Oxysize with Marina Korpan for weight loss: pros, cons and results

Probably each of us, dear readers, has thought about how to get our figure in order. Most often, of course, many resort to all sorts of diets and dietary restrictions. There are, of course, those who make their choice in favor of grueling physical exercise and long hours of training. In our article we will talk about a not entirely familiar and not well-known method that will help with weight loss. We will talk about a special breathing exercise for weight loss called Oxycise (English name - Oxycise).

Features of oxysize

  • You can exercise 1-2 times a day, the main thing is on an empty stomach.
  • Training should be daily, without day breaks.
  • The basic exercises of the complex are static, you tense your muscles and hold them in this position for some time. The combination of such training with proper breathing leads to positive results.
  • To achieve good results, Marina Korpan’s books recommend sticking to proper nutrition - excluding sweets, baked goods, and fatty foods from the menu.

Oxysize and Bodyflex

Another popular technique of Marina Korpan is bodyflex. Many people often confuse these techniques, although there is one big difference between them: breathing technique. Unlike bodyflex, the second technique is absolutely silent, so it is well suited for mothers of babies - noisy inhalations and exhalations will not wake up the child. Holding your breath, which is a key feature of bodyflex, is also uncharacteristic of the technique.

Pros of Oxisize

  • Possibility to study at home.
  • The ability to choose the part of the body that you want to tighten especially strongly - to do this, during training you need to tense this particular part of the body, directing all the oxygen there.
  • Oxisize involves gentle physical activity, so in the absence of other contraindications, even pregnant and lactating women do it.
  • The workouts are designed to work all muscle groups.

Cons of oxysize

  • The breathing features of oxysize gymnastics require intense oxygen saturation, which is why many followers of the technique note dizziness and darkness in the eyes during the training.
  • It will take 3-4 days just to establish proper breathing; without it, classes will be pointless.
  • Monotony of exercises.
  • To achieve your goal, you need to exercise for at least a month without breaks.

Contraindications for Oxisize gymnastics

  • Asthma.
  • Gallstones.
  • Diabetes mellitus type I.

Oxysize: benefits

  • Burning fat in problem areas. Combining Oxysize breathing exercises and proper nutrition will give faster results. Give preference to natural foods, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid sweets and fatty fried foods.
  • Helps against cellulite.
  • Improves psycho-emotional state, helps cope with stress and depression.
  • Increases energy and strength levels.
  • Improves blood flow and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Increases libido.

Why does fat burning occur in problem areas?

This happens through concentration. For example, if you want to work the muscles of the abs or buttocks, then tense these muscles during the exercise and oxygen will flow there.

Exercise Oxisize - breathing technique

Non-stop oxysize video lessons with Marina Korpan, the creator of the complex, are sold on DVD. In her videos, she explains in detail and shows how to breathe correctly to achieve maximum results. After reading the article, you can watch its most popular video lesson on our website.

  1. Point your pelvis forward, as if twisting it.
  2. Inhale slowly through your nose.
  3. Tighten your stomach.
  4. Inhale – take short breaths, there should be three in total.
  5. Exhale, pursing your lips. The exhalation should be strong, tension should appear under the chest.
  6. Take three more breaths, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  7. Repeat the breathing complex three more times.

This seven-step routine counts as one breathing exercise. To master Basic Cycle Breathing, you will need to do four such complexes. Four repetitions count as one repetition of Basic Breathing.

"Oxysize." Reviews from doctors and practitioners

The Oxysize technique is not officially presented in Russia. Consequently, no studies have yet been conducted to examine the quality of this program. However, the author of the technique, Jill Johnson, in matters of medical indications, refers to the Medical University of Southern California, which studied the effects of oxygen on metabolic processes in the body and weight loss. However, the Oxysize technique has not been sufficiently studied and was proposed as an experiment.

Despite the fact that the author of the method promises a complete absence of contraindications, doctors do not recommend doing the following exercises:

  • women in the postpartum period;
  • persons suffering from respiratory system disorders;
  • people with various disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • in the postoperative period.

In general, the restrictions on these activities are relatively small, so training can be carried out without worrying about your health. This is why systems such as Bodyflex and Oxysize are so popular these days. Reviews from adherents of these methods are similar in that training does not require much time or much physical effort. The exercises are accessible, easy to perform, and give tangible results.

Reviews about the oxysize technique

On the Internet you can find conflicting reviews about the oxisize system; in total, three points of view stand out.

