drink the supplement thirty minutes before class. On non-training days, take half a serving on an empty stomach.

The effect of using Mesomorph is noticeable on the first day. The duration of the course is about several months, after which they must take a break for four to six weeks. The pause must be maintained because the body synthesizes its own creatine, the production of which may stop if supplements containing it are used for a long time. Stopping the course allows you to normalize creatine synthesis within a couple of weeks.

One package contains 388 grams of the supplement, which is enough for 25 doses if you stick to a dosage of 15.5 grams. Taking Mesomorph is not recommended for people with problems with blood pressure, liver, or heart. Women during pregnancy and lactation should refrain from using the supplement. To avoid any negative consequences, you should always take absolutely any pre-workout after prior consultation with a specialist.


Athletes like Mesomorph (pre-workout). Are there any good reviews for this drug? Yes, in most cases, such sports nutrition causes positive impressions. Athletes talk about the powerful energy effect of the supplement, its effectiveness, increased motivation and a surge of strength during exercise. Since no one complains about side effects, we can come to the conclusion that they occur extremely rarely.

It is known that the Mesomorph pre-workout has different tastes. It can be purchased in four versions. Reviews show that grape or watermelon flavors are best suited for athletes, while not everyone likes pineapple and tropical punch. Some athletes believe that pre-workout supplements are overpriced (a package costs 2,500 rubles), but they did not notice any other shortcomings of this drug.

Athletes write that the surge of energy after taking a portion of “Mesomorph” is crazy, the mood is great. They claim that despite the fact that the rest between sets was reduced, they managed to gain weight! There is no fatigue, I don’t want to rest, any load becomes too much for me.

Athletes say that Mesomorph is the king of pre-workout drugs. They have never experienced such drive and explosive energy with any pre-workout. There is an insane desire to train and euphoria that lasts a couple of hours! The main thing is not to exceed the dose.

Harmless components

What other properties does Mesomorph (pre-workout) have? Are there any side effects? First, let's list the completely harmless components. These are vitamins that do not cause any damage to health when taken deliberately, as well as natural substances produced by our body:

  • Glucuronolactone is a regulator of glycogen synthesis.
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid.
  • Beta-alanine is a valuable amino acid.
  • Citrulline malate is a compound of amino acid and malic acid.
  • Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate is a combination of arginine and alpha-ketoglutaric acid.
  • L-Taurine is a sulfonic acid whose precursor is cysteine.
  • Creatine nitrate, di-creatine malate, creatinol-o-phosphate are forms of creatine that do not have side effects.

Description of the pre-workout complex Mesomorph

Mezmorph has an ideal composition, where each component is presented in a full working dosage. The number of ingredients is selected with such precision that this makes the Mesomorph pre-workout complex practically a leader among its peers. Many call it the king of pre-workouts and, to be honest, for good reason. However, let’s not anticipate events and take away the right to their own opinion from those who have not yet tried it. In order to present the drug as correctly and in detail as possible, we suggest taking a closer look at its composition.

Creatine nitrate . A formula that combines the properties of creatine and NO booster.

Beta-alanine . An amino acid used by muscle cells to produce carnosine. Thanks to it, muscle fatigue is minimized and recovery time is reduced.

Creatinol-o-phosphate . Maximizes performance by supporting glycolysis in the presence of lactic acid.

Inkartin . An enzyme that increases libido, similar to the action of Viagra.

Geranium oil extract. Gives a sympathomimetic effect, improves symptoms, improves performance, increases endurance, stimulates the central nervous system, improves well-being, helps to concentrate better.

Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate . Improves nutrition of muscle tissue by blueing muscle tissue to concentrate better. synthesis of nitric oxide from intermediate products of arginine breakdown.

L-Citruline DL-Malate. The supplement improves muscle trophism, increases endurance, and increases the energy potential in the body.

Di-Creatine malate. Increases the body's endurance before physical activity.

L-Taurine. Normalizes the function of cell membranes, ensures optimization of energy and metabolic processes.

Ascorbic acid. Improves glucose utilization and capillary permeability.

Agmantine sulfate . Improves nutrition of muscle tissue, activates imidazoline receptors, dilates blood vessels, stimulates lipolysis, and has an analgesic effect.

Caffeine . Stimulates the central nervous system, increases energy reserves, stimulates lipolysis, and makes training more intense.

3,7-Dihydro-3,7-Dimethyl-1H-Purine-2,6-Dione. Increases oxygen delivery to the myocardium, normalizes blood microcirculation, and increases the tone of the respiratory muscles.

Naringenin . Borrowed from grapefruit, it enhances the effect of other components and is an antioxidant.

All components of APS Mesomorph together give a feeling of drive and inexhaustible energy. Training becomes more intense, and strength endurance increases significantly with a positive effect, but without catabolic consequences for the muscles.

How to take Mesomorph correctly?

