Long-acting forms of testosterone in the treatment of hypogonadism

Testosterone propionate

Testosterone propionate

- synthetic, that is, chemically synthesized, anabolic and androgenic steroid of prolonged action. Analogue of natural testosterone. But due to the addition of ester propionate to the testosterone molecule, the steroid is active in the body for about 5 days after the injection.

Slang name:

"Propik", "Prop", Testosterone Propionate, "short" testosterone

Testosterone propionate

- one of the most popular steroids. It ranks second in demand among athletes taking anabolic steroids. Buying testosterone propionate is always justified for the purposes discussed below.

It is worth noting that Testosterone Propionate is the first testosterone to be chemically synthesized from cholesterol and commercially produced for medical use from 1937 to 1960.

In bodybuilding, testosterone propionate, due to its characteristics, is used mainly during the “cutting” period, but is excellent for building muscle mass and strength, with some reservations, which will be discussed below.

Observing the statistics of search queries in search engines, I very often find the query “testosterone propionate tablets.” I will probably disappoint someone, but testosterone propionate is only available in injections. Propionate, like any other testosterone, (except methyltestosterone) does not exist in tablets. And you should give up fruitless attempts to find one.

Historical background[edit | edit code]

Testosterone propionate was discovered in 1936 and was introduced for medical use in 1937. [1][2] It was the first testosterone ester to be sold and was the main form of testosterone used in medicine until 1960.[3]

Steroid profile[edit | edit code]

Testosterone is a hormone that serves as the main molecule for most hormonal (androgenic) drugs. By changing the testosterone molecule (adding or removing atoms), one or another drug is synthesized. So, for example, testosterone propionate is a testosterone molecule to which a propionic acid ester is attached; it is this that determines the pharmacological properties and features of the action of this substance.

  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
  • Aromatization (conversion into estrogens) - high (there is a need for antiestrogens)
  • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis is pronounced
  • Method of administration: injections
  • Duration of action - 2-3 days
  • The half-life and MRT (IM) are 0.8 days[4] and 1.5 days, respectively[5][6].
  • The peak activity of propionate occurs on the day of injection and gradually decreases within 24–36 hours after injection.[7][8]
  • Detection time - 40-60 days

How and how much to inject (take) testosterone propionate?

The period of effective action of propionate is one day, which means: you must inject propionate at least every other day.

Ideally, you should inject propic every day, which is, to say the least, inconvenient. After all, not everyone is ready to “punch” their ass every day. And what's the point?

To gain muscle mass, it is much more convenient to use any of the long-lasting testosterone esters - enanthate, cypionate or testosterone mixes (sustanon).

Propionate is injected mainly into the large muscles of the body - the gluteal, thigh muscles. Less commonly, testosterone propionate is injected into the deltas.

For injection into the gluteal muscles, it is best to use 5 ml syringes, as they have a long needle, which ensures that the oil gets deep into the muscle. For injections into the deltas and thighs, 2 ml syringes are mainly used.

By the way, few people know that propionate can be administered subcutaneously, i.e. into the fat layer on the abdomen. To do this, use an “insulin” syringe.

The recommended basic dosage of propionate for beginners is 50 mg, every other day or every day. Experienced athletes use 100 mg. every day and above. You can calculate how much propionate you need to inject per week depending on body weight using a simple formula:

The starting dosage of “propik” for beginners is 5 mg for every kilogram of weight. Maximum 9 mg. If your weight is, for example, 80 kg, then your “starting” dosage will be: 80*5 = 400 mg per week.

Review of the effects of Propionate.

“The main feature of this androgenic drug is that it begins to actively act earlier than other types of testosterone, which is why it surpasses them. Reviews about the drug sometimes contradict each other, but I realized from my own experience that this is a working and effective steroid drug. The dosage of this drug can regulate the direction of the entire course as a whole. If you want huge muscles with this remedy, then your weekly dosage should be more than 500 mg, only then your muscles will begin to grow at an accelerated pace. In this course, it is recommended to combine propionate with nandrolone and danabol. If you want to get lean, high-quality muscles, use propionate in combination with trenbolone and Winstrol. In this course, the dosage of propionate will be only 300 mg weekly. The main thing in using the drug is to choose the correct dosage and additional drugs, otherwise you may not get the result you wanted. In general, I can characterize the drug positively, since there were no adverse reactions during any course and I was quite satisfied with the effect of its use.” Nikolay, Ufa, 33 years old.

