Ekaterina Usmanova. Photos before and after sports, plastic surgery, biography

Ekaterina Usmanova is an athlete, model and queen of Russian bodybuilding, known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Quickly bursting into the world of fitness, the blonde beauty with a dazzling appearance and a luxurious body, looking alluring from hot photographs, in a short time won many titles and wild popularity, opened her own online fitness school, and also acquired an audience of millions of fans, following every step of her idol. .

Ekaterina Usmanova is one of the most successful Russian models in the Fitness Bikini category. She took first place at the tournament in Moscow and second place in Russia. These are impressive results.

Brief biography, sporting achievements, personal life.

Ekaterina Usmanova (photos are shown below in the article) was born in early October 1989 in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. Having fallen in love with outdoor games from an early age, the girl at the age of 13 entered the taekwondo section, where she received her first green belt at the age of 15.

Much later, talking about her first successes, Usmanova noted that she was encouraged to play sports intensively by her first unrequited love, which she met on the threshold of the section.

After graduating from secondary school, Ekaterina became a student at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and after receiving a diploma, she worked as an advertising manager for 2 years. To her surprise, even during her studies, Usmanova became very interested in sports, and after staying in the gym, she decided to quit management forever.

Ekaterina’s sports career began at a local fitness club, where she first trained under the guidance of a fitness trainer, and then her husband, Alexander. In 2010, the young people tied the knot and it was from this time that the girl’s sports career began, literally immediately after her marriage she was transformed into “Miss Fitness Bikini” of the Krasnodar Territory.

The first competition in which Ekaterina participated was the Russian powerlifting championship, which was followed by:

  • Rostov fitness championship;
  • world championship in bench press;
  • Sevastopol bodybuilding competition;
  • Moscow bodybuilding championship.

The last competition, which took place in the Central Federal District, brought Ekaterina victory as a “fitness model” performing in a bikini, and then the girl confirmed her title at the Russian championship.

Usmanova’s next success was a ticket to the finals of the European champion “Arnold Classic”, after which the girl, who decided to give up her sports career, was literally inundated with job offers.

In 2013, the already successful and titled athlete received an offer to become the host of the TV program “Beauty and Aesthetics”, and also signed a contract with the Victory Distribution company to advertise sports nutrition.

In the same year, Usmanova became a fitness trainer at the Alex Fitness club, quickly earning enormous popularity for her hard work and individual approach to the problem of each client.

Having become a professional fitness trainer, the athlete developed her own online consultation program at the Fitness University, constantly conducting professional seminars on training and nutrition programs for women.

Her first online project, Body Lab, lasted about a year, and then gave way to Usmanovateam. Subsequently, the athlete opened her own network for the production of sports nutrition, and in 2022 she also launched a line of fashionable clothing and goods for sports and recreation.

Usmanova also launches free marathons on her VK page, where anyone can join her in the fight for slimness. For the first time, Ekaterina married her fitness trainer Alexander very young. The man actively supported the aspiring athlete and it was thanks to him that she won most of her awards and titles.

Usmanova’s second husband was a businessman named Dmitry Tsaryuk, with whom the athlete created her own Online Fitness University, a swimsuit line and a sports nutrition network.

After breaking up with her second husband, Ekaterina began dating network business manager Pavel Korshunov, with whom the girl gave birth to a daughter, Polina, in 2019. Usmanova did not officially register her relationship with the father of her child, only changing her status in VK to “married.”

A few months ago it became known about the separation of Catherine and Paul, due to the latter’s infidelity. Usmanova had a hard time with the breakup, but the former lovers were able to maintain a good relationship and are trying to raise their child together.

Moving to Moscow: what has changed in the life of Katya Usmanova

The proposal of the President of the NBC Bodybuilding Federation, Viktor Shamin, to work together was not accepted without hesitation. But the desire for further growth took over, and in just two weeks Usmanova moved to a new place of residence in Moscow.

The new job required some activity in networks. This is how online life began for Ekaterina Usmanova. Social networks have become a chance to realize your full potential. And they gave the start to a new business idea. It was there, back in 2014, that we need to look for the origins of the mega-success of the Ekaterina Usmanova University of Fitness project.

Katya considers the environment to be the main motivational aspect. Communication with like-minded people, with like-minded people, is what creates 90% of success.

