Delicious and safe side dishes that will not harm your figure

Potatoes baked with rosemary

This side dish is remarkable primarily because it will take you a few minutes to prepare the potatoes before putting them in the oven, but the finished potatoes with rosemary will delight both the eye and the sense of smell. The secret is in a fairly high cooking temperature, as a result of which a crispy crust is formed on the outside, and the inside of the potatoes becomes velvety and crumbly. And, of course, the combination of products - rosemary and garlic - seems to have been created specifically for baking potatoes with them

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Cooking buckwheat is a simple matter: add water and cook, just don’t be offended later that the result turned out faded and tasteless, like in a hospital cafeteria. Correct, high-quality buckwheat porridge is a serious matter, it is a thing in itself and almost the crown of all Russian cuisine. It requires a responsible and thorough approach, but also rewards a hundredfold; You yourself will understand this when, after eating one bowl of porridge, you reach for the second. We won’t reinvent the wheel, we’ll just try to prepare buckwheat porridge in an ordinary home kitchen the way it was prepared in Rus' from time immemorial, with wild mushrooms

Baked carrots

There are many ways to bake carrots in the oven. This one is the simplest: by and large, it does not provide for any conscious actions, other than purely cosmetic ones, and the carrots end up being a feast for the eyes, or rather, a treat to gorge on. Why? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, the herbs willingly give their aromas to the oil, and it imparts them to the roasting carrots. Secondly, carrots quickly lose moisture in the oven, which means their own taste becomes more concentrated. Thirdly, under the influence of the heat of the oven, sugars, which are in abundance in carrots, begin to caramelize, which gives the familiar vegetable new shades of taste. The main thing here is that such baked carrots are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Or a side dish, as you like.

Potatoes on the grill

When we gather for barbecue, potatoes have to withstand serious competition for the right to be cooked on the grill. Of course, many people know how good potato barbecue is, especially young ones, but peppers, eggplants, champignons, and even ordinary onions also literally beg to be grilled, not to mention meat and fish. And you can’t say that this is bad: a wide choice has never harmed anyone. And in order to make this choice even wider, let’s prepare not just potato skewers, but potatoes on the grill, tasty, crumbly and slightly fried

Braised red cabbage

An extremely versatile dish, this stewed red cabbage. On the one hand, it's a perfect pairing for pork, from pulled pork steaks and homemade sausages to pork ribs and brisket. On the other hand, this is, in principle, an excellent side dish, whether for a fatty duck or a leaner chicken. With the third, if desired, stewed red cabbage easily turns into a completely independent dish: take a little more brisket, and a hearty dinner is ready, replace it with seeds or nuts, and you have a lean dish. The main thing in this instructive story is that no matter how you twist it or what you do with it, stewed red cabbage remains invariably tasty and healthy, which, by the way, is especially important in winter

Celery puree

The trick, or, if you like, the highlight of this recipe is that you can make a delicious side dish from such a healthy and understandable product as celery. This side dish will have a wonderful creamy, smooth consistency so that it can be arranged on the plate in impressive painterly strokes if desired. All this deliciousness is prepared without any restaurant hassles, and in general, celery can be easily replaced with any other non-starchy root vegetable, from carrots to Jerusalem artichoke. There is only one secret, and it is very simple

Separate food

Nutritionists recommend adhering to the principles of separate nutrition. This means that you should not combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. A mixture of proteins and starch leads to heaviness in the stomach and a set of extra pounds.

To eat separately, you need to change your eating habits. After all, many food combinations seem quite common and harmless to us, but in fact they are harmful to health. Next we will talk about them in more detail.

We update the menu: seven original healthy side dishes

The king is played by his retinue, and the main course is a well-chosen side dish. If you are bored with the usual cereals, pasta and vegetable variations, prepare original healthy side dishes. Here are some interesting ideas for inspiration.