How to dilute testosterone propionate?

Answer: Testosterone propionate does not need to be diluted.

A ready-to-use oil solution of propionate is supplied both in ampoules and in bottles. Fill the syringe with the required amount of mg and give the injection. All.

Testosterone propionate course for weight?

I do not consider the use of propionate to gain muscle mass justified, since testosterone ethantate or testosterone phenylpropionate is best suited for these purposes.

But for “drying”, advanced and competitive athletes, propionate is best suited. Especially often, athletes buy stanozolol and use it together with “propik” to dry the body.

Also, testosterone propionate “must feb” is a “exit” from the course where “long” steroid esters are used.

In such cases, propionate is started to be administered 2-3 weeks before the long ester completely stops acting in the body.

The use of testosterone propionate in this way allows you to accurately understand when you need to start PCT, because propionate will be completely eliminated from the body a maximum of 4-6 days after the last injection, and with “long” esters the period of complete elimination is difficult to calculate, because it “floats” from 3 weeks or more.

To accurately understand when to start PCT, you need to get tested for total testosterone. The analysis is carried out when you have approximately calculated that the ether has already completed its work in the body.

We described what values ​​of your own test you should focus on in the article: PCT after a course of steroids

Starting PCT when the dough you injected is still active in the body does not make sense and will not bring any benefit, since restoration of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes arc will not take place in this case. As a result, PCT will be, at a minimum, incomplete. You won't recover. That is, you will not reach normal levels of your own testosterone, which will subsequently lead to a “collapse” of muscle mass and strength.

In addition, the use of propionate at the “exit” of the cycle will allow us, for several more weeks after the ester, to maintain high working concentrations of testosterone in the blood, and in fact finish the course with a better result than we would have simply canceled the long ester and waited until it “ will fizzle out."

Courses of taking anabolic steroids

When combining several drugs or changing them, muscle mass and strength increase much faster. Basic steroid courses by Denis Borisov for beginners combine one type of hormones.

Experienced athletes use 3 main anabolics. They are also called "Three Whales". These include: steroids, insulin and growth hormone.

They also include drugs that help prevent negative processes in the human body. Among them are the following:

  • Methane. The tablets are called "methandrostenolone".
  • Testosterone. These are injections such as enanthate, sustanon and propionate.
  • Nandrolone decanoate. It is considered a highly anabolic drug.
  • Winstrol, stanozolol. They come in the form of tablets and injections.
  • Boldenone. They are used in large doses and are similar to deca.
  • Trenbolone. Professional drug.

Professional trainer Denis Borisov speaks positively about methane and classifies it, along with testosterone and deca, as basic products. To quickly gain muscle mass, the following combinations are most often used:

  • Testosterone or Deca with methane.
  • Boldenone or boldenone is used instead of decka.
  • Testosterone with trenobolone and methane.
  • Nandrolone and stanozolol.
  • Oxymetholone and Winstrol.

First course

The first course of anabolic steroids is called “Methane solo Gorka”. Refers to the old school. The sust methane course is divided into the following weekly portions:

  • First week – 10 mg per day.
  • The second is 15 mg.
  • Third - 20 mg per day.
  • Fourth – 25 mg.
  • Fifth, sixth and seventh – 30 mg.
  • Eighth – 10 mg per day.

The drug is available in different forms. Previously, the popular dosage was 5 mg. It was one tablet, which is very convenient. This course is called “Gorka”, as the dosage gradually increases and then decreases. For a portion of methane, Denis Borisov recommends immediately raising it to 30 mg and staying there.

