Descriptions of the course Deca Durabolin and Sustanon (Deca Sust)

Sustanon (Sustamed, Tetrasterone, etc.) is one of perhaps the most famous anabolic drugs, developed back in the 90s. The drug is an ester of 4 types of testosterone: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, decanoate. Inactive biological substances are used in the form of auxiliary components: oil (often peanut oil) as a solvent and benzyl alcohol as an antiseptic and preservative. Sustanon is available as an injection solution, in 1 ml ampoules in cardboard packaging.

The mixture was originally developed by Organon as part of hormone replacement therapy for insufficient production of the body's own testosterone. But very quickly the drug began to be used in sports and bodybuilding, in particular due to its high anabolic properties.

Sustanon cannot be called cheap compared to analogues, but one point should be taken into account: it is represented by 4 different forms of testosterone with varying degrees of absorption into the blood. This means it is able to maintain optimal testosterone levels for a long time (up to 1 month). In addition, there is no need for frequent injections.

The esters in Sustanon manifest themselves as follows:

  • Propionate - considered one of the most popular forms of testosterone - is a fast ester that has an almost instant effect;
  • Phenylpropionate/isocaproate are “medium” esters that begin their action later than propionate. Isocaproate is needed to maintain optimal testosterone levels in the gap between propionate and decanoate. Half-life is 9 days. Phenylpropionate maintains optimal testosterone levels after the complete breakdown of the fast ester.
  • Decanoate is a “long” ester used in any steroid. Its half-life reaches 14 days. Accordingly, it will be contained in the blood for a whole month. For this reason, experts recommend starting PCT a couple of weeks after the last dose of Sustanon.

Some people mistakenly believe that this anabolic is nothing more than a combined course in 1 ampoule, but this is not at all true. The fact is that all 4 esters, when released into the blood, are converted into the same substance - testosterone.



Important! The original Sustanon 250 is available only in glass ampoules, since, according to storage conditions, the substance should only be in glass containers. Rubber covers are not allowed. The drug produced in bottles has nothing in common with an anabolic steroid - it is 100% fake.

Features of application

The drug has found wide use both exclusively for medical purposes and in the sports field. The main thing is to choose a quality product: using fakes is fraught with disastrous results.

Indications for use

Sustanon is prescribed as part of replacement therapy for a number of pathological processes:

  • Delayed sexual development;
  • Endocrine diseases affecting the functioning of the gonads;
  • Impotence;
  • Androgen deficiency;
  • Female osteoporosis;
  • Malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Endometriosis, etc.

The drug is also actively used in sports:

  • To increase endurance by stimulating the production of red blood cells, providing rapid access of oxygen to cells;
  • To stimulate appetite during periods of strength training;
  • To quickly build muscle mass;
  • For anti-catabolism (slowing down the process of protein breakdown in the body).

Anabolic effect

Sustanon from Evro Prime Farmatseutikals

Sustanon 250 is a very flexible drug that can be safely used for almost any purpose related to sports. It has an excellent anabolic effect.

Stimulates the growth of muscle mass - the steroid exhibits good anabolic activity. It cannot be said that it is as high as that of powerful popular anabolic steroids. Nevertheless, the muscle growth obtained with the help of Sustanon is of high quality, and the setback is minimal.

Increases strength indicator – ensures maintenance of weight category due to minimal impact on weight. A priority option for “heavy” sports: suitable for weightlifters and powerlifters.

Stimulates fat burning - it’s worth noting right away that Sustanon is not the best, but a pretty good option for those who are cutting. The drug stimulates the action of enzymes responsible for lipid metabolism.

Moderately retains water - thereby providing sufficient protection of joints, tendons and muscle fibers directly from potential injuries during intense exercise.

Increases appetite - due to the effect on enzymes that regulate androgen levels and due to increased energy costs. An excellent option during the period of gaining muscle mass.

A powerful anti-catabolic - helps maintain muscle mass, which is important both during a strict diet and during moderate-intensity training. Among other things, the anti-catabolic effect of the drug allows you to increase physical activity, while reducing the recovery period.

Increasing the level of red blood cells, which activates the delivery of oxygen to the cells - thereby increasing the body's endurance. True, despite this feature of sustanon, it is rarely used by athletes who require increased endurance during competition.