Meet: Mash

Mung beans, also known as Indian mung beans, are undeservedly ignored in our country. But these small green grains, which taste like peas, are a real storehouse of health. And they make an excellent side dish. In a dry frying pan, fry a mixture of 1 tsp. coriander, ½ tsp. cumin, a pinch of chili and nutmeg. Pour in 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and brown the onion, 2 cloves of garlic and 1 tsp. ginger root. Add 2 sweet peppers in slices, 200 g of chopped spinach, pour over lemon juice and lay out 250 g of prepared mung bean. This hearty and very healthy side dish is served both hot and cold.

Couscous has good color and taste

A side dish of couscous, Maghreb wheat and semolina will turn even the most ordinary dish into something special. How to prepare couscous for a side dish? Mix 400 g of cereal with a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. curry, pour a glass of boiling water and steam under the lid for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, saute the onion, lay out the carrots in strips and fry for 5 minutes. Pour in 50 ml of soy sauce, ½ cup of broth, add couscous with a piece of butter and stir. Simmer the cereal under the lid over low heat for 5 minutes, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve. This couscous side dish recipe is the best accompaniment to meat.

Bulgur in vegetable dressing

Bulgur, which is essentially crushed wheat, has rightfully earned its reputation as one of the healthiest side dishes. Pour a glass of cereal with cold water for 15 minutes - this will make it crumbly and reduce the cooking time. Then place the bulgur in a heated frying pan with butter and fry until softened. Add 300 g of a mixture of frozen vegetables from peas, corn, carrots and cauliflower. Pour in a glass of boiling water or broth, salt and pepper to taste, simmer for 5 minutes over high heat under the lid. Reduce the flame and cook for another 10–15 minutes. Let the bulgur brew for a while and its flavor will reveal itself in all its glory.

This is quinoa

Side dishes made from quinoa, the favorite grain of the ancient Incas, have won the hearts of all those who are inseparable from diets. How to cook quinoa as a side dish? Like regular rice or buckwheat, at the rate of one part cereal to two parts water. Quinoa tastes salty, so keep this in mind when adding salt. So, we fry an onion and 3 chopped cloves of garlic, add 4-5 peeled tomatoes and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes. Separately, fry 3 eggplants in cubes and combine them with the rest of the vegetables. Add 350 g of boiled quinoa, season with rosemary and thyme to taste, simmer covered for 7-10 minutes. By the way, this dish will perfectly diversify the Lenten menu, and vegetarians will also like it.

General rules of use

Side dishes on a diet must be prepared and eaten subject to several conditions:

  • Variety, combination of products. Even if you like one of the dishes better, you shouldn’t focus only on it. The monotony of the diet can lead to breakdown, the desire to eat sweets or fatty foods.
  • Moderation in the volume of dishes. If you eat too much, the total number of calories may be high and the weight will stagnate. A day is enough for 400 g of vegetables, 300 g of cereals, 200 g of legumes.
  • Choosing food based on the time of day. In the morning you should eat higher-calorie cereals or beans, because there is a day ahead in which a person will spend energy. And for dinner you need to cook vegetables. They are easier to digest and have less calories.

2-3 times a month you can afford pasta, potatoes or bread. But you need to eat them without other additives (meat, fish, mushrooms).

Watch this video about healthy side dishes for weight loss:

Hello from the garden – we’ll prepare fresh vegetables for a side dish

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, vegetables. Here your imagination should not run out: stewed, baked, steamed or fresh.

For example, you can always prepare a light salad: cucumber, Chinese cabbage, fresh herbs, canned peas, olive or unrefined oil (if someone likes it thicker, then mayonnaise) and spices to taste.

A simple side dish - stewed vegetables

A simple vegetable side dish can be prepared from the vegetables on hand: potatoes, carrots, onions, bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Peking sprouts), beans and tomatoes.

There are many variations, it all depends on taste, you can also add frozen or canned. Chop the onion finely, everything else into small cubes. Vegetables are stewed alternately (starting with onions and carrots) with the addition of broth (water), oil and spices over low heat.

A complex side dish for meat made from rice and vegetables

So, what to cook on the side for a change? For the greatest taste and benefit, I advise you to prepare a complex side dish of rice and vegetables. And for this, choose Indian Basmati rice.