All bodybuilders who know the athlete agree that Katya offered a unique version of sincere communication that could not help but conquer. “If I were asked to choose between the championship of a prestigious tournament and people’s love, I would choose people’s love without hesitation.”

Beauty photographer Vladimir Larionov recalls: “I liked the way she explained what she wanted from the photo: “I don’t care about the hairstyle, the main thing is that I should radiate energy.” That is, she brings the sun, she brings positivity, and this gives her wings.”

Coaching activities began at the Alex Fitness center on Kolomenskaya. Ekaterina is convinced that work should bring moral satisfaction. Otherwise, you are simply wasting your life. Therefore, even then she began to carefully select those who wanted to see her as their coach. “When I see that a person’s eyes are sparkling, that he has a desire, that he trusts me and obeys me in everything, this becomes additional motivation for me. And after a lesson with a student, I want to practice myself.”

Figure parameters and appearance

Ekaterina Usmanova (a photo of the athlete can be found on her Instagram page) is a luxurious blonde with a stunning pumped up body and elastic buttocks, who has become the dream of millions of Russian men.

Shape OptionsMeaning
Height168 cm
Weight60 kg
Bust volume2
Bust size80V
Clothing size42-44
Shoe size39
Hair colorLight
Eye colorBlue
Appearance typeEuropean


Ekaterina Usmanova (photos of the fitness model were published on her VK page) has been repeatedly accused of being an adherent to plastic surgery, stating that the athlete’s luxurious appearance is supposedly the result not of training, but of surgical intervention. In fact, Ekaterina resorted to plastic surgery only twice in order to correct the volume of her breasts and the shape of her lips.

Having a relatively small bust by nature, Miss Fitness Bikini began training hard and resorting to doping, and quickly discovered that her breasts were significantly decreasing in size. Catherine managed to correct this deficiency only thanks to size B implants inserted into her mammary glands at the very beginning of her career.

Usmanova decided to introduce fillers with hyaluronic acid into her lips much later, complementing her image of a piquant and fatal blonde with a captivatingly plump mouth.

The girl herself carefully hid the operation for a long time, only in 2022, in the wake of many rumors about the allegedly unnatural nature of her figure, she told fans about the plastic surgery she had undergone.

To confirm her words, Usmanova published photographs on Instagram taken before and after the aesthetic adjustment, talking about the change in the shape of her breasts and lips. In 2022, Ekaterina also shared with fans the problems of breastfeeding with implants that she encountered after the birth of her daughter.

Usman's diet. Drying from Ekaterina Usmanova.

Thus, if you need to remove fat from your thighs/sides/arms/belly, you need drying!
Only if you have abs, but you can’t see them, you need drying! If you need to remove excess volume, you need drying! If you want to see relief on your body, you need drying! General information. Cutting is a complex of a properly selected diet and highly effective training aimed at developing muscle relief and burning subcutaneous fat.

As you might have guessed, the percentage of fat that allows our body to look sculpted should be quite low, but you should not trust those extreme numbers that can often be seen in glossy magazines and in interviews with famous bodybuilders. So, you should remember that the vital amount of fat is 3%. This is an emergency reserve, which is located in the outer sheaths of nerve endings and around the kidneys. The required fat differs from subcutaneous fat. Without touching the emergency reserve, our body easily consumes subcutaneous fats. By reducing its level, we get the desired relief. Famous bodybuilders have a fat reserve of 4 to 7%. At this level, the body stops burning fat and, in order to maintain an emergency supply, switches to eating muscle mass. The recommended fat reserve is 15%. For women, this percentage is slightly higher. So, we have found out that in order to look sculpted, you need a combination of a minimum amount of fat under the skin and an impressive amount of muscle on the body. Often, many beginners, not understanding the very term of drying and why it is needed, begin to go on low-carb diets, take dietary supplements for a faster effect, change training programs, but at the same time do not have enough muscle mass. Thus, they only push back their results by several months and either gain muscle mass practically from scratch, or simply give up exercising. Therefore, it is necessary to face the fact: drying is only necessary for those who already have muscle mass hidden under a layer of fat. And for those who just want to lose weight, you need proper nutrition, cardio training and nothing more.