Instruction No. 2 Use of Deca + Dianabol

There are two main components to this course. Now this method is one of the most common. Many people relate to it because of the harm it causes. But in moderate doses and with a competent approach, this substance has virtually no effect on the liver and has an androgenic effect, which makes it possible to compensate for their loss during the course. Despite the high popularity of the drug, Dianabol has a low reputation. This is due to the fact that many athletes take it more than normal, which leads to disturbances in the body and loss of results. Following instructions No. 2, you can take it in small quantities, which will not only reduce the risk of side effects, but will also have a beneficial effect on muscle gain. This combination affects the level of male hormones, so it is recommended to use products that restore this hormone. Nandrolone is administered intramuscularly once a week, and Dianabol comes in tablets that should be taken before 18:00. It is not permissible to take it for 3 months after completing this course.

Side effects

An undoubted advantage of Sustanon 250 can be considered its “loyalty” to the athlete’s body: side effects in athletes are not as common as with most androgenically active steroids. And yet, sometimes there are negative reactions:

  • Conversion of testosterone to extradiol - this manifests itself in the form of female-pattern fat deposits, gynecomastia and fluid retention. The unpleasant effect, fortunately, can be easily eliminated by a course of anastrozole or aromazine, which block the aromatase enzymes that convert “extra” testosterone.
  • Androgenic effect - manifests itself in the form of baldness, hypertrophied prostate. This is often due to the genetic characteristics of the athlete. The problem is eliminated by taking aromatase inhibitors.
  • Acne - occurs due to increased oily skin (again, this is a genetic feature of a bodybuilder). The problem can be eliminated by changing the diet: reducing the amount of fats and fast carbohydrates. Calendula infusion or products based on salicylic acid are suitable as cosmetic products.
  • Symptoms of the flu - muscle weakness, sore throat, headaches - an excellent preventative measure would be taking omega-3 acids.
  • Induration at the injection site - in most cases, the negative effect goes away without complications within 3-5 weeks. If the injection is done correctly, this problem should not arise.

Clomiphene is also called Clostilbegit.

Helps restore dysfunction of the pituitary gland and testicles caused by taking anabolic drugs. The drug activates testosterone production. Tamoxifen should not be used because the drug has been found to increase the number and sensitivity of progesterone nerve endings.

Most athletes and medical professionals noted that the combination of steroids such as Deca-Durabolin + Sustanon can be called one of the best, since they have an excellent effect on the body, compensating for negative qualities, and are compatible with each other. The main positive feature of this cycle is to ensure safety, since minimal hormonal disruption occurs, and the metabolism quickly returns to normal, which is also important. The substances do not harm the liver.

At the final stage of administration, an increase in lean muscle mass will be noticeable, which is subsequently perfectly preserved thanks to the connection of PCT. Elements such as aromatase inhibitors prevent fluid from accumulating in the body, which prevents gynecomastia and preserves endogenous testosterone production. This occurs due to the weakening of estrogen influence in the male genital organs. Experts recommend alternating intramuscular injections, performing them at intervals of several days. We draw your attention to the fact that it is not recommended to do this for 3 months after taking the pills.

Admission courses

Solo option (long)

Anastrozole is a drug with anti-aromotase action. Stimulates the body's production of its own testosterone, while simultaneously reducing the concentration of estrogen. Minimizes the occurrence of side effects from taking steroids.

Gonadotropin - stimulates the production of testosterone by the testicles, stimulating muscle gain.

Tamoxifen is an important drug for PCT - it minimizes the side effects of the steroid course and helps maintain muscle relief.

One of the most popular and easy to use steroid cycles using Sustanon. Will provide a good and rapid increase in muscle mass with minimal side effects.

The course includes, in addition to sustanon, auxiliary components: anastrozole, gonadotropin, tamoxifen. An excellent option for quickly gaining muscle mass. A time-tested option, actively used in sports.

Reception regimen:

  • 1-8 weeks – sustanon (500 mg/week);
  • 2-8 weeks – anastrozole (after analysis for estradiol), 0.5 mg every other day;
  • 5-9 weeks – gonadotropin (250 IU twice a week);
  • Weeks 11-13 – tamoxifen (20 mg/day for two weeks and 10 mg/day in the last week).

