Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein Protein 1,800 g

Optimum Nutrition is a well-known American sports nutrition brand that has earned an excellent reputation in the market due to its high quality products and reasonable prices .

Its anti-catabolic micellar complex 100% Casein Protein is a godsend for both the professional bodybuilder and the novice athlete looking for the perfect supplement to quickly gain muscle mass. The protein shake contains valuable amino acids and glutamine , which are necessary for quick recovery after exercise and building lean muscles.

100% Casein Protein has a prolonged action : the components are released and absorbed in a certain order, which ensures constant replenishment of muscle fibers with building material. The result is obvious - endurance , muscle area increases, and strength indicators improve. Novice athletes will not know what painful morning sickness

The 100% Casein Protein biocomplex is designed to protect muscles from destruction after heavy exercise , enhance anabolic processes and slow down catabolism.

The product also dulls hunger, saturating the body with nutritious nutrients for many hours. Thanks to its low-calorie protein composition, the supplement can be consumed instead of the main meal and lose those hated kilograms of fat.

100% Casein Protein from ON Corporation holds its position in the ranking of the best-selling protein complexes on the world market. The American company has been offering high-quality nutritional supplements to athletes since 1986 .

Thanks to a modern approach, the introduction of innovations and high technologies, the manufacturer produces a truly effective, working product, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews. The brand's sports nutrition is popular both among experienced bodybuilders and trainers, and among beginners who are turning to muscle-building supplements for the first time.

What are the benefits of casein for the body?

It is no secret that the period of night rest is extremely important for the complete recovery of the body after vigorous activity. internal systems , the brain, and the musculoskeletal system will depend on the duration and quality of sleep And for athletes, night rest is especially important, as it allows you to regenerate muscle fibers that were torn during training.

To ensure high-quality muscle recovery and metabolism, it is necessary to provide protein nutrition even during sleep, when a person cannot have a snack. And the best supplier of proteins in the post-workout period is casein .

What are the benefits of casein protein?

100% Casein Protein was created for professional athletes for whom it is extremely important to fully recover after exercise (especially before competitions or performances). The dietary supplement contains pure casein, which is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract within several hours - that is, it also works at night. As a result, the muscles receive energy replenishment even during the period when the gap between meals is 8 hours .

Interesting facts about casein

One of the most useful studies of protein was carried out by specialist Buari . As a result, it was revealed that casein increases the production of its own protein in the body by almost a third and slows down the catabolism by almost 34% . But what is most valuable is that protein helps establish a positive nitrogen within the first 6-7 hours after eating.

Another study looked at the effectiveness of casein for building muscle and losing weight. The experiment participants were divided into 2 groups, each of which had to follow a balanced diet for 3 months of intense athletic activity. It was also mandatory to consume 75 g of protein per day as a supplement. One group drank protein shakes based on whey protein, and the other group protein shakes based on protein isolates, which 80% pure casein and 20% whey. At the end of the experiment , it was found that the second group gained more pure muscle mass (4 kilos on average versus 2 kilos of the first group). Also, the second group lost more body fat (7 kilos versus 4.2).

Interesting facts about casein

Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Casein Protein – 1820 grams

The flavors in this series do not contain artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners:

  • Strawberry
  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate

The appearance of the NATURAL can differs from the standard one in color.


100% Casein Gold Standard Protein is a quality casein protein from Optimum Nutrition designed to increase lean muscle mass and increase muscle density. The supplement is based on slowly digestible casein, the action of which is complemented by glutamine.

Casein nourishes muscle cells with amino acids for a long time, providing a feeling of satiety and ideal conditions for muscle growth and rapid recovery. The additive easily dissolves in water, is almost completely absorbed and has a pleasant taste. Its use is recommended for people with a fast metabolism.

Casein protein Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard Protein - composition:

Features of the composition Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard

The main active ingredient of 100% Casein Gold Standard is micellar casein, which differs from other proteins in the lowest rate of absorption, which is ensured due to its sensitivity to the acidity of gastric juice and pH level.
Slowly breaking down, over the course of 4-5 hours it constantly sends amino acids into muscle tissue that are not produced by the body on its own. If fast protein is needed by the athlete’s body before and after training, then it is advisable to consume casein protein with a slow release rate the rest of the time. This allows you to slow down catabolism and protect your muscles from the harmful effects of cortisol. 1 serving contains 24g of slow protein, enriched with amino acids, of which 5g are BCAA. Each serving also contains 5g of glutamine, a deficiency of which causes muscles to begin to deform. 100% Gold Standard Casein - casein protein, the price of which is slightly higher than whey protein, is almost completely absorbed, due to which muscle mass increases quickly and recovery is effective. It is also advisable to take casein protein for weight loss. 100% Gold Standard Casein Protein leaves you feeling full for a long time and suppresses appetite, which is important for fat burning and during relief training. This is achieved by the light pressure of casein on the walls of the stomach, which signals the brain to stop eating. Preparing Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Casein Protein Mixes easily.
You need to mix one scoop of the product with 300-400 ml of water or milk. Available packaging: 1820/908 grams

A little about the manufacturer

Optimum Nutrition entered the sports nutrition industry in 1986. Since then, the brand has maintained its undisputed leadership in the global market and has a reputation for producing high-quality and effective products.