They also highlight the first year of the modern school “Methane Solo”. According to this system, the dosage is kept at 30 mg all the time. You should divide your pill intake into equal periods of time. If you take it 3 times a day, you need to do it in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. For beginners, such courses are best suited, since when switching to several drugs at once, muscle growth will noticeably stop.

In bodybuilding, the methane deca test is often used. When deca dosage is higher than 200 mg, side effects may occur due to its progestogenic nature. This drug begins to act later than methane - after three days. Deca remains active for 3-4 weeks. For this reason, it is better to take the drug fourteen days before the end.

Second course

The second course of methane and soundboard is also divided into old and new school. Previously, the following regimen was used:

  • The first week - methane 10 mg per day, deca 200 for seven days.
  • The second is 15 and 200 mg.
  • Third – 20 and 200 mg.
  • Fourth – 25 and 200 mg.
  • Fifth and sixth - 30 and 100 mg of deca.
  • Seventh – 30 mg of methane.
  • Eighth – 10 mg.

This regimen for taking a course of deca sust methane has been used for a long time, now the dosages are uniform. In recent weeks, nandrolone is used for greater effectiveness. According to the new school, phenyl is added to the methane test deck course. The drug can be injected two times in seven days. In this case, 30 mg of methane per day and 200 deca per week are taken.

We recommend reading: Adrenaline nasal drops: description and instructions for use, pharmacological action, indications and contraindications, expiration date and storage conditions, analogues, prices and patient reviews

Third year

The course is called methane test enanthate basic. It has the following scheme:

  • From the first to the fourth week - methane 30 mg per day, testosterone enanthate 400 mg for seven days.
  • From the fifth to the sixth - 30 and 300 mg.
  • Seventh – 30 and 200 mg.
  • Eighth – 30 mg of methane.

There is a modern version of this course. It's called methane propionate enanthate. For the first four weeks, 30 and 400 mg are taken. On the fifth and sixth, the dosage of methane does not change, and enanthate is reduced to 300. On the seventh and eighth, propionate 100 mg is used every other day.

Fourth year in college

It's called Trinity. Methane enanthate or propionate deca course is suitable for experienced athletes who have large muscle mass. The reception scheme looks like this:

  • From the first to the fourth week - methane 30 mg, enanthate 400, deca 200.
  • Fifth – reducing the second drug to 300.
  • Sixth – reducing the deck to 100 mg.
  • The seventh and eighth – 30 mg of methane and 100 mg of propionate.

In addition to muscle mass, strength will increase.

Fifth year

Stanozolol sustanon propionate trenbolone course is an effective way for rapid muscle growth. The following dosages are used:

  • From the first to the sixth week - 40 mg per day of methane, 500 mg per seven days of enanthate and 300 mg of trenbolone.
  • On the seventh and eighth - stenase 40 mg and propionate 100.

Sixth year

Stanazolol Deca Testosterone is perfect for athletes whose goal is cutting. The main thing is to remove deca or enanthate a month before the competition. From the first to the fourth week, 40 mg of stanase and 300 tren are taken. Enanthate is also added at a dosage of 500 mg. From the fifth to the eighth week it is replaced by propionate 100 mg.

How long is testosterone propionate excreted and effective?

“Propik” begins to act in the body almost immediately after the injection. Maximum activity is achieved within the first 24 hours after an injection of testosterone propionate, followed by a decline within two to three days.

Thus, the half-life of this steroid is 1-2 days.

In fact, if we talk about the elimination of the drug, in terms of the time when you need to start PCT, then PCT after propionate can and should be started after about three half-life periods - about 6 days after the last injection.

If we mean doping - monitoring for the presence of propionate metabolites in the blood, then detection of such metabolites is possible within a period of 40 to 60 days.

So, if you expect that you will need to undergo doping control, you should stop using propionate two months before the expected test.

Very often, people ask if taking propionate will affect my CBC, can doctors detect that I'm taking steroids?

Answer - No, they cannot.

A complete blood test cannot show that you are using any steroid drugs.

PCT after propionate

The duration of PCT after using propionate will primarily depend on the duration of the course. For PCT, the following rule applies: the duration of PCT depends on the duration of the course. This means that if your course lasted 6 weeks, then PCT should be done for 6 weeks.