Heat a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil in a deep frying pan, add a glass of rice and fry it over low heat. After the rice has acquired its characteristic color, pour a glass of hot water. Don’t forget to quickly cover with the lid, otherwise you will get burnt from splashes.

Next, add spices: salt, pepper, turmeric. Rice prepared according to this recipe turns out crispy, crumbly and tasty. A few minutes before cooking, add canned peas and corn. Here you can experiment with different frozen vegetables.

Unusual side dish - pumpkin puree

Vegetables are a natural cache of health and good mood; properly prepared vegetables are never not tasty.

So, we suggest preparing an unusual pumpkin side dish:

Take the pumpkin, clean it, cut it into small pieces. We do the same with potatoes in a 1:1 ratio. Cook the vegetables over low heat until tender in salted water. When they are cooked, drain off most of the water, and use butter and the rest of the broth to make a puree.

How to deliciously cook stewed cabbage as a side dish?

Fry the carrots in butter in a large frying pan. Then add the shredded cabbage, a little water and simmer over low heat under the lid, stirring occasionally.

During the cooking process, add the remaining cabbage (usually all of it is not included at once, but it fries well during stewing), chopped tomatoes, salt and spices.

10 minutes before readiness (when the cabbage becomes soft), add sour cream. Simmer for a few more minutes and add garlic and herbs if desired. By the way, stewed cabbage can be used as an independent dish if you add stew or sausages during the cooking process.

My grandmother's signature side dish recipe - fried vermicelli

Take the spider web vermicelli and fry it with vegetable oil in a frying pan, stirring constantly.

In a separate frying pan, sauté some onions and carrots. When the web begins to acquire a golden hue, that is, to fry, carefully pour the sauce into it (take water, add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and salt) - there will be a lot of splashes and noise, so quickly close the lid.

You can add a little sauce at first, and when the dish “calms down”, add the rest. Simmer everything under the lid until done.


Fried potatoes are a great option for both noisy gatherings with friends and cozy family dinners. This side dish is very high in calories, so you shouldn’t cook it too often. The simplest side dish of fried potatoes, especially popular in the summer, is fried potatoes with onions. You can also cook it with garlic and bay leaf - a win-win and original option.


Broccoli is one of the healthiest side dishes. The vegetable helps improve appetite and normalize metabolism, has a low calorie content and at the same time quickly saturates the body due to its high fiber content.

Broccoli goes well with vegetable proteins and slow carbohydrates. Pork with broccoli, shrimp with broccoli, chicken baked with broccoli with bell peppers or luxurious pasta with feta and broccoli for those who have given up meat - feel free to prepare this side dish for your dishes, the combination will be perfect.

Vegetable stew

The basic side dish for almost all dishes is baked vegetables. Bake them in the oven for about half an hour, basting with olive oil.

Vegetable stew can also serve as an excellent side dish. Cook it with garlic and pepper or make a real Sicilian vegetable stew with olives and capers - caponata.


Beans are not only the best source of vegetable protein (this is especially important for vegetarians), but also a very tasty and healthy dish that works well as a side dish.

Pair beans with meat, like this recipe for Lamb and White Beans in White Wine. Try cooking beans with pasta - it will turn out incredibly nutritious and at the same time dietary. Add beans to vegetable salads (both black and white beans are suitable) and serve as a side dish for turkey dishes - it all depends on your imagination


Another name for chickpeas is chickpeas. It is very healthy, and at the same time it is equally tasty as a side dish, either baked in the oven or fried with lemon zest and garlic.

Serve it as a side dish with vegetables or along with an original light appetizer with greens, and be sure to try it with eggplant.


Lentils are an essential food for a healthy diet, and nutritionists have long used them to maintain a healthy weight and remove toxins from the body.

Lentils make great side dishes. Prepare it according to all the rules, using spices and serve it with any vegetables or with spicy meat dishes. By the way, it also makes excellent salads (for example, an exquisite salad with Greek lentils) and soups (it will be difficult to resist the hearty lentil soup with lamb)


Just like broccoli, spinach will be the most suitable side dish for meat and poultry dishes. An incredibly healthy and very tasty dish - chicken fillet with spinach - will definitely convince you of the ideality of this combination. We strongly recommend that vegetarians cook white beans with spinach - this dish will become a source of energy, vitamins and minerals for the whole day

What side dish goes with meat?