Protein from Optimum Nutrition

Modern laboratories, experienced specialists and the introduction of progress allow the American corporation to obtain ideal protein products that change established stereotypes about sports supplements.

All products of the brand are in demand both among professional athletes and world champions, and among beginners .

Optimum Nutrition experts want to develop sports nations around the world, so they popularize high-quality sports supplements while maintaining a loyal pricing policy.

What does it contain?

Composition of casein protein
Casein itself is a type of protein found in cow's milk . It is extracted by enzymatic curdling .

The dietary supplement 100% Casein Protein contains not ordinary, but pure micellar casein , which is absorbed by the body as quickly as possible and delivers essential amino acids to the muscles. Immediately after entering the gastrointestinal tract, casein turns into a protein clot , reminiscent of a curd lump, from which beneficial nutrients are released within a few hours. The prolonged entry of building material into the bloodstream ensures stable anabolic processes and prevents muscle destruction.

Also, the 100% Casein Protein complex includes a significant dose of glutamine , a component that helps speed up rehabilitation after exercise and the formation of new muscles. Interestingly, glutamine amino acids are responsible for 60% .

Additionally, the nutritional cocktail contains dietary fiber and aminogen (an enzyme that helps break down proteins), which contribute to faster, higher quality and easier absorption of protein products.


Composition in:33 g100 g
Energy value120 kcal363 kcal
Protein24 g72.73 g
Carbohydrates3 g9.09 g
(for strawberry flavor)4 g12.12 g
from cat cellulose 1 g3.03 g
(for chocolate and cupcake taste)0 g0 g
from cat sugar 1 g3.03 g
Fat0.5 g1.5 g
from cat sat. fats 0.50 g1.52 g
Cholesterol10 mg31 mg
(for strawberry flavor)20 mg60.61 mg
Sodium240 mg727.27 mg
(for cupcake taste)260 mg787.88 mg
(for strawberry flavor)90 mg272.73 mg
Amino acid composition
Essential amino acids≈9.60 g≈29.09 g
L-tryptophan, L-valine, L-threonine, L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-lysine, L-phenylalanine, L-methionine
Conditionally essential amino acids≈10.30 g≈32.21 g
L-arginine, L-cysteine, L-tyrosine, L-histidine, L-proline, L-glutamine and glutamic acid
Nonessential amino acids≈4.10 g≈12.42 g
L-aspartic acid, L-serine, L-glycine, L-alanine
Other Ingredients: Micellar Casein, Cocoa, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Inulin, Salt, Lecithin, Cookie Crumble Flavor [Enriched Wheat Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine Monohydrate, Reboflavin, Malic Acid], Sugar, palm oil blend, high fructose corn syrup, corn flour, dextrose, sodium bicarbate, soy lecithin; cellulose gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan, sucralose, Aminogen®, acesulfame potassium.

What are the benefits of casein?

If we consider the quality of protein absorption, it is important to pay attention to the rate of its breakdown. So, before training and 40 minutes after it, it is important to provide the muscles with building material to prevent their destruction . The rest of the time, the body requires a steady release of nutrients to maintain metabolism and anabolic processes.

Benefits of casein protein for humans

Casein exhibits increased sensitivity to the natural pH level of the gastrointestinal tract , so it takes longer to break down and absorb. Slow speed provides the desired prolonged effect, especially since casein is absorbed almost 100% .

According to scientific data, casein stimulates the body's own protein production by 30% , and also maintains a positive nitrogen balance , which is difficult to achieve naturally with a normal diet.

The effect of drinking a cocktail

level of protein for a long time , which contributes to the stable build-up of muscle mass and the retention of athletic achievements.

Regular customers note the following beneficial effects from using the 100% Casein Protein supplement:

  • replenishing muscles with building material for a long time and even at night;
  • activation of protein production by the body;
  • effective increase in lean muscle mass;
  • slowing down catabolism for a long period;
  • acceleration of rehabilitation after training;
  • improvement of strength indicators, concentration, endurance and overall productivity of classes;
  • hunger suppression;
  • assistance in “drying” and losing weight;
  • maintaining anabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity.