Effective combinations

Sustanon + Boldenone – for muscle growth

Turinabol is an oral anabolic steroid with a slowly manifesting, but very high-quality effect of gaining mass and increasing definition.

Includes 12 ampoules of Sustanon, 140 tablets of Turinabol, 30 tablets of Tamoxifen. This is the optimal course for athletes who have experience in bodybuilding and, in particular, are familiar with the effects of the drug Turinabol. The combination of oral and injectable steroids is ideal during the period of muscle gain.

Moreover, even a small dosage will achieve good results. The recommended duration of a course combined with boldenone is 6-8 weeks. A powerful course for mass must be supplemented with a well-thought-out nutrition plan, including sports supplements and amino acids. This is a close to ideal combination of price and quality with minimal manifestation of the androgenic effect.

Reception regimen:

  • 1-6 weeks - turinabol (3 tablets/day for the 1st week, then 2 tablets/day for the 2-4th week, 3 tablets/day for the 5th week and 2 tablets/day day during the 6th week);
  • 1-6 weeks – Sustanon (1 ml 2 times a week);
  • Weeks 9-12 – tamoxifen (1 tablet/day).

Sustanon + Winstrol (Stanozol) – to increase definition

Winstrol is a synthetic anabolic steroid (in the form of tablets and injections). Toxic to the liver.

Clomid is an estrogen blocker that increases testosterone production by the testicles.

Includes 10 ampoules of Sustanon, 100 Winstrol, 20 Clomid tablets. The course is presented by two steroids that are perfectly combined with each other: they complement and enhance the effect of each other. The protein percentage increases and metabolism accelerates. This combination of drugs is aimed at gaining hard and lean muscle mass. During a course of treatment you can gain about 5 kg.

Analogues of Sustanon Andropen

The combination of Sustanon and Winstrol is suitable even for beginners. But to avoid the negative effect of sustanon, it is important to use the minimum dosage of the drug.

Reception regimen:

  • 1-5 weeks – Sustanon (1 ml twice a week);
  • 1-5 weeks – stanozolon (2 tablets/day in the 1st week, in the rest – 3 tablets/day);
  • 8-10 weeks – Clomid (1 tablet/day).

Nandrolone decanoate + Methane + Nandrolone phenylpropionate

Often, athletes, in order not to lose the effectiveness of the course in the last weeks, use nandrolone decanoate evenly and at the end add short nandrolone phenylpropionate, which has a half-life of 2-4 days. In this case, phenyl injections should be carried out once every 2-3 days in equal dosages.

1 week: methane 30 mg/day + deca 50 mg/week

Week 2: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week

Week 3: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week

Week 4: methane 30 mg/day + deca 100 mg/week

Week 5: methane 30 mg/day + deca 100 mg/week

Week 6: methane 30 mg/day+deca 100 mg/week

Week 7: methane 30 mg/day + nandrolone phenylpropionate 200 mg (maximum recommended dosage)/week

Week 8: methane 30 mg/day + nandrolone phenylpropionate 200 mg/week


Letrozole is an atomatase inhibitor (estrogen blocker) that stimulates the body's production of its own testosterone.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Its duration and characteristics depend entirely on the long steroid course itself and the dosage of Sustanon used. The main thing is to concentrate on the right goal - to maintain muscle mass. What needs to be done during post-cycle therapy:

  • To restore the functionality of the testicles - first wait until synthetic testosterone is removed from the body, and then raise the level of natural one (letrozole can be used for these purposes);
  • Normalize liver function - cortisol is suitable to normalize bilirubin in the blood:
  • To normalize cholesterol levels - plan your diet wisely, focusing on fatty fish. A vitamin complex, as well as taking omega-3 acids, will not hurt.
  • Restore libido;
  • Reduce your workout intensity to lower cortisol levels.

If the course does not exceed 10 weeks and the dosage is 250 mg per week, it will be enough to take Clomid at a dosage of 50 mg/day for a month, and then for another two weeks at 25 mg/day.

If the course was close to hormonal replacement therapy in duration and dosage, most likely you will need a combined course of tamoxifen and Clomid, as well as taking a whole complex of restorative drugs, including chondroprotectors, vitamins E and B, as well as gonadotropin.

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