The hottest fit girls from Instagram with great figures, photos

Charming girls with a beautiful athletic appearance and an athletic figure - in our country they are called fit girls. And abroad the expression “fit chick” has taken root, which means “sports chick”. They are very popular on social networks. Their photos are impressive and probably make up the majority of their Instagram feed.

At the same time, athletic girls not only boast about their excellent physical shape, but also motivate others to go to the gym and work on themselves. In our selection, we have collected the hottest fit girls who captivated us with their ideal figure and love for sports.

Jen Selter

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This is probably the most famous butt on Instagram. Each photo of this girl gets several hundred thousand likes, and the number of subscribers is only growing.

It is known that in 2010, Jen got a job at the reception of a fitness club, and in 2012 she started an Instagram page to post photos of her results, workouts, yoga asanas, and more. Today she has 7.4 million subscribers, including even Rihanna.

Jen is very proud of her butt and overall figure. Yes, in most of the photos the butt is not very well-shaped, but this is all, as the girl claims, only for motivation. Jen encourages people to exercise to get the same curvy figure.

Naturally, the girl receives a huge number of offers from sports brands, including such monsters as Nike, New Balance, Lululemon. Jen is about to launch a line of activewear herself. Sport is a real passion for her.

What else is this girl interested in? Her interests are quite normal for any twenty-year-old girl - shopping, parties, chatting with friends.

On the Internet you can read that Jen’s butt is silicone. The girl herself refutes this statement and says that she has one secret - sports. Long workouts and proper nutrition, and nothing more.

Chrissy Selah

Instagram account:


Most of Chrissy's photos show off her beauty and great shape. In addition, the girl is a fitness trainer and knows perfectly well how to make working out in the gym useful and fun.

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Many of the exercises that she shows on her Instagram with an audience of one and a half million are suitable for both professionals and beginners.

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Moreover, Sela has her own Tone&Sculpt application. In it you can create a personal training plan and select a suitable fitness menu.

Michelle Levine

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Michal Levin was born in Venezuela. Michelle once weighed 43 kg and hated her body, then she weighed 67 kg and hated her body, but then she became seriously interested in sports and became famous (now her weight is 54 kg). She worked as a model, so like it or not she had to stay in good shape. She loved it, and it led to real fanaticism. Now, instead of fashion publications, fitness and sports magazines suddenly began to turn to her. Like many Latinas, Michelle initially only worked on her legs, and only recently began doing biceps curls and crunches.

Then a friend suggested she compete in a bikini competition. The girl became famous (and her amazing butt became especially famous). Michelle is working on her ideal figure - for her it is symmetry, muscles, a thin waist and a round butt. She doesn't fight for six-pack abs. For Michelle, performances are like beauty pageants. She learns to move beautifully and non-vulgarly, to look feminine and attractive.

Michelle recently moved to the USA and is preparing for professional performances at the IFBB (bikini category).

Proper nutrition is, of course, a defining area for Michelle. Here is her completely unfeminine menu for 1 day:

Meal One: Oatmeal with Protein Meal Two: Pork with Swedish Crackers Meal Three: Chicken Breasts with Brown Rice Meal Four: Pork Chops with Salad Five: Beef with Asparagus and Spinach Meal Six: Salmon with Broccoli Meal Seven food: casein protein

Now everyone can do like Michelle. Here, for example, is her training program:

Monday: Back/Biceps:

Wide grip pull-ups 4*12 Medium grip pull-ups 4*10 Cable row 4*12 T-bar row 4*12 biceps curl with dumbbells 6*12 biceps curl with EZ bar 4*12 biceps curl with straight handle 4*12

Tuesday: hamstrings, calves:

leg curls on a lying machine 4*12 leg curls on a sitting machine 4*12 deadlift 4*10-15 lower leg in a sitting machine 8*20 standing lower leg in a Smith machine 6*20

Wednesday: triceps, shoulders:

standing arm extension with a dumbbell for triceps 6*12 French bench press with an EZ bar 4*12 overhead cable extension 4*12 military press 4*10 seated dumbbell press 3*10 standing barbell row with an EZ bar to the chin 4 *12 dumbbell swings to the sides while standing 4*10

Thursday: rest

Friday: legs:

lunges 4*12 bending with a barbell on the shoulders 6*20 bench press with one leg 4*15 (each leg) classic squats 4*12

Saturday: press:

raising the knees from a hanging position 4*12 crunches 4*20 crunches on the machine 4*12 crunches on the ball 4*20

Sunday: rest.

Michelle herself loves sprints (they strengthen the buttocks and burn fat), lunges (well, of course) and swinging dumbbells with your arms to the sides.

Michelle has her own YouTube channel. There are many of her workouts posted there - but here is the most famous one, for the buttocks:

Michelle has a favorite quote from Ronnie Coleman: “Everyone wants to be a bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift fucking weights.” Michelle's ideal person is Larissa Reis. Michelle starts each day with cardio and ends with strength training.

How to become a fitness girl

Girls with strong muscles and beautiful relief are called fit girls. To join their ranks, it is not enough to lose a couple of kilograms and do aerobics for several months. A real fit girl cannot be surprised by formulas for calculating BZHU, names of protein shakes and heavy equipment.

They are devoted to sports and build their lives around their passion. Slim girls understand that only with a systematic approach to the training regimen, program, and nutrition is it possible to achieve physical transformation. The young ladies manage to document intermediate results from the rocking chair in the form of photo reports, demonstrate them to the public and collect likes.

Laura Capel

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23 years old, 240 thousand subscribers, luxurious ass. NPC league athlete and fitness model. She was born on May 30, 1991. At university, Laura seriously studied biology. She is also a semi-professional soccer player and soccer coach. The pharmaceutical company MusclePharm works with the girl; she advertises their products. We are sure that in the future we will learn more about Laura - but for now we just look at her photos with pleasure.

How long does it take to become fit?

The time during which you can become a fitness trainer depends primarily on your diligence and your determination. This time also depends on your current form. If you are overweight, it will take time to lose weight. To lose weight, use our diet: A simple effective diet is to count calories.

Once you lose weight, you can get in shape and tighten your muscles in just a couple of months. During this time, you can get used to constantly taking care of yourself and your appearance. To be a fit girl you need to know what microblading, sugaring, gel polish, peeling, solarium, hyaluronic acid and many other cute words are.

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