Dilute one portion of pre-workout in 200-300 ml of water. Take the drug half an hour before training and enjoy the effect. If you are trying Mesomorph pre-workout for the first time, we recommend starting with half the dose to monitor your body's response and tolerance. On rest days, you can take only half the serving on an empty stomach. The drug should be taken in the first half of the day! Otherwise - if you suddenly decide to take it at lunchtime or in the evening - be prepared for sleep disturbances. This is logical: if you decide to turn on the body’s energy potential in the late afternoon, then you yourself are responsible for your evening activity. You must understand how to handle powerful pre-workout supplements and be able to properly use the potential that you will unlock in yourself while using them. But this is not all...

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Let's say you take Mesomorph correctly, strictly following the dosages. Strength indicators are growing, energy is overflowing, you are very pleased with yourself (and in general you are happy with everything, because you get a good anti-stress effect), but you forgot about something. But what about the body’s adaptation to the components of the drug? Over time, you develop a habit of using the components of the complex, and they no longer give the original effect. To avoid addiction, again feel a frantic surge of energy and return to effective training, you need to alternate several products aimed at the same goal (alternate, not combine!). To do this, you must have several pre-workouts, the compositions of which will differ slightly. If the components of the first complex are already familiar to your body, and it no longer reacts to them with the proper strength, then the new composition of the second will be able to “surprise” it and again launch its potential capabilities. Thus, by alternating several products, you can avoid addiction to them and constantly improve your performance.

An important point: never combine the use of several strong pre-workout complexes with each other or with similar products (for example, fat burners)! Since they are an explosive mixture of impressively powerful components, their simultaneous use will give a double effect that will be extremely difficult for your body to cope with. The first thing to suffer in this struggle is the heart, which you don’t even want to think about. Therefore, alternate, but do not combine.

Harmful substances

What do athletes who use Mesomorph (pre-workout) complain about? Side effects are possible, because this drug contains components that negatively affect the human body (if used incorrectly):

  • Pentoxifylline is an alkaloid that improves microcirculation, saturating the limbs and brain with oxygen. If a person does not have problems with blood pressure, only isolated side effects associated with intolerance and individual characteristics are possible.
  • Caffeine - its side effects are very inconsistent. As an energy drink, this component, when consumed in excess, can cause problems with blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, and gastrointestinal diseases. However, if its use is limited to “Mesomorph”, it will not cause any harm and will even be of great benefit in training in the field of fat burning and will increase the tone of the body. Naturally, it is contraindicated for people with heart defects and hypertension.
  • Geranaburn is perhaps the most illogical component. It can hardly be found in imported goods, except in Hi-Tech products. The fact is that the FDA decided that this substance was harmful and banned it. However, Hi-Tech is actively challenging this decision in court, arguing that the component’s harmlessness has been clinically proven. It is known that before the withdrawal from the retail chain, millions of cans were sold, and not a single buyer made a claim to the manufacturer. It should be noted that the sale of DMAA is not prohibited in Russia.
  • Naringenin is a natural flavonoid from citrus fruits. It has a huge number of useful biological qualities. However, in some cases, this component can complicate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The substance can also react with some medications. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, consult your doctor in advance about compatibility.

Side effects exist, they are standard - nausea, dizziness, colic. However, they were not officially recorded. The connection between taking the supplement and the occurrence of these symptoms has not been proven. Otherwise, “Mesomorph” improves lipolysis, increases endurance, mood, and suppresses fatigue.

Side effects from taking pre-train

To prevent side effects from appearing in your body, you need to consider the following factors:

  • to avoid harm to the body, it is necessary not to exceed the dosage even if there is no effect;
  • Pregnant women, nursing mothers and teenagers are not allowed to take it;
  • APS Mesomorph should not be used in combination with other drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.
  • you should not drink before bed, because insomnia is possible (in this case there can be no question of any muscle growth);
  • It is not recommended for use for cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure problems.

Important! Before starting the course, you should definitely consult your doctor about possible allergic reactions of the body.

special instructions

When taking Mesomorph, you need to follow these important tips:

  • During periods of fatigue or poor health, the supplement should not be taken. In such a situation, it is better to relax at home.
  • The best time to take a pre-workout is 1-2 hours after a meal or half an hour before the start of a workout.
  • Do not take the drug daily. Otherwise, you can get used to it (the body adapts to constant replenishment and stops reacting to it).
  • Follow the dosage strictly (information is indicated on the package).
  • Alternate this type of sports nutrition with other supplements.

Remember that pre-workout abuse and overdose will harm the body. So the choice is yours.

Reception features

Mesomorph is a high-quality and effective sports nutrition, but it is important to take it correctly. Here you should rely on the manufacturer’s recommendations and reviews of professional athletes who tested the effect of the supplement on themselves. The recommendations are as follows:

  • measure one portion of the additive (this is 15 grams) and mix the powder in 250-300 ml of liquid (it is advisable to use clean, cool water);
  • The best time to take it is 30-40 minutes before the start of classes;
  • Take meals on rest days, but it is better to reduce the dosage by half;
  • after two months of the course, take a break of several weeks.
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