The most versatile side dish is mashed potatoes, which are suitable for both everyday and holiday tables. It can be combined with dishes of any fat content, spicy, sweet, tender and piquant in taste. True, here you need to remember a few nuances. If you are preparing puree for fatty pork or lamb, do not overuse butter. Use milk with a small percentage of fat content. Otherwise, the portion will turn out to be excessively high in calories and difficult for the gastrointestinal tract. Mashed potatoes for lean pork tenderloin or veal can be diluted with high-fat butter, high-calorie milk and grated cheese.

Another delicious holiday side dish for meat is green beans. Pine nuts give it a special taste. Five tablespoons of them should be fried with two cloves of garlic in olive oil. Boil the beans and transfer to the same frying pan. You can add black pepper to taste.

Also among the popular solutions:

  • vegetables baked on the grill or in the oven, fried and boiled;
  • boiled rice, including brown;
  • pasta;
  • fresh green salads with tomatoes, cucumbers, all varieties of cabbage, radishes.

As in the case of mashed potatoes, with the listed products you should be guided by the same principle - the fattier the meat, the lighter the side dish should be.

Which side dish goes best with fish?

Mashed potatoes are also often served with fish. This is an excellent solution for salted and lightly salted, smoked, marinated, fried, baked and even boiled fish. You can also serve these types of fish with country-style potatoes, also known as Idaho potatoes. You don’t need to peel the young potatoes, just wash them well. Cut large potatoes into 4-6 wedges, small ones in half. Boil it until half cooked, remove from the water. Separately mix pressed garlic, black pepper, oregano, sage, dill (to taste) with any vegetable oil. Dip the potatoes in this mixture and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees until golden brown.

A vegetable salad would be a good addition to fried and baked fish, especially fatty ones. For it, take fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet and sour apples, green salad leaves, carrots in the desired quantities. Finely chop the vegetables, tear the salad with your hands, season with olive oil, sprinkle with lemon juice, apple or balsamic vinegar. As a side dish for lean fish, season the salad with sour cream.

Cereals and fish do not go well together. An exception may be buckwheat porridge, which goes well with stewed or baked sea fish. A more common cereal side dish is boiled or steamed rice, white or brown. It is combined with fish prepared in any way except salted, pickled and smoked.

If the fish is a little dry, make a French carrot garnish that will make it a little more juicy. Peel and cut 200 medium-sized carrots into rings. Take 100 gr. leek, separate the white part from it. Cut it into half rings or rings and fry with carrots in vegetable oil. Remove the zest from one lemon and cut it into strips. Squeeze the lemon juice into a separate bowl and set aside for now. Chop the green part of the leek and add to the pan. Put 50 gr. butter, pour in 200 gr. water and lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. When done, sprinkle with dill.

What side dish goes with chicken?

Everyone is accustomed to pasta and potatoes served with chicken, but a vegetable side dish with mushrooms will be an unusual and very refined option. Boil 4 potatoes and the same number of carrots until half cooked, cool. 2 small zucchini, purple onion, 150 gr. Chop fresh champignons, mash 3 cloves of garlic. Pour a mixture of three tablespoons of vegetable oil and mashed garlic, marinate for several hours and bake in the oven.

And of course, it’s hard to imagine chicken without your favorite cereals: buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, bulgur, which are usually cooked in water with a small amount of butter.

Potato casserole with cheese

There are a lot of recipes for potato casseroles, but I came up with another one. Under the crispy crust are layers of potatoes with a thick cheese sauce based on white wine (which makes this dish similar to fondue) and cream (which is reminiscent of another delicious potato casserole - gratin dauphinois). All together, it’s a pretty universal thing: potato casserole can be both a side dish and a main dish, goes well with white wine and beer, and by experimenting with different cheeses, you can find an option to suit your taste.