We eat right. Proper nutrition is the most important component of drying. It would seem that it could be simpler: we eat only vegetables and fruits and get rid of fat as quickly as possible. But this is the main mistake when drying, which leads to the loss of the athlete’s muscle mass, strength and endurance. As they say, it is not the one who gets rid of fat who dries well, but the one who at the same time maintains and even gains muscle mass. So how can this be achieved? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. The main key to success is fractional meals. Frequent meals allow you to maintain a high metabolic rate. And to achieve results in the shortest possible time, an increased metabolism is simply necessary. In addition, we need to minimize the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed, while simultaneously increasing the amount of protein to maintain muscle mass. During the drying process you should try to adhere to the following formula: daily calorie intake should come from 45% protein, 10% fat, 40-45% complex carbohydrates. So, for an athlete weighing 90/- 5 kg, the daily requirement is approximately 2500 calories, which approximately equals 270 g of protein, 250 g of carbohydrates and 40 g of fat. Eating a small amount of food (about 500 kcal) should be regular. Only if the body remains without food for quite a long time does it begin to produce a catabolic hormone cortisol. In this case, your own muscles are used as food, and accordingly, their breakdown occurs. To maintain muscle mass, you should try not to lose more than 0.5-1 kg per week. Research shows that it is impossible to lose more than 1.5 kg of fat per week, even if you eat nothing at all. Our body is simply not able to cope with a large amount, so any more significant loss will capture water and muscle mass along with fat. Also, don't forget that drinking enough water is the most important aspect of any diet. The body needs water to remove byproducts of fat metabolism. It helps quickly dissolve and remove fat-soluble toxins released into the blood during dieting. The more water you drink, the less your body retains it. Lack of water, on the contrary, forces the body to retain fluid through various hormonal processes and makes it difficult for the kidneys to function on a high-protein diet. You will have to completely abandon fast carbohydrates contained in sweets, buns and bread during drying. Again, water or low-fat (0.5-1.5%) milk will help you cope with the feeling of hunger. Thus, if you feel like you don’t have enough strength for the workout, you can increase the amount of complex carbohydrates, but only before the workout. During drying, you should try to eat more low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, fish, boiled chicken (preferably breast) or beef. Fish must be present in the diet. Fish oil contains unique omega-3 fats that promote weight loss. Flaxseed oil contains the same fats. Green tea or its extract can also help our body maintain a fairly high level of metabolism.

Aerobic component of drying. It’s not difficult to guess that aerobics is one of the main helpers in the fight against excess fat. But, it is especially important during the drying period. Let's try to find out how much it will be needed to achieve significant changes in the correction of our body, i.e., fat loss. Research shows that to effectively burn fat, you need at least four aerobic workouts per week for at least 30 minutes each. The longer the workout, the more fat reserves you will burn. During the first 30 minutes, you burn a 50/50 mixture of glucose and fat, provided that your workouts are not too intense. Excessive intensity transfers our body from aerobic training to anaerobic (as when working with weights) and the body will no longer consume fat, but glycogen. As strange as it may seem, the aerobic component also has a downside - a possible loss of muscle mass. This happens due to a lack of carbohydrates during the drying period. The fact is that a long aerobic session increases the level of cortisol, an adrenal hormone that triggers catabolic reactions in the muscles, which leads to their further destruction. There are 3 ways to deal with this problem:

1 if the metabolic rate is naturally high, then aerobic exercise can be completely eliminated. 2 break a long 1-2 hour aerobic workout into 2 short ones of 30-45 minutes each. 3 do intense but short workouts, alternating three-minute cycles of high- and low-intensity work for half an hour.

To get maximum efficiency from aerobic training, you need to remember one important condition - under no circumstances should you consume carbohydrates before exercise. The reason is that they stimulate the release of insulin, which in turn can suppress fat burning during exercise. It is for this reason that professionals prefer to conduct aerobic training in the morning, before breakfast. At this time, glycogen reserves are depleted, and the body is forced to turn to fats in search of energy. Therefore, you can burn much more fat in the morning than at any other time. If it is not possible to do morning workouts, then it is better not to consume carbohydrates for 3 hours before exercise. In addition, if you want to do both aerobic training and weight training on the same day, then you need to do them in strict sequence - first weight training, then aerobics. Otherwise, you will deplete your glycogen stores and burn much less subcutaneous fat than you would like.