  • Those who show good results lose weight by several sizes or show a large minus on the scales.
  • Those who tried Bodyflex first and then switched to Oxysize. Usually such people note that the second exercise is more difficult, but more effective. Or they recommend both methods, combining them.
  • Those who did not get any effect from the classes may be due to a reluctance to learn the correct technique or simply not adhering to a diet and healthy lifestyle.

Conclusion: oxysize training is not for everyone. It is recommended to master the breathing technique and practice it for at least a week or two, and then evaluate the effect obtained. If you don't have one, you might want to change your system and try something new.

Oxysize training results

  • The most spectacular results are shared by those who have recently given birth to a child. New mothers call this “salvation for caesarean tummies.” The effect of oxysize is really good: up to minus 12 cm at the waist.
  • There are also positive effects for those who are not involved in childbearing: in a month they lost up to 15 kg of excess fat.
  • There are reviews in which women boast that they lost 100 grams of weight in just 20 minutes of exercise. Or they talk about how their hips have shrunk by 7 cm in a week.
  • However, there are also opposite results. Some did not get any effect from the training at all, others lost minus 1 kg and slightly tightened their stomach.

Oxycise (oxysize): everything about it.

Here is a very clear and detailed description of the oxysize breathing technique by one of the moderators of the Minus 60 System forum - Samanta36. "Hello everyone. So I will begin my detailed treatise. I hope that my explanations will help you quickly, and most importantly, correctly master basic Oxysize breathing and become slim, beautiful and happy in record time.

To begin with, I would like to advise everyone to practice well in front of a mirror, take your time and master breathing with all the important details.

Remember: if it’s easy for you, then you’re doing something wrong. Oxysize breathing, if done correctly, will require a lot of effort from you, and it should be difficult for you, and when you start adding positions, I promise a quick and difficult death for you and your fat deposits.

The first thing we must do is master the basic Oxysize breathing cycle.

Diaphragmatic breathing:

Let's start with a simple test: place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Now exhale all the air forcefully. Which hand moves the most? Try again. The lower hand lying on the stomach should move more. Now inhale, not with your chest, but with your stomach. Feel free to stick it out, it will soon disappear. Think positively and be happy that you are working on yourself. There is nothing more pleasant than the anticipation of quick and impressive results. So, let's repeat several times, inhale and exhale, belly forward, belly back, you can help yourself with your hands. Make sure you have mastered diaphragmatic breathing. Start to get used to the feeling of moving only your stomach, your chest does not move. Stand in front of the mirror and smile, carefully watch your shoulders. Often we involuntarily raise them while inhaling; this should not be done under any circumstances; the shoulders are relaxed and motionless. Now we straighten our back, raise our chin, imagine that from the tailbone to the top of our head there is a string that constantly pulls us up, our back is straight, as if we had swallowed a stick. To do this, let’s imagine that we have a ponytail and under no circumstances should we lift it up and put our butt back, it is constantly tucked in, so our back will always be straight, and our hips will be in the desired forward position. In English it sounds like "pelvik till". So when you hear this on the video, know that this is a call to move your hips forward, or tuck your tail, as you like. We imagine ourselves as ballerinas, slender, with perfect posture, we don’t lower our chin, we continue to breathe with our belly. It is important that you do not lean forward as you exhale; this pinches your lungs and interferes with air circulation. So, a prerequisite for all exercises: a straight back, a string pulling the top of the head, a tucked tail, only the stomach breathes, and not the shoulders or chest. Got it? Let's breathe a few more times and move on.

Let's start learning basic breathing. Girls, try not to miss a single detail, I, in turn, will try to explain everything in as much detail as possible. So, our approach begins with the diaphragmatic inhalation from the belly that we have practiced. Relax and, very important! We smiled. Not just shy or sly, but joyfully and with all his 32 teeth! Look in the mirror and don't be lazy! So, we smile broadly and joyfully. For what? First, when we stretch our lips into a wide smile, our nostrils open up and we can breathe in much more air. But notice that we do not breathe through an open mouth! We continue to breathe through our nose, but our mouth should be open, i.e. the smile must necessarily have “teeth.” See for yourself, try to breathe deeply with your lips simply stretched but not open (as Marina Korpan does) and then with your mouth open and smiling wide. Did you feel the difference? Personally, my problem with out-breathing was easily and quickly resolved when I began to smile with my mouth open, while I had it closed, I did not inhale even half of the air that I was able to absorb in the smile of a joyful cannibal. Another reason why we should actively smile is that in this position all the muscles of our precious face are tensed and exercised throughout our entire workout. Jill claims that her clients, their husbands and other relatives are crazy about the changes in their faces already in the first weeks of oxysize training. A smile is not such a heavy price to pay for a toned chin, cheeks and neck. So, let's remember everything from the beginning: relax your knees, open your smile, pull the string from the top of your head, tuck your tail and take a deep breath with your nose into your stomach. Exhale, repeat several more times, look in the mirror, don’t miss a single detail.