We have already written above about how long it is necessary to start PCT after the last propic injection. This is the time when the steroid is completely eliminated from the body. Complete removal of “propik” usually occurs 6-8 days after the last injection. As a rule, after such a period, you can expect that testosterone levels have dropped to about zero values.

In order to accurately determine the level of total testosterone, we highly recommend

take tests for total testosterone and estradiol. An analysis of estradiol levels is needed in order to “bring down” the latter, provided that the indicators are inflated. Elevated estradiol levels will interfere with recovery in the same way as elevated testosterone levels. Recommended total testosterone values ​​for starting PCT are 5-6 nanomoles or lower.

After the level of exogenous testosterone has dropped to the required values, it is necessary to begin PCT with antiestrogens. Preference for PCT is given to buy Clomid. Clomid is a more modern drug that has fewer potential side effects than tamoxifen. Although many athletes whose budget is limited prefer tamoxifen to Clomid, due to the higher cost of the latter. By and large, in terms of the strength of their effect on the restoration of the “arc of the HPA,” the drugs are equal.

Let us give an example of the dosage of Clomid after a 6-week course of propionate, which can be described as a “moderate course”. For the first 30 days you take 50 mg of clomiphene, the next 15 days 25 mg. At this point the PCT can be considered completed.

If you have a budget, it’s not a bad idea to get tested for basic sex hormones to determine how complete the recovery was.

Basic properties

When it enters the human body and mixes with the blood, this hormone in the internal organs ensures interaction with cell receptors. The result is the growth of muscle tissue. This promotes the synthesis of protein substances and the presence of potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and calcium in the body.

The essential composition of the drug contains propionic acid, which allows you to quickly cause the necessary reactions in athletes.

Testosterone enanthate contains the ester structure of natural testosterone. For representatives in bodybuilding, this steroid is considered the most popular and long-lasting in its effect. This is influenced by metabolism and general hormonal levels. On average, its effect lasts for two or three weeks. Half of it is eliminated in one week. Used by athletes in triathlon, weightlifting and bodybuilding. For this purpose, one or two injections per week is sufficient. Moreover, it ensures the maintenance of a high and stable level of concentration.

Characteristic features of the drug:

  • Corresponds to the male hormone;
  • It is 100% effective from one to two days;
  • Has low toxicity to the liver;
  • High ability to convert to the most active stage;
  • Provides normal levels of water and blood pressure in the body;
  • A high enzyme that converts male sex hormones into estrogens; Reduces the production of your own hormones;
  • Detected within 20 days;
  • Used as an injection;

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the sebaceous glands may appear,

How much testosterone propionate can you gain?

As mentioned above, using “propik” for mass gain is not rational.

During the drying process, we work to reduce the percentage of body fat using a caloric deficit in the diet. Therefore, during the drying process, weight gain is, in principle, not possible.

But if you still love “sado-maso”))) and decide to use propik to gain muscle mass, then you should know and understand that no one can accurately predict how much you will gain.

Everyone is different. They have different genetics, metabolism, etc. In addition, the key factor in gaining weight during the cycle is nutrition.

You can “pour” testosterone into yourself in grams, but you won’t gain it unless you create a calorie surplus.

Therefore, if someone confidently tells you some “numbers”, you should know that this is an amateur who does not understand anything about this issue.

Which brand of testosterone propionate is better?

A very common question is: Which brand of propionate is best to buy?

I will speak for our store - Pharma UA.

Specifically, in terms of quality, I cannot single out any company.

And that's why:

Over our long history of working in the sports pharmacology market, we have only sold products from those manufacturers that we have used and use ourselves, and we can guarantee the quality and originality of these drugs.

In addition, both we and our clients were tested more than once or twice after injections of propionate from different manufacturers. Analyzes showed the reference amount of testosterone in the blood after injections.

Of course, there are always people who prefer to buy one company or another. But this is more a matter of personal preference, recommendations from friends, etc., than an objective choice of a drug based on its quality characteristics.