Cardio training. Perhaps cardio training is the surest and best way to quickly lose fat. There are several ways to burn fat by running. One of them is long, low-intensity running. But this is not the most successful way to fight fat. It is much more effective to use fast runs. Just 5-6 quick runs of 30 seconds each. With a rest period between runs, 3-4 minutes once a week will give much greater results. In addition, using high-intensity training, you can preserve muscle mass. Read more about cardio training in the article Cardio Training. The secret of professional athletes.

Training program. So, perhaps the most interesting thing. Most of us know how to work for mass, almost everyone knows how to work for strength. But not everyone knows what training should be like during drying. Let's start in order. The weight of weights in all exercises must be reduced. In basic exercises (bench press, squats, deadlifts) it should be no more than 50% of the RM. You should understand that you won’t be able to dry yourself and work hard at the same time. This cannot be done even for the reason that you will not have as much strength and energy as you had before drying (different diet, lack of carbohydrates, lifestyle changes. Therefore, you should not be afraid to lose weight. Otherwise, there will be no success in any , nor in anything else. Some drop in strength and mass cannot be avoided either. There is no need to panic about this. Firstly, the goal of training at this stage is fat burning and relief. Secondly, strength will subsequently return, and muscle mass will become even greater , when training aimed at muscle growth is resumed. Next, the number of approaches and repetitions is 3-4 x 12-20 per exercise, it is not advisable to do less than 12, more than 20 does not make sense. The duration of rest between approaches must be minimized. During When drying, you should give preference to isolating exercises, but no matter what you say, you still can’t forget about the base. For example, an exercise such as squats with a barbell is simply irreplaceable during drying, as it is the most energy-intensive. You need to train 2-3 times a week. At the first stage of drying, you can exercise 2 times a week, at the second stage - at least 3 times.

Sample training programs.

Stage 1 (double split), training 2-3 times a week, programs alternate.

1 day. 1 bench press 3-4 x 12. 2 barbell or dumbbell press at a 45 degree angle 3 x 10-12. (Exercises 3 and 4 are performed in a super series). 3 lying dumbbell flyes 3 x 10. 4 crossovers on blocks 3 x 12. 5 pull-down of a vertical block to the chest or behind the head 3-4 x 12-15. 6 seated horizontal block row (rowing) 3 x 12-15. 7 press (twisting) 3 x 20.

Day 2. 1 squat with a barbell 3-4 x 12-15. 2 deadlift on straight legs 3 x 10-12. (Exercises 3 and 4 are performed in a super series). 3 sitting leg extension on a machine 3 x 12. 4 leg curl in a machine 3 x 15. 5 overhead barbell press 3 x 12. 6 standing dumbbell fly 3 x 12. 7 sitting dumbbell biceps curl 3 x 12. 8 triceps on the block 3 x 12. 9 press leg raise in Hanging 3 x 20.

Stage 2 (triple split, training 3 times a week).

1 day. 1 bench press behind the head while sitting 3 x 12. (2, 3, 4 exercises. Performed in a triset). 2 standing flyes 3 x 12. 3 bent-over flyes for rear beams 3 x 12. 4 lifting dumbbells forward alternately 3 x 12. (5 and 6 exercises are performed in a super series). 5 biceps barbell standing 3 x 12-10. 6 French press 3 x 12. 7 sitting dumbbell biceps lift 3 x 12. 8 triceps block while standing, or with one arm alternately 3 x 12. 9 press super series: crunches, hanging leg raises.

Day 2. 1 squat with a barbell 3-4 x 12-15. 2 lunges with dumbbells 3 x 15 (3 and 4 exercises. Performed in a super series). 3 leg extension sitting on a machine 3 x 12. 4 leg bending 3 x 15. 5 press super series: crunches, hanging leg raises.

Day 3. 1 bench press or bench press at an angle of 3-4 x 12. (2 and 3 exercises are performed in a super series). 2 lying dumbbell flyes 3 x 10. 3 crossovers on blocks 3 x 12. 4 rows of a vertical block behind the head with a wide grip 3 x 12-15. 5 row of a vertical block with a narrow reverse grip 3 x 12. 6 row of a horizontal block while seated 3 x 12-15. 7 press super series: crunches, hanging leg raises.

Rest between sets should be 45 seconds. Maximum 1 minute in energy-intensive exercises, such as squats with a barbell. The training must be carried out with full dedication. It is not necessary to achieve failure, but it is advisable to select the maximum weight for a given number of repetitions. It is also very useful to practice technique during drying. Light weights favor this. I wish you all successful training.