Now, after we have breathed in all the air, the most important thing!!! I haven’t found an analogue in Russian, so I’ll call it in English.

Now we have to make a "lift". This is the most important and most difficult stage of our breathing to master, so treat it with great concentration and seriousness. Now we will understand why we need bent knees. It is thanks to them that we create a wonderful and wonderful “elevator”. There are a lot of subtleties here, but we will do everything wonderfully. So, the first thing we must do is twist our pelvis forward and upward. Let’s imagine that we, ballerinas, have not yet reached our previous dimensions and are trying to button up our tight jeans of the 36th European size (each person can determine the size for herself). What are we doing? We quickly and forcefully pull up the tummy and, as it were, push the pubic bone up. Let's help ourselves with our hands, place them on our stomach and feel the movement. Start over. We inhaled, smile, straight back, now we quickly picked up our butt, squeezed our buttocks, pubic area forward and upward, belly with force, zip up our jeans. Let's exhale. What should we feel? No, not the butt, although the buttocks are very tense. We need to feel our abdominal muscles! This is very, very important! It’s hard to feel at first, but over time everything will definitely work out. When we forcefully bring everything into ourselves, as in the movie “Office Romance,” we must still manage to do a Kegel exercise. For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll say it simply and clearly, without going into details with medical terms: we squeeze the muscles of the perineum with force, as if we really want to pee-pee, but we haven’t reached the toilet yet, so we hold with all my might. Now let’s try everything together again: relax, bend your knees, straighten your back, pull the top of your head up and tuck your tail. We smile with all our teeth and crowns, take a breath, sticking out our belly, the facial muscles are tense and constantly strengthened and toned. Have you breathed in all the air from the room? Well done! Now the “lift”, quickly, quickly, tucked the pelvis, squeezed the buttocks, did not forget about Senor Kegel, forcefully lifted the stomach and felt the abdominal muscles, buttoned up the jeans. We exhaled. Well done! Let's repeat it several times, look in the mirror and don't forget about anything!

Well? Have you gotten used to it? If you can not forget about anything, feel your abdominal muscles and squeeze everything you can, we are on the right track. Go ahead.

After we have done the “lift”, we must take 3 small breaths. This is where we need an open mouth; with a wide smile we won’t have any problems with this. And if at first you don’t do it very well, it doesn’t matter, over time, you will inhale even better than Marina Korpan. Why do we need this? If we look in the mirror, we will discover how much all our muscles, necks and abs are tense. This means that we take deep breaths to achieve maximum effect by tensing all the muscles and at the same time filling our lungs with oxygen to the point of failure. So, we perform deep breaths immediately after the “lift”. That is, the cycle is as follows: a deep breath with the stomach while smiling, a quick lift and three deep breaths with the stomach already tucked in. If you watch Jill Jones in her video, you will see how her stomach works during the in-breath and pre-exhalation. And she counts her breaths not rad-two-three, but “elevator”-two-three. Hence the conclusion: the “elevator” practically coincides with the first breath. Let's try from the very beginning: soften the knees, tuck the tail, do not move the pelvis back, inhale, a quick “lift” and three short and intense breaths. We exhaled. Did you feel your abdominal muscles working? You should feel them especially strongly on your last breath. Let's repeat it a few more times. When we get comfortable, we move on.