Coleslaw salad

Coleslaw is a classic fresh cabbage salad that is an almost ideal side dish for fried chicken, baked meats and, of course, steaks. The term coleslaw itself comes from the Netherlands: the word koolsla translated from Dutch actually means “cabbage salad.” Originally, coleslaw was added with a vinaigrette dressing - a mixture of oil and vinegar - but these days they are increasingly using mayonnaise, which, in my opinion, does not suit this salad very well and also turns it into not the most healthy dish. For this reason, instead of mayonnaise, we will prepare a dressing based on thick yoghurt, savory and creamy, but very light.

Millet: gold of the highest standard

Golden crumbly millet will always come to the rescue if you need a quick side dish. Do you want it to be truly useful? Prepare it from National millet. This polished cereal is made only from selected red millet, which gives it a rich, appetizing color. In addition, the millet underwent additional cleaning and calibration, which ensured its unsurpassed quality.

Since millet is quite nutritious in its properties, the side dish can overload too rich meat dishes. Try to choose lighter variations: steamed or stewed meatballs, lasagna with minced chicken, poultry chops. Millet also feels quite comfortable next to fish. The main thing is that these are white dietary varieties, such as tilapia, pollock, hake, cod or haddock. But with vegetables you can fantasize without any restrictions. Carrot or cabbage cutlets, stuffed eggplants, vegetable sauté and ratatouille coexist harmoniously with a side dish of millet.

Two simple potato side dishes


- mashed potatoes. Without a doubt, this is one of the most delicious side dishes. But only if you prepare it correctly and serve it correctly.

By the time you get ready to pound boiled potatoes with a wooden masher or a special device, you should have all the additional products ready: butter, hot milk and, if you want, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. Pour in the milk in a thin stream until there are no lumps left in the potatoes, and continue pounding. The finished puree should be tender and homogeneous. Sour cream or egg is added last.

And mashed potatoes should be served fresh, piping hot. Once it cools down, it loses its taste.


The potato side dish is much simpler; it can be called crushed potatoes. Hot, well-boiled potatoes should be mashed a little, add more butter to them and sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and herbs. That's all!

You can prepare a huge number of side dishes from potatoes, which can also be a separate dish: French fries, grilled potatoes, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, baked potatoes, potato croquettes, various potato casseroles and many other tasty and interesting potato side dishes.

Complex side dishes

In fact, there is nothing complicated in preparing such side dishes. They simply do not consist of one component, but of two or more. Let's say you add fried eggs to fried meat and potatoes - that's one type of complex side dish. Or you can put two spoons of stewed cabbage instead of scrambled eggs. You can also cook rice with vegetables. In short, you can come up with a complex side dish based on your capabilities and your own imagination.


The main purpose of a garnish is to make food or drinks more visually attractive. A garnish is used to enhance color: paprika is sprinkled on cooked salmon, potatoes are sprinkled with onions. The garnish is also used to garnish drinks, for example by adding tropical fruit to a cocktail; sushi can be decorated with leaves or grass. Entre can combine both a side dish and a seasoning: sauce is added as a seasoning, and a sprig of parsley is added as a garnish.

In some dishes it is easy to notice the absence of a side dish, since in them it is an integral part.

French side dishes

For the soup:

Potato soup with croutons.

  • brunoise - finely chopped (1-3 mm) vegetables;
  • chifonade - finely chopped lettuce or sorrel leaves stewed in oil;
  • kulis - decorative sauce>;
  • croutons - pieces of bread fried in oil;
  • julienne - a method of cutting young vegetables into thin strips;
  • Threaded eggs.

For other dishes:

  • croquettes>;
  • duxelles>;
  • mirepoix>;
  • salpicon (eng. Salpicon>);
  • fritters.

Korean side dishes

In Korean cuisine, decorative side dishes are called komyǒng

  • Chrysanthemum leaves>;
  • egg side dish>;
  • Gochu
    - red pepper>;>
  • Chilean thread>;
  • green onions>;
  • shiitake>;
  • chopped vegetables.
  • Jidan

    - egg side dish.