Beauty secrets

Ekaterina Usmanova (photos of the fitness model became the decoration of sports nutrition advertising) repeatedly repeated to her fans the words that every person has the power to change himself for the better, and to achieve a gorgeous body you only need perseverance, a lot of effort and the desire for change.

The athlete calls hard training and proper nutrition the secret of her beauty, which allowed her to realize her dream and become one of the most desirable women in Russia.

Personal care

Ekaterina is a frequent client of metropolitan beauty salons, where she can sometimes spend fabulous money.

Treating her appearance as an ideal, the fitness model monthly:

  • does facial cleansing;
  • carries out peelings and laser resurfacing;
  • resorts to injections of hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy;
  • undergoes cryotherapy sessions.

The athlete’s priority procedures also include wellness and lymphatic drainage massage of both the face and body, which helps her achieve the necessary skin elasticity. Ekaterina does not neglect various wraps, among which she especially highlights the procedure with hot chocolate.

The athlete’s self-care consists of daily cleansing the face of makeup and applying a moisturizing and nourishing cream that takes care of the skin throughout the day, as well as the weekly use of moisturizing masks with a cooling effect.


Ekaterina considers herself an ardent opponent of cruel diets, noting that by chasing restrictions, a person not only loses weight, but also causes severe harm to his body.

Many people have a naturally slow metabolism, but this does not mean that they need to give up nuts, bananas and meat products, incorrectly believing that such foods interfere with weight loss and at the same time harm the condition of bones and teeth.

Catherine’s diet is a classic healthy diet with the complete exclusion of highly carcinogenic foods and fast food from the diet, and to promote metabolism, you should not eat in large portions, but in small portions.

Ekaterina does not recommend fasting, noting that the digestive system should work without failures, and to quickly and effectively dry the body, you simply need to increase the amount of protein consumed, since only processing and assimilation of this component requires a large amount of energy.

Usmanova herself eats up to 5 times a day, making up her diet of 3 full meals and 2 snacks. In between main meals, the athlete eats cottage cheese with berries or a large portion of green salad, and prefers to wash down the snack with fresh juice with a high content of microelements that have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Food restrictions are present in Catherine’s life only before important competitions, during the week before which the athlete strictly limits her carbohydrate intake.

During the diet, Usmanova also removes protein shakes and protein-rich foods from her diet, including chicken breast. And replaces your favorite food with white fish and plenty of fiber-rich vegetables.

Miss Fitness Bikini combines proper nutrition with taking a multivitamin complex containing:

  • enzymes;
  • glutamine;
  • glycerol;
  • panangin;
  • L-cartinin.

In addition to vitamins, the athlete’s daily diet also includes fat burners and pre-workout complexes from the American concern ProMera, of which Usmanova has been the face of for several years.

According to Ekaterina, she previously trained without additional dietary supplements and the result was much lower than after starting to use them. Moreover, thanks to stimulants, she was able to significantly increase physical activity and avoid eating breakdowns.

In addition to nutrition, Ekaterina drinks at least 2 liters of water daily, which is necessary to moisturize the skin and maintain the health of the body.

For people who have difficulty gaining muscle mass, Usmanova advises constantly taking the BCAA multivitamins necessary to build a muscle frame, and for faster drying of the body and maintaining shape, you should simply eat a healthy and balanced diet, be sure to include cereals, vegetable and fruit foods and plenty of food in your diet. amount of protein products.

As for the athlete herself, she periodically likes to treat herself to gourmet breakfasts, such as grilled salmon with vegetables.


Looking at the photographs of Katya Usmanova, you immediately want to go in for sports and at the same time join the army of supporters of a healthy lifestyle and PP. Here we list some tips from the athlete.

— I’ve never been on strict diets. Mono-diets based on kefir or oatmeal can lead to a doctor rather than to a good figure.

- Eliminate “gastronomic garbage” from your diet - chips, crackers, canned food. Eat fruits and vegetables, greens and fish, dairy products.

— You won’t be able to get a beautiful body without physical activity.

— You need to train every day.

“Love yourself and work hard to improve yourself, only then can you become a true role model! Everyone has one life, and it depends only on you in what body you will live it,” says Katya Usmanova.


In her training, Ekaterina adheres to the split principle, which allows her to work out a specific muscle group per day without disturbing the whole body at once.