After taking deep breaths, without ceasing to smile, we close our lips, stretched out in a smile, leaving a tiny slit. Now let’s exhale, overcoming the strong resistance of the lips. Marina explained exhalation as “blowing on tea.” I'll explain the difference to you. Try it yourself. Blow on the tea. What's happening? That's right, nothing. I myself have exhaled like this before. Now let’s imagine that our stretched lips are thick rubber, in which there is only one small crack, through which we need to exhale all the air in our room, which we just inhaled in 4 stages. We begin to exhale forcefully through the slit, overcoming strong resistance. How did we feel? Right. Our press has become wooden. Let's do it again, inhale, exhale with resistance, the abdominal muscles work to the maximum. Let's remember this feeling; you need to monitor it with every exhalation. We seem to push the air out with our stomachs, through our strong rubber lips. The less air remains inside, the more our stomach is pulled inward and the greater the tension in the abdominal muscles. We exhale forcefully and strain our stomach to the maximum. Another very important detail: the lips are still stretched, under no circumstances should you pull them into a tube, this will reduce the “lifting” effect and will only add fine wrinkles around the mouth. In Jill's video, it is very easy to observe the position of the lips both when inhaling and exhaling. When it seems to us that there is not a single gram of air left inside, we take three intense short exhalations, pushing the air out again with our stomach. Let's try again: inhale, inflate your stomach, “lift” - all in, buttocks are tense, the pubic bone moves forward and upward, we feel the tension in the hips all the way to the knees, three breaths, working the abdominal muscles as much as possible, closing the lips, resisting with force we exhale all the air, everything is compressed below, and we push out our last three breaths with our abdominal muscles . Bravo! Now the long-awaited moment: we can relax. This does not mean that you can fall off and fall dead. I didn’t find any information from Marina about when you can relax; for some reason, she “tilts” her pelvis before the exercise and doesn’t say anything about when it can be returned back. I have seen many questions about this in the forums and I am telling you, as they say, at the request of the workers. The relaxation phase (relative, of course) always(!) occurs during the first deep breath. We must relax in order to breathe fully into our belly. In order for the stomach to protrude forward and accommodate the entire volume of air, its muscles must be relaxed and elastic. Only the stomach relaxes and our “pelvik till”, that is, the pelvis moved forward remains in place, watch this, because when you inhale, you really want to put your butt back. But that's where all the crap ends. As a rule, I also use this phase to better control our position. The positions are all based on either static tension or stretching. Just at the moment of inhalation, when I relax my stomach, I manage to tense some limb more or stretch, depending on the posture. And that’s all, because then, I have neither the strength nor the attention for it. When you try to do the “lift” by pulling your leg back or squeezing your knees, you will understand what I mean. It's very, very difficult. And believe me, I’m not new to the world of fitness, I’ve tried a lot of different workouts, but with oxy, when I get to the phase of exercises against the wall, I go to the wall on trembling legs and literally drench myself in sweat. In the end I could easily be buried.

In conclusion, I want to once again consolidate our breath and give some advice from me personally. So, let's go to the mirror. They stood up straight, straightened their back, tucked their butt (tail tucked), a string from the tailbone to the top of the head. Let's start transforming into ballerinas! Smile widely, feel your cheeks rise, your chin and neck tense, relax everything below, take a deep breath. Now a rapid “elevator”, zip up the jeans, feel the stomach and push it through 3 breaths, cover your lips, leaving a slit, exhale all the air with strong resistance, forcefully gluing the stomach to the spine, breathe out 3 more times. Hurray, relax while inhaling, belly forward and repeat everything again.

We repeat this approach 4 times! That is, we inhale-3 inhales-exhale-3 exhales 4 times . This will take you about half a minute. And these half a minute or 4 approaches are the main cycle of basic breathing “Oxysize”. For each position we do 1 cycle of basic breathing (or 4 approaches), for a total of 30 cycles or 120 approaches.

I want to encourage you to take your time and make every effort to master basic breathing, because this is the basis of everything. Follow the advice from the book, start with the simplest positions in which you can control and perform each phase of basic breathing with maximum efficiency. Remember, if it’s easy for you, if nothing is trembling, if you’re not sweating, then you’re doing something wrong. Go back and re-read this guide again and again. And don’t just read, follow the step-by-step advice, work through each phase separately, make sure that you are doing everything correctly, that all the sensations are correct. When you start doing the exercises, constantly monitor the “lift” phase; if you can’t move your pelvis forward (as in the “squat” exercise where we put our butt back like a duck or in pulling our legs back while lying on the floor), be sure to try to feel the work of the abs during the inhalations and still try to move your pelvis forward at least a centimeter. In all positions without exception, do the “lift”, no matter how difficult it is. And you will see the difference. And you are sure to get a result that will pleasantly surprise you. Take your time, do several exercises first, repeating them so that in total there are at least 30 breathing cycles (or 120 approaches), this will not affect the speed of your weight loss, because fat is burned through breathing, and not by changing positions. We need poses to strengthen or stretch muscles, and the main thing is breathing. You noticed that Oxysize does not have the usual abdominal exercises. Now you yourself understand why. After several cycles of full and correctly performed breathing, you will be convinced that our abs are constantly working and very soon the tummy will acquire the desired shape, and the fat covering it will evaporate forever. I also strongly advise you that if you study using videos, study with the author of the program, Jill Jones. In the non-stop training video, you don’t need knowledge of English. One-two-three everyone already understands, inhale - inhale, out-exhale, in-in, in, out-out, exhale, pelvik till-pelvis forward or tuck your tail, “lift” is now our favorite word. Try it, this will allow you to feel the rhythm of breathing well and do it correctly, neither fast nor slow. Well, in general, it’s nice to work out in the company of such a smiling and pretty woman, and in such great shape. You watch and get motivated.”