If we look at the sales ranking, then we will put Propandrol in first place, second place goes to EPF. The demand for other manufacturers is approximately the same.

widget 5

In fact, the difference in testosterone propionate from different manufacturers lies in the use of different types of oil in which the active substance of the propionate steroid is dissolved. The concentration of the active substance is the same in all cases - 100 mg per 1 ml. Excluding the obvious underground. In “under” products, the amount of active ingredient can vary greatly, usually to a lesser extent. Therefore, I advise you to avoid buying testosterone propionate from “know-name” companies.

You can buy propionate from any manufacturer from us and we guarantee that it will work and the amount of active ingredients in it corresponds to the declared amount.

Why is testosterone propionate harmful?

The question is most likely about the side effects of propionate, which we will discuss below.

You must understand that any medical drug has side effects, and it’s easier to count on your fingers those drugs that have “no side effects.” (I have never seen such drugs in my practice)

And when it comes to steroids and the side effects of their use, then real hysteria and “trash” begins.

Very often, even qualified doctors who have not delved into the topic of AS are captive of public stereotypes about the “terrible harm” of steroids.

And what heartbreaking stories about the side effects of AS can be found on the Internet...

Someone’s “liver fell off”, “the kidneys stopped working”...

I will say this, all the horror stories that you may have heard about the dangers of steroids are a complete exaggeration.

For example, regular aspirin will give a huge head start to propionate and other AS in terms of side effects. But we easily take aspirin, without thinking about its potential harm, because it is a common drug for us.

But you should know that, according to statistics, in the United States, which is the world’s largest audience of steroid users, aspirin and various types of painkillers occupy almost the first places for the reasons for people visiting and hospitalizing people with symptoms of an overdose of these drugs. Many of these cases are fatal.

Whereas requests for help from an overdose of AS occur in isolated cases. And they only concern the side effects that have arisen. Not a single case of death from an “overdose” of AS has been recorded in the world.

In principle, an “overdose” of ACC, a word that I would not like to use when describing AS, since an “overdose” of a “propic” only entails a greater frequency and the likelihood of “catch” one or another “side effect”. Toxic damage to the body does not occur in the event of an “overdose”.

Based on what was written above, it becomes clear that the problem of the harm of testosterone propionate, and steroids in general, is greatly “inflated” and does not correspond to reality.

I'm not trying to say that testosterone propionate doesn't have side effects, it does. But in the vast majority of cases, using propionate in recommended dosages, you won’t even notice them.

But if side effects do occur, almost all of them are reversible and can be controlled with the use of appropriate medications. The exception is advanced cases of gynecomastia, when cosmetic surgery to remove it is necessary.

Possible side effects from the use of testosterone propionate

  • aromatization - the conversion of testosterone under the action of the aroma enzyme into estradiol and the possible subsequent development of estrogen-related side effects - gynomastia, accumulation of water, deposition of fatty deposits.

Aromatization is easily removed by the use of anti-aromatase drugs such as anastrozole.

When using testosterone propionate, aromatization is practically not expressed due to the short period of action of the steroid in the body.

Aromatization is not evil; aromatization increases the effectiveness of the AC course, since estrogens stimulate the production of IGF 1.

Aromatization “becomes evil” when the balance of sex hormones shifts towards estrogen. Estrogen levels are monitored using tests. But if you use propik, you most likely will not need them.

There is no need to specifically take aromatase inhibitors, in particular buy anastrozole, and “kill” estrogen to zero; take them only if side effects occur.

If you are wondering whether there is a negative effect of propionate on the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, then there are no such negative effects!

As for the effect on the genitourinary system:

Many people are interested in whether they will become impotent while taking testosterone propionate. They won't. On the contrary, during the course your libido will increase and you will feel like a “super man”.

Since test propionate quite strongly suppresses the production of your own testosterone, after the course you may experience a slight drop in libido. In my practice, this only happened in the case of very long courses with large dosages of AC. By taking short courses on propionate - 6-7 weeks, you will most likely not even feel a drop in libido. Having carried out competent PCT, libido will quickly return to normal. Moreover, after the course, and taking tests, before the start of the course and after PCT, I more than once observed an increase in the level of my own testosterone, to values ​​greater than it was before the course.