The rest is divided into other workouts, allowing for a productive full-body workout. The duration of one lesson, with its high productivity, takes no more than 1 hour, and Ekaterina places the greatest emphasis on working the gluteal muscles.

For fans suffering from excess weight, Ekaterina advises adding cardio exercises lasting about 20 minutes to strength training. and carried out with variable intensity. Such exercises will help to quickly launch metabolic processes that fight excess weight.

In preparation for the next competition, Ekaterina worked out 6 days a week, alternating cardio exercises and strength training. The latter were carried out not for the purpose of building muscle mass, but to form body contours and burn subcutaneous fat.

While training so hard, the athlete also increased her diet, including 8 meals during intense exercise, combined with the use of mineral and fat-burning complexes.

Ekaterina, who gained 20 kg during pregnancy, was able to completely restore her previous body shape within 3 months, and also developed a special training program that allows young mothers to restore their figure in a short time without harm to breastfeeding.


Last year, an important event happened in Catherine’s life. The favorite of thousands of fans and admirers, on September 8, 2022, gave birth to a daughter, Polina, in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow. For some time, motherhood took up all of Usmanova’s time and energy. She disappeared from social networks, causing her subscribers to be quite worried. After some time, Katya returned. One of the first topics that the young mother raised was breastfeeding a child with implants.

Ekaterina adores her daughter, rejoices at every discovery in their life and shares unique moments with her subscribers.



Hot photos of Ekaterina Usmanova are considered the pride of her Instagram page. As an active user of social networks, the country's most famous fitness bikini champion has about half a million followers who never tire of commenting and admiring the most attractive parts of Usmanova's body.

The star’s luxurious butt, which deservedly received the title of the best in Russia, evokes particular admiration. Hot photographs of the athlete can also be found in the advertising catalogs of sports nutrition Victory Distribution and ProMera, the face of which Ekaterina has been for several years.

First steps

Katya did not immediately find her direction in sports. Her first success was associated with powerlifting. At that time, there was no female bodybuilding yet (that is, the concept, of course, existed in the world, but this fashion had not yet reached her native Krymsk), so Ekaterina was engaged in powerlifting.

The essence of powerlifting is to overcome the resistance force of the weight that is maximum for the athlete. Katya took part in weight lifting competitions.

Intrigues and scandals

Ekaterina Usmanova is known not only for her outstanding achievements, but also for an endless series of scandals that literally haunt the athlete. Fans and former friends of the fitness model believe that, having achieved enormous success, Catherine acquired not only fame, but star fever.

The first high-profile scandal broke out in 2016 and was associated with the launch of the popular fitness project “Body Lab”. With the goal of helping millions of women acquire an ideal figure, the project gained wild popularity in record time and was also discontinued quite quickly.

It is known that Ekaterina’s former friends, and part-time creators of the project, the Anisimovs, at one point blocked their main star’s access to accounts, accounts and client base.

The conflict, which flared up in earnest, required a settlement in court, where the Anisimovs explained their actions by the sudden awakening of Usmanova’s star fever, who stopped posting on her Instagram and did not want to film full-fledged training videos.

Instead of the expected activities, on which the girls spent huge amounts of money, photos of Catherine from beauty salons appeared on the star’s Instagram, where she happily talked about the fabulous sums paid for cosmetic procedures. Catherine did not admit her guilt and was forced to prove her case in court.

The second scandal occurred during Catherine’s collaboration with a sports nutrition company.

Inspiringly telling her subscribers about miracle supplements that can turn every girl into a real fitness goddess, Usmanova completely forgot to mention a small detail that requires not only taking supplements, but also working out hard in the gym. The girls who successfully bought the products were extremely outraged by Usmanova’s behavior, blaming the athlete for their failure.

Two more unpleasant moments in Usmanova’s career were associated with the emergence of a huge number of rumors about her plastic surgery. The indignant athlete zealously rejected the negativity, posting publicly available pictures taken before and after plastic surgery, noting that, of all the various procedures, she only performed mammoplasty and lip correction.

Another unpleasant moment that caused outrage among both nutritionists and the public was Usmanova’s words about the necessary daily careful counting of calories.

The athlete's recommended calorie content of 1,200 calories, according to the unanimous opinion of nutritionists, is completely insufficient for girls actively involved in sports and, instead of the desired weight loss, can become not only the cause of severe exhaustion, but also health problems.