Main conclusions

  1. A side dish can be present on the menu of a person losing weight, as it is an additional source of nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  2. If you are on a diet, be careful about the choice of products included in the side dish. Frying and adding fatty sauces add extra calories, and the dish becomes unsuitable for those losing weight.
  3. Side dishes are prepared from legumes, cereals and vegetables. Each type of dish is characterized by special cooking rules that reduce its energy value.
  4. It is advisable to serve fish and meat with dishes of cereals and vegetables. It is advisable to eat legumes with vegetables, not meat.

Do you know any interesting recipes for making side dishes for people who are losing weight? Share your method of preparing your favorite dish in the comments.

Crispy side dish rice “Rice for rice”

Category: Hot dishes Side dish Cereal side dish

I bring to your attention an unusual way, thanks to which you can quickly and easily prepare fluffy white rice of any kind, precisely “rice to grain”. Just three minutes of active boiling, salt, butter, and then your pan will do everything itself. All you have to do is serve this wonderful side dish, each grain of rice is enveloped in oil and shimmers like a pearl. This is delicious. Our family has been preparing rice using this recipe for many years. Try it too.

Cabbage on the side

Category: Hot dishes Side dish Vegetable side dish

One of our family's favorite side dishes. The resulting cabbage is tasty, tender and aromatic. And not much hassle. In general, I can’t help but share! Ingredients: Sweet paprika Thyme Vegetable oil Onion White cabbage Basil Salt

Amazing pearl barley garnish

Category: Hot dishes Side dish Cereal side dish

Traditionally, the side dish is not given much importance - it is prepared quickly and simply... so as not to bother. I suggest diversifying your diet a little and preparing an amazingly tasty and healthy side dish. Dedicated to everyone who cares about their health and figure.

Ingredients: Salt Vegetable oil Carrots Onions Water Pearl barley Tomato

Stuffed cauliflower with vegetable garnish

Category: Hot dishes Dishes from vegetables, mushrooms, legumes Stuffed vegetables

The cauliflower had been lying around for a week now and couldn’t wait in the wings. And finally, she found a place on our table and in our stomach))) Cauliflower is a very tasty side dish for any meat and fish dishes, and if you use a little imagination, it will not only be very tasty, but will also please the eye on the table . Cabbage baked with meat, and as a side dish - vegetables with mushrooms in sour cream.

Ingredients Ingredients: Cauliflower Minced meat Onion Garlic Potatoes Cream Vegetable oil Salt Sweet paprika Seasoning Mix of peppers Parsley Butter Bell pepper Carrots Tomato Champignons Sour cream Spices Chicken egg Milk Parmesan Breadcrumbs

Cauliflower Minced meat Onion Garlic Potatoes Cream Vegetable oil Salt Sweet paprika Seasoning Mix of peppers Parsley Butter Bell pepper Carrot Tomato Champignons Sour cream Spices Chicken egg Milk Parmesan Breadcrumbs

Delicious epic with chickpeas

Large-sized chickpeas are great for an original side dish recipe. Soak 250 g of chickpeas in water overnight, drain the water in the morning and rinse several times. It will take a long time to cook, from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the variety. About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, generously salt the chickpeas. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry 250 g of Adyghe cheese in cubes, sprinkling with ½ tsp. turmeric. When it turns golden, add 3 chopped fleshy tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Next, pour in the boiled chickpeas, cover with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes. This side dish is good in all combinations, and in a duet with poultry and seafood it is incomparable.

Wheat sprouts of goodness

Do you think a wheat side dish can’t be original? Then make it from sprouted wheat. Soak a glass of sprouts in water for an hour. Then fill them with fresh water in a ratio of 1:2, lightly salt them, cook until tender and drain in a colander. Heat 100 ml of sesame oil in a frying pan, add 2 chopped garlic cloves, 1 tsp. coriander, ¼ tsp. chili powder and a pinch of salt. Keep the mixture on the fire for a couple of minutes, cool and water the wheat sprouts. Season them with a mixture of 30 ml balsamic vinegar and 30 ml soy sauce. This spicy variation will conquer even unapproachable gourmets.