Read it very carefully if you are serious about getting into oxysize. First you need to master basic breathing and only then apply exercises to it. In general, everything is like in bodyflex.

How to improve results from oxysize

In the book “Oxysize: Lose Weight Without Holding Your Breath,” Marina Coplan describes the basic principles that will allow you to increase the effectiveness of breathing exercises. These principles should be familiar to everyone losing weight:

  • Meals for 1600-1700 calories. This is more than any diet allows. For example, the most gentle diet limits your nutrition to 1200 kcal.
  • Changes in the diet: less sweets, baked goods, do not abuse fast food and fried foods. Try to eat more protein foods; not only does it not make you gain weight, but on the contrary, the body “drowns your fat” in order to absorb protein.
  • Drink plenty of clean water. The average norm is 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • To live an active lifestyle. When training with Marina, you may not have enough time for other workouts, but you can walk - at least half an hour a day.

Magic oxygen

As proven by many scientists, oxygen has a powerful effect on burning fat deposits in the body. According to researchers, with proper breathing, you can easily decrease in volume without resorting to diets and exercises. This is due to the magical effect of oxygen, which plays a big role in metabolic processes. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists advise spending more time in the fresh air, since thanks to such walks, getting rid of unnecessary pounds is much more effective and faster.

Nowadays, many programs based on the effect of oxygen on metabolism in the body have become widespread. For example, popular “bodyflex” courses, aerobic training, “oxygen for a snack” and others recommend combining deep breathing and moderate physical activity, which results in rapid burning of fat reserves. The Oxysize program has become no less popular in recent years. This course was developed by the American Jill Johnson, who based it on a combination of scientific research, her own observations and personal experience of losing weight.

Different breathing principles

Bodyflex is based on five-stage breathing, which is based on the principle of exhalation, inhalation, “groin” (a powerful and strong exhalation, accompanied by the word “groin”), holding the breath, inhalation. Bodyflex exercises are performed while holding your breath. In the classic oxysize there is no breath holding; it is based on a four-phase sequence: inhalation, 3 inhalations, exhalation, 3 inhalations.

According to the theory of bodyflex author Greer Childers, holding your breath increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body, and the next inhalation provides greater absorption of oxygen, which contributes to the most effective burning of fat around the tense muscle. Movement in oxysize is performed during the entire respiratory cycle.

Results of the Oxysize program

What kind of results can be achieved by practicing the Oxysize system? Reviews from many who lose weight using this method agree that in the shortest possible time it is possible to:

  • weight loss by about 2-3 kg;
  • reduction in volumes;
  • successful fight against cellulite.

In addition, this program is designed for busy people who do not have time to spend a lot of time in fitness rooms. Just 20 minutes of systematic daily exercise will help you achieve the desired result, help relieve stress, and improve your mood.

Slimming zones

“It is impossible to say which method is more effective and which zone will lose weight first with regular exercise. But from the experience of working with clients, I can note that bodyflex is good for reducing volume in the hips, buttocks, legs and calves, and oxysize is absolutely indispensable for those who want to remove excess from the arms, back, abdomen and sides,” says Antonina Kravets.

“Bodyflex is also a very good remedy for the so-called orange peel. Not a single massage session will give such an anti-cellulite effect as bodyflex breathing combined with special exercises,” she adds.

Bodyflex and oxysize: for whom are they prohibited?

Due to breath holding, bodyflex is contraindicated for hypertensive patients. They may experience a sharp rise in blood pressure during training, so people with this problem are better off choosing an oxysize. But bodyflex, on the contrary, can improve the well-being of hypotensive patients.

Another important point when performing bodyflex exercises is tucking the abdomen under the ribs. This is not the case with oxysize, so this technique is softer and non-traumatic. Bodyflex is contraindicated for problems with internal organs (peptic ulcer, pancreatitis), oxysize is not.


Compared to bodyflex, it generally suits a larger number of people. But it is also not 100% safe. Just like bodyflex, it cannot be performed when:

– pregnancy;

– epilepsy;

– hiatus hernia;

– cardiovascular diseases;

– high degree of myopia;

– during the postoperative period (less than six months after abdominal surgery);

– exacerbation of chronic diseases;

– ovarian cyst;

– adenomyosis;

– acute inflammatory processes of the small pelvis;

– myomatous nodes.

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