Doctors accused the athlete, who defended her case, of lying and siphoning money for the health of subscribers who were ready to sacrifice their health in pursuit of a beautiful body.

Ekaterina Usmanova is an unusually beautiful athlete , whose name is known to almost every fitness lover not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Deservedly awarded the title "Miss Fitness Bikini", the queen of bodybuilding, owner of the "best butt on Instagram" and a lover of photo shoots, quickly burst into the world of sports, made a dizzying career, becoming a real sports guru for millions of subscribers.

Body Lab Body Lab

On August 5, 2015, on Instagram, Ekaterina announced that her partners in the BodyLab project (Anastasia and Nikita Anisimov), who were once friends, blocked access to all her profiles on social networks “and to all clients.” “The conflict occurred because of our differences,” Usmanova explained.[3] She explained that she is legally the director of Body Lab LLC, however, all resources (website, profiles on Instagram and VKontakte) were registered to former partners, payment for services also went to their account.

Based on an interview with the co-founder of the school, Anisimova.


“All expenses for the opening and operation of the school were paid by IP Anisimov and IP Anisimov: salaries of employees (more than 20 people), taxes, advertising, gifts to school students, etc. In addition, Ekaterina has never seen many of our employees and does not even know the names of the school’s curators.”

“Katya Usmanova received 25 million rubles for 9 months of work. The first money she demanded was cash only. And we indulged her, since their family was in trouble and constantly needed money in cash. After Alfabank, in which all the Anisimovs’ accounts were registered, prohibited the withdrawal of such large sums of money, we had to demand that Usmanova open an individual entrepreneur and transfer money to her by bank transfer. There was a scandal about this, as they demanded payment in cash. "

“About 50 people out of 3,000 students want their subscriptions back. In our opinion, this is simply an amazing indicator, because even after such a loud scandal, our students are on our side and understand that it was not Katya who was working with them 24 hours a day.”

“Initially, I was far from iron sports and understood that I needed a bright and titled girl. The fact that Katya was not a star did not bother me. I worked for more than 10 years in show business and knew that it was a matter of time to make her a fitness star. When we met, she had 150 thousand subscribers and she trained at Alex Fitness for 2,000 rubles per hour. Numerous articles on the Internet that we paid for, reviews from stars, reposts from students, made Katya a popular person. And she fell ill with the usual “star fever” among people who accidentally gained popularity. She believed that she was a celebrity, began to behave arrogantly, she got used to the image of a star and a socialite and lost her bearings.”

“Unfortunately, I introduced her to many business processes and now I myself have created a competitor for myself. But a girl who is fixated on her appearance and popularity is unlikely to be able to control such a product as an online school. This is the daily work of 20 people, monitoring employees, improving the product and routine. It’s easy to spy on a business, but not everyone can run it. Yes, before she met me, she often wrote that online training is not effective. And so it's strange that she now claims it was her idea."

What started the conflict?

“The conflict began with the fact that she did not want to record a video for the students. She is now interested in many different esoteric teachings and was sure that these videos took energy from her.” here it’s straight to the point. Then she stopped making posts about the school on Instagram, I think this is no coincidence (I see how quickly she opened a new school and I understand that she planned it). But the point of no return was her two posts on Instagram - the first from the hotel, where she wrote the cost of her SPA treatments (1000 euros for two hours) and the second - steaks from restaurants.

The fact is that she has become far from the needs of ordinary people. I stopped realizing that many in our country have salaries of 10-15 thousand rubles. Since I worked every day from 11 to 23 o’clock, I knew about the problems of each of our students. The school has a manager, but decisions on discounts and gifts are never made without me.

So every day we receive a letter with requests for installment plans for education, a loan, a discount, and so on. Girls simply do not have the opportunity to pay for expensive education! And then Usmanova writes that she has lunch every day for “only” 2,000 rubles and kopecks. We thought this was simply indecent towards our students. Not a single cultured person with a serious income (neither a businessman, nor a politician, nor a show business star) would ever allow himself such bad manners - to brag about the cost of his lunch.”

Conclusion of the Inside Out of Fitness.

How funny it is to read all this. On the one hand, Katya, who has grabbed all sorts of benefits, on the other hand, a “compassionate” businesswoman from the people, who milks a bunch of people for God knows what, and it’s not even clear who she “likes” more.

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