Asian soy miracle

Soy, popular in Asian cuisine, is clearly underestimated in our country. However, it’s never too late to make a tasty discovery. Soak 300g dried soybeans in water overnight. Please note that during this time they will swell and increase in size. In the morning, fill them with clean water and cook for 1–1.5 hours. When the beans have softened, place them in a colander and let all the liquid drain. We make a sauté of onions and carrots, water it with 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and add boiled beans. Lastly, add 150 g of chopped champignons and 2 cloves of garlic, passed through a press. This side dish best brings out the flavor of red meat.

These creative side dish recipes will bring newness and vibrant flavor combinations to your everyday menu. What unusual ideas do you have in your culinary arsenal? Share your favorite family recipes in the comments.

Awesome side dish recipe - fried rice with mushrooms

Again, I advise you to take Basmati rice, otherwise you will not get a crumbly side dish, but porridge. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in oil until golden brown, add coarsely chopped fresh mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms or champignons are best suited and simmer until the mushrooms are ready.

At this time, boil the rice or cook as in step 3. Next, mix everything and leave a little more on low heat. Don't forget to add salt, spices and herbs.

Zucchini slices - baked in the oven

If you are already tired of potatoes and pasta, then prepare a zucchini dish as a side dish for meat or fish.

Cut the zucchini into small slices (sticks), add salt and vegetable oil to them. In a separate bowl, mix breadcrumbs, spices to taste and finely grated cheese.

Now roll the zucchini slices in the egg, then in the prepared mixture and place on a baking sheet covered with foil or baking paper. The last stage is baking the zucchini in a preheated oven at 150-180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Porridge - which can be prepared as a side dish

Well, of course, as without them. Everyone knows the saying from childhood: porridge is our mother. What kind of porridge do you know? Buckwheat, rice, corn, pearl barley, millet, barley, pea. Have you forgotten anything?

So people also came up with such cereals as:

  • Bulgur – popularly known as “Turkish rice”, the grain is soaked in cold water for an hour, and then stewed in a frying pan with oil and spices.
  • lentils - soaked overnight and boiled in a saucepan; couscous - pour freshly boiled water, close the lid tightly and leave to swell. Meanwhile, sauté onions, carrots, peas and beans. Add all this to the porridge, season with soy sauce and spices (pepper, curry);
  • chickpeas - “chickpeas”, are prepared as follows: soak overnight or at least for 3-4 hours. Then, cook in salted water (in a ratio of 1:1.5) for 40 minutes until soft, adding water if necessary. Saute the vegetables and add beans to them. So you should simmer for another 20 minutes, not forgetting to add spices.
  • Omelet ingredients

    Dairy products should not be combined with eggs. Both of these foods are rich in protein. Your body will receive a double dose of proteins, which can cause obesity.

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    If you are preparing an omelet, then mix the eggs not with milk or sour cream, but with water. Do not add meat products and cheese to the dish. Vegetables and fresh herbs are healthier choices.

    Broccoli with garlic


    • 450 g broccoli;
    • 2–3 tablespoons olive oil;
    • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar;
    • 6 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 teaspoon salt;
    • red pepper - optional;
    • lemon slices - for decoration.


    Divide the broccoli into florets and cut into medium pieces (rough stems can be removed). In a food processor, blend the olive oil, vinegar, garlic and salt until thickened. If desired, you can add red pepper. Toss the mixture with the broccoli and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

    Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 230 °C for 12–15 minutes. Serve cold or hot, garnished with lemon wedges.

    Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary


    • 900 g thin-skinned potatoes;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
    • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary (or 2 tablespoons chopped fresh);
    • 2 teaspoons salt.


    Wash the potatoes well and cut them into small pieces (no need to peel the tubers). Transfer potatoes to a bowl and toss with remaining ingredients. Make sure all pieces are coated with oil. Place them on a baking sheet lined with foil.

    Bake at 220°C for 45–50 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Serve the dish hot.

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