The effect of consuming casein
Dietary supplement 100% Casein Protein is actively used during the period of reducing total body weight. Despite the fact that the product was not separately endowed with fat-burning and thermogenic properties , it actively helps to get rid of excess fat even with a normal calorie diet. Firstly , it suppresses the feeling of hunger. Secondly , protein perfectly replaces one or two meals, saturating the body with components that are completely processed and are not stored on the sides. Thirdly , it provides an increase in lean muscle mass . If you are dry or on a diet, then always carry a portion of dry casein mixture with you so that in times of extreme hunger you can prepare a nutritious cocktail and refresh yourself.

The 100% Casein Protein sports complex is suitable for people who do not always have the opportunity to eat . Thus, consumers of protein shakes can be not only athletes, but also students, office workers, freight forwarders and simply residents of megacities who know firsthand what traffic jams for 3-4 hours are like. You can take protein on the road to quickly saturate your body with building materials. And if you add intense exercise , then in a few months you will notice the appearance of muscle definition and a decrease in fat deposits on the waist and hips.

How to use

The classic option is to drink one serving in the morning, afternoon and evening. But this may not be the optimal use case. The fact is that casein really takes a long time to digest and can slow down digestion. It is important for an athlete to receive not only protein, but also the entire complex of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It is better to drink casein when the next meal is not expected, at least for 4-5 hours. Therefore, three doses of such protein is not entirely correct. It is advisable that during shorter periods between meals the athlete fuels himself with regular protein shakes.

Is it necessary to dilute scup in 300 ml of water or milk? Not all athletes like this option for preparing a cocktail. Many people prefer not to dilute it in a large amount of water, but to add just 150 ml of water to get a thicker pudding rather than a drink.

Scheme of use

The manufacturer advises drinking a protein shake in the amount of 1-3 servings per day, depending on your goals. So, if you want to lose weight, then it is advisable to replace 1-2 meals with protein supplements. If you are actively gaining muscle mass or preparing for a competition, then the number of doses can be up to three per day (40 minutes after training, and also half an hour before night rest). By the way, using 100% Casein Protein just before bed is most effective, regardless of your goals. But before classes, experts do not recommend drinking casein, since its breakdown and absorption is a burden on the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is advisable to use fast-acting protein mixtures, which are also presented in the ON line.

To prepare a protein drink, mix dry mass (1-2 scoops) with liquid (1-2 cups). dissolves well both in water and in juice and low-fat milk.

100% Casein Protein can also be combined with other sports supplements, in particular, fast-acting proteins. You can also drink casein and whey protein between snacks.

How to use casein protein

In some cases, it is advisable to combine 100% Casein Protein with gainers and amino acids. But simultaneous use with fat burners, testosterone boosters and various pre-workout complexes is not effective.

Consumer Reviews

Professional athletes and beginners, men and women, generally note the high effectiveness of the product compared to analogues . Casein perfectly satisfies hunger and provides a feeling of fullness for several hours.

Reviews of casein protein

Separately, they note the rapid solubility of the dry mixture in liquid, easy digestibility and a minimum of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

Buyers are also pleased with the gastronomic properties of the product and the wide flavor palette (6 flavors). As for the latter, consumers more often choose the “vanilla”, “chocolate”, “cookies-cream” flavors, but everyone buys the “banana”, “cupcake” and “chocolate-peanut butter” flavors worse.

On the shelves of sports nutrition stores, you can find this casein protein in two mass categories :

  • 908 grams (price from 2200 to 2600 rubles)
  • 1820 grams (price from 4100 to 4500 rubles)

Anti-catabolic micellar casein 100% Casein Gold Standard with slow absorption + glutamine!

Sometimes slower is better, especially when it comes to the rate of protein absorption.
While fast protein absorption is needed immediately before and after exercise, slow release is desirable the rest of the time. Casein protein is sensitive to the pH level and acidic environment of the stomach. As a result, it takes more than twice as long to break down into amino acids compared to whey and other proteins. Casein is the most abundant protein in cow's milk. It is considered to be a high quality protein because it is easily assimilated and provides sufficient amounts of amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body itself.

Another beneficial property of casein is that it makes you feel full. Casein exerts light pressure on the walls of the stomach. From the stomach, signals are thus sent to the brain that the stomach is full and you need to stop eating. Casein is digested slower than all other types of protein. This allows you to create a time-released effect, that is, a constant flow of amino acids into the muscles over a long period of time.

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