What should I take testosterone propionate with?

Testosterone propionate is a universal, basic ester; in fact, it (or its “long-living” relatives) should be the basis for any combined course.

Combining it with other steroids is so widespread that there is no point in presenting all possible options within the framework of this article.

The only thing I would like to say is that propionate is not combined with other testosterones and testosterone mixes, for example sustanon. Why?

Yes, because the difference between these broadcasts is only in the duration of operation of one or another broadcast. The effect of application will be the same. And an increased dosage of androgens is likely to lead to side effects.

You can start taking propionate at the beginning of the cycle, for example, with testosterone enanthate, so to speak, for “loading”, until the long ester starts working at “full” power, followed by two weeks after the start of the course. Well, as mentioned above, it is also worth taking the drug as an “exit” from the cycle after long testosterone esters.

We will consider in detail the question of what you should take testosterone propionate with during a course separately, using the example of ready-made courses based on this steroid.

Side effects of propionate[edit | edit code]

The most common complaint is pain, irritation and redness at the injection site, which is further aggravated by the high frequency of injection. Marked increase in aggression.[14]

The side effects of testosterone propionate are due to the fact that it easily aromatizes and is converted into estrogens and dihydrotestosterone, like any other testosterone ester, at high dosages it can cause:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Acne
  • Baldness of the scalp
  • Hirsutism (body hair growth)
  • Prostate enlargement (especially in older people)
  • Masculinization (in women)

The drug suppresses its own production of testosterone, which is usually restored at the end of the course after 2-3 months. For long-term courses, it is necessary to administer gonadotropin 500 IU, once a week, starting from 2. As practice shows, in moderate doses it does not affect the liver, kidneys, or any other internal organs. Not recommended for use by women due to high androgenic activity.

Read more:

Side effects of steroids and how to reduce harm

Can testosterone propionate be bought at a pharmacy?

Answer: Yes. But, as a rule, you need a prescription to purchase propionate from a pharmacy. And you can’t count on any assortment of dough in pharmacies.

Basically, in Ukrainian pharmacies, a 5% solution is sold - Testosterone Propionate from Farmak. The cost of such a “propic” is from 40 UAH per ampoule. (One ampoule contains 50 mg of active ingredient)

As simple calculations show, it is not profitable to buy propionate in a pharmacy, since the cost for 100 mg of propionate will be from 80 UAH, while the cost of standard quality propionate dough from the Balkans (which, by the way, is sold in pharmacy chain of Moldova) - 33-35 UAH, per 100 mg.

The benefits are obvious! Plus, no prescription is needed!

You can buy testosterone propionate in ampoules and vials in our store. Pharma SA offers the best price for testosterone propionate. And the range of propionate preparations presented in the store will delight you.


You can find many positive reviews about Testosterone Propionate. Despite this, steroid injections are recommended only after consultation with a doctor and in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Prostate cancer.
  • Breast cancer in men.
  • Disease of the urinary system.
  • Various pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.
  • Prostate adenoma.
  • Elderly age.
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.


Testosterone propionate is essentially a highly specialized drug. (author's opinion) Mainly used for “drying” muscles. And (or) for a smooth “exit” from the course where long-acting steroid esters were used. It is not rational to use propionate to gain muscle mass, due to the need to make injections: every other day, or every day. For drying, the drug is well combined with steroids that have a high anabolic index. Side effects during use are rare and can be easily eliminated by taking aromatase inhibitors.

© Alex “Farmovich”

Post-cycle therapy (PCT)

  • Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) will increase the production of your own (endogenous) testosterone after suppression on a course of AAS and will prevent the appearance of side effects after stopping the course. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is mandatory. Failure to undergo PCT may affect future quality of life. Therapy should begin 3-5 days after the last injection of Testosterone propionate. Read more about post-cycle therapy here. You can also replace Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) with Tamoxifen - a cheaper drug!
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